best majors for yale law school

I have been considering a change in careers for about a year now, and have strongly considered applying to graduate school for biomedical illustration, so I also have a strong science background with around 32 hours of biology prerequisites. Consider getting involved with public interest groups at your school that deal with international issues. How much will my 3.3 hurt my applications or should I not be too overly worried about it if I can pull off a high LSAT score? Thanks. Enrollment for the class spiked more than 3,000% during the COVID-19 pandemic and many students have turned to the course for evidence-based advice for improving their wellbeing. Should I stick to the BS or change to the BA? Many top law schools like to see LSAT in the 170s and I read this article where they said philosophy major tend to socre much much higher than Political Science major because philosophy requires you to think logically and critically. You have the option of studying anything, from production to politics and social concerns, depending on your interests. Score: 4.4/5 ( 25 votes ) Though Yale does not have a pre-law major, the school does offer an interdisciplinary track that allows students to create their own major that can give them the skills that law schools seek. Other than that, the most important thing is keeping your grades as high as possible. Hope you can help! They are really intriguing individuals who will provide you with advice on how to succeed in their class. Instead, they just begin quoting the poli-sci greats (whom so ever they may be I still dont know!) Do you think because CJ is my major that will hurt my chances on scoring high on the LIST? Good work on the great GPA. Carnegie Mellon University. Students majoring in Statistics and Data Science take courses in both mathematical and practical foundations. I have been working in Clinical Research for 3 years now, and was considering law school, and taking the LSAT in June 2015. Students that are able to solve problems on their own through active participation in their communities will discover that they are in good company on their universitys campus. The Major Requirements include Introductory Courses such as Calculus, Micro, and Macro, as well as Core Courses, Field Courses, Electives, and two Advanced Courses during a students senior year. Those who ignore this advice will be the students who are looking around in wonderment as everyone else seems to be discussing brain surgery. Do what you know will make you stand out. There as well are humanities majors studying serious traditional areas of academic inquiry. I appreciate it. Your major, in and of itself, isnt going to stop you from crushing the LSAT. Yales Department of Computer Science offers four combined majors in cooperation with other departments: Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Computer Science and Economics, Computer Science and Mathematics, and Computer Science and Psychology. I am in my Senior year of high school and thinking of pursuing a physics major, would there be an issue with this, or do you have any better advice for when I apply to a law school? -Psychology Any feedback is appreciated. Philosophy is probably one of the best pre-law undergraduate majors for law school applicants. I graduated with a 3.49 GPA (for reference, grades were difficult enough that 3.5 was cum laude). This major comes as no surprise as it is imperative for lawyers to have knowledge of past precedent on legal cases. Average LSAT score of admitted students (out of 180): 150.7 Hey guys, I am currently a sophomore at UF, and I decided that i will apply to law school after graduation. Thank you so much for taking the time to read this comment and for writing this wonderful website, and I look forward to your response! The best MSL programs will help prepare students to transition into law-related fields, or may help graduates better understand legal aspects of their current jobs. How beneficial do you think it would be for me to get a minor in say, philosophy? Also, would a criminology class be beneficial when applying to law school? Is one better than the other for applying to law schools? Ive been recommending this blog to anyone who may be interested, and Ive been following your study plan, as well as purchasing any LSAT prep books/tests through your links to hopefully give you a kickback! -Philosophy My alternative is going to FSU (where I am now) at a much lower cost, but honestly hate the state of Fl and want to move north. I am considering law school because my goal in studying computer systems is to improve Internet access in remote or disadvantaged areas worlwide, and I thought that a law degree could empower me to work with human rights organizations and nonprofits to defend online rights such as freedom of expression, uncensored access, and privacy. Thats a killer score. Should I just pursue a regular business degree and minor in music instead just to be safe or is this the way to go if I know that it is what I want to do? I was thinking about taking a double major for science (preferably chem or bio) and history and depending on how things go, I would either apply to law school or continue pursuing science. However, the first two years of my undergrad currently in my third, I had a serious family issue which affected my GPA. Would a major in communications or international relations be ideal? How do you think I should approach this? I am a third year psychology major, and was thinking to pick up a business administration minor. I am planning on taking the LSAT in Sept of next year and am looking to go into law for social advocacy as well as public interest. Hi, I am currently studying Communications and have been thinking of making a switch into a business program for the upcoming semester. What is more important for the admission office GPA or my major? Do you think I am too far into my college career that I cannot start with a new major? Although Ann Levine, a former admissions dean and an expert in these matters, states that these majors wouldnt cause any bias against you, she does state that you had better not get a low GPA in these majors. Yale Law School is the best-ranked law school in the country and one of the schools with the toughest admissions processes. I mean one that is challenging and is well-regarded as an area of academic inquiry. To do that, youll need to aim to keep your grades as high as possible, write thoughtful and compelling essays and a personal statement, demonstrate your knowledge of the institution and your enthusiasm to attend, and have an impactful and accomplished extracurricular profile. History According to the Law School Admissions Council, 3,472 law school applicants in 2016 and 2017 held a 4-year degree in history. Belle, all of those are fine majors so pursue what you want to pursue. (Juris Doctor) or to a doctorate and a J.D. Claremont Mckenna College. Real quick: Im going to my local state school (not very prestigious, but very affordable), maintaining a 4.0. Im a senior in high school (yes, I know that Im planning way ahead) and I know I want to practice music business law, as in writing contracts for record companies. Now I can choose to graduate on time in summer of 2016 or a semester late ( December 2016). Though were trying to know What are the best majors at Yale?, to have a good chance of getting into Yale, you need to be in the top 10 percent of your high school graduating class. I want to go to a school in the Boston area. The following is a list of the most significant considerations to make when selecting a major, as well as advice on how to select the appropriate college once you have made your selection. Youll want to start by exploring the skills you need to be a successful attorney and the best college majors for law school. Currently my major is Apparel Merchandising. Meet the 2022 Deans for Harvard Summer School's Secondary School Program. This is important for two reasons: First, more difficult subjects are well-regarded by admissions staff. Thirteen term courses are required for the major in addition to a language requirement. Neuroscience would be a great major if you are passionate about it and do well in it. I plan on taking the LSAT next October. I am a Canadian student at a top school completing a specialization in Biology. Students must receive an A- or better in at least three-fourths of the courses in their major. -Political Science So this has nothing to do with prep for the test, where youd see B (major choice) leading to C (performance on the LSAT). Though Yale does not have a pre-law major, the school does offer an interdisciplinary track that allows students to create their own major that can give them the skills that law schools seek. I am getting a degree in Mechanical Engineering with about a 3.5 (below or above depending how finals go). As crazy as it sounds, pure math is not at all my strength. Finance. #1: Get Good Grades Having a good college GPA is extremely important to law schools. Im torn between which major to choose, and my top choices are global business, political science, and philosophy. For Yale students to be successful, they need to demonstrate a significant commitment to their studies. Sponsored School (s) Washington University in St. Louis. My GPA each semester has been nothing less than a 3.4. The following is a list of our degree-granting academic departments and programs. It is also one of the most popular choices. Any advice would be appreciated. I think if you are just taking that major because you found it interesting it wouldnt look as good as a more traditional major. -English Hi Josh and thanks for saying that! Hi, I am a Statistics major with a 3.4 GPA (one of the hardest majors at a very hard school), I am thinking about whether gap one year for a data analysis job or obtain a Health Informatics master degree prior to apply JD. You dont want to exhaust them months before you take the actual test. During the summer of 2022, for example, Harvard Summer School is offering a course for high school students called Law and Psychology. The undergraduate study major includes twelve term courses in political science and students must take at least two courses in each of any three of the departments five fieldsinternal relations, American government, political philosophy, analytical theory, and comparative politics. I just chose to go with my main passionwriting instead of attending law school. Or go for business or finance? I am exceptional in history and political science and English is also my strong suit. The two of us run this site together & we coauthored this article. What LSAT Score Do You Need To Get Into Columbia. Would I be better off majoring in something along the lines of international relations with a minor in poli sci or philosophy or psych? Law interests me as well, but I would still love to study music as an undergrad. C B and not B -> C. if criminal justice is really what interests you can you do it and still get into a top law school? Your email address will not be published. The biology program at Yale will also prepare you exceptionally well for admission to medical school. Yale Law ranks #4 in terms of bar passage rate among first-time test takers (98.3%), and it outperforms by +22.6% the state of New York's overall bar passage rate of 75.7%. Damn Alex, thats some fast LSATing. Students are urged to get involved in the planning of their own futures as well as the futures of their communities, nations, and the entire world. If Chemistry is the one thing that gets you most excited to go to school, then do that and forget about whether it helps you with law school or not! I am currently a first-year in undergrad, and I am considering a major in Neuroscience over a degree in Marketing/Business. The reason that I got shot down is because I applied to my colleges as a chemistry major, which is crazily competitive and impacted. Students in the major must take Calculus and Linear Algebra, ideally early on in their journey at Yale University, because these classes provide a mathematical background that is required in many courses. I am a criminal justice major. Sincerely, Cameron. The Yale biology faculty page features a plethora of research options as well as some really intriguing symposium speeches that are geared toward students who are majoring in this field. Established in 1956, it's Singapore's oldest law school. A real estate lawyer earns over $87,000 a year on average. You might question, What could be better than that? The ratio of students to teachers is 6 to 1, making it one of the fewest available. If youre fortunate enough, some schools will take you on exciting field trips to various museums. Top 5 universities for law degrees. If one of the most popular majors at Yale University sounds like your dream program, its important to start working on your application years before you hit submit. I was thinking about getting a degree in biology then applying to law school. I am currently a sophomore at the University of Delaware. Though were trying to know What are the best majors at Yale?, if you need help putting the finishing touches on your college applications, at AdmissionSight, we have over 10 years of experience guiding students through the competitive admissions process. These articles have been so worth reading, especially during this big phase in my life! For some applicants, this might be an easy choice, since there are students who have a very clear picture of what they would like to do post-college. Looking back up at our chart, we see that science majors are crowding the top 15 spots. Hi, Im 27 years old, with a BS in Molecular & Microbio, and a MS in Molecular Medicine. City College-CUNY. Other: This was actually the second-highest category of majors among those admitted, which reinforces the fact that there's no one . Thank You. I have a 3.4 right now. Also Is it possible for me to get accepted if I major in secondary education in mathematics before I apply for Law school? I scored 176 on the LSAT. Great post Evan. Does taking a certain course help me in regards to which field of law I want to go to? What are my chances? Nondiscrimination, Title IX, and Clery Act Statements, Consumer Information (ABA Required Disclosures). I was a finance major and I got a 177 on the LSAT (23 points higher than the average for my major). Sorry, the second paragraph should say and split the LR and RC with around 2 wrong in each. I spoke to a Political Science advisor about my situation and he said he gets students changing there major every semester from business law to political science. degree program for a small number of non-lawyers who want to obtain a basic familiarity with legal thought and to explore the relation of law to their disciplines. Understand the nature of your question. I still want to get into a highly ranked law school. Though there is no minimum GPA or LSAT score for applicants, the lowest GPA and LSAT scores received by a member of Yale Law School's class of 2022 were 3.32 and 155 respectively. It is true that most law schools do not require specific undergrad majors, and it is also true that a well-rounded education will be of great benefit in your future practice of law (and your life outside of it) but trust me when I tell you that most law professors assume that all law students either majored in poli-sci, or are at least familiar with the language, and therefore, do not bother to explain what on earth they are talking about. Hey, I love your site! There are many options available, and the type of law you plan to practice may come into play as you choose your undergraduate pre-law major. So I thought I had my mind set on a major that would best benefit me for getting into a top-tier law school: poli sci. I study in a conservatory where keeping a high GPA is incredibly difficult, as most grades become subjective to whether the teacher believes you deserve to pass or not. We also cant fully discount the possibility that these majors really are worse at preparing you for the LSAT specifically. Would it really matter if I took philosophy/economics there instead of at a more recognized school? The only aspect tearing me away from global business is the math (calculus) because Im pretty bad at it. If these ideals are similar to yours, then Yale might be the ideal college for you because it will challenge you to reach your full potential. What do you think of my prospects? Instead, it is obvious that there is a third factor A (intelligence) that leads to both B and C, i.e. Im also passionate about biology so if not, Id be fine getting that instead. Hi, Im currently a Philosophy major at Grand Valley State University in my first year of college. As an Ivy League institution, Yale is regarded as both academically rigorous and highly competitive, with acceptance rates dropping below 10 percent in recent years. What, in your personal opinion, would you recommend for me as an alternative that would be a decent fit? Boston College. What is your plan if law doesnt work out? Im scared this will affect my GPA as well being math is not one of my strengths. Some of the most popular majors at Yale include: The economics program at Yale gives students the opportunity to participate in research with some of the leading minds in the field while participating in coursework designed to explore the forces shaping the past, present, and future of our economic climate. Also addressing the article above, law schools rather take someone who is not only passionate about their studies, but who add variation to the student body. I started out as a Criminal Justice major, but upon reading your articles as well as others and talking with the legal studies professor here, I feel like it would be in my best interest to consider a more rigorous major. HELP!! At the core of all this innovation, science, data, and knowledge are countless lines of computer code. Some majors, such as accounting and engineering, give you unique opportunities after law school. Im also planning to change my major for Actuarial Science. My cold diagnostic (june 06) was 162, and Ive been scoring between 168-174 so far, studying for the Feb lsat, with an eye towards applying for entry to law school in 2015. Def looking into UChicago because of the inner-city population and diversity of people to work with, but realistically, how feasible is it? If you will be happier outside of Florida, then I suggest that you leave. More recently, it has been renamed Science of Well-being. Academic and Extracurricular Profile Evaluation, Senior Editor College Application Program. Possibly to accounting or philosophy of some sort. Good luck! Hi Im currently working towards my bachelors degree in music, but i have been thinking of apply to law school. Students also need to figure out what they will choose as a field of study. Dont let anything in this article dissuade you from going to law school or taking the LSAT. What do you think on PoliSci before law school? Admissions staff look for people that are passionate about what they do and picking a major that you really enjoy will make you a more complete person. Are really intriguing individuals who will provide you with advice on how to succeed their. Most important thing is keeping your grades as high as possible you exceptionally well for admission to medical school,. Rc with around 2 wrong in each 3.5 was cum laude ) philosophy is probably one of the pre-law! 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best majors for yale law school