why was meryn trant on arya's list

Brother-sister marriages were very common in both the Targaryen and Ptolemaic dynasty, and the former's founder, Aegon, married two of his sisters. Tossed a stick, she fights and loses another sparring match against the Waif. He discovers the remains of a pyre and spots the wooden stag that he gave to Shireen lying in the snow beside it. As the group heads to Mances camp, Qhorin puts a plan in motion to station Jon as a spy amongst the wildlings. Il a une premire vision Winterfell durant l'enfance de son pre, de son frre Benjen et de leur sur Lyanna, ainsi que celle d'Hodor qui apparemment savait parler et s'appelait Wylis. Meanwhile, Obara and Nymeria board Trystanes boat and murder him as well. Scenes in King's Landing were filmed in Dubrovnik, Croatia. The fight took place at the end of Roberts Rebellion when Ned led a group of Northmen to the Tower of Joy, a tower in Dornes Red Mountains that Rhaegar Targaryen ordered Ser Arthur and Ser Gerold Hightower (Eddie Eyre) to hold prior his death, in search of his sister Lyanna. Despite the eighth and final season being extremely divisive among the fan-base, it is in fact the most Emmy Awarded final season of any show in history, winning 12 trophies including the top prize of "Outstanding Drama Series" at the 2019 ceremony. Le jour du procs, le nain assiste impuissant au ballet des faux tmoins qui dnoncent sa culpabilit, dont Cersei, Pycelle ou encore Varys. Finally, video is simply a hotter, more immediate medium than the printed word. He proceeds to declare Xaro Xhoan Daxos the King of Qarth and, using magic to create 11 duplicates of himself, slits the throats of the other members of the council. Arya mentions her kill list after asking Sansa if the rumors about her killing Joffrey are true, but Sansa laughs it off. Il tait un des principaux antagonistes de la srie. They ultimately come to the conclusion that Robb will have to make nice with the Freys in order to recruit enough soldiers to have a chance at sacking the Lannister stronghold of Casterly rock. Dramatic lows: More incest, Sansa and Arya's fake feud, Euron Greyjoy, the weak demise of Littlefinger. In every season except the seventh, at least one monarch or claimant to a throne dies. Jaqen H'ghar lui avait promis qu'elle le retrouverait Braavos: Arya dcide de s'y rendre pour devenir une Sans Visage. Melisandre then recalls that, when they first met, she told Arya that the eyes she would shut forever would include blue eyes. Disheveled and unclean, Arya is at first mistaken by him as a boy, to her annoyance. On apprend ce moment-l que Lysa Arryn est co-responsable du meurtre de son mari Jon. The tape included rap songs from artists like. In Kings Landing, Cersei gives Qyburn permission to perform an experiment on the Mountain that he says could save the Mountains life, but may change him. Tyrion la confronte pour la mort de Myrcella. When Edmure refuses, Jaime explains that the other option is for him to catapult Edmures son into Riverrun and slaughter every other Tully that stands in his way. Arya retrouve alors Jaqen au temple, qui lui dit que sa formation est termine et qu'elle est enfin devenue "Personne". So we always wanted to show her true age and were waiting for the right moment and this was it for us., Her confronting the reality of her situation, her appearance is a lie just as the Lord of Lights supposed promises to her and messages to her were lies, showrunner D.B. Arya and the Hound stop to water their horses. Later that night, Osha feigns loyalty to Theon by sleeping with him before showing her true colors by smuggling Bran and Rickon (Art Parkinson), their direwolves Summer and Shaggydog, and their gentle giant protector Hodor (Kristian Nairn) out of Winterfell. Arya recites her list for the Waif who comments that it is short and cannot be everyone she wants to kill, she then queries if Arya is forgetting 'someone', implying herself, Arya then asks which name the Waif would like her to speak suggesting the Waif is not on her list because Arya does not know her name. Especially notable was a scene in which two naked beauties (one of them Myrandasee below) arrived to sexually arouse Theon in preparation for his gelding. Plus tard, les reprsentants de la Maison Stark (Sansa Stark et le btard Jon Snow) reprirent Winterfell aux Bolton et redevint puissante au point de diriger la dfense de tout Westeros contre l'Arme des Marcheurs Blancs, dont le Roi de la Nuit fut tu par Arya Stark, mettant fin l'invasion. None of you are fit to lead the Dothraki. Estimant qu'il est condamn, il dconseille Sam de tenter un rituel dangereux qui permettrait de le sauver. The act of stepping out of that burning temple in which all the Dothraki power structure had just perished pretty much makes her the queen of the Dothraki in one fell swoop., Daenerys Targaryen to the khals: You are small men. Tywin talks to Arya about the importance of legacy and the destruction of Harrenhal in the War of Conquest. Wed maybe fooled ourselves into thinking that Theon was out of the woods on his whole Reek experience, and as we were writing it, we realized that you just dont get over what happened to him, showrunner D.B. Sansa replies that Joffrey is nothing like Robert. "No One" You wouldnt be able to help us in this fight if I let them murder you first, Bran replies, implying that Jaime has an important part to play in the wars to come. They begin their climb and Jon saves both their lives before they reach the top of the Wall and kiss. Pendant le priple au Nord, il reste Peyredragon avec Daenerys et la confronte pour son attirance pour Jon Snow, ce qu'elle rfute, et la mort des Tarly, qu'il ne jugeait pas ncessaire. His predicament prompts Maester Aemon (Peter Vaughan) to reveal that he is actually Aemon Targaryen, an uncle of Aerys The Mad King Targaryen (David Rintoul) who remained at the Wall when the Targaryens were slaughtered during Roberts rebellion. When Maester Wolkan assures him it is, Littlefinger tells him that Lady Stark thanks him for his service before retreating into his room. After Jojen explains that he and Meera plan to take Bran beyond the Wall to find the Three-Eyed Raven, Osha grows increasingly distressed and reveals that her husband was turned into a wight by the White Walkers and that she refuses to step foot beyond the Wall ever again. Unbeknownst to Arya, The Waif had been following her and discovers that Arya has failed to kill the actress. Its time for Jon to find out. Effondre, elle ne croit plus en elle, en ses pouvoirs et doute du Dieu du Feu. S'ensuit une lutte dans laquelle Shae meurt trangle par Tyrion[29]. After a tense confrontation in which Tywin repeatedly refers to Shae as a whore, Tyrion fires two bolts into his father, killing him. As Arya's plotline progresses and her soul grows darker, murder becomes her prime solution for every encounter; before she kills a guard at Harrenhal, she does not consider other options, like sneaking past him or knocking him unconscious. Elle prpare ainsi sa vengeance avec laide de Qyburn, qui a repris pour son compte le rseau despions de la cit. However, Beric reveals that every time he comes back, hes a bit less.. Cependant, coince dans le Grand Septuaire, elle meurt dsintgre littralement par le feu grgeois, en assouvissant ainsi la vengeance de Cersei. Aprs avoir rduit nant la flotte des Fer-Ns, elle parvient dtruire l'ensemble des balistes de Qyburn et ouvrir une brche dans la muraille de la ville, tout en neutralisant la Compagnie Dore poste en dfense. Bran parvient alors retourner dans le pass pour suivre l'pisode de la tour de la Joie. There have been forty-nine locations in Northern Ireland, and one in the Republic of Ireland. While Euron is busy with Cersei, Theon and his remaining crew of Ironborn sneak on board his ship and rescue Yara. Arya and Gendry watch the trial by combat between Beric and Sandor. At the Lannister camp, Tyrion connects on a deeper level with a prostitute named Shae (Sibel Kekilli). Ellaria then brings out Varys, who offers them an alliance with Daenerys. Her mother died when she was little. Beyond the Wall, Jon Snow and the rest of Lord Commander Mormonts ranging party arrive at Crasters Keep, where Jon bristles at Crasters (Robert Pugh) rudeness and abusive habit of marrying his daughters. Was voted by DigitalSpy.com's readers as the greatest TV Series of the 21st Century in October 2020. After he returns to the Iron Islands to zero fanfare, Theon learns that his father intends to take the North for himself rather than join forces with the Starks. Martin's novels "A Game of Thrones" and "A Clash of Kings" respectively, the third season covered about two-thirds of the third novel "A Storm of Swords". Profondment humili par cet affront, Walder Frey jure de se venger: il dcide de conspirer avec Tywin Lannister, lennemi des Stark, mais aussi avec Roose Bolton, banneret de Robb en dsaccord avec ses dcisions, afin danantir les forces du roi du Nord. When Arya presumes to claim that she is "no one"a skill that the Faceless Men only achieve through dedicated trainingthe Waif becomes angered and beats Arya with her cane. He responds by telling her the story of how she contracted Greyscale on her face as a baby and how he vowed to go to any lengths to stop the disease from spreading, which he did. Lorsque celui-ci refuse de se soumettre, il choisit de le suivre et meurt avec lui brl vif par Drogon. But when her cousin Robin tries to join in the fun, the situation quickly sours to the point that Sansa ends up slapping him. L'archimestre Ebrose est un mestre haut plac de la Citadelle. Hot Pie stays behind to work at the inn while Gendry and Arya are taken to the Commander of the Brotherhood at their hideout in the Riverlands. Upon seeing the frightened birds taking flight from the cheer of the crowd, Arya knows that her father is dead. Il se montre en revanche trs sarcastique vis--vis de Theon Greyjoy, quil considre comme lotage des Stark. But while Melisandre did not foresee Stannis defeat, Yara did correctly predict Theons downfall. In the TV series, she asks Jaqen to help her escape, so he kills the Lannister guards. After gifting his half-sister Arya (Maisie Williams) with a small sword that she dubs Needle, Jon leaves for the Wall, a 700-foot tall, 300-foot thick barrier of ice that spans all 300 miles of Westeros northern border, with his Uncle Benjen (Joseph Mawle) and Tyrion Lannister (Peter Dinklage). To no ones surprise, he abused her horribly (though, as with Theon, principally offscreen). At a breakfast leading up to the wedding, Tywin gifts Joffrey with the second Valyrian steel sword that he forged from Ice. Suspicious of what she has seen since arriving home, Arya decides to spend some time spying on Littlefinger. Presumably reanimated by. Trs combatif malgr son tat, il essaie de svader en tranglant Alton, emprisonn avec lui aprs avoir t envoy ngocier dans la capitale, et tue ses geliers, dont lhritier des Kastark, bannerets de Robb, avant dtre finalement repris. He became obsessed with Willem, the man who killed his brother, and recited his name over and over at night before he slept. As night falls, an exhausted Gendry manages to make it back to Eastwatch and tells Davos to send the raven. The second season of the fantasy drama television series Game of Thrones premiered in the United States on HBO on April 1, 2012, and concluded on June 3, 2012. But Ray refuses, insisting that violence is not the answer. Henry Tudor succeeded in deposing Richard, who died in battle, similar to Cersei who died during Daenerys' assault on the Red Keep. An example can also be seen in the tomb of one of the Order founders, Sir Reginald of Cobham, at Lingnfield Church in Surrey. Weiss have on occasion pared down or cut altogether instances of sexual abuse. Scenes beyond the Wall were filmed in various locations in Iceland. Finally, a successful Stark reunion. Jaqen tells Arya that while she is still not ready to become no one, she is ready to become someone else. The two share an emotional farewell. Elsewhere, Daenerys finds a way to connect with her new husband and Bran wakes up from the coma he has been in for over a month. Il est alors dchu de sa fonction de Lord Commandant de la Garde Royale, et donc cart du pouvoir par Tommen, qui lenvoie Vivesaigues la tte de l'arme Lannister pour aider Walder Frey, le Seigneur des Jumeaux (Lord of the Twins), reprendre le chteau Brynden Tully, dit le Silure. But most of the episodes action really takes place in Kings Landing, where Ned renounces his role as Hand of the King after learning that Robert has ordered a hit on Daenerys and her unborn child. [50], Arya later watches in the great hall as Sansa addresses Lords Glover and Royce over their concerns with Jon's absence. Meanwhile, Ygritte and Tormund are still awaiting orders from Mance Rayder when a group of Thenns, a wildling clan that engages in cannibalism, shows up to join them. Mais sa grande surprise, Tyrion se trouve un nouveau dfenseur: Oberyn Martell lui-mme, motiv par la perspective daffronter celui que lon nomme La Montagne. Ils y trouvent dans les geles trois membres de la Fraternit sans bannire Sandor Clegane, Thoros de Myr et Beric Dondarrion. Il dcide par ailleurs de laisser pousser sa barbe, ce qui masquera un peu sa cicatrice. After learning of his fathers death, Jon attempts to desert the Nights Watch in order to join Robbs army but Sam, Grenn (Mark Stanley) and Pyp (Josef Altin) convince him to stay. With Drogon nowhere to be found, she decides to chain Rhaegal and Viserion up in the catacombs under the city so that they cant hurt anyone else. Ilyn Payne, the executioner who beheaded her father, was also phased out of her list. Just when it seems like Theon may be found out, one of Ralfs own men kills him. Au grand dam de Cersei, il expdie sa fille Myrcella Dorne pour la fiancer au prince hritier. Arya is telling Jaqen by putting the face on the wall that this account is settled and were good here and now Im going to walk away. When Littlefinger asks her why she helped him, she explains that while she knows what he wants, she has no idea what the nobility of the Vale would do with her. Clegane rcupre Arya et s'enfuit avec elle. Pyat Pree appears and chains Daenerys up as well, but her dragons respond to her command to breathe fire for the first time and set Pyat Pree aflame. On the show, these two storylines were merged together from season 2, because the Vale plot was felt to be less relevant, and the writers wanted to keep Sansa involved in the events in the North. In the cave beneath the giant weirwood tree, the Three-Eyed Raven (now played by Max von Sydow) is teaching Bran how to use his greenseer abilities to freely journey through time. Mais celle-ci, heureuse, refuse de rentrer et ils sont finalement reprs par les Aspics des Sables, puis arrts par les soldats de Doran Martell, le Seigneur de Lancehlion (Lord of Sunspear). On the Winterfell battlements, Arya, the Hound and Beric discuss their shared past before Arya leaves to get in some target practice. Littlefinger en profite pour tourner Sansa contre Jon. In a fit of anger, Daenerys flies straight for Eurons ship but is forced to pull back at the last second to ensure Drogon isnt killed. At the stroke of midnight, the trio strolls out of the castle unimpeded by the Lannister guards, who Jaqen has killed. They share one last look before Arya leaves her and the Hound. [1], Arya is being taught how to sew by Septa Mordane, but finds the exercise tedious and difficult, in contrast to her sister Sansa, whose stitching is praised by Septa Mordane. Il apprend ce qui est arriv au jeune Bran et avant de repartir, il lui construit une selle adapte, ce qui permet au jeune garon de monter cheval malgr son handicap. Women, men and children have suffered too long beneath the wheel. From Winterfell to Dorne, from Lannisport to Qarth, from the Summer Isles to the Jade Sea! Arya looks up at the sky. Mance Rayder explains to Jon that his brothers have been turned into wights. Ils partent par la suite vers le nord, convaincus que leur mission est d'arrter l'arme des morts. Arya retrouve Jaqen H'ghar bien plus tard Braavos, voulant devenir une sans-visage. Arya just barely manages to fight her off and dives into the river. Arya goes to see the satirical play based on the War of the Five Kings in which Lady Crane is playing the role of Cersei, but is visibly upset by the shows mocking portrayal of Ned and Sansa. Aprs l'arrive de l'Arme Targaryen Winterfell pour la dfendre contre les Marcheurs blancs, Arya retrouve le limier et son ami Gendry en train de forger des armes en verredragon, matire qui neutralise les morts-vivants de l'arme du Roi de la Nuit. Uh-oh. Aux dernires nouvelles, il est Essos et est traqu par le nouveau roi de Westeros, Bran Stark. With Tywin already suspicious about her identity, Arya is desperate to hide her face when Littlefinger arrives at Harrenhal to propose a potential Lannister-Tyrell alliance. {Robb Stark}Jon Snow (paternal cousin raised as bastard half-brother)Sansa StarkBran I the Broken{Rickon Stark} A bit further south, Sansa pays a visit to the Winterfell crypts, where she finds the feather that Robert Baratheon placed on the effigy of her Aunt Lyanna in Game of Thrones very first episode. Il participe la runion Fossedragon. Par la suite et sur conseil de Jorah, Daenerys tente de se rapprocher de Sansa, mais sa grande surprise, Sansa dfend galement le nain. Lors de l'assaut de Port-Ral, il charge avec les dothrakis et les immaculs sur Port-Ral quand Daenerys, dos de Drogon, ouvre une brche dans les remparts de la capitale. Behind the scenes information The next day, Arya takes all she has learned into consideration and manages to spin a tale that convinces a sickly girl who was brought to the House by her desperate father to drink from the Houses poisoned well and end her suffering. Morocco was used as a location for Daenerys Targaryen's sequences in Astapor and Yunkai in season three, but the country was dropped as a location after that season. Meanwhile, in the Red Keep throne room, Daenerys lays eyes on the Iron Throne for the first time. As punishment for his actions, Daenerys has Mossador publicly executed. Arya and her father at the Inn at the Crossroads. Arya is furious that he is allowed to go free even though he is guilty. All he wants in return is to be named Warden of the North. Il devient ensuite son bourreau personnel, lui expliquant quil a t charg par les Stark de venger le sac de Winterfell: il torture le jeune homme et lui coupe plusieurs phalanges. Ned pieces together everything he has learned during his time in Kings Landing to figure out the truth about Joffreys parentage. In the books, to secure the Bolton hold on the North, Ramsay married a minor character named Jeyne Poole, who was impersonating Arya Stark. Sentant les hsitations de Jaime ce sujet, Cersei va alors renouer avec son jumeau et ils reprennent leur relation; elle ne parviendra en revanche jamais le faire changer dopinion vis--vis de Tyrion. Her jealous stepmother then tried to poison her. [14], Ser Amory takes his captives to Harrenhal. In the Chamber of the Painted Table, Daenerys grills Varys about his penchant for switching alliances when a new ruler comes into power. Arya approaches him alone and asks how he killed those men, expressing her desire to learn his assassination skills. When three men who claim they are members of the Brotherhood Without Banners show up requesting provisions, the Hound warns Brother Ray that they should be ready for the trio to retaliate against them for failing to comply with their demands. Jon et le Roi finissent terre. On the other side of the world in Meereen, Varys bribes a prostitute who has been aiding the Sons of the Harpy into revealing who is funding them by offering her a bag of silver and safe passage to Pentos with her son in return. Robb and Jon are impressed while Bran chases Arya as their family laughs at their antics.[2]. Pour Tyrion, cen est trop: oubliant les conseils de Jaime, il se lance dans une diatribe dune rare violence et tout en hurlant son innocence, insulte lassemble, Shae, sa famille et le roi Joffrey, expliquant quil aurait t ravi de le tuer lui-mme, et exige un jugement par ordalie, qui lui sera accord. Although Jon Snow (Kit Harington), who we know as the illegitimate son of Ned and a random, unknown woman, was introduced in the pilot, his storyline doesnt really pick up until the second episode. But on at least two occasions, the show went far out of its way to explicitly sexualize his malice. They are both on a mission for vengeance the Hound on the Mountain and Arya on Cersei and agree that they have no intentions of returning north. Mais en fait, profitant de lobscurit de la nuit, il ne fait que le reconduire lendroit o Theon tait enferm. Elle retrouve ensuite Xaro Xhoan Daxos et le fait enfermer vivant dans son coffre avec sa complice, avant de piller la villa et de quitter la ville. As her plotline progresses, she gradually loses her humanity, to the point she murders people without any provocation. Lorsque Tywin Lannister dbarque Harrenhal, il met de l'ordre dans la forteresse et fait d'Arya son chanson aprs avoir remarqu qu'elle tait une fille. Il lui offre une deuxime chance en lui ordonnant de tuer une artiste du nom de dame Cigogne. After Bran wakes up from a dream about a three-eyed raven a recurring figure in his subconscious he ventures out into the woods with his older brother Robb (Richard Madden) and Stark ward Theon Greyjoy (Alfie Allen) where theyre attacked by four wildlings. Gold? You killed her children. Arya tells Sansa about the "Game of Faces. Waymar Royce est le fils cadet de Yohn Royce, devenu patrouilleur de la Garde de nuit. Acting on Sansas tip, Margaery further endears herself to Joffrey by feigning an interest in killing. Queen Sansa Stark is the eldest daughter of Lord Eddard Stark and his wife, Lady Catelyn, sister of Robb, Arya, Bran, and Rickon Stark, and "half-sister" of Jon Snow; though truthfully is his cousin. Missandei tears up and they kiss for the first time. Elle poursuit son entranement en devenant mme agile au combat malgr sa ccit. Lothar et Walder Rivers passent ainsi pour de sombres idiots auprs de Jaime Lannister, envoy en renfort avec larme royale, Walder se faisant mme publiquement corriger par Jaime en personne. Ce dernier refuse de reprendre la gouvernance du nord, tant dsormais devenu la corneille trois yeux. Cependant, aux cours des guerres, Bran Stark et Samwell Tarly ont dcouvert que Jon (de son vrai nom Aegon Targaryen) est l'hritier lgitime du Trne de Fer (il est le petit-fils d'Aerys Targaryen, le roi fou renvers par Robert). Celui-ci dcide de croire en son apparente dfection de la Garde et Jon voyage avec eux vers le Mur pour envahir les Sept Royaumes. Arya protests, particularly when she sees that Melisandre has given the Brotherhood two heavy sacks of gold in exchange. Olenna has also returned to the capital and is on a mission to convince Cersei to free Loras by threatening to end the Lannister-Tyrell alliance. He notices that Arya was about to attack the Waif with Needle and points out that Arya cannot be no one, as she is still wearing Arya Stark's clothes, is in possession of Arya Stark's silver, and was about to attack the Waif using Arya Stark's sword. But the weirdest part was when you have one of the exec producers leaning over your shoulder, going, 'You can go full frontal, you know. The rest of the group wisely decides to leave without trying their luck against him. He learns from his newly recruited spy Lancel that Cersei has ordered the Alchemists Guild to build up a supply of the highly flammable substance Wildfire and by exercising his power as Hand of the King, he successfully convinces head pyromancer Hallyne (Roy Dotrice) to begin obeying him rather than Cersei. Brienne en sort victorieuse, blessant mortellement Sandor, mais perdant la trace d'Arya qui en a profit pour s'enfuir. Alone, Arya and Gendry exchange banter, recalling their past time together and she asks him to craft a special weapon for her. Revealing to Daenerys Targaryen his true identity etc. Why Do Humans Talk to Animals If They Cant Understand? Sams mother, Melessa (Samantha Spiro), and sister, Talla (Rebecca Benson), are overjoyed to see him and to meet Gilly, but Sams father, Randyll (James Faulkner), gives them a frosty reception. Alors qu'elle se proclame Reine des Sept Royaumes et compte continuer ses conqutes dans un dlire mgalomane, il jette publiquement sa broche de Main du roi. If nothing else, Littlefinger says that Sansa can begin sabotaging the Boltons from within before again kissing her on the lips. While hunting for pigeons in the city, Arya encounters several boys who intend to take Needle from her. Menac par Ygritte, il se fait sauver par Olly, un jeune garon venu se rfugier au Mur, qui tue la sauvageonne d'une flche. When the Waif is about to walk away, Arya asks her who she is. Par la suite, elle devient l'une des plus puissantes et des plus sanguinaires de Westeros. There are some interesting things that Benioff and Weiss might have done with this role (ahem, Lannister honeypot); instead they just turned her into more grisly fodder for the Red Wedding, the camera focusing very particularly on the repeated stabbing of her pregnant belly. Il fait alors face sa nice et son neveu et avec une grande assurance, revendique ouvertement la couronne. Meanwhile, on the road to the Eyrie, the Hound and Arya are ambushed by Biter and Rorge, the two other prisoners who were being transported to the Wall with Jaqen when Arya was traveling with Yorens band of Nights Watch recruits in season 2. The only names on the list that Arya personally kills are Meryn Trant, Walder Frey, Rorge, and Polliver. Sandor points out that for all she hates him, Arya could have been taken captive by far worse. After Jorah rescues him from the water and brings him ashore, both of them confirm that they werent touched by any of the Stone Men during the attack. Ayant dsormais nouveau les mains libres pour rgner comme rgente, Cersei maitrise sans difficult Tommen, faisant en sorte quil reste inactif face la situation, et va mme jusqu rendre visite Margaery dans sa cellule. Mais ceux-ci, profitant du rpit laiss par le baptme, ont dj quitt la place, emmenant avec eux une grande partie des navires Fer-Ns. Reconnaissante envers Euron, Cersei lui promet sa main une fois la guerre remporte, au grand dam de Jaime. Meanwhile, Cersei is annoyed that Daenerys has yet to arrive. Arya escapes through a window into the castle, as she traverses through the corridors, she takes a dead soldier's dragonglass dagger. Gure intress par le Trne de fer au dbut de la srie, il se laisse peu peu influencer par Loras, qui le convainc que ses qualits de politicien en font un meilleur dirigeant que ses deux frres ans, Robert et Stannis. Arya's storyline at Harrenhal in Season 2 was heavily condensed from the books. She was obviously excited to tell that story, and she was epic and excellent. Arya notices Jaqen on the walkway above and he smiles and holds a single finger to his face to signify his responsibility. Ironically, the song was played throughout each episode of the fourth season (save for the ninth episode) to foreshadow the deaths of Tywin and Joffrey. Il est ainsi nomm d'aprs son grand frre dcd, 1, 4 () (cette pe est fondue et engendre deux nouvelles). La Maison Tully est une grande Maison base Vivesaigues dans le Conflans. Before leaving Harrenhal, Jaime promises Brienne that he will repay her for everything she did for him by keeping his promise to return Catelyns daughters to her once he reaches Kings Landing. This prompts Jon to decide to tell his sisters the truth of his heritage - but only after they swear this information to secrecy. On la retrouve Peyredragon avec Daenerys Targaryen, Yara Greyjoy et Olenna Tyrell complotant pour renverser Cersei du trne. After joining up with the rest of Daenerys forces outside the capital, Tyrion goes to see Jaime in the tent where he is being held prisoner. On the road north, the Brotherhood decides to take shelter in the home of a farmer who the Hound robbed while traveling with Arya. Avec laide de Petyr Baelish, grand argentier du Royaume, et de Pycelle, Grand Mestre de Port-Ral, elle parvient dtruire le testament de Robert et djouer le projet de Ned dinstaller Stannis Baratheon, frre cadet du roi, sur le trne. 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