transit calendar 2021

The DOT ADA regulations at 49 CFR 37.125 do not require in-person assessments for paratransit eligibility, and in fact do not specify how the eligibility process should work. FTA has determined that virtual public meetings and hearings are a permissible and useful tool to provide for public involvement in the NEPA process. The CARES Act and CRRSAA requires that grants using funds made available under the CARES Actand CRRSAA receive DOL certification consistent with current Section 5307 and 5311 procedures. Expenses under third-party contracts for operations or maintenance services incurred on or after January 20, 2020, including third-party contract employees providing such service who are placed on administrative leave due to reduced service, are eligible for federal reimbursement. During the COVID-19 public health emergency, prior approval for the incidental use of transit assets for the provision of essential services is not required, although recipients should notify their FTA Regional Office. FTAs use of prior year data for the apportionment is contingent upon your actual NTD report being accepted for each year, or receiving a valid report waiver for each year. This local and state information generally is coordinated with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Department of Homeland Security and is the most accurate assessment of the situation locally. WebAstrology Calendar. 134-135) as a way to satisfy the public meetings provisions. 49 U.S.C. Before FTA grants such relief, the recipient must commit to and propose a timeframe to conduct an updated passenger survey as FTAs permission to use data collected more than five years ago is not open-ended. Beginning on January 21, 2022, formula funds are only available for operating expenses following the regular Section 5307 and Section 5311 formula program rules. The contractor would open offices at Sittwe, Paletwa and Yangon in Myanmar, mobilise men and machine during the monsoon and start construction after the monsoon in October. What will FTA require for agencies who scale back trip length data collection due to safety concerns? A: Under FTAs Title VI Circular 4702.1B, Chapter IV, Section 5, transit providers that operate 50 or more fixed route vehicles in peak service and are located in an Urbanized Area (UZA) of 200,000 or more in population must collect and analyze racial and ethnic data of passengers in order to determine the extent to which members of minority groups are beneficiaries of programs receiving Federal financial assistance from FTA. A:No. States that received CARES Act Rural Areas funding that exceeded 125 percent of the States combined 2018 rural operating expenses were not allocated Rural Areas funding under the CRRSAA. A: A recipient must follow its locally developed Title VI Program, which includes a Language Access Plan. Recipients that have open Section 5307 or Section 5311 awards that are within their period of availability, and otherwise would be available to be amended or have the budget revised, may use those funds at the increased federal share for COVID-19 response. Office of Transit Safety and Oversight COVID-19 Awareness, Last updated: Thursday, November 10, 2022, Frequently Asked Questions from FTA Grantees Regarding Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), United States Department of Transportation, Coordinating Council on Access & Mobility, Low and No-Emission Vehicle Federal Technical Assistance, Federal Register Notices & Rulemaking Documents, Public Transportation Agency Safety Plans, Interim Provisions for Safety Certification Training, State Safety Oversight Formula Grant Program, WMATA Corrective Action Plan (CAP) Tracking Table, State Safety Oversight Program Certification, FTA Novel Coronavirus (COVID 19) landing page, Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Federal Resource page, Coronavirus Resources at the Department of Transportation, State Emergency Operations Center Contact Information, Frequently Asked Questions for FTA Tribal Transit Recipients on COVID-19, FTA Formula Funding Under Emergency Relief Program, CDC Recommendations for Workplace Preparedness & Protection, Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities Program circular, Formula Grants for Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities Program, Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP), Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities, Enhanced Mobility for Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities, Urbanized Area Formula Program: Program Guidance and Application Instructions, Urbanized Area Formula Grants (Section 5307), Formula Grants for Rural Areas (Section 5311), Statewide Transportation Improvement Program, Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Program, guidance on vaccination programs for essential workers, Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards, Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) program, DOT Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) regulations, Title VI Circular 4702.1B, Chapter IV, Section 5, COVID-19 Recovery Practices in Transit resource, Office of Management and Budget Memorandum M-20-21, Statewide Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP), Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities (Section 5310), Rural Transit Assistance Program (Section 5311), Tribal Transit Competitive Program (Section 5311), Office of Management and Budget Memorandum M-20-26, Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPO), Guidance on Preparing Workplaces for COVID-19, webpage summarizing OSHA standards and directives, Executive Order to Extend Federal Support to Governors Use of the National Guard to Respond to COVID-19 and to Increase Reimbursement and Other Assistance Provided to States, Division N, Title IV, Subtitle B of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021, the applicant has not furloughed any employees, or, to the maximum extent possible, CARES Act and CRRSAA funds shall be directed to payroll and operations of public transit (including payroll and expenses of private providers of public transportation)., The applicant intends to use all unobligated, The applicant, and any subrecipient or contractor that is a provider of public transportation, (a) currently are not furloughing any employees; (b) have, to the maximum extent possible, brought back any employees previously furloughed as a direct result of financial challenges caused by the COVID-19 public health emergency; and (c) have rehired, or posted to rehire, any positions of employees who were laid off as a result of financial challenges caused by the COVID-19 public health emergency; or, The applicant, and any subrecipient or contractor that is a provider of public transportation: (a) intends to use CARES Act or CRRSAA funds to bring back any employees previously furloughed as a direct result of financial difficulties caused by the COVID-19 public health emergency, to the maximum extent possible; (b) intends to use CARES Act or CRRSAA funds to rehire any positions of employees who were laid off as a direct result of financial challenges caused by the COVID-19 public health emergency; and (c) explains how it has spent CARES Act or CRRSAA funds on payroll, operations, or payroll and expenses of private providers of public transportation to the maximum extent possible.. Payroll expenses include expenses for all employees, including those of private providers of public transportation, that support public transportation, including those responsible for vehicle operations, vehicle and facility maintenance, and general administration. The $81.29 million cost of the vessels was met through a grant from India. These reports, however, must be submitted by the end of the extension period. India has also proposed extending the highway to Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam. Grant recipients who have not been eligible for operating assistance in the past may ask their FTA Regional Office about required documentation, or refer to FTA Circular 9030.1E (Urbanized Area Formula Program: Program Guidance and Application Instructions) Appendix C (Operating Assistance) for information about calculating and documenting operating costs. The preliminary feasibility studies were carried out by Rail India Technical and Economic Services (RITES). CA26: What supporting documentation does FTA need from operators to support a reimbursement request under the CARES Act or CRRSAA? The docket number for calendar year 2022 is FTA-2022-0001. CA18: Can a transit provider temporarily suspend charging fares? Work on the port in Sittwe and the IWT in Paletwa, Chin State, is in its final stages, and the six cargo vessels are meant to facilitate transportation of goods from Sittwe to Paletwa. The one-year extension was only available for recipients whose indirect cost rate proposals were due by June 16, 2020. This data includes standard adjustments for: operating expenses in urbanized areas to include full and reduced reporters; operating expenses in rural areas to include urbanized area transit provided by rural providers; reporters that were held harmless in 2018 due to unforeseen service impacts (such as natural disasters, strikes, etc. CA16: May a recipient modify a third-party contract to require the payment of administrative leave of operations or maintenance personnel or for other operations or maintenance expenses, including expenses to retain readiness for operations and maintenance activities, and fixed expenses such as rent? A: Yes. Is there any flexibility due to COVID-19 so that our organization may still submit an application? OF2: What other funding is available to assist intercity bus, commuter bus and passenger ferry providers? Under the DOT ADA regulations at 49 CFR 37.131(c), the fare for an ADA paratransit trip may not exceed more than twice the fare for a similar trip made using the fixed route system, without regard to discounts. FTA will use all of a particular years data for the formula apportionment, even if some individual data elements might be higher in the alternative year. The position of Sun and Moon determines the date and time of the Hindu festivals, complete list of all Indian festivals and holidays. The docket number for calendar year 2022 is FTA-2022-0001. As of April 17, 2020, the President has declared a major disaster with an incident period start date of January 20, 2020 for all states and territories. For some projects, it may be appropriate to delay public hearings if FTA and the project sponsor agree that a virtual public hearing will not meet the public hearing requirements and ensure equal access to information for all groups. Examples of employees covered within payroll for purposes of this ARP provision include, but are not limited to, operators/conductors, operating crew members, route schedulers, dispatchers, instructors, timekeepers, service staff (e.g., cleaners, fuelers), maintenance personnel (e.g., mechanics, body shop workers), and administrative support staff. Other capital expenses incurred to directly respond to the pandemic remain eligible at a 100-percent federal share using Section 5307 and 5311 formula funds. A: Yes, FTA will waive the Levels of Service requirement for Capital Investment Grant (CIG) projects that have been opened for service for less than five years and all projects that will be opening for service before January 20, 2023, provided that any reduction in service for the FTA-funded project is commensurate with other service reductions across the system associated with the COVID-19 public health emergency. A recipient can direct unobligated CARES Act funds and CRRSAA funds to expenses other than for operating and payroll purposes so long as both the applicant and any subrecipient or contractor that is a provider of public transportation (a) are currently not furloughing any employees; (b) have, to the maximum extent possible, brought back any previously furloughed employees as of the time of certification; and (c) have rehired or posted to rehire any positions of employees who were laid off as a result of financial difficulties caused by the COVID-19 public health emergency. A: Recipients for whom FTA is the Cognizant Agency may request an extension of a current indirect cost rate for one additional year without submission of an indirect cost rate proposal by submitting documentation with a revised date for the indirect cost rate to their FTA Regional Office for approval. Active grant award recipients, under programs Section 5307 and 5311, with obligated but unexpended formula funds designated for operating expenseswill need to complete an award amendment or submit a new application. fuel, vehicle parts, vehicle servicing, or other purchase orders). Use of Formula funds for operating activities that address COVID-19 at 100 percent federal share no longer are permitted after January 20, 2022. States are not required to set aside 15 percent of their CRRSAA funds for intercity bus service, but may expend CRRSAA funds on intercity bus service, if the State so chooses. If in the event your agency did not collect a full 12-month sample, please contact your assigned NTD analyst to discuss reporting. Hence one should set the location before looking into the festival list. A: No, all funding provided to Section 5310 by the CRRSAA may be used for any expenses otherwise eligible in the Section 5310 program, including operating expenses. CA6: Are FTA funds available for public transit agencies to reimburse third-party operations and maintenance contractors for the amounts provided in the contracts or grants of a subrecipient, even if the levels of service provided by the third-party contractors are reduced because of COVID-19? See 23 CFR 450.308. WebMassachusetts COVID-19 vaccination plan was guided by the Commonwealths COVID-19 Vaccine Advisory Group, a diverse group launched in October consisting of medical professionals, public health experts, elected officials, community leaders, and infectious disease specialists.The plan consists of 3 phases, which reflect several priorities: Pursuant to FTAsEmergency Relief ruleat 49 CFR part 602, eligible capital activities include emergency protective measures to eliminate or lessen threats to public health and safety, such as performing enhanced cleaning/sanitizing of rolling stock, stations, bus shelters, etc. [4], The route of the project around Paletwa and along the Kaladan river is troubled with Chin conflict, Rohingya conflict and militant groups such as Arakan Army and Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army (ARSA). FTA issued aNotice of Concurrencewith declarations of emergency issued by Governors that relate to COVID-19. 5307) funds and some States were not allocated any Formula Grants for Rural Area Program (49 U.S.C. WebThis is your personal UNIQUE transit break down, -an instructional video how to use the transit calendar and what transits are . There's a direct correlation between the effort and attention thats put into all aspects of employee retention and the need for driver recruitment. A: To use ARP funds for expenses other than operations and payroll, a grant applicant must certify that the applicant has not furloughed any employees since March 27, 2020 (the enactment date of the CARES Act). [34], In June 2017, to ensure faster movement of goods between Sittwe and Mizoram capital of Aizawl in the North West which is close to the Barak Valley of Assam, India started an INR6,000-crore upgrade of current 2-lane 300km (190mi) AizawlTuipang national highway to all-weather four-laning of international standard, the tender will be floated in September and construction contract will be awarded by December 2017 after the ongoing land acquisition is complete. AD12: Will the COVID-19 public health emergency affect my area's formula funding? WebHalifACT earns 2023 Clean50 Top Award. When selecting appropriate methods for a public hearing, FTA and the project sponsor must consider the ability of affected entities to access electronic media (40 CFR 1506.6(c)), which may require applying a combination of virtual techniques to ensure all interested parties, including environmental justice and non-English speaking (i.e., Limited English Proficient) populations and persons with disabilities, can participate effectively in the public hearing. WebTariff Number 40 on Metro Fares and Rates Effective September 5, 2021 (Fare Media Products and Services by Retail Channel) Tariff Number 39 on Ridership Rules Effective February 4, 2022; Tariff Number 39 on Metro Fares and Rates Effective July 1, 2019 Tariff Number 38 on Ridership Rules Effective September 5, 2021 Similarly, FTA exempts all temporary fare changes enacted as a result of an emergency from the fare equity analysis requirement. As FHWA and FTA undertake the evaluation, states and MPOs may revise their public involvement plans to employ virtual public involvement techniques. Complete suspension of the eligibility process is not permitted, because 49 CFR 37.131(f)(2) specifically prohibits the use of wait lists to access the service. CA27: Can CARES Act or CRRSAA funds be used to match other federal funds? A: No. Mercury Transit is also known as Budh Gochar, Budha Gochar, Transit of Planet Mercury or Budha Peyarchi. [30] In May 2017, during a visit by Thai officials to Manipur, the state's Chief Secretary Oinam Nabakishore declared that the draft of the trilateral agreement had already been prepared. What do I need to certify? A: The CRRSAA limits CRRSAA Urbanized Area funding to 75 percent of an urbanized areas combined 2018 operating expenses as reported to the National Transit Database (NTD) when combined with CARES Act Urbanized Area (Section 5307) funding allocated to the same urbanized area. FTA encourages recipients to contact their FTA regional office prior to submitting a request to the docket, as many requests can be resolved by the regional office. They cover resources that are available for transit agency use and eligibility of mitigation activities for FTA funding. A:It depends. A: Consistent with the provisions of Section 5307, a State may use the Small Urbanized Area funding in any small urbanized area of the State. However, Gujarati calendar also includes local Gujarati festivals which are celebrated by Gujarati community only. Recipients are responsible for ensuring that payments of CARES Act and CRRSAA funds to subrecipients are consistent with this requirement. Removal of health and safety hazards, such as cleaning of vehicles and facilities, Costs associated with shutting down or restarting service, Materials such as hand sanitizer, gloves, soap, and cleaners, Emergency protective gear relevant to the emergency, Temporary service, that is not part of regular service, provided in response to the emergency. [40], IndiaMyanmar ZokhawtharRihkhawdarKalemyo Highway will provide second connection to the IndiaMyanmarThailand Trilateral Highway (IMT), between NH102B Zokhawthar Indian border village of Champhai district in east Mizoram to Rihkhawdar border town in Myanmar, connecting it to IMT 120km (75mi) away at Kalemyo,[34] where it will connect to the IMT at Kalemyo. A: Funds are available until expended. Changes directly or indirectly related to an emergency, including ridership and budget reductions, that continue longer than 12 months (service) or 6 months (fare), or are planned in advance as permanent require an equity analysis. CR14: Does a transit agency need to submit an updated Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) program and goal to FTA to receive CARES Act funds? Paletwa is less than 20km (12mi) from the Bangladesh border. We also thank Ream Lazaro, long time nationally recognized transit industry safety, security and training expert. See 49 U.S.C. Use to search for a vaccine appointment near you. FTA anticipates that most projects completed in response to the COVID-19 public health emergency, such as operations and purchasing personal protective equipment, would fall within FTAs C-list NEPA categorical exclusions (CE), found at 23 CFR 771.118(c). 5307(b)(1)) and making the final program of projects available to the public (49 U.S.C. All ARP funding administered under Sections 5307, 5310, and 5311 must be obligated in a grant by September 30, 2024 and must be disbursed by September 30, 2029. You can mix and match vaccines. The DOT ADA regulations at 49 CFR 37.5(h) provide that an agency may deny service to a person with a disability who represents a direct threat to the health or safety of others. A direct threat is defined, in part, by 49 CFR 37.3, as a significant risk to the health or safety of others.. How frequently should cleaning occur? States and designated recipients have flexibility to allocate CARES Act and CRRSAA funding through a different process than the one described in a previously approved State Management Plan, without prior FTA approval. In addition, the CRRSAA makes private providers of public transportation eligible to be subrecipients of funding provided under the CARES Act and CRRSAA. The most recent NTD Policy Manual can be found here. For any other deliverables related to research awards, please contact the FTA Regional Office for award specific guidance. Most of the festivals in Hindu Calendar are also listed in Gujarati Calendar. 5307(d)(3)). Luke Berasi, Newmark. [15] The upgrade of 52-km long road from Tuipang to Myanmar border, from 2-lane to all-weather 4-lane highway, is also included in this 352km (219mi) long National Highways & Infrastructure Development Corporation Limited (NHIDCL) project. CA10: Are there any restrictions on establishing period of performance end dates for CARES Act or CRRSAA grants for operating assistance or preventive maintenance? [22] Indians and Myanma citizens with valid passport and visa can pass through two official Land Border Crossings at Moreh in Manipur (Tamu in Sagaing Region of Myanmar) and Zokhawthar in Mizoram (Rihkhawdar in Chin State of Myanmar). A: No. A new or updated DBE program or goal is not required if CARES Act funds represent a temporary increase in the Federal share of already contracted operations expenses for the purposes of responding to COVID-19. A: No. Recipients should check with their State Office of Emergency Services to determine whether FEMA PA funding is available to maximize the funding available to them to respond to COVID-19. The Emergency Relief docket remains open and available for requests for relief from FTA statutory and administrative requirements of Section 5307 and 5311 funding in states that have declared an emergency or the President has declared a disaster. * Historical Perspective (Historical perspective is a complete calendar year of data.) States should document any deviations in an attachment to the CARES Act or CRRSAA funding application. A: No. This form only gathers feedback about the website. Massachusetts COVID-19 vaccination plan was guided by the Commonwealths COVID-19 Vaccine Advisory Group, a diverse group launched in October consisting of medical professionals, public health experts, elected officials, community leaders, and infectious disease specialists. CA39: For what time period must a CARES Act or CRRSAA grant applicant be able to certify that it has not furloughed any employees?. CA32: May a private provider of public transportation become a subrecipient of CARES or CRRSAA funding? A: Yes. TA2:How should a public transportation system determine whether it should suspend operations in an area with an outbreak? CTAA: Your full service training and certification source. Highlighting every time each star changes signs, as well as every planet moving in and out of retrograde, this astrology calendar is the most comprehensive overview you'll find online. Web2022 2021 % Chg 2022 2021 % Chg 2022 2021 % Chg % Chg % Chg % Chg Murder 5 11 -54.5 26 34 -23.5 363 424 -14.4 -12.5 -21.4 -78.3 Hate Crimes 7 11 -36.4 29 39 -25.6 527 462 14.1 124.3 ***. There is no lapse date to obligate funds available under the CARES Act or CRRSAA. A website belongs to an official government organization in Massachusetts. The following were prepared by the CDC for posting by FTA: CDC1: What is FTAs position on the transit workforce having the necessary protections, including personal protective equipment (PPE) such as masks and required social distancing practices? A grant recipient can make this certification so long as the recipient, and its subrecipients and contractors that are providers of public transportation, have not furloughed any employees since March 27, 2020. Additional supplemental funding for intercity bus is administered by the Department of the Treasury (see OF2). A: Yes, for grant program funds for which FTA has the administrative authority to do so. This guidance is effective immediately and will remain in effect until the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Emergency Declaration ends. WebWe dont use your email, calendar, or other personal content to target ads to you. Bureau of Infectious Disease and Laboratory Sciences, Massachusetts COVID-19 Vaccine Information, Long term care facilities, rest homes and assisted living facilities, People with 2 or more certain medical conditions, People with 1 or more certain medical conditions, Information specific to people age 18 and under, Information specific to children ages 5-11, Information specific to children ages 6months to 4 years old. 5311(f) apply to CARES Act funds. Preregistration has closed. A: In part. 5324, FTA permitted recipients to use Section 5307/5311 formula funds administered under the provisions of the Emergency Relief program, until January 20, 2022, to pay for the operational costs of such services. Current CDC guidance includes recommendations for cloth face coverings and social distancing. Transit drivers of all size systems need to better understand the people theyre transporting. 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