sand sentence for class 1

(2012) As he stumbled around the far side of the breakwater, the hard sand was replaced by thick mud. (712) and their bones break up and they make grains of sand. yes, sir. (948) Another source of short circuits is channels through the sand. fossilized coral. (993) A dog is walking on the sand and people are all over the beach, (994) A woman travels by a large octopus sand sculpture on the beach. They've lived together. (367) i can ride my sand and be there in no time. Titanium low sand content) about a month about 500tons. (1811) It is recycling machine for machine with acentric dry method, flts for bonded sand sand. (1267) 1We sat on the sand and waited for the placings to come over the Tannoy. (211) where the sand was more substantial. (1798) 1One might as well try to measure how many grains of sand will be moved by a tidal wave. (477) We cannot walk on the hot sand with bare feet. (1523) This is the most suitable water for the aquarium containing clean, washed sand. (1750) OSL methods estimate the time elapsed since sand grains were last exposed to sunlight. (1202) The marionette took off his clothes and laid them on the sand to dry. (893) Ergs are vast expanses of sand dunes like this area in Oman. (1707) he looked like a nine-stone weakling who had just thrown sand in the face of the bully. (1528) Xiao-Tao light some look of being painted sand people know her unrequited love. (1034) Those sand grains on the beach may not be innumerable after all. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere. (557) It took hours to extricate the car from the sand. 35- The material used was clay mixed with sand . (1621) 1One of the more popular picture postcard sights are the white sand beaches of Rio. Choose from the box: English Class 1/Grade1 CBSE Chapter antonyms- Questions and Answers/Notes/Worksheets PDF, Tags: Opposite Words for class I, Opposite Words worksheets for grade 1, Quiz on Opposite Words for first grade, Practice Page on Opposite Words for Ist grade. (457) but i had been washed away like a sand castle, (458) local materials like rubble, sand, aggregates. (1174) Substrate can consist of fine gravel, aquarium sand or powdered lava. Apr 16, 2019 - Explore Mila Lappo's board "grade 1 basic sentence", followed by 151 people on Pinterest. (272) Try to compact the sand into the mold. (290) as borges would have it, it's the sand. (1403) 1. (785) Coarse sand or gravel with peat or loam is suitable. 5- Miles of golden sands along the Adriatic. A simple sentence with "sand"contains a subject and a verb, and it may also have an object and modifiers. (528) The sand - storm obliterated his footprints. " (castle) Used with prepositions: " The kids played in . Strain reserved steeping liquid through paper coffee filter to remove, There are major deposits of coal, clay, clay crucible, limestone, quartz, Or are their blunt heads dipping to the bottom and sucking food from the, 2One might as well try to measure how many grains of, 1. (1951) the one who used that ebemon to manipulate my friends and turn the sand zone into a mess (1952) and then there were those sand people, or whatever they were they tortured her to death. 36. (317) Saudi man walks across a large sand dune. (1639) the sand sweet spring water boatman was saying also glued Bulletin the content. (1603) 1 While that equipment and gallonage may be, the coral sand and decoration is not. (548) To the west is a large area with huge sand dunes, (549) This woman is sitting in a lawnchair on the sand, (550) A man and a child playing in the sand on a beach, (551) A group of people walk along a path made of sand. (1180) I want to talk about something really ordinary, just ordinary sand. (913) The child was tracing patterns in/on the sand with a stick. (436) And you've got sand all over the beach towel. (761) Bordeaux hit the sand on his feet, a rifle in his hands. (1409) The sand stretched out before her, their tracks pointing to the escape route. (2093) Here, too, the sand is raised into ever-changing hills by the force of the wind sweeping over it. (1684) Some children with wet sand castle, sand pinch with some glutinous rice balls in it! (773) if the leaf and sand villages complete this mission and. (1283) A tiny shell, acorn barnacles , and sand lie within the well of the bowl. (538) He added sand to the soil to make it more porous. (1925) When you look at sand do you see its relation to water or do you see its imprints of life? it's like trying to find a specific grain of sand in a beach. (1967) The small reef will either scatter into the sand or the ridge will grow stronger overtime. 27- golden sand and blue sea, and in the clear blue sky a promise of summer. (508) it should be noted that we use sand as our soil, (509) well, most of what i found was silica play sand, (510) with nostrils lined to filter out sand and dust. (1955) 1Soundlessly the Sikorski circled the dunes, its fans driving the fine sand down the slopes. (Compound sentence) 8. (1342) Cutting stone was done with a rope dipped in wet sand and used like a saw. (402) every grain of sand has to be gone through. (1335) Oil sand deposits are easier to access than crude from offshore wells. (1584) She forced her legs to move faster, stumbling and almost falling in the deep sand. (1379) Much of the seabed is covered by marine mud with some scattered sand banks. (1899) She saw the camera in the sand, one of the tripod legs two feet shorter than the other two. One day Robinson Crusoe espied a foot print on the, The loess was created by the drifting of fine, As a result, the heel of the club was digging into the, Manufactured glass is made by fusing various types of, The only hazard they are likely to encounter is a, 2The weather bureau has accurately predicted the, The approved method of cleaning is industrial, her caravan was swallowed by the most ferocious, suzuki was in charge of purchasing silica, Young boy with red swim trunks playing in. (1273) It's found in lowland areas on chalk grassland and among sand dunes. (1924) The commander stops at a place where stones set in the soft sand mark out three graves. (1908) The authors introduced the concept of oil sand, its reserves and distribution in the world. (1550) Carve the happiness(joyousness) in the stone, and, write the sadness in the sand. (287) The white sand reflected the sun's heat. (1073) A few of them even look like it's been rubbed at with sand paper. (667) so nasa wanted me to take some pictures of moon sand, (668) so they sent me sand from all the different landings. (2051) He trailed along behind her through the sand dunes, along the edge of the tidal salt marsh. (857) First use of the sand blast was on window and plate glass . He compounded water, sand and soil and formed bricks. I chose a sand dollar because it comes from the ocean. (1704) Considerable deposits of mud, silt and sand are accumulating in many of the estuaries. (1326) And it says come down on to the wet pale sand, Come down into the picture. (1454) Accumulations of sand can be formed by the action of waves on coastal beaches. (494) This mortal world grain of sand, miniscule. Nathan stepped from the aircraft, finding his feet uncertainly in the, Suits the special work piece, the precision component doing-like, A black horse with a white nose is running in some, Then I said, I shall die in my nest, And I shall multiply my days as the, Sahel savannah consists of patches of grass and, Some of those grains may then accumulate on a massive scale, into a, Moreover, the tower roof is sprinkled with fine, Good soil structure is one that is equally balanced between, A dense clay would be very cohesive, while beach, Carve the happiness(joyousness) in the stone, and, write the sadness in the, Coconut trees, banana trees, wooden hut, beach and white, The particle also contained magnesium olivine a component of Hawaii's green, and as you come from the north, it is all masonry growing out of the, They love the flying trapeze acrobat who dances and swings operated only by, 2Moreover, the tower roof is sprinkled with fine, The bathing lakeside is an ideal site for freshwater bath, sunbath and, He loosened the reins on his horse who galloped forward over the rocks and, But, by now, you're probably asking, how am I planning to solidify a, Xiao - Tao light some look of being painted, Suits the special work piece, the precision component doing - like, Rusty iron railings beside the tower's 112 steps also need, The parents leave the eggs to hatch where they are deposited, in, She forced her legs to move faster, stumbling and almost falling in the deep, This mixture, initially the texture of wet, Twitter account posted a photograph of incarcerated men shovelling, The spare tire obviously was missing before the vehicle was repainted. (1481) 1It was actually quicksand, which is a deep mass of fine sand mixed with water. (1557) Each contribution in the field of biblical research is like a footprint in sand. (439) 1. (1233) 2Engineers must prevent sand and grit from getting into the well water. The action revolves around Dick's Sand Bar (, but not until gone 10. (342) i also need you to go buy sand. 1. (1901) And you Mr. Parrish, have been living with your head in the sand for a hundred-fifty years. (1796) The sensors, which the scientists called motes , are about the size of a grain of sand. In this video, you will be able to learn and understand the difference between phrases and sentences.Teacher Beth Class TVLet's LEARN, PLAY, and GROW . (1237) Others practiced his signature moonwalk and sand Jackson pop songs. Just like letters build words, words build sentences. sea-sand and sorrow. (779) On an impulse he kicked some sand into Ridge's foxhole. This is the most suitable water for the aquarium containing clean, washed, Each contribution in the field of biblical research is like a footprint in, While that equipment and gallonage may be, the coral, 2Dr. Even the abundance of sand traps doesn't worry Landers. (1156) One day the children in the gravel pit when sand-excavating found it. (1545) Using 220 - grit sandpaper, lightly sand all the surfaces of the door and frames. (1208) No. At low tide moderately hard sand and soft places. (709) I chose a sand dollar because it comes from the ocean. The particle size of course sand ranges from 2 - 4.75mm, Medium sand ranges from 0.425 - 2 mm and fine sand ranges from 0.075 - 0.425 mm. As it was a hot day, I felt very thirsty. (2081) and the gecko, and the land-crocodile, and the lizard, and the sand-lizard, and the chameleon. (1767) And Nanjingsand is easier to be liquefied than the standard sand under same SPT number. To join two sentences with and, they must have the same subject or the same predicate. (809) They dig a small hole in the sand to bury their eggs. (2058) Do I love you? (1115) The coastal plain is made up of mainly of sand dunes and polders. (246) It fell onto the wet sand, then sank . but professor stein said. (1334) A nearby silica sand producer spits mucky water onto the parched land. (1463) 1, General, the monks have been making this mandala of sand for many days. (1853) With flint, men during the Stone Age would sand and saw it to make blades for fighting. (1138) A southern elephant seal bull keeps cool under a flipperful of sand. (1607) He is a rather portly man with wavy, sand coloured hair and a farmer's style shirt. (762) He lights up another sparkler and sticks it in the sand. The sand and the sun are yellow. (1456) Indeed, marram grass only thrives while fresh sand is being added to the dune. (320) these are sand from near the great lakes. (1394) It shows good application future in high viscid oil wells and sand product. Theyre thoughts, ideas and stories. (1632) I lay there feeling my stomach sinking slowly.into the sand on the top of the dune. (1016) the sand too. (86) We need 3 cubic yards of sand. (486) i became interested in sand about 10 years ago. (972) He lay on the beach, sifting the sand through his fingers. (1280) What do you get if you come across a Scouser buried up to neck in sand? Carve the happiness(joyousness) in the stone, and, write the sadness in the, Thus, there is a built - in tendency towards the accumulation of, Coconut trees , banana trees, wooden hut, beach and white, The mating system and spacing pattern of adders largely agree with those of. We provide free educational materials to parents and teachers in over 100 countries. (308) The truck dumped the sand on the ground. (1611) Other than the odd tuft of sea grass, we were surrounded by seemingly endless sand. (1343) The space between the 2 parts since feel pots is filled web sent wet sand. (1502) Use sand cloth or steel wire brush to clean both ends to a bright metal finish. (1498) There is a superabundant amount of sand on each and every beach in the world. English Class 1/Grade1 CBSE Chapter Animals and Their Babies- Questions and Answers/Notes/Worksheets PDF, Tags: Animals and Their Young Ones for class I, Animals and Their Babies worksheets for grade 1, Quiz on Animals and Their Babies for first grade, Practice Page on Animals and Their Babies for Ist grade. The sand witch? (2101) What is the modern definition of "sand"? (1526) Beneath my toes, the sand was as fine as talcum powder and the color of vanilla. (176) 1The sand boat was heading inshore. (1356) In between is a minefield of smaller idyllic coconut and white sand atolls. (2070) Getting a steal, disrupting the other team'sand rhythm, those little pesky things (really help). (1270) We trekked across the wet sand towards Tony on the far bank ahead of us. (772) this means, that sand playground was the turning point? (1330) The swimmers haunches were covered in sand from sitting on the beach. (434) as a result, the vast majority of sand dunes. (1749) He looks for a model with good cushion and lots of tread to grip rocks and loose sand. (500) The child packed the sand down with his shovel. (909) The chief byproduct of combustion is silicon dioxide (sand). (915) 1. (1751) The sand took the glittery morning light and threw it back into his eyes like a mirror. (1354) the city must have trucked in new sand to offset the erosion on the beach. (1892) About 5 feet of sand was scoured leaving beachfront homes in a natural vegetation state. (834) An Asian woman and sand at a marketplace with their good. (1812) She feels as insignificant as the worms that burrow beneath the sand and as vulnerable. I was longing to land indefinably. 10 Lines On Rainy Day For Class 1. (1452) the sand sweet spring water boatmanwas saying also glued Bulletin the content. (766) 1The heat reflected from the white sand formed a mirage. (1571) A black horse with a white nose is running in some sand with a fence around it. (346) Miles of sand are exposed at low tide. (1015) 1To hit (a golf ball) out of a sand trap with an explosive shot. (657) Come and see my shining palace built upon the sand! (1893) We picnicked one day on a small secluded beach and, after, lay sunbathing on the hot sand. (2032) Descending the shotline the Brighton emerged at around 40m on a sand and shingle seabed at 48m. (1937) So, usually, people would say you need to use a sand wedge that can swing out of the rough. (1610) Rather, it permeates organic matter, binding it to silt, sand , and clay particles. (224) He gave a nod, then drew in the sand. (1469) In sandpaper, bone glue is actually the glue between the sand and the paper. (638) The boy tried to read what was written in the sand. (1673) We can imagine a seismic detector being bombarded by myriads of grains of sand. (1847) All love that has not friendship for its base, is like a mansion built upon the sand. (362) He uses only peat and sand for re-potting. (1518) Sweat had made my skin sticky, and had glued rivulets of sand to my spectacles. The chief byproduct of combustion is silicon dioxide (sand). (188) And quench its speed I slushy sand. He had one more chain of events to set in motion. (1889) She pulled herself out of the water and waddled along the sand at the edge of the creek. 4- The urine may contain red sand or gravel. (1279) Sports To hit ( a golf ball ) out of a sand trap with an explosive shot. (1564) Sometimes we talk about countless grains of sand or countless drops of water. (2067) After playgroup we drove to Sagaponack to swim, make sand castles and kick around a soccer ball. (1352) Wind whipping across sandbar on opposite shore, sand blowing across water. . (827) A small ridge of sand separated the field from the beach. (489) 1The island is studded with white sand beaches. (368) the sand just didjam me with my swordsman. (354) A woman lying next to a horse made of sand, (355) Smiling boy buried in sand up to his waist. (1423) In the Central Arabian desert there is deep sand as well as hard terrain. (455) Bag of sand or kitty litter and traction mats. (1420) Once he ambled into a nostril of sand, that sneezed and sneezed to expel him. (1780) I was scared but wasted no time in going out and crossing the bridge to the sand pits. (1277) Farmers made sand piles by dumping the ash and sand from their fields. (1945) She made it to the sand before being forced to slow to a walk by the ankle-deep, loose sand. 11- Vibrant colours, music and festivals make the golden sand come alive. (2014) To do that you must use a variety of clubs for chipping, from the sand wedge to the or 4-iron. 10- The extreme heat turns sand particles into glass. 14- A deep bay with golden sand and backed by well established tamarisk trees. (588) At the beach the kid likes to play with the sand. (526) Varna a journey to sun, sand, water and nature. (319) 1The sand had spilt from the fire bucket. (427) We beheld the beautiful sand beach before us. (476) Your scheme is like a house built on the sand. (1664) A thin, bad-tempered breeze blew sand into our faces and whipped up under my skirt. (291) It's like making lunch with sand paper. A full sentence has a subject, a verb and expresses a complete thought. (598) This is sand dune, It blowing heavily at that time. (1541) Stingrays bury themselves deep in the sand and pop out to surprise their prey. Ist grade. (603) that would be the stand to the sand glass chamber. 13- The golden sand was taken from the sandpit in the Gliankes . (371) quicksand is a mix of sand, mud and water. (822) I've crossed a world of sand and tears in search of you. (1370) Imagine that you can hear the waves gently lapping on to the soft sand. (1845) Trim back fuchsias brought in from the garden and pot them up in a peat and sand mixture. (2087) 1. Our members helped us give away millions of worksheets last year. When we say Mayank, we mean a person. (808) 1Thomas was playing in a little fenced area full of sand. 1. a. : a loose granular material that results from the disintegration of rocks, consists of particles smaller than gravel but coarser than silt, and is used in mortar, glass, abrasives, and foundry molds. (619) How many grains of sand are there on the beach? Miles of sand are exposed at low tide. 14- The population relatively features others to suffer acute sands . ( 762 ) He added sand to offset the erosion on the side... Loose sand beach towel island is studded with white sand beaches 1798 ) 1One the. 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