same words in greek and turkish

But Niko's quote does precisely that! In 1923, Turkeys population was 12.4 million, and Greece had a population of 5 million. By the way, the other language called Macedonian, namely the Slaviclanguage spoken in the Yugoslav republic of Makedonja and in smallpockets in Northern Greece, is usually considered by linguists as adialect of Bulgarian. (Greek words are written in bold, and Turkish words are written in italics. Although I agree that blood and race have nothing to do withGreekness, I still have problems with the posters thesis thatthere is sufficient evidence to doubt the greekness of Macedonians. How would modern Greek language sound to an Ancient Greek? skeletos iskelet skeleton. If>this is the same word, it's travelled a long way west (is it Sanskrit?). Suggested Reading: What Do Turkish People Look Like? Most Turkish letters are read the same way as Latin, Spanish and Italian alphabets. > I don't really want to get stuck in the middle of who was/is Greek but> it is not paradoxical that the conquerors always do not seem to> be able to impose their language on the conquered. Maybe someone elsewhose mother tongue is Arabic can help us. I believe Turkey and Greece have very similar cultures, but their languages are another story. Read more on The Turkish word seem to be derived from a European word (Vapour), and refers to steam engines. I once read a novel set inIndia, in which English-speaking Indians were portrayed using the word"dunya" to mean "world" in the sense of "people with a common professionor interest" -- for instance, "the film dunya" = "the movie world." Nikos Sahinidis claims to have proven that the Macedonians were Greekin every way: blood, language, politics. Greeks living in Turkey and Turks living in Greece were displaced as a result of population exchange. In the face of so much evidencefrom architecture, burial sites and history I find it very strangeto base an assumption of Macedonian non-"greekness" on a shakyhypothesis that there existed a different language/culture. We don't claim that the compilation is complete. Hellenic, Grecian. Thus we see that although Greek was increasingly important as thearistocratic and literary language of Macedonia, the Macedonianlanguage itself was another story. Each entry shows an approximate match with the Greek name on the left, and the Turkish name on the right. K8 [0 Nikos Sahinidis "proves" that there was no such language. This is perfectly consistent with the hypothesis>that the Macedonians were a non-Greek speaking people which adopted Greek>as its cultural and literary reference. As for the quotation that Niko cites from Herodotus, it seems to me toprove the opposite of what he would like it to prove. I once read a novel set in>India, in which English-speaking Indians were portrayed using the word>"dunya" to mean "world" in the sense of "people with a common profession>or interest" -- for instance, "the film dunya" = "the movie world." Most of these words arecommon to much of the Muslim culture area, and come from Arabic(`dunya') or Persian (I think `dervish', but I'm not sure). handaki hendek ditch, trench. What is the Greek word for "baby"? I am willing to be convinced that the scholarly consensushas changed. Both the Greeks and Turks have a delicious chicken soup they make, both with a bit of lemon, but the Turks add a bit of yoghurt (a Turkish invention) to theirs and use only egg yolks, while the Greeks use whole eggs. - For the same reason, we tried to exclude the words which enteredto both languages from Western sources (mainly Latin, French, English). Greek has been spoken in the Balkan peninsula since around the 3rd millennium BC, or possibly earlier. I don't really want to get stuck in the middle of who was/is Greek butit is not paradoxical that the conquerors always do not seem tobe able to impose their language on the conquered. COuld the fragmentsdiscovered (of which I have no knowledge) be attributed tolocal dialect or to expressions borrowed from neighboring peoples? There are distinctly different traditions and cultures that aren't completely shared with mainland Greece or Turkey, to the point that there are distinct language differences. Histoire de la Langue Grecque Jean Humbert (Prof. a la Sorbonne) Que Sais-Je No. ? / If you are interested in learning the Turkish language, this is the book that most of my friends use. Why elsewould Greeks doubt that the Macedonians were Greek? One believes that they both are the same and that Greek Yogurt is just a marketing gimmick. As for archaeological evidence, sure their architecture was heavilyHellenized. He participated in the games and.. " KAI AGWNIZOMENOS STADION SYNEKSEPIPTE TW PRWTW"'. Even my name has a Turkish translation. link to Turkish Supermarkets and Grocery Shopping - a Locals Guide, link to A Locals Guide to Airports of Istanbul, Why is Turkey considered European? %%EOF As seen, cultures are all mixedand have many common words in their languages. the Mamluks) became Egyptianized (i.e. Explained With Unknown Facts. Each country nearly sent %10 of its population to the other country. Jengiz Khan's Turco-Mongols and the other Turco-Mongols before himlike the Juan-Juan were not able to impose their language on TheChinese. The irony is that the modern Greek came from Turkish. ), British and probably some others too. In the time of Philip (father of Alexander), at least the entire Macedonian aristocracy speaks Greek at Pella, and all these nobles carry Greek names, like their sovereign: Aristotle, a Greek from an Ionian colony governed by the Athenian empire, was chosen as the tutor of his son Alexander who, according to tradition, always carried the Iliad with him on his campaigns. Turkish Translation. After the Turkish Independence War, Greece and Turkey agreed on population exchange. Alas! Posted in categories: Linguistics, Modern Greek, (frost), (open space), (collar), (building site), (yoghurt) (vest) (stubbornness), (party) (good luck), (jinxed), (bachelor), (difficulty), (argument), (shell), (cauldron), (mould), (fake), (lid), (watermelon), (pickaxe) (goat) (good mood) (mincemeat), (huge), (stalk), (bucket), (piggybank), (brave), (stain), (gutter), (yeast), (brazier), (parsley) (greengrocer), (withering away), (gadget), (tapas), (violet), (hinge), (yearning), (canvas), (stale), (grocer), (axe), (okra), (dad), (gunpowder), (shin), (brother in law), (go broke), (spice), (drunkard), (trouble), (paint), (height), (plenty) (downpour) (crowd), (dungeon), (thigh), (fed up), (coyness), (nanny), (divan, sofa) (totally), (wall), (cupboard), (smoke), (market), (beetroot), (window blinds), (shoe), (window sill), (rice, pilaf), (faggot [derogatory]) (corruption), (crippled), (noise), (chest, box), (guild), (fountain), (syrup), (genius), (plaster), (family, lineage), (alley), (heater), (pen-knife), (shape, form) (roof), (stroke), (penniless) (taramasalata, fish roe), (ashtray), (baking tray), (lazy), (can), (ledger) (fireplace), (windowpane), (for free, gratis), (ball), (jackal), (lighter), (bag), (tent), (messy), (stroll), (irritate), (cunning), (pocket) (hook), (greedy) (smoking pipe), (henchman), (pee) (shepherd) (sack), (tuft of hair), (dustpan), (fluent), (peanut), (wick), (cup), (poor guy [term of compassion]), (hazelnut), (loaf), (water tank), (pleasure), (forgive), (mess), (carpet), (porter) (pill), (waste), (pocket money), (butcher), (favour), (informant), (quirk), Most of these, you would be struggling to replace with a Greek word idiomatically. The most popular of these studies was conducted by Maria Damasi and Ahmet Nizam, lecturers at Thessaloniki University, Faculty of Balkan Languages. I see no verb around in this list. There used to be a lot more Turkish words in Greek, but purism and changes in institutions have gotten rid of a lot of them. There must have been something about the Macedonians which was not Greek. This does not prevent us from being goodfriends. The best starting words are: SALET / SOARE / TRACE / SERAI / AROSE / TALES / CONES / HATES / AUDIO / ADIEU / CRONY / CLINT / SULLY / POUTY / JUICY / CRONY / TRAIL / ROUND / STERN / SNORT / CRANE / ROATE / STORE / STARE / PIOUS / OUIJA / AISLE / OCEAN / ABOUT They published their book To Kino Leksilogio tis Ellinikis ke tis Tourkikis or in other words, Common expressions in Greek and Turkish. To learn more, please readWhy is Turkey considered European? house or place, as inTk. It is pretty obviousto me that Herodotus PROVES to his readers that the classicMacedonians were Greeks. According to the results of this research, there are 1200 words of Greek origin in the Turkish language and 800 words of Turkish origin in the Greek language. Other than its beautiful landmarks, delicious street food, and unique location, Istanbul has more than one airport. Gyro, pronounced "GHEE-ro" in Greek comes from the Greek word "gheereezo," which means to turn. He says that Herodotus says that they are Greeks. A few more phrases; Tatl ryalar. F_M_G_W_A_C . Otherwise we would have to compile thousandsof words, but we wanted to find the words which show the cultural bondsbetween two people. With Pictures and History, ALL MY ARTICLES ABOUT TURKISH LANGUAGE (Click on the title to read), Origins of the Turkish Language A Native Speaker Explains. Maybe it IS fromthe Greek root MAK (e.g. What about the word dounia? Similarly Jenghiz-Khan'sarmies/descendants in Iran became Iranized. Romeyka (an ancient Greek Dialect) is spoken in Northeast Turkey among the indigenous Turkish population. The difficulty of learning these languages will depend on your native language and your native languages grammatical similarity with Greek or Turkish. MHKOS, MAKRHS, ) (but you still need toexplain the -EDWN part) but etymologies of ethnic and place names arenotoriously slippery. This is not surprising given the fact that Greeks were under Ottoman occupation for four hundred years. Generally, these people live in Istanbul or the islands of Gokceada and Bozcaada. The words at the top of the list are the ones most associated with turkish, and as you go down . On the other hand, I believe Turkish and Greek people are culturally aligned, despite speaking different languages. What are Turkic Languages? Please consult a legal expert who has detailed knowledge of your own personal situation. It can also be used . Diakos=Diyakos (deacon).I hope the Turks and particularly Ms Deniz Akkus, who has a tendency to makehistorical events from Turkish coffee-shop stories (kouventes tou kapheniou)(last one was instisting that there wasn't any Greek 2000 years ago),were not going to claim me as a Turk!!! Don't waste your first try with words that have same letters. We are compensated for referring traffic and business to Amazon and other companies linked to on this site. hartis harita map. ==== Appendix 3: Giannis Vlontzos' points ====. 'uX/^X,8OKMY Conflict would occur with the Epirus Revolt of 1854 (during the Crimean War) and the 1878 Greek Macedonian rebellion and Epirus Revolt of 1878 (during the Russo-Turkish War (1877 . Aga Land owner Agas Ahmak Idiot Ahmakis Ahtapot Octopus Htapodi Alan Area, ground Alana Alarga Open sea, distant Alarga Aman For mercy's sake Aman Anadolu Anatolia (East in Greek) Anatoli Ananas. Today, it is estimated that there are around 4.000 native Greek speakers in Turkey. /r/todayilearned], such as < fndk < , < fstk < , < tefter < . Turkish native Greek speakers also migrated from the Greek-ruled Northern Thrace to Turkey. #4 ocuk. So, to add something to the previous, is the clock of Izmir, with all the Oriental Archs in its architecture, or the grand bazaar of Istanbul, anything similar to what you can find in Greece? Turkish locals living in the West part of Turkey (like me) feel closer to Greece. Yunan noun. You mention that no ancient historian hints at the difference ofancient Macedonian. - We excluded slang and local common words as much as possible.Slang expressions which have become daily words were included. Anyway, I have not seen any ancient historian "hinting" thatAncient Macedonian was a different language. In the culinary field, you find for instance Gk. The Cuman (Turkic) and Circassian rulers of Egypt during the MedievalEra (i.e. And now I will be in trouble because I wouldn't know what to say and becauseI am a person who can not lie knowingly, I will have to "shut up". On behalf of Esref Eskinat and Paris Tsobanakis:----------------------------------------------------------------------------. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'visitlocalturkey_com-box-4','ezslot_3',166,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-visitlocalturkey_com-box-4-0');Academics state that after the educational reforms in the two countries in the 19th century, common words decreased by below %10. The arrangement of the words according to the Turkish alphabet isarbitrary. Good luck. In early vernacular Modern Greek, knowledge of the West was mediated via Italian (or Venetian), and the names of Western countries and languages follow suit: thus, frantsez. There are many academic studies on Turkish and Greek languages. It's just that you don't know it! Unfortunately, today such a dictionary does not exist.We were helped and encouraged by many friends, many of whom contributedto the compilation. Do not act solely on the information provided on this website. On the other hand, many culinary words have also gone from Turkish to Greek: Keftedhes (meatballs) from "kfte", lokoumi (Turkish de According to some of thepostings in s.c.t, this is apparently not the case of some (perhapsonly a handful, I have no idea) Thracian Moslems, who may considerthemselves to be Greek citizens, but not Greeks. Does Niko know something theydon't know? My inter-pretation is: "we cannot even say that Macedonian was related toGreek. SM> As for the quotation that Niko cites from Herodotus, it seems to me toSM> prove the opposite of what he would like it to prove. This is my lovely wife Zelis and my little daughter Lidya. Again, I agree that the Macedonians were heavily Hellenized. 9 Paris and Esref mention that there's apparently no Greek/Turkishdictionary. Being encouraged by a previous effort by a Greek and a Turk atLehigh, we decided to compile the common words in the two languages.Our task could have been much easier if there were a Greek-Turkishdictionary. Instead, they became Sinicized. The reason for this is simple: from the beginning of the fifth century [BC], Alexander I let Xerxes' Persian army pass through his territories, but revealed their order of battle to the Greeks before the battle of Platees; Archelaos of Macedonia, at the end of the same century, welcomed artists such as the painter Zeuxis, and it was at his court that Euripides died. Generally, these people live in Istanbul or the islands of Gokceada and Bozcaada that were! Way west ( is it Sanskrit? ) to same words in greek and turkish and other companies linked to on site! 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War, Greece and Turkey agreed on population exchange modern Greek came from Turkish is just a marketing.! Derived from a European word ( Vapour ), and unique location, Istanbul has more than one.! Each country nearly sent % 10 of its population to the Turkish language, this my... The Macedonians were heavily Hellenized mother tongue is Arabic can help us you mention that there was such... One airport word, it is fromthe Greek root MAK ( e.g Paris and Esref mention that no ancient hints...

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same words in greek and turkish