glastenbury mountain man squeezed to death

One popular theory at the time which the newspapers suggested, was that Paul wondered off and was eaten by the pigs, thus explaining his disappearance. According to witnesses, Weldon was one of 14 passengers on the bus at the last stop before arriving in Bennington. They found nothing. But it wasnt always this small. Either way, the newspapers did what they do best and ran wild, and soon, others started to wonder what was going on here? Or, what was left of her. A veteran resident of the Bennington Soldiers Home, Tedford had been in St. Albans visiting relatives and returned home on a bus when he vanished. Where could nine people vanish to without a trace? The conditions could easily ensure that someones remains would never be found again, regardless of cause of death. Enigmatic situationsarent contained to the past, things reportedly continue to happen here to this day. Theyve always helped me make sense of my thoughts and ideas, and even draw ideas from things that havent been categorized or plotted yet. As the passengers began to step out, something dealt a savage blow to the side of the carriage. Though my hobby of exploration often involves trespassing, I wasnt about to skulk around someones land up in those hills, especially inhabited land. On April 4th, 1892, Fayville mill worker Henry McDowell went haywire and murdered John Crawley by bashing him in the head with either a piece of wood or a rock, depending on the story. But well never know for sure. Why do remote and wild places captivate us so much? The rough and forbiddingterrain and short growing season didnt lure any settlement untilthe 1800s. The cairns were built in high elevations wherefarming never took place, and most of them are located miles away from the long trail in heavily forested areas. It was 41 degrees and I was all shiver bones in the new coming chill. Maybe. In reality, actually how bad is Glatenbury? Both residents are bachelors, and he quipped that because Somerset has no electricity or phones, women dont want to live there. But, no one ever did, and not one clue was ever found. That would explain why the bloodhounds lost his scent. In the center of thisdenselywooded bowl is a large swamp, its green watersoccasionallyprotrudedby the skeletons of dead trees that twist towards the Wallingford skies above. Curse Of Glastenbury Mountain. I got it. Some speculated Panthers got to him, but others werent so sure. Every square inch of the mountain was searched and re-searched, Daily the headlines of The Bennington Banner screamed for anyone to come forward who might have any information. But there are human things at work here as well, and those have been documented. Adding to the seemingly ever growing list of theories, this one might be the most plausible. There have long been stories of people going missing in the area, including a man named Carol Herrick in 1943. The only thing found at a nearby creek was an unexpended bullet that could be from the old guide's bullet belt. One theory is that he might have fallen down an old well. Whoever he was, he was eventually ran out of town and faded into obscurity. None of that is true, his wife said declaredly. The first one to disappear was 74 year oldMiddie Rivers. In spite of massive search efforts, only one clue ever emerged; a lone unexpended bullet believed to be from Rivers bullet belt lay on the banks of a nearby creek. We seek these places for their inspiring beauty, and ask for the answers to our questions which burn in our veins ofdesire. The population of Glastenbury dwindled down to almost nothing, which later got the attention of Ripleys Believe It Or Not in the 1930s when they learned that all 3 members of the Mattison Family were the entire town, and held every office. But vanishing without a tracepeople love to say that, because it backs up the mystic or, I dont know, the ghostly impression about this place. Many have no idea that aforementioned rail bed still exists, and if you follow it, will bring you deep intoindistinguishable wilderness to the grave of the old town. Beginning in the last cold months of 1945, people from the area began to vanish without a trace. Here, underneath summer humidity, we found old cellar holes almost entirelly hidden by tall grasses, beneath the shade of gnarled apple trees. If youre a fact checker, its worth noting that Middie Rivers was the only actual person to vanish within the town of Glastenbury itself. The blows kept coming, until the whole thing tumbled over on its side. Be sure to have all of your personal affairs in order, and inform people of when youd hope to return. But at the end of the day, everything is relative. I woke up at 5 AM,was reminded that I wasnt a morning person, and stumbled out my back door at 6. And it came fast, so fast that none of us were aware of a change in weather until things got dangerous. She never made it back to the camp. It was after these two murders that signaled both the beginning of Glastenburys slow decline, and the establishment of its reputation as a mysterious and haunted place. But Wentworth had no idea of the local geography, and simply drew lines on a map. The victims ages ranged between 8 and 74 and were evenly divided between men and women. Over the years, the phrase has been been featured in books, websites and television shows, to the point where the name has taken a life of its own. To better understand the hysteria here, let me try to summarize the more colloquial regional portrait for you. I wasnt quite sure if my candor had triggered a nerve, or how to give him a cropped statement of how Glastenbury found itself sticking to the flypaper of New England mythology, but I had a feeling he already knew that. onDecember 1, 1946, 18 year oldPaula Welden decided to take a hike on the Long Trail. Youtuber Matt Garland made this awesome documentary on the Bennington Triangle, which is in my opinion, a great watch. UVM Archives and The Landscape Change Program, Glastenbury, History of a Vermont ghost town, UVM archives The Landscape Change Program, UVM Archives and the Landscape Change Program, Shunpiking to Lewis, Vermont. After its logging and mining days, South Glastenbury was briefly transformed into a trolley-equipped summer resort, with the old loggers boarding house becoming a hotel, and apartments being renovated into a casino. The search for Carl lasted three days without finding a trace. Officials shrugged it off as an upright black . Additional Stuff! as recently as September 2003 a Winooski man spotted what he called a Bigfoot heading into the woods near Route 7 toward Glastenbury Mountain at dusk. The animal screamed in pain, charged the hunters and the terrified duo dropped their weapons and ran. To better understand the hysteria here, let me try to summarize the more colloquial regional portrait for you. The entire burg is filled by the Green Mountain National Forest. Because of his job, he was completely familiar with the woods. Others argue that numerous things could have happened to the missing hikers. A year later, a devastating flood washed out the tracks, putting an end to the town for good. There were unfamiliar footprints in the mud just ahead of him. In a 2011 interview done by WCAX, one of two Somersetians, Don Gero, explained that people dont stick around here. Since Freida knew the area well it didn't seem likely she got lost, especially during daylight hours. Over the years, the phrase has been been featured in books, websites and television shows, to the point where the name has taken a life of its own. ***cell phone shot #clouds #fog #earlymorning #roadtrip #vermont #mountain #landscape #autumn #longdrive #notquiteawake #getoutside #outdooradventures #vista, A post shared by Chad Abramovich (@the_tyranny_of_influence) on Sep 24, 2016 at 4:19pm PDT. While hunting with his brother and family friend, they heard the blast of a rifle, followed by him crying out Ive been shot!. Check Out Haywire Willy's YouTube Channel! But regardless, his disappearance still remains a mystery. One harrowing accountI was able to dig uptook take place on Columbus Day in 2008. Or maybe not. Or maybe it was just bad for business. In 1949 three experienced hunters mysteriously vanished when hunting in the Glastenbury area. The Indians of the area had long been wary of the area and avoided it. But by the end of the 1800s the mountain was completely deforested and most of the Glastenbury residents moved on, leaving behind only one family. Unless there is just something in Bolles Brook that made/makes the locals morbidly imaginative. The third person to disappear was on Columbus Day in 1950. Yeah, I do I stated. Mostly occupied by the Green Mountain National Forest, this is a surprisingly large stretch of wilderness for Vermont. Once again, all efforts proved to be hopeless. While my love of maps inadvertently lead me to my interest of Glastenbury, their ability to organize information and draw conclusions was useless here. The rest is up for debate. By the time the police were involved in the investigation and got around to interviewing the bus driver and other passengers, it had been two weeks, and no one really remembered anything. If you missed it, here is my first post on Glastenbury, if you want more on the towns history and ghastliness. A few homes, a meetinghouse and a crude one room schoolhouse were also built for the few kids who grew up there. I was loving this conversation. But Monday came, and Paula didnt show up for her classes. Bloodhounds borrowed from the New Hampshire State Police lost Pauls scent at the intersection of East and Chapel Roads. The theories and enthusiasm have quicklyescalated and havecontinued to morph and stoke the fire. Yup, thats what we think too. Time is also a pattern. Paul Jepson Sr. would later comment that he found his sons unusual yen to go to the mountain baffling. I loved getting to know the great stateI lived in. There was no evidence of an animal attack, and his body wasnt found. This is where a lesson in Vermont history comes in handy. Ayuh, it happens more often than you think. People who have never been found. Sometime in the early 19th century, a stagecoach full of passengers were making their way over the mountains near Glastenbury, near present day Route 9 in Woodford. Wentworth was quite the character granting as many towns in then unestablished Vermont as he could, with the intention to provocativelychallenge New York, which also claimed the same land. He was laying on the ground in the woods, motionless, his loaded rifle found leaning against a tree seventy feet away. And, apparently, there is a collectors market, clubs and even shows dedicated to them. As you all know I spend countless hours researching, writing, and traveling to produce and sustain this blog. Local residents have reported strange, unearthly sounds, and strange glowing discs on and above the mountain. A gaze at a state atlas, or a Google map search, will show you a dotted lined square that represents a town boundary, only, there is nothing within the square. The Bennington Ripper and The Mad Murderer of The Long Trail were all monikers given to the possibility of a sinister suspect that lurked in the wilds, but no evidence was ever found to prove this. Or just the opposite. So what are they? But Wentworth had no idea of the local geography, and simply drew lines on a map. The work of the Bennington Monster? There are no birds singing, no squirrels chattering or crows cawing. The work of the Bennington Monster? He was leading a group back to their camp in November 1945 when he got ahead of them just enough to be out of sight. I dont really see a connection here to the other disappearances, but I guess because it happened around the same time frame and James did live in the area, it has just been lumped into the big picture. Expecting to catch up with him at the camp, the hunters began to panic when they didnt see him there upon their arrival. There were no signs of him having walked or crawled to his final resting place, no clues at all. At the bottoms, under layers of decaying leaves and dirt were iron bands, old horseshoes, and other various relics that hinted at human habitation once being way up here. Id love to hear more about Middie Rivers, or any stories you guys have, if youd be interested in chatting? Its hard to explain what it is about off grid living, or seeing a home way out in the boonies, that sends odd reactions that crawl up your spine. Afterpainstaking labor and expenses, the town opened up asvacation destination in the summer of 1897, and had a successful first season. It was even briefly designated as a tourist attraction. It had a mystery to it, and I wanted to know more. The range in age and gender of the victims dispels the serial killer theory, but just as puzzling is the sudden end of the disappearances. The first victim, Henry MacDowell, killed his co-worker from the local mill, Jim Crowley, in a drunken fight in 1892. At some point, there was an airfield in Somerset, which has also vanished. Gofundme: Knowing the lore and the history there sort of make you look at this otherwise banal stream crossing in the woods through a different set of lenses, ones that makes professed monsters a bit more discernable. They had heard about the disappearances and shrugged it off asout of controltall tales. The angry mob stopped being belligerent and went to geta better look at their prize. As a consequence, it wasnt really until the 1850s when anyone paid interest to the town, when people figured out they had an entire mountain of wood to deforest for profit, and a logging/charcoal duality became Glastenburys only industry. My friend and fellow explorer Josh is into video editing and decided to film our oddysey. Or just the opposite. And it turns out that they had good reason to fear the mountain. It has a year-round population of 2 people and is only accessible by a forest service road that is all too easy to miss because of its small, squint-to-read street sign. She was easy to spot, because of her bright red coat. We had to crawl underneath a few of them just to advance our hike. When the bus arrived in Bennington, Tetford was gone. From seasoned hunters to an 8-year-old boy, a series of local residents vanished under suspicious circumstances, leaving behind many unanswered questions, but no body. However, residents enjoyed a short-lived period of prosperity during the 1800s as it bustled providing lumber and manufactured charcoal. Though Glastenbury is a ghost town and designated wilderness area, itsanything but deserted. Don't miss the big stories. We heard an approaching 4 wheeler. Today, there are about 8 residents that chose to live in this strange paradise. An odd footnote to all of this; the body ofFreida Langerdid eventually appear, seven months after she had vanished. Herrick went missing during a hunting trip about 10 miles northeast of the ghost town of Glastenbury. Over the years there has been between 30 40 unexplained disappearances of people. only to catch them up and squeeze them to death. The question was, what to do with it? Eventually, I decided that I wanted towrite about this place that has long held my attention, to pay it reverence for having an integral part of my life, and also, because I love a good story. Its a vast area, roughly 36 square miles of unbroken wilderness, with 12 peaks over 3,000 feet in elevation, the centerpiece being Glastenbury Mountain at 3,747 feet. Two weeks later Freida Langer, the only victim whose remains were found, went hiking with her cousin then fell into a stream. After he was chased out of the region, he took back tothe woods and dwelled, becoming cannibalistic, deformed and insane, wearing animal firs and attacking lone stagecoaches coming over the mountains. But the railroad was still around, and they wanted money. Depending on who you ask, there is a pattern there. Though Glastenbury townitself is a large area, it onlycontained 2 small settlements near the western border; the logging town of Fayville in the north, and later, the settlement of South Glastenbury. His party, being unfamiliar with the area, never thought to check. Native Americans refused to even go near Glastenbury because they believed it was cursed. On the opening day of Vermonts first hunting season in 1897, 40 year old John Harbour, a respected Woodford resident, was mysteriously murdered at his deer camp in BickfordHollow, a remote area inthe hills south of Glastenbury. The Long Trail passes over the top and onto Stratton Mountain. Im personally awe struck that such a plethora of incidents are all linked to a single area. Obscure Vermont is funded entirely on generous donations that you the wonderful viewers and supporters have made. Uhh, howd you guys know about Glastenbury, just curious? he asked us with a backdrop set to his tone. There were unfamiliar footprints in the mud just ahead of him. While hunting with his brother and family friend, they heard the blast of a rifle, followed by him crying out Ive been shot!. If videos are your thing, and you want to see my friend and this blogger being sort of goofy/awkward while tromping through the woods, Ill link you below. Im laughing to myself as I type this sentence, but it was a cozy looking, nicely upkept log cabin which was probably one of the camps the baseball capped guy was talking about. If you still insist, follow Route 9 east to Woodford for 4 miles, then bear left on Harbour Road. Apart from the towns fascinatingly unique story line, it may be the obscureand inexplicable events that allegedly happened on its slopes that has really given the town its considerable attention. Or whats left of em anyways. Rural scene outside Bennington, Vermont by Carol Highsmith. Over the years there has been between 30 - 40 unexplained disappearances of people. The Founding Of Glastenbury Today, the town of Glastenbury is home to only eight residents and is an unincorporated part of Bennington County (which has a paranormal reputation, in itself). Her cousin waited for her while she ran back to their camp to change into dry clothing. Was there a pattern here? On April 4th, 1892, Fayville mill worker Henry McDowell went haywire and murdered John Crawley by bashing him in the head with either a piece of wood or a rock, depending on the story. No, we didnt see anyone when we walked by, I returned, grinning at his unexpected humorous reaction. Hundreds of townsfolk joined the search, scanning the dump and the surrounding roads, even the mountains. Maps tell us how things in this world relate to one another, they take data and turn it into something tangible, something understandable, and maybe something that provokes thought or feelings. Perhaps the most tangible answer could be something all too familiar, a serial killer. In the book History of Wallingford, Vermont byBy Walter Thorpe, he writes that a settlement of at least 5 families once made their home here. Ah, that explains the 4 wheeler then. Depending on who you ask, there is a pattern there. Some community members from Wallingford and nearby Shrewsbury were so resentful that they decided to go as far as form a mob with the intent of tar and feathering him. Giant hairy monsters that topple stagecoaches are all good for earning a place an official spook status, but it was the disconcertingevents that took place after the town became disorganized in 1937 that have really cemented the areainto the publics imagination and paranormal concrete. There are no other towns quite like Glastenbury in the northeast and with only one road in town, a winding dirt road that snakes its way in no less than 2 miles, privacy is in abundance. Oh, good! he said, his enthusiasm almost made me crack up. The two villages were never connected, the mountainous terrain was so steep that roads were never built. The only absolute truth about all of this is that people swear these things happened. But regardless, his disappearance still remains a mystery. Things were going fine, until their trek back to camp. Local lore has it that Rivers disappeared near Bickford Hollow, the same place John Harbour was murdered. On December 1st, 1949, James E. Tetford had been visiting relatives in northern Vermont. But be forewarned that for some the hike has taken much, much longer. By the time the police were involved in the investigation and got around to interviewing the bus driver and other passengers, it had been two weeks, and no one really remembered anything. Thankfully, our car was as we left it when we got back, and we sluggishly made our way back down to Bennington to grab a burger. Feeding off my desire to visit as many obscure places as I can, I figured that two ghost towns in southern Vermont would be a great way to spend my day. . The search was finally called off. The quality of Paula Weldons search party was met with scrutiny, and because of this, it lead to the formation of the Vermont State Police. In 1911, the Somerset Dam began to take form. But there are human things at work here as well, and those have been documented. Wheeler stabbed one man in the side and another was slashedan excessive amount of14 times. The bus only made one stop, where Tetfords presence was noted. The first was a 75-year-old man named Middie Rivers, who often served as a mountain guide. Nobody found him alive or dead. No one else can build up here now., I mean, its really probable that Middie could have fallen down a sink hole, his wife interjected herself back into the already broadening conversation. What he first thought was a homeless man stumbling around in a snowsuit, turned into an alleged bigfoot sightingupon a closer look. Maybe. The question was, what to do with it? Dave was considered a down to earth and smart guy, so this behavior had his friends extremely concerned, and disturbed. Like Paula Welden, Paul was wearing a red jacket, so he should have been easy to spot, but Mrs. Jepson couldnt find him anywhere. Pauls disappearance made him the third to go missing in roughly the same area. Alien abduction is another hypothesis. It was at the exact spot where Paula Weldon was last seen years before. In the book Ghost towns of New England, Author Fessenden S. Blanchard spoke withArlie Greene the oldest surviving member of the Mattison family. Population: 0, A Day At The Races: The Old Green Mountain Racetrack (and Pownal Peculiarities). Or maybe, could these unfortunate people have accidentally encountered that enchanted Indian stone, and were swallowed in seconds? she left her dorm at Bennington College and walked into the woods. The college called the sheriffs department. Local authorities were quick to launch another search, alarmed at another unfathomable disappearance in the area. Native Americans called Glastenbury Mountain in Vermont's Green Mountains "cursed", and used it strictly for burying their dead. I know this hollowpersonally, as I grew up hiking here and riding my 4 wheeler through the few trails that traversed the rough terrain (and are not for the inexperienced rider). Another reason they avoided the place. The towns last hurrah was when the Deerfield River valley was eyed for a future facing wonder likehydropowerand the cash it could bring. No details were overlooked, and both buildings became showpieces. The stage driver first noticed very large footprints in the mud that was too large to be a human. Glastenbury Mountain is located near Bennington, Vermont in the Green Mountains. Well, Ive never seen them, but I know theyre there! This time, I didnt contain my mirth. There was no body, no clothes, no evidence, nothing. A grim-faced Vermont Governor, Ernest Gibson, reached for the phone. The party from Shrewsbury never made it getting lost in the woods instead. Sinkholes? I asked, hoping I delivered a cue to get any sort of further information. The quivering passengers and driver huddled together in the dark, the rain stinging their faces. Police and a group of volunteers combed the area for hours. Fearing the land was cursed, they only used the land to bury their dead. Wikimedia Commons Paula Welden disappeared around Glastenbury Mountain in December 1946. Sometime in the early 19th century, a stagecoach full of passengers were making their way over the mountains near Glastenbury, near present day Route 9 in Woodford. This time, 2 Long Trail hikers were making their way through the Glastenbury wilderness. And perhaps one of the most arcane disappearance took place on November 11, 1943. As you all know I spend countless hours researching, writing, and traveling to produce and sustain this blog. Im personally awe struck that such a plethora of incidents are all linked to a single area. The gentleman, who was wearing a camo baseball cap and sunglasses smiled at us and wished us a good afternoon, his wife sat behind him silently observing us with a friendly expression. On the opening day of Vermonts first hunting season in 1897, 40 year old John Harbour, a respected Woodford resident, was mysteriously murdered at his deer camp in BickfordHollow, a remote area inthe hills south of Glastenbury. (Because this entry wasnt nearly long enough). a hilarious book and guide to unsuccessfully outwitting a woman, The Northern Star contains, parody, humor, book reviews, movie reviews and more, and that is when the fight started. It was in an area that search parties knew they had combed thoroughly, near the flood gates of the Somerset Reservoir. Logging was the only way to make a few bucks, so they deforested all of the area mountains. But inside the square, there was nothing but contour lines, indicating several mountains and rugged wilderness. In handy buildings became showpieces and manufactured charcoal uhh, howd you guys know about Glastenbury if! As a tourist attraction last cold months of 1945, people from area... Stop, where Tetfords presence was noted townsfolk joined the search for Carl lasted three without! 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glastenbury mountain man squeezed to death