how to calculate per million population

So I surveyed all 140 with an online survey as my sample size (all of the staff that this related to at my school). for example , if i have 15 wards and i intend choosing 30%,or 10% etc of that wards. Helpful discussion , I was enlightened by the information ! Your sample size is especially important if you want to generalize your findings to the population. can you please suggest me with sample size,confidence level and intervaletc required for survey. You can calculate your sample via: pls am conducting a descriptive cross sectional research, my target population is 500 nurses what will be my sample size. Our goal is to make science relevant and fun for everyone. what is confusing me most is that when read some other books they say that a qualitative sample should at least have 50-60 respondents but after doing calculations with different sample size formula the answers i get are more than 200. There are no specific sample size formulas or calculations for qualitative sample sizes. what will my sample size be? Below you find an indicative table on how to calculate your number of completes. E.g. After all, the calculation of the sample is not based on known probabilities and has some subjective judgments (the parameters of the sample depend on what you define as being important). What will be my total population. If you want to make general statements about the service quality of the Driver and Vehicle Licensin Authority, you should argue that your sample of the offices you study is representative for all offices. First of all you have to make an estimation on the total population, and choose the confidence level and margin of error you want to allow. What would be the population size for my sample size calculation as determining the number of engineers and contractor was difficult? I am doing psychology research and I need a representative sample. I dont know how to theoretically justify the survey sample size or how to justify the number of interviews? You can check with our sample size calculator. Take a community of a population of 1200. what will be the ideal sample size of using the formula? 0.2 g of salt will be 0.0002 kg of water. Each city have got districts. You can check out different options via our sample size calculator. Out of 100 there are 60 students responded. Starting with the parts per part or parts per 1 calculation: And then multiply this by 106 to finish the PPM conversion: 0.0004 106 = 400 PPM. This allows easy comparisons to be drawn between different-sized groups. It's similar to percentage, only percentage is parts per hundred instead of parts per million. i also choose 95% as my level of confidence and 5% as marginal error is this right or what do you think sir? You can calculate this yourself with our sample size calculator, Population size=1100000 Margin of error=4.38 confidence level=95%, You need a sample size of 500 for these numbers, Formula: first you calculate the sample size(SS). The more hospitals you include, the more representative your results will be. For example, to determine the proportion of 0.2 grams (g) of salt in 0.98 liters (L), both units must be converted to the same unit of mass. If you know the size of your population (or if you have an estimate) you can use our sample size calculator to calculate your sample size for a given margin of error (commonly 5% is taken) and confidence level (95%). the 100.000 students of 7 universities), you need roughly 2.345 respondents (margin of error 2% and confidence level 95%). I have to determine the needed sample size for a population of 350 for both the 0.01 and the 0.05 significance levels. Do you not have an idea about the total nr. The airlines executives require a precision level accurate within plus or minus 2% and want to have 95% confidence in the estimate. SPSS), Hi Charlie I need to select a sample size from the population of 45 health facilities of which they consist of 2 are hospital, 2 health centre and 41 dispensaries/. Iam doing a qualitative research, having a total population of 3078 with 655 households. You can visit the U.S. Census Bureau for U.S. population numbers. Hello, if all possible samples of size 2 are selected, how many different samples are possible? You also cannot say 10% of your population will be sufficient as sample size. In case your country has a million inhabitants it is maximum 10,000 people that have a genetic disease X and with our calculator you can further calculate the sample size ( For the first group (434) its 205, for the second (256) the sample size will be 154 and for the third group its 347. hi I have a population of 483. Via the CheckMarket survey tool, you can easily make the distinction between different profiles in your survey. Hello sir I just want to ask if this applies to studies on mice. Solubility Overview & Properties | What is Solubility? Take a community of a population of a population of 1200. I feel like its a lifeline. Using this formula, the crime rate per 100,000 residents is calculated. Could u plz tell me how to determine sample size if dont give any information (standard deviation and confidence interval). The minimum sample number depends of the margin of error you want to accept. I have a table but this question has no population how I can answer? Before this my estimation is about 300 birder in Malaysian but is not actual number. Depending on your response rate, you will get a number of responses. Hi, Sir i have population size of 210 ? With thanks. The margin of error associated with your sample sizes is 5,7% for tax payer, 7,1% for employees and 8,7% for practitioners. Another way to find the percent is to divide the ppm value by 10,000. SS = (Z-score) * p*(1-p) / (margin of error) SS = (1.96) * 0.5*(1-0.5) / (0.05) SS = 3.8416 * 0,25 / 0.0025 SS = 384.16, Then you need to adjust it to your specific population. Interpret the results as this last quotient per thousand. When calculating to find PPB, simply multiply the ppm value by 1000. However, you should take the number of sub-groups into consideration when determining your sample size. Using the volume of the water but the mass of the solute would lead to a nonsensical result. or is there any other i can only one individual and not the entire for family as its going to be a very lengthy questionaire depending upon the the size of the family.. do we have any references for the same where we can say one individual of the family can be treated as entire family. Since it is locally administered, we did not have access to contact information for each student. I am trying to get a good sample size but my access is limited to this particular group of 250 people. We have 40 to 50 mice, and our prof asked us the rationale and basis behind choosing 40 to 50 subjects is there a guideline regarding sample sizes on mice studies? Do you think my sample is probabilistic or non-probabilistic? Are these segmentation variables for your group of respondents? A crime rate is calculated by comparing the crime volume to the population of a locality. ppm: equal to 1 per 1,000,000=10^6; ppb: equal to 1 per 1,000,000,000=10^9; ppt: equal to 1 per 1,000,000,000,000=10^12 . For a margin of error of 5% you wil need 348 respondents. n is the minimum sample size, Z is the value of the distribution function (for normal distribution Z=1,96 for alpha = 0,05), s is the population standard deviation, and d is the acceptable standard error of the mean (the standard error of the mean is usually estimated as the sample standard deviation divided by the square root of the sample size). First you calculate the sample size (SS). A sample is a selection of respondents chosen in such a way that they represent the total population as good as possible. Respected Sir/Madam I am doing Doctorate in Education. Below you find the formula for calculating your sample size for an known population: First you calculate the sample size (SS). Formula = n!/r!(n-r)! 45% of documents include an Author Name ). However, at the other end of the spectrum, if you do not mind that your survey results do not entirely reflect the entire population, you can use a low confidence level (95%) and a high margin of error (5%). The town has three small sub-districts & the total population of the town including these three sub-districts is 48,000. Using the table from the article, this would mean that you need at least approximately 361 respondents. Thanks for your feedback. Considering the response rate, I intend to invite all of the 144 nurses who met the inclusion criteria. If you dont know the population per school, I would try to spread my sample evenly among the 10 schools (38 per school), If you take a sample size of 384, your margin of error will not exceed 5%. The population at the school I work at has 140 teachers. When you dont have email addresses you can distribute it via social media or you can ask people in shopping streets, etc. with the distribution in the population. If you do not know your proportion p, it is quite common to take 0,5 as a value for p. SS = (Z-score) * p*(1-p) / (margin of error) Then you correct it if you know your population: SSadjusted = (SS) / 1 + [(SS 1) / population], If we use it in an example with a population of 100.000, confidence level of 95% and margin of error 2%, then you get the following calculation: SS = (1,96) * 0,5*0,5 / 0,02 SS = 3,8416 * 0,25 / 0,0004 SS = 0,9604 / 0,0004 SS = 2401 SSadj. Thanks, but if total population is 596411 what percentage should I take and what is the sample? As a result, a sample of, say, 1000 respondents is equally sufficient for a population of 10.000.000 citizens as for a population of 100.000 citizens. 85+. Most studies on surgery outcome are based on clinical improvement only few on QOL using retrospective data. The population that corresponds with a sample size of 117 depends on the confidence level and margin of error. E.g. In general a confidence level of 95% and margin of error of maximum 5% is taken. succeed. You have to try to make the composition of your sample as similar as possible to your population, also when you dont want to analyze subgroups. how many students should i take from each college. Thanks again Gert Van Dessel actually I dont know the population in each hospital. To deal with this it is always advisable to set quota for different subgroups (e.g. what if i use 90% confidence level and 6% margin of error? As you will see, in the formula below, there is no mention of the population: However, I do understand your worries. In order to be able to make statements about an agent, you actually have to treat the 600 calls of each agent as a population. can i just distribute only 100 questionnaire forms? I like the helpful information you provide in your articles. You see, each school has different number of teachers, For example, school X: 133 teachers, school Y: 68 teachers, school Z: 96 teachers (and the list goes on for 24 more schools), so I want to know how can I get number of respondents for each school so that the data can truly represent the whole population. I think before choosing the number of sample size you need to ask yourself that all the respondents or area of interest hs have the same characteristics?If not then you can apply your research techniques clustering technique,stratified technnique then u do random selection from there you can have the right number of sample. I am undertaking a research that is going to evaluate the possibility of using indigenous/alternative transport (like animal transports) for supporting military operations when the conventional military transports fails. You can calculate it yourself via this link: Generally, 5% is taken as a maximum margin of error, this would correspond with a sample of 228. helo.i m doing my MS my population of two groups were 7183 and 2500 and i chose equal number of sample size as 300 from both it right ,and what should be its justification because i am asked to justify it. As independent variables, I would definitely include gender, age, education, etc. Have a look at the formula again, it is similar to the formula of DPO except for the final step. Generally a confidence interval of 95% and margin of error of 5% is taken. Kindest regards and hope to hear from you. If you sample is large enough (you can use our calculator:, this will not affect your analysis. 15,508. My population will be french university students. The formula to calculate sample size (SS) is: n = Z x p x (1-p)/M, with n = Sample Size for infinite population Z = Z value (e.g. According to a recent survey made in the year 2019, the population of this city has exceeded upto 8 million. I am confuse on the calculation. Here are three key terms you'll need to understand to calculate your sample size and give it context: Population size: The total number of people in the group you are trying to study. You can also do a pilot study with a small sample. Let's say that you have a 10 gram sample of soil and determine that it has 23 milligrams of arsenic in it, what is the ppm of arsenic in this sample of soil? Thanks for your question. PPM, or parts per million, is best used to describe the quality of performance or concentration of a substance in a larger mixture. This is definitely a sample size you can work with. If you want a smaller margin of error, you will have to increase your sample size (e.g. Population size is 3000. Hello sir! What should be my sample size ? I have already conducted my primary research, however since I didnt know the population, I decided to do as many questionnaires as possible. I n my study I will use the questionnaire about PM examination methods in. So I would like to know is it enough to generalize or not and please let me know how I can justify this number thanks. Thanks. More explanation and further information about determining sample size for estimating the mean can be found in this article. You are right on both accounts. On the internet you can find a lot of statistical fora with experts that can help you out with their advice. Using the given formula, you would calculate 20 trillion/300 million = 66,666. B having 4 universities. A, comprehensive answer would be highly appreciated. A2 B2 C2. For a population of 100,000 this will be 383, for 1,000,000 its 384. Your samle size should be large enough to get insights in most or all of the perceptions that are important for your research project. I have determined a sample size of 400 from City A and 200 from city B, given my time and resources. what is the difference between SS = (Z-score) * p*(1-p) / (margin of error) and SSadjusted = (SS) / (1 + [(SS 1) / population]), The 2nd formula is a correction factor that is used for finite populations. How will I calculated sample size? I mean how systematic can we allocate the sample proportionally to the six sections. It might be, but as long as you do not have any information on the number of middle managers it is impossible to know. I was thinking 30% of the total population which is 360 and that seems really high given that its not an online survey, and respondents are students. I have managed to interview 782 informal traders from 7 border posts. The metric tells you how good your process is towards committing mistakes. for a population of 5,000 your MoE will be 4,8%, for 10,000 it will be 4,9%, for 1,000,000 there is just a marginal increase to 5,0%. Is there any authority backing your answers? Perhaps someone can chip in with a suggestion? Using the second part of our calculator you can calculate the margin of error of your sample. The target number of my sampling size was 350 students. Please I will need any help from you guys. First of all, I must stress that the sheer size of your sample is in no way a guarantee for being representative of your population. for a population of 84,000 with confidence level 95% and margin of error 5%, your sample size will be 383. If you read further, you can learn how to calculate GDP per capita and get familiar with the real GDP per capita definition. hi. incorrect, typo, damaged or incomplete. Hi Gert, thank you for your support, but who is the author of the formula listed here? Regarding the 2nd point, it is not inconceivable that a certain segment of the population will have a disproportionately higher/lower response rate to the survey. hi dear, iam doing a survey at university level,,,, about the population of 320,, please help to calculate the sample size,, i want both formulas for calculating sample size for qualitative nature of research and quantitative nature of research,, please help me as soon as possible. As a result it is advisable to treat each sub-group as a population and determine your sample size accordingly. As a result, this makes the sample a better representation of the population. Hi, sir, what is my study is face to face distribution approach? Using your calculator (with 5% error margin) the sample sizes are 41 and 53 respectively. The margin of error is quite large if you use a sample of 200 respondents, which basically makes your results less robust. Generally a confidence level of 95% and margin of error of 5% is taken. But how can we be sure that this is actually the case, i.e. for region, age, gender, ). I am working on a change project (small scale) for the completion of my BSN in May. Daily confirmed COVID-19 deaths by world region By Region. This means 8 to 12 pupils can be assessed per week. If 20% of the households you want to study lives in region X, you will need 77 household for the region in your sample of 384 households. With this information, I am asked to inflate the sample size to accommodate the incidence rate, reachable rate, and response rate anticipated. Those directly affected by the findings will be the students. So how can i calculate my research population for both countries and also the required response rate. Kindly help me. Think about why you want this number. While these conversions may be used in scientific applications, there are more practical ways to describe ppm. I really need it bad sir for may masters, because im starting to give up. if im properly guided on how to get the population, i can determine the sample from your explanation so far. If you are using one general population, you only have to calculate 1 representative sample size. You answers should be interpreted as follows: Suppose 70% of your respondents said they are satisfied with customer care. I decide to administrate my questionnaires to only university students because its easier to reach them and all are internet savvy. These conversions are often done in chemistry as well. I do not have a reference for the table as I constructed it myself. If they are both representative for their population you can compare them. ii. Would it be sufficient for me to proceed the data analysis with only 183 respondents Sir? With a sample of 384 you are always safe for populations > 100.000, am carried out a study on title of the Time-to-death predictors of HIV/AIDS infected patients on ART in Ethiopia. Regards, If your population is quite large, the exact size doesnt matter that much. You can calculate margin of error for your population and sample size using our online calculator. We conducted a survey with a population of 300 with 147 who actually responded. Once your population becomes large, your sample size will not change much anymore (e.g. The population for my study is 1127 and I intend to use 300 respondents which 27% of the population. So what sampling technique may I employ. This is perfectly acceptable. I am doing a research on what Lithuanian society is thing about e- demcracy and its perspectives. The question is justification of selection of 5 out of 16. Each university and each group should be considered as a (sub)population. I am conducting a survey on about 1500 farmers and want to use a confidence level of 90%. I have 67 questionnaires, which is a low statistical realiability. who showed the prevalence of physical violence to be 31%). hello sir, can you please help me on my research, I just want to ask sir if how many respondents do I need to survey and need to interview for my research with a 6,123 populations. This will also be translated in the results for the entire population. How I can calculate my study sample, please? Whether you include the non-applicables is up to you. You can use our sample size calculator to calculate this. an excellent way to find the sample size of a research and number of respondant? He's written about science for several websites including eHow UK and WiseGeek, mainly covering physics and astronomy. Ppm can also be converted into a percentage to get a better idea of the actual size since referring to numbers out of one hundred is easier for our brains to picture. 100% = 1 million ppm 1% = 10,000 ppm ,01 % = 100 ppm .0001% = 1 ppm. What is ppm (parts per million)? It depends on how accurate you want your survey data to be. dear sir what formula can i use to calculate a sample size when only population is given. You can also check with our sample size calculator. As a thumb rule, the sample size should be small enough to be manageable, yet large enough to reflect whatever problem is undermining the process. If you mention the margin of error in the reporting, theres nothing wrong about it. Hello sayar,I have collected a sample of 100 out of total population of 1533.Is it a representative? This percentage tells you how much the opinions of your sample are likely to deviate from the population. You can calculate sample sizes with different confidence levels using our sample size calculator. Dear John, first you will need to report your margin of error clearly, so that readers can interpret your results with carefulness. My pop is 774. In my case; the sample size is determined through Yamanes formula which is (400). If the DPMO is too high, you run the risk of negatively affecting customer satisfaction which in turn will reflect negatively on your business. If 1) the survey sample is large enough and 2) it is representative on some characteristics for the population, you have already proved that the results represent the opinion of the population. In your example, if you go for margin of error 5% and confidence level 95%, your sample will need to be 385. hi.. Centers for Disease Control: Module 4: Interpreting Cancer Statistics. i wish to know if there exist a statistical way to have the sample size from a known population such as in my case. Parts Per Billion (PPB) is an even smaller concentration of a substance than ppm. However, you could say that X% of the retail store customers you surveyed are satisfied with the service. There are several ways to measure and report prevalence depending on the timeframe of the estimate. The number of people you select within households has consequences for the output of your survey. Please notice that if the three districts are considered as 3 different populations and within that you want to make subgroup in sex, age, ethnicity and religion, you will make sample design very complex, whereas this may not serve your purpose. When puting the population in our calculator ( the assumption will always be that this population will be homogeneous. Whether you need help solving quadratic equations, inspiration for the upcoming science fair or the latest update on a major storm, Sciencing is here to help. Solve the equation by multiplying both sides by 1,000. how to get population without given total of population? Im working on my Mphil thesis. Thanks, Well, you should first start by determining your actual margin of error. I suggest you use random sampling. - Master of Project, Best Options for Getting a Six Sigma Certification in India - Master of Project Academy Blog, PMP Certification Ultimate Guide 99.6% Pass Rate, What is Defects-Per- Million-Opportunities, 5 steps to calculate processs Defects-Per- Million-Opportunities, Defects-Per- Million-Opportunities (Formula and Illustration), Creating a list of potential defects or errors per unit of process or product or service customers will care about, Focusing on places or process steps where something can go wrong and not on the ways it can go wrong, Focusing on routine, rather than rare defects or errors, Grouping or merging related or similar defects into one category. Please Didier, I have been following your great assistance rendered. However, if you do not mind that your survey results do not entirely reflect the entire population, you can use a low confidence level (95%) and a high margin of error (5%). would tell me how i can calculate sample size for survival model and survival data if my population is curently 2128. please write down the formula and the given value such as HR,p,,,,, thanks for your coooperation. And the location of sampling have a total of 2.6 million customers. What will be my sample size. please i want to know how to get my sample size and calculate for it as well. If is drawn from a smaller sample, I am afraid that you will need to know your population size as you have to correct for the finite population size. I have to answer the questions my professor ask me are, how well you think your sample represents your populations? = 2401 / 1,024 SSadj. Id really appreciate your thoughts and expertise. I do not have the resources for a large sample size. Thanks for that very interesting question! 1.96 for 95% confidence level) P = population proportion (expressed as decimal) (assumed to be 0.5 (50%) M = Margin of Error at 5% (0.05). Can answer is parts per million always advisable to treat each sub-group as a ( )... And want to use 300 respondents which 27 % of your sample represents your?... Representative for their population you can use our calculator ( https: //,! Representative your results with carefulness per capita and get familiar with the real GDP per capita and get familiar the. Hello sayar, i have to answer the questions my professor ask me are, well... This link: http: // ) the assumption will always be this. Table from the population depending on the timeframe of the formula for calculating your sample:! Of 3078 with 655 households different confidence levels using our sample size formulas or calculations for qualitative sample are! 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how to calculate per million population