1995 ethiopian constitution pdf

2. The Federal Government shall likewise respect the powers of the States. 2. Ethiopia has adopted a new constitution in 1995; in fact, the constitu- tion was adopted in the constituent assembly on the 8th of December 1994. 1. (c)To recommend to the Prime Minister or to the Council of Ministers corrective measures if it finds any case of inhumane treatment. 8. The House shall adopt rules and procedures regarding the organization of its work and of its legislative process. It shall determine the division of revenues derived from joint Federal and State tax sources and the subsidies that the Federal Government may provide to the States. 2020, melkamu Ayano. The President shall sign a law submitted to him within fifteen days. The duration of maternity leave shall be determined by law taking into account the nature of the work, the health of the mother and the well being of the child and family. The Auditor General shall draw up and submit for approval to the House of Peoples Representatives his offices annual budget. 3. Created Date: 11-18-2020. In particular, they have equal rights with men with respect to use, transfer, administration and control of land. 0000002838 00000 n Members of the House of the Federation shall be elected by the State Councils. Consistent with sub-Article 1 of this Article, States shall have the following powers and functions: (a)To establish a State administration that best advances self-government, a democratic order based on the rule of law; to protect and defend the Federal Constitution; (b)To enact and execute the State constitution and other laws; (c)To formulate and execute economic, social and development policies, strategies and plans of the State; (d)To administer land and other natural resources in accordance with Federal laws; (e)To levy and collect taxes and duties on revenue sources reserved to the States and to draw up and administer the State budget; (f)To enact and enforce laws on the State civil service and their condition of work; in the implementation of this responsibility it shall ensure that educational; training and experience requirements for any job, title or position approximate national standards; (g)To establish and administer a state police force, and to maintain public order and peace within the State: There shall be two Federal Houses: The House of Peoples Representatives and the House of the Federation. He shall open the joint session of the House of Peoples Representatives and the House of the Federation at the commencement of their annual sessions. They shall also enjoy equal treatment in the inheritance of property. It shall ensure the observance of law and order. startxref Government shall endeavour to protect and promote the health, welfare and living standards of the working population of the country. 1. It is prohibited to assume sate power in any manner other than that provided under the Constitution. 18. Arrangement of Objectives. x^S ]Y w2P>-@ r%0Y$^ @wt00H)@2L`Kd 2@H%J"9@i`3] F Yad%:@@"lHh=o8KET"f21232Lg.gxJ,__py)xc+}@n0-<=f20@ g 14. 2. Created Date: 11-18-2020. Africa Center. OF ETHIOPIA CONFORM WITH THE CONSTITUTION OF THE FEDERAL DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF ETHIOPIA CHAPTER ONE: GENERAL PROVISIONS 1. (b)Categories of persons referred to in paragraph (a) of this sub-Article have the right to express grievances, including the right to strike. The Federal Supreme Court shall draw up and submit to the House ofPeoples Representatives for approval the budget of the Federal courts, and upon approval, administer the budget. 1. The author is grateful to the anonymous reviewers for their critical insights and scholarly comments on an earlier draft of this work. Neither States nor the Federal Government shall levy and collect taxes on each others property unless it is a profit making enterprise. All Ethiopian languages shall enjoy equal state recognition. 106 26 3. The Administration of Addis Ababa shall be responsible to the Federal Democratic I thank you in advance..this is not for argumentbut for further inquiry of knowledge. 0000003325 00000 n 5. ? 2. 0000004248 00000 n All international agreements and relations concluded, established or conducted by the State shall protect and ensure Ethiopias right to sustainable development. It shall protect and defend the Constitution. 1. It shall establish standing and ad hoc committees as it deems necessary to accomplish its work. Pursuant to sub-Article 5 of Article 34 the House of Peoples Representative and State Councils can establish or give official recognition to religious and customary courts. (b)When two-thirds of the Councils of the member States of the Federation approve the proposed amendment by majority votes. 2. 3. Human and democratic rights of citizens and peoples shall be respected. During proceedings accused persons have the right to be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law and not to be compelled to testify against themselves. 1. 17. The Minister of Defence shall be a civilian. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. The House shall be dissolved and new elections shall be held if the political parties cannot agree to the continuation of the previous coalition or to form a new majority coalition. 8. All persons who have been displaced or whose livelihoods have been adversely affected as a result of State programmes have the right to commensurate monetary or alternative means of compensation, including relocation with adequate State assistance. 8. They have equal rights while entering into, during marriage and at the time of divorce. 3. No one shall be held guilty of any criminal offence on account of any act or omission which did not constitute a criminal offence at the time when it was committed. 8. 3. Learn how your comment data is processed. 15. 2. Member States of the Federal In article 47, Democratic Republic of Ethiopia are the following: It shall levy and collect income, profit, sales and excise taxes on enterprises owned by the Federal Government. 3. To promote mutual respect for national sovereignty and equality of states and non-interference in the internal affairs of other states. 1. 2. 3. It shall levy and collect Federal stamp duties. 9. (c)Government employees who enjoy the rights provided under paragraphs (a) and (b) of this sub-Article shall be determined by law. << /Length 1 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode >> Amharic shall be the working language of the Federal government. Unless decided in this manner, the jurisdictions of the Federal High Court and of the First-Instance Courts are hereby delegated to the State courts. Ethiopian peasants have right to obtain land without payment and the protection against eviction from their possession. %PDF-1.6 % 1. 4. Everyone has the right to privacy. The Council shall draft its rules of procedure and submit them to the House of the Federation; and implement them upon approval. English. It shall establish permanent and ad hoc committees. 3. Accused persons have the right to be informed with sufficient particulars of the charge brought against them and to be given the charge in writing. Should the Council, upon consideration of the matter, find it necessary to interpret the Constitution, it shall submit its recommendations thereon to the House of the Federation. All Federal and State legislative, executive and judicial organs at all levels shall have the responsibility and duty to respect and enforce the provisions of this Chapter. There shall be established a National Election Board independent of any influence, to conduct in an impartial manner free and fair election in Federal and State constituencies. It shall determine civil matters which require the enactment of laws by the House of Peoples Representatives. 9. 1. Codes, Commentaries and Explanatory notes. All persons have the right of appeal to the competent court against an order or a judgment of the curt which first heard the case. 1. It shall administer and expand all federally funded institutions that provide services to two or more States. Government and citizens shall have the duty to protect the environment. We, the Nations, Nationalities and Peoples of Ethiopia: It shall determine the organization of national defense public security, and a national police force. 3. It shall provide uniform standards of measurement and calendar. 12. 1156/2019, Federal Courts Civil Case Flow Management Directive (Directive No. Constitution is a set of fundamental laws that govern and guide the power and function of the government.The existence of constitution is paramount important for the development of democracy in a specific country.Despite this the mere existence of constitution cannot be a guarantee for constitutionalism.Since,constitutionalism does not mean only having constitution,but it is the practical . 1. Each Nation, Nationality and People shall be represented in the House of the Federation by at least one member. 1. Article 5 Languages 1. 1. (b) Maternity leave may, in accordance with the provisions of law, include prenatal leave with full pay. 2. 2. 3. (c)When the House of Peoples Representatives or the concerned State Council approves by a majority vote the decisions of the Judicial Administration Council. Submitted by admin on Thu, 03/31/2016 - 17:55. 3. Nor shall a heavier penalty be imposed on any person than the one that was applicable at the time when the criminal offence was committed. 7. TORRENT . Thank you very much for this wonderful and resourceful website. Laws shall be enacted to that end. Elections to positions of responsibility within any of the organizations referred to under sub-Article 2 of this Article shall be conducted in a free and democratic manner. (a)Utilization of land and other natural resources, of rivers and lakes crossing the boundaries of the national territorial jurisdiction or linking two or more States; (b)Inter-State commerce and foreign trade; (c)Air, rail, water and sea transport, major roads linking two or more States, postal and telecommunication services; (d)Enforcement of the political rights established by the Constitution and electoral laws and procedures; (e)Nationality immigration, passport, exit from and entry into the country, the rights of refugees and of asylum; (f)Uniform standards of measurement and calendar; 5. The residents if Addis Ababa shall have a full measure of self-government. 9. (b)Subject to the required vote of approval set out in (a) of this sub-Article, the decree declaring a state of emergency when the House of Peoples Representatives is not in session shall be submitted to it within fifteen days of its adoption. 4. 2. Particulars shall be determined by law. The author can be reached at: temesgen.sisay@yahoo.com 1 See Arts 1 & 45 of the Federal Democratic Republic Constitution of Ethiopia (1995), hereafter the Constitution. The Council of Ministers comprises the Prime Minister, the Deputy Prime Minister, Ministers and other members as may be determined by law. 0000001606 00000 n 1, Constitution of the regional state of Harari, constitution of the regional state of Oromia- Amendment, Constitution of teh regional state of Oromia- Revised, Constitution of the Regional State of Oromia - 2nd Amendement, Constitution of the regional state of Oromia, Constitution of the regional state of Somali, Constitution of the regional state of Tigray, Woderie Tachebelie v Lekie Gurmu- House of Federation, Mamitie Sebele v Mulu Gurmu- House of Federation, Helima Mohammed v Adem Abdi- House of Federation, Aliye Dawie v Mumed Adem- House of Federation, Multilateral Treaties ratified by Ethiopia, Eshetu Alemu, Judgment and Sentence Unofficial ENGLISH translation, Eshetu Alemu's trial for crimes committed in Ethiopia has begun in the Netherlands - Hearing Schedule, Mengistu aide faces fresh war crimes charges for Ethiopia genocide, New president and vice-president for the FDRE supreme court, FDRE appointed its first Attorney General, Dergue Official arrested in the Netherlands (stay tuned for more updates). WHEREAS, the Nations, Nationalities and Peoples of Ethiopia have, through their elected Representatives, ratified the Constitution of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, on the 8th day of December, 1994; it is hereby proclaimed as follows: This Proclamation may be cited as the Constitution of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Proclamation No. 1. PRESIDENT OF THE FEDERAL DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF ETHIOPIA. He shall submit to the House of Peoples Representatives periodic reports on work accomplished by the Executive as well as on its plans and proposals. federalism was . 2. 4. 2. Further convinced that by continuing to live with our rich ,and proud cultural legacies in territories we have long inhabited, have, through continuous interaction on various levels and forms of life,. (a)Factory and service workers, farmers, farm Laborers, other rural workers and government employees whose work compatibility allows for it and who are below a certain level of responsibility, have the right to form associations to improve their conditions of employment and economic well-being. All powers not given expressly to the Federal Government alone, or concurrently to the Federal Government and the States are reserved to the States. 0000013085 00000 n It shall levy and collect income tax on employees of the Federal Government and international organizations. 3. 3. The armed forces shall carry out their functions free of any partisanship to any political organization(s). 3. 1. 5. 2. Government shall provide special assistance to Nations, Nationalities, and Peoples least advantaged in economic and social development. 5. 4. 4. Any organ of Government shall, in the implementation of the Constitution, other laws and public policies, be guided by the principles and objectives specified under his Chapter. 2. Residents of Addis Ababa shall be represented, in accordance with the provisions 2. 2. 4. 0000005014 00000 n Freedom to express or manifest ones religion or belief may be subject only to such limitations as are prescribed by law and are necessary to protect public safety, peace, health, education, public morality or the fundamental rights and freedom of others, and to ensure the independence of the state from religion. 0000005528 00000 n 1. 3. The presence at a meeting of two-thirds of the members of the House of the Federation constitutes a quorum. Provisions shall be made by law for special representation for minority Nationalities and Peoples. 7. Accordingly Government shall have the duty to strengthen ties of equality, unity and fraternity among them. Juvenile offenders admitted to corrective or rehabilitative institutions and juveniles who become wards of the State or who are placed in public or private orphanages, shall be kept separately from adults. 14. Judges shall exercise their functions in full independence and shall be directed solely by the law. 4. It shall decide on the organizational structure of ministries and other organs of government responsible to it; it shall coordinate their activities and provide leadership. Would you please help me find one? Proclamation no. Interim Constitution. 3. The Federal Democratic Republic shall comprise of States. This Constitution establishes a Federal and Democratic State structure. 5. 3. 0000008432 00000 n 4. 1/1995 which entered into force on 21 August 1995. 2. 3. Ethiopian constitution pdf. (c) In the exercise of its emergency powers the Council of Ministers cannot, however suspend or limit the rights provided for in Article 1, 18, 25, and sub Article 1 and 2 of Article 39 of this constitution. 2. It shall draw up the annual Federal budget and, when approved by the House of Peoples Representatives, it shall implement it. 19. Government and all Ethiopian citizens shall have the duty to protect the countrys natural endowment historical sites and objects. 0000003138 00000 n Every Ethiopian citizen has the right to the ownership of private property. 1. Access to information of public interest. File Name: The 1995 Ethiopian constitution Explanatory Note (Amharic version).pdf. 2. 1. Constitucin de Etiopa de 1995. In accordance with provisions to be specified by law, a law giving recognition to marriage concluded under systems of religious or customary laws may be enacted. 2. 2. 21. States shall be delimited on the basis of the settlement patterns, language, identity and consent of the people concerned. The Council of Constitutional shall have powers to investigate constitutional disputes. 1. 12.It shall carry out other responsibilities that may be entrusted to it by the House of Peoples Representatives and the Prime minister. i partially agree there are some inequality in our religion in our country and even there is no freedom of expression and, ( No country is exercising democracy perfectly ). (b) State executives can decree a State-wide state of emergency should a natural disaster or an epidemic occur. 1. of the Constitution, in the Council of Peoples Representatives. All Ethiopian languages shall enjoy equal state recognition. Can the federal government directly rule over territory and peoples? Member States of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia are the following: 7) The State of the Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples. Ethiopia. The highest executive powers of the Federal Government are vested in the Prime Minister and in the Council of Ministers. Consistent with the provisions sub-Article 3 of Article 98, States shall levy and collect taxes on income derived from mining operations, and royalties and land rentals on such operations. 2. 1. The President of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia is the Head of State. 1. 2. Residents of Addis Ababa shall in accordance with the provisions of this Constitution, be represented in the House of Peoples Representatives. 4. If the conduct of these forces infringes upon human rights and the nations security, it shall carry out investigations and take necessary measures. The Commission shall have a Secretary General and necessary professional and support staff. Everyone has the right to recognition everywhere as a person. Document type : Constitution. In this respect, the law shall guarantee to all persons equal and effective protection without discrimination on grounds of race, nation, nationality, or other social origin, color, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, property, birth or other status. 1. THE CONSTITUTION OF THE REPUBLIC OF UGANDA, 1995. 4. Short Title This Proclamation may be cited as the "Proclamation to make the Electoral Law of Ethiopia Conform with the Constitution of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia No. The Federal Government may, when necessary, delegate to the States powers and functions granted to it by Article 51 of this Constitution. Freedom of the press shall specifically include the following elements: a. 2. It has the power to declare and to lift national state of emergency and states of emergencies limited to certain parts of the country. Everyone has the right to assemble and to demonstrate together with others peaceably and unarmed, and to petition. (a) Women have the right to maternity leave with full pay. 11. 4. 1, dated 21 August 1995. The Council of Constitutional Inquiry shall establish organizational structure which can ensure expeditious execution of its responsibilities. Proc No. 3. 2. Members of the House may vote only when they are present in person in the House. Without prejudice to the right to private property, the government may expropriate private property for public purposes subject to payment in advance of compensation commensurate to the value of the property. 1. The Council of Constitutional Inquiry is established by this Constitution. The State shall pursue policies which aim to expand job opportunities for the unemployed and the poor and shall accordingly undertake programmes and public works projects. Determined to consolidate, as a lasting legacy, the peace and the prospect of a democratic order which our struggles and A national population census shall be conducted every ten years. 2. It shall deploy, at the request of a state administration, Federal defence forces to arrest a deteriorating security situation within the requesting State when its authorities are unable to control it. The Auditor General shall audit and inspect the accounts of ministries and other agencies of the Federal Government to ensure that expenditures are properly made for activities carried out during the fiscal year and in accordance with the approved allocations, and submit his reports thereon to the House of Peoples Representatives. It shall ensure the proper execution of financial and monetary policies of the country; it shall administer the National Bank, decide on the printing of money and minting of coins, borrow money from domestic and external sources, and regulate foreign exchange matters. Their sovereignty shall be expressed through their representatives elected in accordance with this Constitution and through their direct democratic participation. 2. Particulars shall be determined by law. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog, Constitutional Impasse in Ethiopia Verfassungsblog 10:42 | ethiopanorama.com | ethiopanorama.com, Constitutional Impasse in Ethiopia - ZeHabesha Latest Ethiopian News Provider 24/7, Constitutional Impasse in Ethiopia | Verfassungsblog, National Payment System (Amendment) Draft Proclamation 2022, Agreement for lasting peace through a permanent cessation of hostilities between the Government of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia and the Tigray Peoples Liberation Front (TPLF), Ethiopian Digital Identification Draft Proclamation Number/2022, Objection to Trademark Registration by Foreign Companies C-F-N 193292, Ethiopian Horticulture Development Agency. 16. States shall levy and collect profit, sales, excise and personal income taxes on income of enterprises owned by the States. Accused persons have the right to be represented by legal counsel of their choice, and, if they do not have sufficient means to pay for it and miscarriage of justice would result, to be provided with legal representation at state expense. 1. 3. 7. 2. Have therefore adopted, on 8 December 1994 this Cons-titutionthroughrepresentativeswe haveduly elected for this purpose as an instrument that,binds us in a mutual commitment to fulfill the objectives and the principles set forth above. To promote policies of foreign relations based on the protection of national interests and respect for the sovereignty of the country. Cycle phase : Regulatory. read more. The States shall be delimited on basis of the settlement patterns, identity, In the exercise of State functions, members of the Council of Ministers are collectively responsible for all decisions they make as a body. 18. 2. It shall establish the institution of the Ombudsman, and select and appoint its members. Judges of State First-Instance Courts shall upon recommendation by the State Judicial Administration Council, be appointed by the State Council. The composition of the national armed forces shall reflect the equitable representation of the Nations, Nationalities and Peoples of Ethiopia. 2. Download: 3032 times. Particulars shall be determined by law. Without prejudice to the provisions of sub-Article 2 of Article 90, believers may establish institutions of religious education and administration in order to propagate and organize their religion. Articles 6 and 7 govern the right to . The implementation of this provision shall be specified by law. 2. OUTLINE ETHIOPIA LEGAL AND JUDICIAL SECTOR ASSESSMENT. 2. 2. People have the right to full consultation and to the expression of views in the planning and implementation of environmental policies and projects that affect them directly. Persons arrested have the right to be brought before a court within 48 hours of their arrest. 1. The right to ownership of rural and urban land, as well as of all natural resources, is exclusively vested in the State and in the peoples of Ethiopia. It shall, at the request of one-third of its members, discuss any matter pertaining to the powers of the executive. The State Council has the power of legislation on matters falling under State jurisdiction. La actual Constitucin de Etiopa fue adoptada por el Gobierno de Transicin de Etiopa en diciembre de 1994 y entr en vigor en agosto de 1995, 1 siendo la cuarta en la historia del pas. (c)To know and be cared for by his or her parents or legal guardians; (d)Not to be subject to exploitative practices, neither to be required nor permitted to perform work which may be hazardous or harmful to his or her education, health or well-being; (e)To be free of corporal punishment or cruel and inhumane treatment in schools and other institutions responsible for the care of children. 0000078573 00000 n Members of the House, on the basis of population and special representation of minority Nationalities and peoples shall have not exceed 550; of these, minority Nationalities and Peoples shall have at least 20 seats. Persons arrested have the right to be informed promptly, in a language they understand, of the reasons for their arrest and of any charge against them. No person shall be elected President for more than two terms. In conformity with Article 93 of the Constitution it shall declare a state of emergency; it shall consider and resolve on a decree of a state of emergency declared by the executive. 5. xb```FV Y ,@Q`}S^ce9a^e 'z!?98 8X6&2=!ts93O9j0lKd]47MZ`5]Y{*X;}82z[fU^q-YyVSC3)Zj(uT,3lP;Iy He exercises overall supervision over the implementation of the countrys foreign policy. 1. Any Ethiopian national has the right to return to his country. 9. 132 the FDRE CONSTITUTION refers to alem ebook arthur butz hoax of the 20th century pdf akef. Hence, the fight against corruption is complex as it is su ? Particulars shall be determined by law. 3. 0000002874 00000 n Constituttion of the regional state of Benishangul/Gumuz, Benishangul/Gumuz consolidated laws - Vol. The Peoples of Ethiopia as a whole, and each Nation, Nationality and People in Ethiopia in particular have the right to improved living standards and to sustainable development. Political objectives. The Federal democratic Republic of Ethiopia comprises the Federal Government and the State members. 3. The House may adjourn for one month of recess during its annual session. 1249/2021 - Federal Advocacy Service Licensing and Administration Proclamation, New Labour Proclamation - Proclamation No. Regarding other Federal judges, the Prime Minister shall submit to the House of Peoples Representatives for appointment candidates selected by the Federal Judicial Administration Council. No one may be a member of the House of Peoples Representatives and of the House of the Federation simultaneously. 7. 0000006042 00000 n 3. 1. With the consent of the House, the Prime Minister may cause the dissolution of the House before the expiry of its term in order to hold new elections. Amara The State administration constitutes the highest organ of executive power. (b)The State Supreme Court has power of cassation over any final court decision on State matters which contains a basic error of law. 10. Children born out of wedlock shall have the same rights as children born of wedlock. 8. The President and Vice-President of the Federal Supreme Court shall, upon recommendation by the Prime Minister, be appointed by the House of Peoples Representatives. The States may, however, enact penal laws on matters that are not specifically covered by Federal penal legislation. The 1995 Ethiopian Constitution-English and Amharic Version 7. 4. Southern Nations, Nationalities & Peoples Objective General. The House of the Federation shall, within thirty days of receipt, decide a constitutional dispute submitted to it by the Council of Constitutional Inquiry. Unless otherwise agreed upon, the financial expenditures required for the carrying out of any delegated function by a State shall be borne by the delegating party. The national anthem of Ethiopia, to be determined by law, shall reflect the ideals of the Constitution, the Commitment of the Peoples of Ethiopia to live together in a democratic order and of their common destiny. The state shall not interfere in religious matters and religion shall not interfere in state affairs. Government shall ensure the participation of women in equality with men in all economic and social development endeavours. The House of Peoples Representatives, while declaring a state of emergency, shall simultaneously establish a State of Emergency Inquiry Board, comprising of seven persons to be chosen and assigned by the House from among its members and from legal experts. Any law, customary practice or a decision of an organ of state or a public official which contravenes this Constitution shall be of no effect. 2. Ethiopia and the Bible Edward Ullendorff Oxford. The 1931 Constitution of Ethiopia was the first modern constitution of the Ethiopian Empire, intended to officially replace the Fetha Nagast, which had been the supreme law since the Middle Ages.It was promulgated in "an impressive ceremony" held 16 July 1931 in the presence of Emperor Haile Selassie, who had long desired to proclaim one for his country. Si bien, Etiopa tiene una larga tradicin histrica de gobiernos fuertemente centralizados, bajo la conduccin . 1. 2. 11. This objective shall guide the State in the formulation of economic, social and development policies. 4. 2. 1. It shall organize the Council of Constitutional Inquiry. Government shall as all times promote the participation of the People in the formulation of national development policies and programmes; it shall also have the duty to support the initiatives of the People in their development endeavours. 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