timeline of the far future

, disappears into the rounding error, this is also the time required for a quantum-tunnelled and quantum fluctuation-generated Big Bang to produce a new universe identical to our own, assuming that every new universe contained at least the same number of subatomic particles and obeyed laws of physics within the landscape predicted by string theory. [111], The Universe's expansion, assuming a constant dark energy density, multiplies the wavelength of the cosmic microwave background by 1029, exceeding the scale of the cosmic light horizon and rendering its evidence of the Big Bang undetectable. 56 10 Timelines of the future. How long until the Sun turns into a black dwarf? ADMISSION: Satellite mishap released rays", "Cornell News: "It's the 25th Anniversary of Earth's First (and only) Attempt to Phone E.T. [153], Estimated lifespan of the HD-Rosetta analog disc, an ion beam-etched writing medium on nickel plate, a technology developed at Los Alamos National Laboratory and later commercialized. [25], Niagara Falls will have eroded the remaining 32km to Lake Erie, and will therefore cease to exist. OMEGA X will hold a press conference on November 16, 2022, to shed light on their ongoing abuse scandal against SPIRE Entertainment and their future course of action. All of our memories and dreams will never be remembered again once the Earth is literally destroyed in many years from now. People place things inside the time capsule so people in the future will find them. 27% of the ocean's mass will have been subducted into the mantle. This page was last edited on 14 November 2022, at 13:43. [113], By this point, the Sun will have cooled to 5 K.[124]. Then we brought you a timeline of the near future, revealing what could happen up to around 100 years time. 76 Through repeated encounters, the lower-mass objects can gain enough energy in this manner to be ejected from their galaxy. [49][50], Africa's collision with Eurasia will close the Mediterranean Basin and create a mountain range similar to the Himalayas. Then each black hole will dissolve into subatomic particles (a process lasting roughly 10100 years), and the universe will go into the Dark Era. ", "Spent Nuclear Fuel: A Trash Heap Deadly for 250,000 Years or a Renewable Energy Source? As it is the beginning of the year we at BBC Future think it's the perfect time to look ahead. The Sun's luminosity will have increased by 1%. By the 23rd century, the entire Solar System and surrounding interstellar neighbourhood is being transformed by an ever-expanding sphere of . [27], Desdemona and Cressida, moons of Uranus, will likely have collided. (The Rosetta Project uses this technology, named after the Rosetta Stone. [8] Current data suggest that the universe has a flat geometry (or very close to flat), and thus will not collapse in on itself after a finite time. [4] Stars will eventually exhaust their supply of hydrogen fuel and burn out. At this lower end of the timescale, iron stars decay directly to black holes, as this decay mode is much more favourable than decaying into a neutron star (which has an expected timescale of When two objects pass close enough to each other, they exchange orbital energy, with lower-mass objects tending to gain energy. In The New Golden Age #1, readers are introduced to the heroes of 3022, who, after finding the original JSA headquarters in a world where New York . Around this timescale most stellar remnants and other objects are ejected from the remains of their galactic cluster. This process will eventually cause the Milky Way to lose most of its brown dwarfs and stellar remnants. ), scientific projections regarding the far future. [1][2][3] These fields include astrophysics, which studies how planets and stars form, interact, and die; particle physics, which has revealed how matter behaves at the smallest scales; evolutionary biology, which studies how life evolves over time; plate tectonics, which shows how continents shift over millennia; and sociology, which examines how human societies and cultures evolve. [40], The Indian Plate will advance into Tibet by 180km (110mi). ", "Earth and Moon May Be on Long-Term Collision Course", Students for the Exploration and Development of Space, "RED Dwarfs and the End of The Main Sequence", "Time Without End: Physics and Biology in an Open Universe", "More Evidence for Coming Black Hole Collision", "Black Dwarf Supernova in the Far Future", "U.S. employ the computation with a different value for half-life. I saw the music video for it (It was showing Timeline from Our Times to The End of Universe in animation) in 2020. [10], However, according to more recent studies in 2016, anthropogenic climate change, if left unchecked, may delay this otherwise expected glacial period by as much as an additional 50,000 years, potentially skipping it entirely. The Sun's luminosity will have increased by 3540%, causing all water currently present in lakes and oceans to evaporate, if it had not done so earlier. [26], The many glacial lakes of the Canadian Shield will have been erased by post-glacial rebound and erosion. {\displaystyle 10^{10^{115}}} Highest estimate for the time until all iron stars collapse via quantum tunnelling into neutron stars or black holes, assuming no proton decay or virtual black holes, and that black holes below the Chandrasekhar mass cannot form directly. If were not annihilated by a colossal asteroid first. If this is possible, rising temperatures will make any animal life unsustainable from this point on. years),[139] and later decaying into a black hole. Mars will reach the same solar radiation flux as Earth has today. Earth will likely have been hit by an asteroid of roughly 1km in diameter. 20,000 years from now (+20 ka): Only 1% of modern words survive. employ the computation with a different value for half-life. This fantastic infographic Timeline of the Far Future produced by BBC Future attempts to do just that. Don't look now, but the Golden State Warriors have the second most losses in the Western Conference with 6. What else would you have liked to have seen in this graphic? High estimate until the Earth's oceans evaporate if the atmospheric pressure were to decrease via the. These timelines include alternative future events that address unresolved scientific questions, such as whether humans will become extinct , whether protons decay , and whether the Earth . Because photosynthesis will not be possible in 800 million years, ending all life. The far future begins after the current millennium comes to an end, starting with the 4th millennium in 3001 CE, until the furthest reaches of future time. See the data for even more detail. While predictions of the future can never be absolutely certain, present scientific understanding in various fields has enabled the course of the far future to be plotted if only in the broadest outlines. [TOMT][MUSIC] Techno Opera about the very far future of civilization and the end of the universe. The press conference will be . If this were to continue uninterrupted, it would reach an equilibrium where 65% of present-day surface water would be subducted. For related articles, see, Earth, the Solar System, and the Universe. It will become the closest star to the Sun. ), Planned lifespan of the Human Document Project being developed at the University of Twente in the Netherlands. Post-biological humanity begins to spread throughout the Galaxy, transforming dead worlds into . Dont lose too much sleep over these. This is as far ahead as people can predict the orbits of the planets because of. The, The sun, having now exhausted its hydrogen supply, leaves the. [44], The peaks of the Appalachian Mountains will erode away[45] if the weathering takes place at 5.7 Bubnoff units. The Sun's luminosity will have increased by 1%. If this were to happen, any remaining life on Earth could potentially survive for far longer if it survived the interstellar journey. Estimated time until the supermassive black hole of, Estimated time until supermassive black holes of 10, 2018 estimate of Standard Model lifetime before, Highest estimate for the time it would take for all nucleons in the observable universe to decay, if they do not decay via the above process, but instead through any one of many different mechanisms allowed in modern particle physics (higher-order, Estimated time for black dwarfs of 1.2 solar masses or more to undergo supernovae as a result of slow, Assuming protons do not decay, estimated time until all, Low estimate for the time until all iron stars collapse via. (The Rosetta Project uses this technology, named after the Rosetta Stone. A time capsule is a box or other container that is buried or hidden on purpose and scheduled to be opened many years later. 10 The timeline of the far future artice is far from the longest page on Wikipedia, but it might take you several hours to get through because it contains so many enticing detours. 10 The Moon may end up colliding with the Earth due to the decay of its orbit, assuming the Earth and Moon are not engulfed by the red giant Sun. The Sun's increasing luminosity begins to disrupt the, As Earth begins to rapidly warm and carbon dioxide levels fall, plants and animals could survive longer by evolving other strategies such as requiring less carbon dioxide for photosynthesis, becoming, Carbon dioxide levels fall to the point at which [[C4 carbon fixation|. (Because the total number of ways in which all the subatomic particles in the observable universe can be combined is The Timeline of the Far Future from the BBC plots out predicted events for the next 1,000, 1,000,000 and up to 100 Quintillion years into the future! Assuming that protons do not decay, estimated time for rigid objects, from free-floating rocks in space to planets, to rearrange their. 10 [125], Collisions between brown dwarfs will create new red dwarfs on a marginal level: on average, about 100 stars will be shining in what was once the Milky Way. The Sun will have become the hottest it can be: 5,820 K. From then on, it will become cooler even though it will become brighter. These timelines include alternative future events that address unresolved scientific questions, such as whether humans will become extinct, whether the Earth survives when the Sun expands to become a red giant and whether proton decay will be the eventual end of all matter in the Universe. Distilling the world's data, information and knowledge into beautiful infographics and visualizations. Although listed in years for convenience, the numbers at this point are so vast that their, Formation and evolution of the Solar System, lunar tides decelerating the Earth's rotation, collision of the Milky Way and Andromeda galaxies, trajectories which will take them out of the Solar System, Graphical timeline of the Stelliferous Era, Graphical timeline from Big Bang to Heat Death, "A dying universe: the long-term fate and evolutionof astrophysical objects", "A Jovian analogue orbiting a white dwarf star", "A Crystal Ball Into Our Solar System's Future - Giant Gas Planet Orbiting a Dead Star Gives Glimpse Into the Predicted Aftermath of our Sun's Demise", "Astronomers Found a Planet That Survived Its Star's Death - The Jupiter-size planet orbits a type of star called a white dwarf, and hints at what our solar system could be like when the sun burns out", "Gamma Cephei, aka Errai, a future North Star", "Vega: The North Star of the Past and the Future", "Africa's desert to become lush green tropics as monsoons MOVE to Sahara, scientists say", "Scientists predict a volcanic eruption that would destroy humanity could happen sooner than previously thought", "Temperature response of Mars to Milankovitch cycles", Quarterly Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society, "Human-made climate change suppresses the next ice age Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research", "Existential Risks: Analyzing Human Extinction Scenarios and Related Hazards", "Badlands National Park Nature & Science Geologic Formations", "A giant star is acting strange, and astronomers are buzzing", "Gliese 710 will pass the Sun even closer", "Grand Canyon Geology A dynamic place", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, "Birth of an Ocean: The Evolution of Ethiopia's Afar Depression", "NOVA Online | Everest | Birth of the Himalaya", "Improved estimate of tidal dissipation within Mars from MOLA observations of the shadow of Phobos", "Pangea Ultima will form 250 million years in the Future", "Summit erosion rates deduced from 10Be: Implications for relief production in the central Appalachians", "Basins and bedrock: Spatial variation in 10Be erosion rates and increasing relief in the southern Rocky Mountains, USA", "Kiss that Hawaiian timeshare goodbye / Islands will sink in 80 million years", "Meteorites, Impacts, and Mass Extinction", "Period of the Sun's Orbit Around the Galaxy (Cosmic Year)", "Gamma-Ray Burst Caused Mass Extinction? The small red dwarf Ross 248 will travel within 3.024 light-years of Earth. Artist's concept of the Earth 5-7.5 billion years from now, when the Sun has become a red giant. They . The Moon may end up colliding with the Earth, assuming the Earth and Moon are not engulfed by the red giant Sun. ADMISSION: Satellite mishap released rays", "Microsoft is Storing Source Code in an Arctic Cave", "The New Georgia Encyclopedia Crypt of Civilization", "How do we warn future generations about our toxic waste? 2018 estimate of Standard Model lifetime before, Estimated latest time for all nucleons in the observable universe to decay, if they do not already decay for one of the reasons named above, through higher-order, Estimated time for black dwarfs larger than 1.2 times the mass of the Sun to become supernovae because of slow, Assuming protons do not decay, the estimated time until all, Latest possible estimated time until all iron stars collapse via. Timeline Of The Far Future. ", "Questions Frequently Asked by the Public About Eclipses", "Causes and timing of future biosphere extinction", "Planetary habitability on astronomical time scales", "Atmospheric pressure as a natural climate regulator for a terrestrial planet with a biosphere", "Study: Earth May Collide With Another Planet", "Runaway and moist greenhouse atmospheres and the evolution of earth and Venus", "When Our Galaxy Smashes Into Andromeda, What Happens to the Sun? It may occur randomly at any time from the present. This is also the time it would take for quantum-tunnelled and quantum fluctuation-generated Big Bang to produce a new universe identical to our own. ), The LAGEOS satellites' orbits will decay, and they will re-enter Earth's atmosphere, carrying with them a message to any far future descendants of humanity, and a map of the continents as they are expected to appear then. 50,000 years from now (+50 ka): According to Berger and Loutre, the current interglacial period ends, sending the Earth back into a glacial period of the current ice age, regardless of the effects of global warming. [195], Estimated time for an astroengineering project to alter the Earth's orbit, compensating for the Sun's rising brightness and outward migration of the habitable zone, accomplished by repeated asteroid gravity assists.[200][201]. The Sun's luminosity will have increased by 3540%, causing all water currently present in lakes and oceans to evaporate, if it had not done so earlier. Estimated time of peak habitability in the universe, unless habitability around low-mass stars is suppressed. So the Sun will finish the. On this vast timescale, even ultra-stable iron stars will have been destroyed by quantum tunnelling events. ", "Changes in Atmospheric Constituents and in Radiative Forcing", "The Physics of Interstellar Travel: To one day, reach the stars", "Spent Nuclear Fuel: A Trash Heap Deadly for 250,000 Years or a Renewable Energy Source? Expected time when the net light emission from the combined "Milkomeda" galaxy begins to decline as the, Estimated time by which the Universe will have expanded by a factor of more than 10, Estimated time by which the cosmic background radiation cools to a floor temperature of 10, Estimated time by which all objects beyond our Local Group are. (The Rosetta Project uses this technology, named after the Rosetta Stone). Collisions between stellar remnants will create occasional supernovae. A day on Earth will be one hour longer than it is today because the planet is slowly slowing down. The Far Future. Tyson et al. Timeline of the far future is a featured list, which means it has been identified as one of the best lists produced by the Wikipedia community. ", "NASA's Hubble Shows Milky Way is Destined for Head-On Collision", "Titan under a red giant sun: A new kind of "habitable" moon", "Planetary Nebulae and the Future of the Solar System", "Ask Ethan: Could The Universe Be Torn Apart In A Big Rip? The BBC have produced a simple yet striking infographic, detailing what will happen to earth and its population in the far future. [176][177] (The Moon does not have wind and rain the way Earth does, so erosion takes longer. 10 This video gives a chronology of events from 2250 AD to the Dark Era of the Universe.Most of the mentioned events are just speculation.The music is made by:J. All water currently present in oceans (if not lost earlier) will disappear into the air. Last update: Jun 2022 Sign up to be notified when we release new work Check out our beautiful books Learn to be a dataviz ninja too: Workshops are Beautiful, NASA, Dutch (2006), Archer & Brovkin (2008), Potsdam Institute, Britannica, Nature, The Geological Society, Bobylev (2010), Scientific American, Wikipedia. {\displaystyle 10^{10^{10^{56}}}} Here are the latest developments: Nicole has sustained winds of up to 75 mph . Then Alpha Centauri and then Gliese 445 will be the nearest stars again [13] ( see timeline ). 115 There is a roughly 1-in-100,000 chance that the Earth might be ejected into interstellar space by a stellar encounter before this point and a 1-in-3-million chance that it will then be captured by another star. Timeline of the far future, events beyond the year 3000. Beyond this point, it is almost certain that the universe will be an almost pure vacuum, with all baryonic matter having decayed into subatomic particles, until it reaches its final energy state, assuming it does not happen before this time. [186], Without maintenance, the Great Pyramid of Giza will erode into unrecognizability. 10 Estimated time until 9099% of brown dwarfs and stellar remnants (including the Sun) are ejected from galaxies. First, iron stars of sufficient mass (somewhere between 0.2 M and the Chandrasekhar limit[132]) will collapse into neutron stars. [2] For example, stars will eventually run out of hydrogen fuel and burn out.[3]. First, we brought you a prediction of the forthcoming year. Then, all the things that happened to Earth, described above, will happen to Mars. Beyond this point, it is almost certain that the universe will be an almost pure vacuum, with all baryonic matter having decayed into subatomic particles, until it reaches its final energy state, assuming it does not happen before this time. Read about our approach to external linking. The Earth and Moon are very likely destroyed by falling into the Sun, just before the Sun reaches the tip of its, The Sun reaches the tip of the red-giant branch of the, Estimated time until the end of the Universe in a, If the Earth and Moon are not engulfed by the Sun, by this time they will become. However, it may still be possible to determine the expansion of the universe through the study of hypervelocity stars. There is a roughly 1-in-100,000 chance that the Earth will be ejected into interstellar space by a stellar encounter before this point, and a 1-in-300-billion chance that it will be both ejected into space and captured by another star around this point. The, The sun, having now exhausted its hydrogen supply, leaves the. The far future begins after the current millennium comes to an end, starting with the 4th millennium in 3001 CE, until the furthest reaches of future time. Estimated time of peak habitability in the universe, unless habitability around low-mass stars is suppressed. As the beginning of the year is upon us we at BBC Future think its the perfect time to look ahead. So long as they do not crash into anything, these machines should persist indefinitely.[151]. [16], The many glacial lakes of the Canadian Shield will have been erased by post-glacial rebound and erosion. High estimate until all remaining life goes extinct. ", Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, "The NUBASE2016 evaluation of nuclear properties", "Cornell News: "It's the 25th Anniversary of Earth's First (and only) Attempt to Phone E.T. Outdoor statues made out of hard granite will have worn away by one meter. [62], During this era, Saturn's moon Titan may reach surface temperatures necessary to support life. The far future begins after the current millennium comes to an end, starting with the 4th millennium in 3001 CE, until the furthest reaches of future time. Estimated time until stellar close encounters cause all planets in star systems to be thrown away into space. If you would like to comment on this, or anything else you have seen on Future, head over to our Facebook or Google+ page, or message us on Twitter. [47], Even without a mass extinction, by this time most current species will have disappeared through the background extinction rate, with many clades gradually evolving into new forms. Some types of science can say what could happen far into the future. Due to tidal deceleration gradually slowing down Earth's rotation, a day on Earth is expected to be one minute longer than it is today. {\displaystyle 10^{10^{10^{56}}}} {\displaystyle 10^{10^{10^{56}}}} Only the Houston Rockets have more with 8. 10 High estimate until the Earth's oceans evaporate if the atmospheric pressure were to decrease via the. Niagrowl Falls will have eroded away the remaining 32 km . 10 Given that the universe is 13.8 billion years old and we ( homo sapiens) have only existed as a species for 200,000 years or so what is our long-term future in the hundred quintillion-year life span of the universe? Prediction of the orbits of the planets is impossible over time spans greater than this, due to the limitations of. Earth's surface temperature will reach around 420K (147C; 296F), even at the poles. . However, it may still be possible to determine the expansion of the universe through the study of hypervelocity stars. At this lower end of the timescale, iron stars decay directly to black holes, as this decay mode is much more favourable than decaying into a neutron star (which has an expected timescale of Highest estimate for the time it takes for the universe to reach its final energy state. [187], On the Moon, Neil Armstrong's "one small step" footprint at Tranquility Base will erode by this time, along with those left by all twelve Apollo moonwalkers, due to the accumulated effects of space weathering. I can't remember anything other. Estimated time until the Earth collides with the. Around this timescale most stellar remnants and other objects are ejected from the remains of their galactic cluster. If this is possible, rising temperatures will make any animal life unsustainable from this point on. The Sun will likely expand sufficiently to overwhelm many of the inner planets (Mercury, Venus, possibly Earth), but not the giant planets, including Jupiter and Saturn. Prediction of the orbits of the planets is impossible over time spans greater than this, due to the limitations of. From then on, it will become gradually cooler while its luminosity will continue to increase. For related articles, see, Earth, the Solar System, and the Universe. High estimate until all plant life dies out, assuming some form of photosynthesis is possible despite extremely low carbon dioxide levels. Explore this future timeline, based on data from NASA, Nature and climate experts The Potsdam Institute. If you can update or improve it, please do so. The Timeline of the Far Future from the BBC plots out predicted events for the next 1,000, 1,000,000 and up to 100 Quintillion years into the future! Planned lifespan of the Human Document Project being developed at the, Numeric overflow in system time for 64-bit, Future archaeologists should be able to identify an "Urban, If people keep using electricity as much as they did in 2009, then the amount of fission-based, This is the soonest possible time the spent. years),[139] and later decaying into a black hole. Click the image to expand. Around 264 half-lives. The atmosphere will become a "moist greenhouse," which will make the oceans evaporate. [184], Various public monuments composed of hard granite will have eroded one metre, in a moderate climate, assuming a rate of 1 Bubnoff unit (1mm in 1,000 years, or 1 inch in 25,000 years). When two objects pass close enough to each other, they exchange orbital energy, with lower-mass objects tending to gain energy. This represents the time by which the event will most probably have happened. The Moon may end up colliding with the Earth due to the decay of its orbit, assuming the Earth and Moon are not engulfed by the red giant Sun. The supercontinent (Pangaea Ultima, Novopangaea, or Amasia) will likely separate into other continents again. [5][6][7], Long after the death of the solar system, physicists expect that matter itself will eventually disintegrate under the influence of radioactive decay, as even the most stable materials break apart into subatomic particles. [54], The Appalachian Mountains peaks will largely wear away,[55] weathering at 5.7 Bubnoff units, although topography will actually rise as regional valleys deepen at twice this rate. 10,000 years from now (+10 ka): The Y10k bug will occur. The subsequent evaporation of each resulting black hole into subatomic particles (a process lasting roughly 10100 years), and subsequent shift to the Dark Era is on these timescales instantaneous. the most ambitious predictions from what could happen to us in 1,000 years time to one hundred quintillion years (100,000,000,000,000,000,000 years)! Estimated time until an Earth-sized black hole of 2160 solar masses decays by Hawking radiation. ", "Energy for future centuries Will fusion be an inexhaustible, safe and clean energy source? Nick on June 30, 2015 13:09:37. [56], Upper estimate for lifespan of the rings of Saturn in their current state. Estimated timescale for the Pioneer and Voyager spacecraft to collide with a star (or stellar remnant). (Warhammer 40000) 42nd Millennium 41,005. Around 264 half-lives. However, it may still be possible to tell how much the universe is expanding by studying hypervelocity stars. This article appeared on Wikipedia's Main Page as Today's featured list on November 10, 2014. [9] This infinite future allows for the occurrence of even massively improbable events, such as the formation of Boltzmann brains. According to the extroversion model first developed by. [175], The footprints that Neil Armstrong and other Apollo astronauts left on the Moon will be erased by space weathering. Nepal's territory, whose boundaries are defined by the Himalayan peaks and on the plains of India, will cease to exist. When two objects pass close enough to each other, they exchange orbital energy, with lower-mass objects tending to gain energy. 3.024 light-years of Earth the end of the Canadian Shield will have cooled to 5 K. [ 124...., any remaining life on Earth will likely have collided [ 25 ] the! [ 25 ], the Solar System, and the end of the far future 1km. As they do not crash into anything, these machines should persist indefinitely. [ 3.. 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timeline of the far future