prayer of declaration of blessings

Please help me to enjoy all your goodness from now and always. Isaiah 65: 24, I take authority over the powers of darkness and I decree that my prayers will not be earth-bound. Ephesians 2: 6, Your Word declares that You have given to me every place I set my foot upon. Thanks be to God i have a job moving forward. I decree success upon all our endeavours in 2020, in Jesus name. You cause the clouds to rise over the earth, You send the lightning with the rain and release the wind from Your storehouses. You will not find it difficult to excel in this life; as it is easy for the leaves to drop from the tree so also you will leave your problem in pieces. April 17: A Declaration of Kingdom Financial Blessings . I decree and declare that the year 2020 is my year of overwhelming success in all areas of life, in Jesus name. Good evening my LORD,Thank you for the love,wisdom,knowledge,courage and guidance,discussant.LORD please help me and my discussant Louis to do the paper with great are our confidence loving GOD.Please send your holy Spirit to fill us .please mold us so that we can wisely read,interprete and answer the acca paper by correctly May we get out tomorrow with utmost success .I believe in you Might GOD.Thank you my LORD.Amen, Thank you lord for this day and life please forgive my sins.grant favor spiritually, financially and also with good health, and a loving m. Please give me a peaceful day at work AMEN. Please pray that God would send me an honest handy man to make repairs on my home. Romans 12: 3 O God, let my prayers be acceptable unto You today, in Jesus name. HAPPY NEW MONTH! I believe that this new month came with lots of success, as such pray that the ocean of its fortune floods your home. With very little income we will not be able to handle it. As we speak to You constantly during the day, we listen to Your still, small voice within us. Lord, you know the desires of our hearts and you also know what we deserve. When you declare God's goodness and get your words going in the right direction, your life will go in the right direction. Daniel 9: 20, And I pray that You have mercy upon and forgive us, in Jesus name. Let the country flow with milk and honey. Because you have set your love upon Him, therefore will He deliver you: He will set you on high, because you have known His name. You will hearken to Gods Word and keep the word, until you bring forth fruit with patience. BLESSING PRAYER - No. I am blessed in so many ways and thankful for everyone of them. You execute judgment from Your throne. God bless you. Hallelujah!!!!!!!!! Happy new month! James 1:22 4. I prayer every night and cry myself to sleep every night. We know that the enemy comes to steal, kill, and destroy but it is Gods will that we have life and that more abundantly. Father, I thank You for giving me the power and wisdom to make wealth in 2020. O Lord, baptize me with joy and peace that passes all understanding, throughout this month of November, in Jesus name. 60:1 "Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the LORD is risen upon thee." No darkness shall overtake you this year in Jesus Name. I decree and declare Almighty Gods Supernal Favour, Elevation, Speed, Grace and Mercy for my son and myself, ALL FOR HIS GLORY!!!! Happy new month. I pray that your new month be blessed with lots of success. I want to speak the Heavenly Languish (tongue). Through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen. Those among us who lack wisdom, bless with knowledge. Shower these blessings on our family and friends, as well. Thank you so much and God bless you. With the Peace and Joy that comes with serving The Lord I Pray for Ancy who has met with an accident According to Your word in Ezekiel 36:25, O Lord, sprinkle your living water upon my life. Father, forgive those members who do not pay their tithes and help them to get on track and begin to tithe. He is my savior and I can feel the presence of the Holy Spirit in my life as if he is holding my hand. I work for him and he dont have any respect for me as his daughter grandmother. Luke 17:5 , This month of November, every word of God spoken to you will not fall among thorns. If this isnt your will, please direct me in the right way. How blessed I am that You are my Shepherd and my Provider. I wish that this upcoming month brings you much joy, love, and inspirational moments in your life! It is that we should have a new soul G. K. Chesterton. Our God is faithful. I DECREE THAT BEFORE THE END OF THIS YEAR, ALL MY CONCERNS, SHALL TURN TO TESTIMONIES IN JESUS NAME* 4. I am freed from finantial incapability in Jesus name Amen. The Bible says that prophets "spoke from God as they were moved by holy spirit." (2 Peter 1: 21). He will pour out blessings so great; we will not have enough room to receive. Where I go, THE BLESSING goes. Exodus 9:1-7/ Malachi 3:6-11. I praise You my dear Lord Jesus Christ, for You are my reason to wake up everyday,in the morning.I am alive today ,You are the reason,because You are with me,I am everything,without You I am nothing. Let me always be a witness a vessell for you Lord, for i have a testimony Those who are blind, bless with sight. Thank you Lord Jesus,for You guard our lives each and everyday,and keep us safe. and favor he has granted me and my. Psalm 86: 13, Father, in the Name of Jesus. Tell Him what you need. I thank God for blessing me with such a wonderful husband who is selfless. All by way of Jesus Christ Dear God,We declare Your overflowing blessings will rain down upon us today. Solemn Declaration - Minor Basilica of St. Anne (3).pdf. I need to be finished and free Dear Lord, Lord, I decree that every power and principalities that have vowed to make the year 2021 miserable for me, I announce their death today in the name of Jesus. Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, Who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in Christ Jesus. Join us to intercede for prayers which have been submitted on our website. This month, God will lead you in ways that you do not know, in paths that you have not known He will guide you. Simply speak God's promises over your life. Good evening my GOD, i thank you for your greatness.i thank you for your love, blessings, joy, peace, love, guidance, strength, joy, understanding, wisdom.i declare that with you am blessed.i pray you keep my mother sober, blessed, peaceful, long life.please keep my parents in life,love, reconciliation, blessings, coursge, guidance, joy, love, togetherness and praise.Thank you my GOD.Amen. May He continue to bless us all with good health and answered prayers in the precious name of Jesus. Prophecy is a message inspired by God, a divine revelation that comes with warning, instructions. Let this be a nation after your own heart. Use your miracle-working power to bring a breakthrough in my life. nothing seems to move well. I decree and declare that I shall live and not die. Please pray that God would lead me to the right Denist that will be a blessing to me. Father I want to thank You for the blessings you have bestowed upon me and even the ones I took for granted. He will keep you in perfect peace for your minds are steadfast, because you trust in Him. Then bless the person! Father I pray and thank you for supernatural blessings and favour upon my family. Dear Father God, Let Your name be glorified Lord. Please Lord restore us back to normal health according to your will. I pray that the Lord to bless me with love, joy, peace, happiness and financially. This is another great opportunity on this special day. I pray that He makes us feel His presence and make His face shine upon us through this Easter triduum, for the passion, death and resurrection of our Savior Jesus Christ, Amen. In Jesus precious name. Your overflowing blessings will rain down upin us today,dear God. Happy new month. I praise You my dear Heavenly Father.I love You with all my heart.You are my Lord,my strength,my everything. Help us to remember that, Shower with energy those who are weary. Prayer for over flowing blessing. I pray for all the youth I DECLARE: DAILY AFFIRMATIONS OF PROMISE. So we pray Your word back to You, as we strive to know You more and more each day. I exalt and glorify your holy name for your continued faithfulness in my life. Those among us who lack wisdom, bless with knowledge. Happy new month Isaiah 54:17, You are kept from wicked and evil men this month. Please continue to bind our family members together in love. Youur prayers are a blessing thank you. Amen. You have lots of dreams to achieve; I pray that your entire dreams be achievable this month because you are special. I have ADHD and Bipolar and it almost ruined my life and financially. I wish you an amazing month with the total package of achievements. Just as you, Im also praying for restoration of my marriage, for God to guide my husband back to our family, to me and our children. The happy new month my dear friend, I wish you lots of bounties in this newly opened blessed month. My God multiply in all your needs for this is a blessing to me 2. Thy will be done Glory to him in the church and in Christ Jesus through all generations forever and ever! Thank You Father,for the gift of this life and for loving me unconditional. Father in Heave,Thank You for the life u gave me,l kneel before Your Holy name Father,let Your will be done on earth as it is in Heave upon my life,let Your overflowing blessings rain upon my life Oh God.Protect me from the evil for the Word says No weapon shall formed against me shall prosper,LORD Thank u for Your everlasting love upon my life,put Your Glorious hands in every area of my life in Jesus Name l pray. Additionally, we command all of the finances for the Kingdom Builders Center to come forth, now! 5. I do have a prayer request, I have my younger brother who is not saved, and he still believe in traditional Doctors. Blessings will become curses if it is not God's hand providing and guiding. Amen! Your husband will be a prayer pillar and support in your home. Surely he shall deliver you from the snare of the fowler, And from the noisome pestilence. In Jesus Name I pray Amen. Just as the rising sun in the morning, I decree you shall rise above your equals and none of your counterparts would be able to see your shadow. Im also asking God to help my two teenage daughters weather this storm, to give them strength, guidance and the reassurance they are loved despite what is going on with their parents. 2 Thessalonians 3:3, This month, be strong and courageous. You will overtake and take over all your possessions. 4. Jesus, Righteous Lord, You are the God of all mercy and it is Your desire to richly bless Your children. We have complied some prayers and well wishes for this new month of November for you and your loved ones. Having the seal of the Holy ghost that I will be Christ like. We are not worthy to stoop down and tie Your shoe laces and yet You have lifted us up and seated us together with Christ in heavenly places. document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google, Scripture References for the Written Text. Say one of the birthday prayers or scripture blessings below. The grace of our Lord Jesus be with you. In the name of Jesus Amen. You, Lord, are the same, yesterday, today and forevermore. Thank you God for your incredible blessings over our life today and the months ahead. And I Pray that you would give us wisdom as we deal with these health issues, if we need to go somewhere else for better care, please show us when and where to go! happiness.Guard our lives each and every day.Keep us safe, oh,my loving Lord, Matthew 7:78 Amen. In 2022 and by my commitment to practicing the word, no matter the heat on this earth, it will not affect me and my household! Jesus you are Lord. I declare God is always doing good things with, in, on, for, through and by me! $25.00 Beloved, welcome to October. Father let Your rain of blessings fill me to the brim and overflow in the name of Jesus. Im asking God to fill his heart back with love and kindness, to guide me in changing my flaws and giving me humility, wisdom, patience, and strength to endure this storm. May God Bless us all with LOVE. I pray God will bless you and your family also your ministry in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord and saviour Amen. Let the curse of poverty be for-ever broken and cast out of my life and my family,s life. Grow silently this month for a seed grow silently but a tree falls violently and causes destruction. So please remind us to be generous. Boldness to do the will of God. Learn how your comment data is processed. Let peace reign in our homes and let compassion fill each of our hearts. Now lord Im giving all I have please have mercy on me let your favor follow upon my life. Happy new month. The atmosphere of Heaven saturates this church and all of its members. Exodus 15: 16. To You and You alone be all blessing and honour, glory, might, majesty and power, for Your loving-kindness is better than life itself. My relationship with my fianc(e) shall grow stronger and better in 2020. Declaration - 1 Corinthians 3:16 - The Spirit of God dwells within me. And indeed my prayers was answered. We bless You, and remember all of Your benefits. I am so grateful for your humble prayers to God for His blessings.I praise God for the blessings that He bestowed upon me/us.Please uphold me by your personal and fellowship prayers. Peace be still Amen. I know you have a plan and purpose for my future. Thy will be done Forgive us for expressing words of doubt and unbelief concerning Your promise of financial abundance. May this new month usher in warmth and peace for you all round. Amen. He remains faithful even in my unfaithfulness. In Jesus mighty name I pray. I ask that You would use me to be a blessing to others who are in need or facing difficulties. Because you have made the LORD, your habitation; There shall no evil befall you, Neither shall any plague come nigh your dwelling. Thank you God for saving me. Friends are the most beautiful gifts of life if theyre truly friends and understand the bond of friendship. Happy new monthPsalm 32:8, 73:24, 37:23, This month, the Spirit of truth comes to you guides you into all the truth, for he will not speak on his own authority, but whatever he hears he will speak, and he will declare to you the things that are to come. I was in debtwondering how am i going to pay off my debt. And we declare that Your overflowing blessing will rain down upon us today.In Jesus mighty name. I prosper and thrive in good health, even as my soul prospereth. Praise be to God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit , Blessings are on the way for waiting for the financial that i am facing will gone within few days lord in your mercy hear my prayer, I want to thank you Dear Lord for the many blessings you have bestowed upon me in the past and the blessings which are yet to come. Thank you for all you have done for us and we declare that your overflowing blessings will rain down upon us, today. Great Jehovah mighty is your name. Father Lord, I am grateful for the gift of a new day and for life. 7.Understand your Kingdom Purpose. Forget the past and welcome the new month with whole your heart. I have struggled in school, went through a divorce, and had trouble with money including going through a bankruptcyI was almost homeless for this reason. Thank You Lord Jesus,for bless me spiritually,financially and also with good health. Your glory is great and your blessings are endless. God Bless Us All.. Amen. I decree that healing is our portion in 2020, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Leave your comments below! We study to show ourselves approved unto God, workmen that need not be ashamed. God will ignite your husband's heart with a passion to pray. Your goodness in unfathomable and Your loving-kindness rejoices our hearts and humbles us in our spirit. Thank you Lord for Your abundant blessings Mighty, merciful glorious Father , my children, my grandchildren and my life are in Your hands and I ask for Your favour and blessings upon us all so that we may become complete in Your purposes for our lives AMEN. Thank You Lord Jesus,for You bless me to be at peace,and supply all my everyday needs. I DECREE THAT BEFORE THE END OF THIS YEAR.MY GOD SHALL SHOW UP IN MY LIFE IN JESUS NAME* 3. Prayer of St. Francis: Eternal One, make me an instrument of your peace; where there is hatred, let me sow love; when there is injury, pardon; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair,. I am humbly seeking prayers for my son who is financially unstable. be seasoned with salt so that I may speak words of comfort and encouragement, and speak the truth in love. Happy New Month Prayer to Myself. I want God to deliver us from every secret battle going on in our lives, Lord you prepare a table before me, in the presence of my cup runs over.. By your glory, your mercies and your grace i managed to complete my Masters degree. Thank you Lord for making a lot of things possible in our life Lord. Thank youthank you thank you. In Jesus name. Amen! I thank You Father,for bless me spiritually,financially and also with good health. Month came with lots of success, as well every spiritual blessing prayer of declaration of blessings Jesus. Your children Thessalonians 3:3, this month because you trust in him is your desire to richly bless children! And for life from now and always us back to normal health according your... 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prayer of declaration of blessings