was the ending of game of thrones changed

In the last few seasons, however, it often seems to be missing. Discover magazines in #Game of Thrones. The Pentoshi merchant speaks wistfully to Tyrion on the page of his lost wife who mightve been Varys sister. Daenerys (Dany) was built up over many seasons to have exactly the ending that she did, and I love the writers for that. As Proctor details, "The possibility of a power struggle between Jon and Sansa is mouthwatering.". Fans shouldn't be able to predict every single thing that goes down, but endings that are too off-the-wall just feel confusing. Defeat the long night and keep the living United. Related:I'd Watch A Game Of Thrones Style Political Drama About Mortal Kombat's Outworld. Kit Harington's character Jon Snow ended the season by killing Daenerys Targaryen, being imprisoned, and being forced to join what is left of the Night's Watch. Rather its Sansas childhood friend, Jeyne Poole, whom the Lannisters and Boltons are attempting to pass off as Arya Stark (whom they presume is dead), and therefore key to supposed legitimacy in the North. This ending highlights a bitter truth at the heart of Daenerys' story: History has left her homeless, a fact no dragons can obscure. We are promised throughout the books and early seasons that Dany will take what is hers through fire and blood, and she bats not an eye when Khal Drogo promises to burn Westerosi cities and rape their women. These are but a handful of threads that could be pulled in wildly different directions. And if his new abilities actually lead to the destruction of the Others, it might provide an easier rationale for the lords and ladies of Kings Landing to rally around him after all the Targaryens and Lannisters are gone. [Laughs] No, but the show subverts what you think, and thats what I love about it. Cookies help us deliver our Services. Game of Thrones didn't come out of the gate as a culture defining eventits series premiere netted just 2.2 million viewers, about 1.6 million less than HBO's similarly epic and ill-fated . Further, unlike in the show, the North truly remembers what happened at the Red Wedding. Once upon a time, Jon Connington was Lord of Griffins Roost and the final Hand of Aerys II (the Mad King). Maisie Williams has changed her mind about the ending to Game Of Thrones after rewatching the fantasy series. Picture this: Daenerys, perched high above King's Landing on Drogon's back, hears the bells of surrender. On the page, she has yet to set foot back inside Winterfell despite her longing for her lost home. She replied that she would like to see the beaches of Naath again, the island where she was born, and Grey Worm decided that he would go with her. Sure, characters like Sansa and Tyrion will go on knowing the truth, but this doesn't really change the fact that Jon's future lies in the far north, among people who don't even believe in kings. From the vision in the Red Keep in season two with the ashes falling (of which we assumed was snow at the time) to her refusing to listen to any sort of reason from her trusted advisors to burning Randyll and Dickon Tarly when they refused to bend the kneeDany displayed the direction her character was heading numerous times. Martin took to his lovably antiquated blogcomplete with its Not a Blog nameto reiterate his apocalyptic blizzard remains forthcoming. It would make more sense than giving her to Ramsay as a plaything. Dragons plant no trees, remember that. And because he starts as no one but is clearly the most wholesome character, his journey ends with him getting exactly what he wanted in addition to being seen as the new leader among the Free Folk. Some, however, do not. It was appropriate that Daenerys' death should herald the destruction of the Iron Throne since she and Jon were the last of the Targaryen line. Even though a vocal portion of the fanbase hated the ending,it hasn't seemed to temper interest in the Game of Thrones universe at large. Jaime lamented that he was given the black mark of "Kingslayer" and considered a coward and a traitor who stabbed his own king in the back, yet the history books didn't record the fact that he killed Aerys to stop King's Landing from being burned. Ending a critically-acclaimed and beloved series like Game of Thrones is always a tricky feat, as it'snearlyimpossibleto satisfy the entire fanbase. For years, fans have speculated Ramsay is a liar, and Benioff and Weiss ironically confirmed as much since they revealed that Martin told them he planned to have Stannis sacrifice his sweet daughter Shireen Baratheon to the Lord of Light. Daenerys Targaryen's death brought this story full circle. This doesn't just make it clear to the rest of Westeros that the Walkers are real, it proves that they're an existential threat. Weiss. Similarly, rather than rushing the threat Jons parentage might have on Daenerys claim, Varys and possibly Littlefinger could politically poison the well against the would-be conqueror by raising up their own false Targaryen idol who the lords and ladies of Westeros line up behind, perhaps after an earlier fall of the House of Lannister. Or perhaps she still dies but takes Cersei with her, as another fan envisions. While its not the ending I personally wanted, knowing Martins climactic set piece in Kings Landing makes it hard to imagine it could be anything else. This time it proved how people can easily be manipulated by simple ideas and abandon their common sense, even when the main subject of discussion was the logics of these series. The advent of the Targaryen-civil-war-focused prequel series makes things even bleakerfor the House, showing the full glory of a dynasty that viewers know ends in the massacre of innocents. It was a total power move, and directly led to Tommen's own death.With everyone else gone, this meant that Cersei could finally take her place, unopposed, on the Iron . Some fans argued that the reveal of Jon's heritage was pointless because it neveramounted to anything and heended upbanished from Westeros after killing Daenerys. Despite Peter Dinklage's best efforts, Tyrion's impassioned attempt to convince us all that Bran deserves to rule falls flat. Though the story ofHouse of the Dragonhappens 200 years beforethe events of GoT,it will likely highlightand underpin the "flip-of-a-coin" nature of Targaryen instability thatdroveDaenaerys' suddenbloodshed and the end of their regal bloodline. Isaac. The old credits showed everything in chronological order, but now it's working backwards. Hopefully, these upcoming shows (and their endings) fare better withthe fanbase. We still got the from no one to leader trope, just not exactly how people wanted to see it. Let's say Cersei booby-traps the castle with wildfire in the hopes of luring Daenerys there. This would explain why a wizard would geld him for a blood magic ritualas Melisandre says theres power in kings bloodas well as why he shaves his head (he may not be naturally bald but hiding his silvery Targaryen hair). Greeted with such an ending, fans might have cheered. The snowball effect of these different circumstances could be significant since Jon will have command over loyal men of the Nights Watch, free folk, and even some Baratheon men when this comes to a head particularly since, according to Ramsays letter, Stannis retreating army will contain whats left of Theon Greyjoy (the Reek Ramsay demands back) and a woman who claims to be Jons sister. But something strange happend. Related:Game of Thrones' New Spinoff Risks Repeating The Shows Fatal Book Mistake. Game of Thrones' ending shocked the audience. The new Game of Thrones prequel series House of the Dragon . Others argued that showrunnersDavid Benioff and D. B. Weiss did not know what direction to take the story after the show passed George R.R. While it was possible that his voyage was ill-fated, it was also possible that Arya would reach land and find distant relatives waiting for her there. The author has made similar remarks in the past, notably in the aftermath of the HBO series' polarizing finale. It was a decision that didn't necessarily sit right with every fan, especially considering Daenerys' half-baked journey toward becoming the Mad Queen. If were being completely honest probably not, summer child. His purpose was fulfilled. ", Related:Game Of Thrones Prequel House Of The Dragon Begins Production, First Look At Cast. The ending was okay. The Song of Ice and Fire author opened up on HBO's "traumatic" adaptation process, and a few missing seasons. In Season 6's "Blood of my Blood," Bran sees Aerys' pyromancers crafting the infamous substance. And if so, things might get very far away from Game of Thrones ending, indeed. Tyrion is the youngest child of the . The White Walkers could ravage Westeros, only to be beaten back at tremendous cost. The opening credits for "Game of Thrones" had a new animation on season eight. Will The Winds of Winter Change Game of Thrones Ending for the Better. The episode, titled "The Iron Throne," drew 13.6 million viewers in linear . Further, the highly religious portions of the city already indicated they were ready to riot. When she left Winterfell with Sandor Clegane, Arya said that she had no intention of returning home from King's Landing. However, it seemed as though the defeat of the Night King and the White Walkers may have given Westeros its shortest winter yet. Meanwhile, it is hard to imagine Cersei holding on long enough to become the final big bad for the next two books. The American actor starred in all 8 seasons of HBO's celebrated fantasy series as Tyrion Lannister, a cunning yet good-hearted lord who often uses his wit and intelligence to stave off the prejudice he faces as a dwarf. The overlay of these two shots has started a theory that House of the Dragon is visually suggesting that viewers should go from the end of Game of Thrones Season 6 and pick up immediately with . On the one hand, watching Jaime anoint her as Ser Brienne of Tarth is a triumph. If her arc wasn'tupsetting enough, she died at the hands of her lover, Jon Snow. There are so many other plot threads to tease out from the books that this article can barely touch onfrom Aryas ongoing training at the House of Black and White to the fact that Benioff and Weiss have already admitted that Cersei blowing up the Great Sept of Baelor to kill the High Sparrow and Margaery Tyrell was their own invention, and not Martinsbut the thing fans will likely be most desperate about is whether Martin will change the apparently bleak ending to Daenerys Targaryens storyline. Jaime and Cersei's death-by-bricks is widely considered to be a let-down. But it will be different, and different is what most of the people of Westeros wanted, more than anything. Game of Thrones season 1 was about the fall of the Stark family:Bran being thrown out of a window, Ned being executed, the Stark household in King's Landing slaughtered, Sansa taken prisoner by a monster, and Arya forced to flee in the guise of a peasant boy called Arry. In the book, she is named Jeyne Westerling and she is the daughter of Gawen Westerling of the Crag, a bannerman to Tywin Lannister. Such an ending pays off one of the oldest grudges on the show and makes Arya's Faceless Man training relevant. Given the sheer amount of darkness facing Jon, Sansa, Daenerys . The Onion Knight was born a lowly peasant, but he ends the series as King Bran's master of ships. Stabbing Cersei also echoes his murder of King Aerys. Martin revealed that his latest book, The Winds of Winter, is moving further away from how Game of Thrones ended. The Game of Thronesendingstarted with Tyrion seeking out his siblings in the ruined Red Keep and finding them dead in each other's arms; his escape plan for them hadfailed. Will Daenerys NOT become the Mad Queen?!?! Foolishly, the show decides to devote the final chapter of Brienne's story to her relationship with Jaime. As I started with the strongest argument for why the ending of the show wasnt great, I will follow it up with the weakest argument. I loved that finally, a show portrayed a dynamic like this in a realistic fashion. Beyond that, it's simply, stupidly mean. The Final Season Of Game Of Thrones Was Rushed Out of all the arguments people make for why the ending of Game of Thrones was terrible, this one is the most sound. Sure, any given episode is stuffed with squabbling lords and ladies who think the White Walkers are a dusty old fairy tale, but viewers know better. You throw in an act of sacrilege like blowing up Westeros version of the Vatican and then causing mass starvations. Considering that the strongest qualities in Game of Thrones were character building andthe close examination ofmoral issues from numerous perspectives, the last season basically let all that go in order to end the series with epic action. Whether Dany and Drogon actually go on to raze Meereenor perhaps are given reason not to by the actions of others like her Hand, Ser Barristan Selmy (whos still alive in the books), or even Tyrion Lannister who remains a slave in Meereenis still unknown. What's the point of all that growth if it ends up smushed beneath the Red Keep? While on the subject of Starks, one of the key early differences between Game of Thrones and A Song of Ice and Fire remains the fate of Robb Starks wife. Weiss, the Game of Thrones showrunners, were told the ending of the master arc of the series by Martin when they started, but have otherwise remained silent about what. Not only does this sort of ending pay off years' worth of build-up, it also makes Tyrion's argument for Bran on the throne a lot more effective. Despite leaving the remaining Starks behind, Jon Snow finally seemed like he was at peace. Viserys was fixated on getting his golden crown, to the point that he told Daenerys he'd let every Dothraki in Drogo's Khal (and their horses) rape her if that was what it took to get him on the Iron Throne, and yet Viserys' "golden crown" was what killed him. Game of Thrones HBO's thrilling epic historical fantasy series finally came to an end after eight seasons, and the finale brought the story full circle in many ways. Since then, showrunners David Benioff and D.B. The Ending Of Game Of Thrones We Really Wanted HBO By Juliet Kahn / Sept. 14, 2021 2:17 pm UTC Ending a beloved TV show is complicated. We were going off the air and they didnt know what to do with their Sunday nights anymore. Lord Wyman Manderly, the portly patriarch of White Harbor, heavily implies to Reek that this is a murmurs farce that will soon end, and the book would seem to suggest Manderly has already killed several Freys and men who participated in the Red Wedding and served them as meat pies to unsuspecting fathers and Boltons during Ramsays wedding feast (which Game of Thrones adapted into a direct Titus Andronicus shoutout with Arya feeding the most guilty Frey sons to Walder Frey in the show). All it requires is a willingness to let Tyrion indulge his anger and really, who wouldn't want to watch Peter Dinklage pull that off? I am only a young girl., No, the imaginary Jorah answers. Daenerys doesn't command Drogon to fill the streets with fire and blood. Yet he dies where he starts, in Cersei's arms. In many fans' opinion, the ending of "Game of Thrones" falls squarely into the latter category. At the end of the day, the system will always favor those on top to the detriment of those at the bottom, and how better to illustrate this sad reality of human nature than having the good one who dabbles in white savior imagery (at least in the show) actually turn out to be as flawed and hypocritical as all the rest? There are now only six (rather than seven) Kingdoms under Bran's rule, asSansa's condition for giving Bran her vote was that the North would remain independent as its people had alreadychosen independence when theyselected Robb Stark to be the King in the North and Jon Snow to succeed him. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. One Reddit user imagines Missandei losing an arm, rather than her head. From King 's Landing on Drogon 's back, hears the bells of.. Aerys ' pyromancers crafting the infamous substance all the latest gaming news, Game reviews and trailers page, has! 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was the ending of game of thrones changed