peter sagan unbound results

Description: Some large mud ruins, probably a fort, on a low bluff. 30. H.-P. Francfort 269. Collection: Kabul Museum - sherds Fischer, Bonn University - Source: Fischer et al., (4.111): 35- mention TOPRAKKALE Lat 'N, long 'E. Ghur Province. Map 104. A number of artificial caves are cut into the hill behind, and the nearby village is built of ancient masonry from the site Masson - I. Masson 1842, 3 (l.64): brief description. Travaux archeologiques: 1952 Le Berre & Gardin, OAF A - prospection. '", Description: A fortified village surrounded by two enclosure walls. Maitland 1888a (J.621): brief description. Balsan 1972b (l.66): mention QAL' A-I HINDU Lat 'N, long 'E. (A) Les principales sont, a l'extremite Sud, celles d'un grand site fortifie, alimente en eau par un canal dont on suit Jes traces vers le Nord-Est jusqu'a sa prise sur la rive droite de la Jilga (ce canal a ete coupe par le ravin de formation recente mentionne plus haut: ii est visible en coupe au sommet des falaises de cedernier, sur Jes deux rives). Ningrahar Province. A 700 m a I'Ouest de Deh Nahr-i Jadid (No. 70 ll'e. On the west bank of the Kunar River, c. 45 km north of Chigha Sarai. Baghlan Province. IV - n 9. See ROD-I SHAHRA WAN TURT QUL TEPE Or SAYYAD. Carte 79. Ghur Province. Baghlan.Province. Date: Ghurid, l l 75/76. Sources. Shakur 1947 (4.111): 69- mention. However, when a commoner name, though strictly speaking inaccurate, does not mislead, I have retained it for convention's sake. The two pillars are completely covered with carved geometric patterns. Description: Butte carree (ca. Dates: Achemenide, 6e-4e s. av. Pugachenkova 1963 (4.112): general summary. Ma.sson 1841 (4.11 ): & 98 - brief description of the stupa and contents. Description: An artificial mound. 9. 'est de la ville ct' Aqcha, de part et d'autre de la route de Balkh mais plus particulierement au Sud de celle-ci. Kandahar Province. 7. On a steep mountainside 330 m above the valley floor on the east side of the Kokcha River, c. 56 km south of Jurm. (Inscription). It should be unacceptable but I dont know what can be done. Diez 1923 (4.18): & pis describes the minarets and the Tomb of Mahmud. (Ceramique). CHUGUR Or CHOQOR. Map llo. 26. XI - n 35:;_ J.-C. Gardin QAL'A-1 JAN BEG. Le sommet de ces massifs, conserves sur. See BEGRAM. The Afghan border post on the left bank of the Kushk River, 113 km north of Herat. 34. 3. Dates: Hellenistique, 3e-le' s. av. To the west are a series of four pits, 3 m in diameter. Date: Safarid, 9th C. (Architectural). Description: Remains of an old fort guarding the approach to Karkat on the Oxus. Description: A small mound c. 80 X 50 m in area and IO m in height Swiny, BIAS RABAT-I SANG-I PA'IN Stuart Swiny Lat 'N, long 'E approximately. Appendix by Curiel on the excavations. 'est d'une ruine secondaire. "[52] Those things, she argues, include the "greatest strength" of The Lord of the Rings, that "in sensibility it is a (capital-R) Romantic work". The maps therefore are not only meant as an illustration to the Site Catalogue, but are also meant as a guide and an indication for further field research. 3. 2. Bombaci 1962 (4.18) - outline of the main features of Ghaznavid architecture. Description: A vast area of remains stretching for a distance of several kilometres. 4. 83): 34-41, pis 2, 3, brief summary of the art and photos of the frescos on display in the Kabul Museum Sengupta 1971 (4.113) - brief note on the technical problems involved in the preservation work. On the north bank of the Helmand, IO km west of Chahar Burjak. 9 m. Collection: DAFA - tessons. 6 m (cote terrasse ), a ete fortement rogne par Jes cultures, ainsi que par un canal creuse en contre-bas (cote fleuve): Ia. Just below the fort is a mound resembling a stupa. 7. Date: Seljuk, 12th C. (Stylistic). 15. [161], From ancient sources, such as Chinese oracle bones, it is known that comets have been noticed by humans for millennia. Hyperbolic comets may pass once through the inner Solar System before being flung to interstellar space. There is also a complex of artificial caves nearby Bivar, SOAS Taddei & Verardi. Lat '-37 ll'n, long '-69 46'E. BADWAN. Description: Ruins of a mud fort Merk, ABC - topographical Source: Merk 1888 (1.621): 26 - mention QAL'A-1 AKHURAQ Lat 'N, long. Lat 'N, long 'E. Pres du tepe precedent (n 268). J.-C. (A); kushan et periode hephtalo-turque, le'_9e s. (A, B); Islam premongol,!oe-13e s. (B, C). (C) Butte oblongue Nord-Sud (20 X 10 m, haut. On the contrary, it is an excellent opportunity for a long overdue reassessment and general stock-taking, with all field-work completed in the past finally getting published. VII - n"' J.-C. Gardin 209. Hackin 1933 (4.112) - description of the frescos. 200 m to the southwest of the city walls is a large domed building dated 1485/6, the Shrine of Mir-i Shahid or Abdullah al-walid. 21. Source ;Gardin & Lyonnet (4.111): pl. Description: An area of c. 2 square km of mud ruins and mounds with widely scattered sherds and building debris. ASNAM Lat 'N, long l 'E. I Hackin, DAFA - excavations Barger, ASI Wheeler, ASI - reconnaissance Cammann, University Museum, Penn. There is also a wide surface scatter of iron slag. There are many more artificial mounds on the plain. In the area west ofhaibak. SHIBAR, versant Ouest. A I km a! Trousdale 1975 (4.112): discusses the swords depicted on some of the reliefs. 4. Ghirshman 1957 (4.15) - discusses the evidence from Begram for Kushan chronology 83. Amir Khan 1888 (l.621): mention. Description: Extensive ruins of a town and irriga- 205, 207 Nos 839 (suite) a 842 tion system. A survey in theory covers all - or at least a major, representational part - of the surface evidence of a particular area. Learn more about our most popular authors and upcoming author events at Penguin Random House. J 12): discusses the sword depicted on one of the marble reliefs. Ph. Maps 103, 120. 3. Travaux archeologiques. 3. Schlumberger 1950 (4.18) - describes the excavation of the audience hall, the palace mosque, the garden pavilion and the bazar. 13 km east of Lal, 79 km west of Panjau on the central road. (Stylistic). Leriche & Thoraval 1979 (4.14) - detailed report on the excavation of the fountain. Le Berre 1981 (4.111) - itinerary B2, ruins 6 & KAMA DAKKA See also DAKKA & LALPURA. Biscione 1977 (4.121): brief description. 2. Gullini 1961 (1.83): pis photos of the objects on display in the Kabul Museum. Province de Bamiyan. Description: Petite ruine sur la falaise (fortin? 3. Description: Many caves cut into the rock face. Including SAFID DAGH & SURKH DAGH. 19. Date: Kushan, 1st-3rd C. (Stylistic). Collection: DAFA - tessons. Source: Gazetteer 1975 (1.41): 81 - mention CHULA Lat 'N, long 'E. Source: Gardin & Lyonnet ( ): pl. Description: (A) Butte de forme irreguliere, couvrant une surface de 70 m (Est-Ouest) X 40 m (Nord-Sud), attaquee par Jes rizieres au Nord et a! 4. Date: periode hephtalo-turque, 5e_9e s. (Ceramique). Habibi 1977 (4.18) - analysis of the inscriptions. Description: Some mounds and ruins. Province de Takhar. GANDACHASHMA Lat 'N, long 'E. 18. There are also remains of many irrigation channels in the vicinity. 4. Map 113. The Comet of 1729 is estimated to have been 100km in diameter and came to perihelion inside of Jupiter's orbit at 4 AU. Province de Farah. 48. Collection: DAFA - tessons. [94] When flung into the orbit of the sun, and being continuously dragged towards it, tons of matter are stripped from the comets which greatly influence their lifetime; the more stripped, the shorter they live and vice versa.[95]. Date: Timurid, 15th-16th C. (Ceramic). The value of such a guide soon became apparent, and it was decided to expand this index into a full catalogue encompassing as many of the sites and monuments as possible that could be found from published sources. Takhar Province. Map 104. Gardin 1975 (4.14)- brief summary of the pottery from the 1974 season. Lat 'N, long 'E. Lat 'N, long. 31 l6'n, long. MIN BASHI. 3, I 16. Rawlinson 1872 (2.1): background to Buddhism at Balkh. 14. Map 104. Franz 1978 (4.16) - discusses the monument and Buddhist pillar cults. Description: Nil. 2. Mentions the caves. To the north is a lower enclosure containing very many building remains, and further to the northeast is a second lower enclosure on a steep slope. Description: A series of granite boulders covered in petroglyphs depicting ibex and hunters. Hallade & Hinz 1968 (4.16): pis XVI, XVII, 53, 126, 175 & discuss the development of Gandharan art. C. 8 km southwest of Gulran, at the southern extremity of the plain. The remains are to the east and southeast of the village. On the northeastern shore of the Ab-i Istada, southeast of Muqqur. QIZIL QAL' A, Imam Sahib. Map 130. (Stylistic). The site is 13 km northeast of the village of Chit Rabat. Collection: DAF A - tessons. Seckel 1964 (4.16): discussion ofbamiyan in the context of the spread of Buddhism. QAL' A-I JAMSHID Lat 'N, long 'E. Description: A very large mound rising above the river flats Maitland, ABC - topographical I. Maitland 1888b (1.621): mention. 11. Women s State of the Media Democracy 2012 L observatoire international des usages et interactions des mdias, INDUSTRY CANADA / INDUSTRIE CANADA RFP #IC401468/ DDP #IC401468. Dates: Kushan & Early Sasanian, 2nd-6th C; Turk, 7th- 10th C. (Ceramic). Fischer 1971 b ( ): photos and brief description of the remains. In the desert south of the Rud-i Biyaban, IO km east of Iran Border Post 20 and 8 km west of Gina. Description : Grand tepe peu eleve; sur le cote Nord, place carree bordee de murs (60 X 60 m environ). Nimriiz Province. Gazetteer 1973, 2 (1.41): mention QANA-1 BABA KAMAL Or GAZA BABRA KAMAL. 4. Balkh Province. Date: Timurid, 1441/2 (Epigraphic, stylistic). Foucher (4.11): brief description. 2. Date: Timurid, 1428/9 (Inscription) Description: Ruins of a baked brick mosque. 9. Lat 'N, long 'E. Hayashi & Sahara 1962(4.111)-summary in Japanese of the survey results. I & 54 Danish Anthropological Expedition Fischer, DAAD - 1. Klimberg 1963 (4.18): summary of the ornamentation of the monuments. 37) and describes the pottery and general results of the BAND-I RUSTAM. Ningrahar Province. McBurney 1972 (4.111): brief discussion of Coon's work with a summary and plan of his own work. Source: Gardin & Lyonnet ( ): pl n s J.-C. Gardin 510. 1. Collection: Kabul Museum - sherds Fischer, Bonn University - Source: Fischer et al (4.111): brief description GHAL-1 NAMAK Lat 'N, long 'E approximately. Province de Farah. There is also a deep, bricklined well and a subterranean gallery descending some 35 m to a vaulted, brick-lined chamberc. Nimniz Province. Ferrier 1857 (l.64): mention. Ningrahar Province. 2. Cartes 36.4, 36.5, 85. Bivar 1968 (4.218) - discusses some of the coins of the "Sijistan barbarous" series found recently in and around the site. 82. [183], Isaac Newton, in his Principia Mathematica of 1687, proved that an object moving under the influence of gravity by an inverse square law must trace out an orbit shaped like one of the conic sections, and he demonstrated how to fit a comet's path through the sky to a parabolic orbit, using the comet of 1680 as an example. Lesommet ageneralement! Fischer 1969 (4.111): brief summary. Province de Kandahar. J.-C. (A, B, F); kushan et periode hephtalo-turque, le'_9e s. (A-F); quelques tessons islamiques sur tous Jes tepes. Dates: Bronze, 2e mill. C. IO km north ofsang-i Masha on the road to Malistan. Map 142. Fischer 1971 b (4.11 I): 44- aerial and ground photos, and a summary of the ruin types (Site 35). Plusieurs jarres de type greco-bactrien et kushan reutilisees dans Jes maisons actuelles; dans l'une d'elles (? (B) A 400 m vers le Sud, dans Jes champs de co ton, butte en equerre Nord-Sud ( 40 X 40 m), sommet aplati (2 m). 13. Source: Bellew 1874 (l.64): mention KHUSH TEPE Or FULLUL. 6 km south of Baghlan on the road to Pul-i Kl}umri. J.-C.; kushan, ler-4e s.; quelques tessons islamiques. At the foot of the hills at the southern extremity of the Kuh-i Daman Plain, 9 km northwest of the Khair Khana Pass. The mounds probably represent stupas, at least two stupa-monastery complexes being recognized. 70. 4. Dates: Sasanian, 3rd-7th C; Turki Shahi & Early Islamic, 8th-13th C. (Ceramic). Dates: Hephthalite/pre-Mongol Islamic, 6th-12th C. (Ceramic); Ghaznavid, (Stylistic). J.-C.; kushan,!er_ 4e s.; quelques tessons islamiques. Barger 1944 (4.111): brief discussion of the stucco heads and photos of the Buddhist remains. 'emplacement du coude. Matson 1957(4.11): 12-verybriefsummaryofthe American excavations. Ningrahar Province. Map 100. Fischer 1967a (4.111): mention and aerial photo. I 14. Masson 1842, I & 2 (1.64): 3 & mention. Sarianidi 1977c(4.lll): 116-briefsummary. 8. Dates: Early Iron Age, c BC (C-14, ceramic); Kushan, 100 BC-100 AD. 8. J.-C. Gardin 448. Hackin 1959c (4.111): 27 - mention, with a plan and photos. )8)-photos of the architecture and historical - geographical background of the site in relation to other places mentioned in the sources. l 955 & 60 Fischer, DAAD - 1. "Hobbits would have liked to live quiet rural lives if they could have". Source: Archives D AF A : rapport M. Le Berre 1948, inedit, tepe p. 10. In the vicinity are extensive remains of gardens and canals. Description: Remains of many iwan houses. M. N. Kohzad 1959 (4.112): 7 - brief description. 5. Map 110. pholes but no towers, and has a narrow vaulted gallery around the top. Field-11 ork: Peacocke, ABC - topographical Tate, SAC - I. Smith 1876 ( 1.64 ): mention. On the south bank of the Helmand west of Rudbar, towards Lat Qal'a. Description: About 30 caves cut into the side of a hill near a spring. 78. 5 km east of Sang-i Masha, at the point where the Luman stream meets the Arghandab River. [15] As such, they are popularly described as "dirty snowballs" after Fred Whipple's model. Some Mundigak VI-VII sherds recovered Ramachandran & Sharma, ASI - reconnaissance. Description: Butte carree (60 X 60 m) orientee Nord-Nord-Est - Sud-Sud-Ouest, pentes tres abruptes, taillees a la base pour faire plate aux cultures et aux maisons toutes proches. (C) Groupe de buttes rapprochees, sur le plateau de Sar Rustaq, a ca. av. 0 35'E. For Peter Sagan, "'Team spirit is the basis of volunteering' La muraille domine la plaine de Qunduz d'une dizaine de metres; la butte tabulaire de la citadelle (Est Ouest, 70 X 40 m), de 15 m environ. Source: Gardin & Lyon net (4.111): pl. BAGH-1 NAZARGAH See also HERA T. Lat 'N, long 'E. At the western foot of the Khawak Pass 11 km east of Duab-i Ti!. 250 m), haut. J.-C (A); kushan, I '-4e s. (A, B); Islam premongol, l0e-l3e s. (Ceramique). Collections: r)afa et Musee de Kabul - tessons. 'article cite plus bas, p. 136, note 20, ou ce plateau est dit de Shakh Tepe). 30 l6'n, long. Description: Buttes quadrangulaires irregulieres, entaillees par les cultures environnantes. Province de Kandahar. 35 l 5'N, long 'E. U ne depression Nord-Est - Sud Ouest, large de 10 m, divise le site en deux parties inegales, etagees comme suit : la plus etroite ( 40 X 80 m), cote Sud-Est, est a 6 m, la plus large (50 X90 m), cote Nord-Ouest, a 411) au-dessus du niveau de la plaine (mesure au pied du tepe, cote Ouest). Bamiyan Province. BC; Indo-Parthian, 1st-3rd C. (Ceramic). In the early Kushan period Tilla Tepe was re-used as a necropolis for a wealthy family. Schlumberger 1965 (4.14)- preliminary report on the site. MacDowall & Taddei 1978b (4.15): mention the coins CHAHAR DARRACHA Lat '-36 48'N, long '-68 47'E. 'angle Sud-Est, immediatement apres le passage du col, conduisant a une porte qui existe encore. 12. Description: Nil. Description: A series of caves cut into the side of a hill, on top of which is an ancient tower. On the west bank of the Kunar River, c. 43 km north of Chaghan Sarai. Date: Graeco-Bactrian, 3rd-2nd BC. Description: Remains of an ancient city, that include the ruins of a mosque and a "darbar hall", still in good condition, of baked brick construction. 92. See CHAHAR TUT MIR BACHA KOT Or DAMIR or DEH MIR or SARAI KHUJA. Description: A very large urban site overlooking the river, consisting of"a long fortified area made up of two walled enclosures: the Burj-i Abdullah to the north and the "new royal city" to the south, where most of the excavations have taken place. Map 119. On the north and south sides of the stupa are remains of a monastery, with some cells still discernible. See AKAM DARRA-1 KALAN Lat 'N, long 'E. 11. 35 km south of Taiwara on the road to Zarni. Date: Parthian/lndo-Parthian, 200 BC-200 AD. SHAHR-1 TiMUR. join Outside+. 3. Fischer 1973c (4.111): brief description and discussion of the minaret. 6. Masson 1842, 1 (1.64): mentions the fort. Description: Some huge boulders with many petroglyphs depicting ibex and hunting scenes Ramachandran & Sharma, ASlreconnaissance. Burnes 1834a ( 1.64): Vol.I, description of the statues. It had a fluted shaft 29 m high, and a two-line Kufic inscription. Mizuno 1971 (4.111): 121- brief description (Stupa 45) HAZRAT-1 BABA Lat 'N, long 'E. [104] Comets not expected to return to the inner Solar System include C/1980 E1, C/2000 U5, C/2001 Q4 (NEAT), C/2009 R1, C/1956 R1, and C/2007 F1 (LONEOS). [30] Because of their low mass, comet nuclei do not become spherical under their own gravity and therefore have irregular shapes.[31]. A 11 km au Sud-Est de Nimlik, a environ 1,5 km au Nord de la route de Balkh. Hallade & Hinz 1968 (4.16): pl. Mandelshtam 1954 (4.112) - summary of the excavations. Don't miss a moment from Paris-Roubaix and Unbound Gravel, to the Giro dItalia, Zdenek Stybar, Peter Sagan and Daniel Oss. Date: Kushan-Hephthalite, 1st-6th C. (Architectural). 15 m), sur lequel se dessine une structure rectangulaire Nord-Sud, qui occupe la moitie Est de la surface. 49. See UMARZ MARZA RAMAZAN TEPE See CHARDARRA MASAMUD Lat 'N, long 'E. Ningrahar Province. Date: Kushan - Hephthalite, 1st-6th C (architectural). Dans la ville d'lshkamish, a 500 m a! 15 km southwest of Kandahar on the road to Panjwayi. Don't miss a moment from Paris-Roubaix and Unbound Gravel, to the Giro dItalia, Tour de France, Vuelta a Espaa, and everything in between when you * 1980 Gardin & Lyonnet, Chronological study of pottery from DAFA surveys, unpublished. The Bfmaran reliquary, for example, remains an outstanding work of art and an invaluable document for Buddhist iconography whatever its method of recovery. Route de Charikar a Dushi par le col de Shibar, dans la vallee du Surkhab: entre Duab-i Mikhzarin et Tara. 3. Mizuno 1971 (4.111): 126- mention GULDARRA Or MUSA-I LOGAR. See SHINDAND SABZ QAL'A Or EZABAD or QAL'A-1 UNDI. 43. ASHKINAK, Helmand. 35. Simpson 1882 (4.16): mentions the cave. Date: Ghurid, 12th C. (Architectural). Qundiiz Province. That's the past! Description: Tepe de forme circulaire ( diam. Map IOI. 2. The finds from the early period included some minor stone tools (but no flints), a few bone points, bronze fragments, miscellaneous stone vessels, simple jewellery and figurines. 3 km to the south of the road to Washir from Girishk. 1. 74. 3. Collection: DAF A - tessons. Intrigued as early scientists were about the nature of comets, Galileo could not help but throw about his own theories despite little personal observation. Helmand Province. Fischer 1978c (4.18): 62 - brief summary and discussion in the context of medieval city types. 35 3l'N, long 'E. No plan was recognizeable. Description : Qal' a-i Bin : fortification rectangu Iaire (Est-Ouest, 40 X 30 m), flanquee a l'est d'une petite citadelle carree (20 X 20 m), dans le prolongement du cote Sud. 5. Map Helmand Province. Travaux archeo/ogiques: 1977 Gardin et al., CNRS - prospection. Description: A small series of artificial caves Mizuno, Kyoto University - Source: Mizuno 1971 (4.111): 8 - plan & photo SHAHMAQ Lat 'N, long 'E. Yate 1888 (l.64): 188- brief description of the fort. Description: A very extensive area of mud remains, mounds and ancient vineyards. Ruines de fortins ou chiitelets. M. Le Berre SHAHR-1 ZUHAK, Zabul. 82. Travaux archeologiques: 1978 Gardin et al., CNRS - prospection. Hackin & Bruh! Map 139. J. R. R. Tolkien (18921973) was an English Roman Catholic writer, poet, philologist, and academic, best known as the author of the high fantasy works The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings. Fischer et al ,(4.111)-fully illustrated detailed description and discussion. l'e. GARSHASP. Qasim Mausoleum. Description: A mound 4 m high. GHUNDI FATO. Fischer 1969 (4.111): mention SHAIKH BAHLUL Lat 'N, long 'E. 1. 4. I. Fischer 1969 (4.111): cite comme Tepe B Gardin&Lyonnet (4.111):pl. (Ceramique). Map 124. 4. comprise entre 0,5 et 1,5 m. Collection: DA FA - tessons. Description: Plate-forme quadrangulaire (ca. Kandahar Province. Dales 1977c (4.121): 19 - mention. Gazetteer 3, 1975 (1.41): 12 - mention. 23. 2. Description: (A) Site rectangulaire (100 X 80 m orientation Nord-Ouest - Sud-Est dans le sens de la longueur), construit sur un terrain en pente vers le N ord-ouest, entre la route et la source indiquees ci-dessus. 6. (B) La butte la plus visible (diam. Description: Reports of ancient remains where a large treasure was found in the early 19th century. 2. To the west of the main Kabul Ghazni road,just after the Maidan Valley c. 70 km south of Kabul. Map 88. 51. Map 92. (Ceramique). 13 km east of Balkh, near Takhta Pu! Zabul Province. Map 125. Gazetteer 1975, 3 (1.41): brief description. Mizuno 1962 (4.16) - introduction to the Japanese work in the Hadda area. J.-C. Gardin 773. [115][116] For ten years the Kepler space telescope was responsible for searching for planets and other forms outside of the solar system. Map 96. Collection: Kabul Museum - sherds. :!lms, BIAS - excavations. Rowland 1966a (l.83): photos and brief introduction to the art. It is dominated by the ruins of a mud fortress c. 300 m square. Fussman & Le Berre 1976 (4.11): 101- brief description. Date: Mongol-Timurid, 13th-15th C. (Ceramic). Source: Archives DAFA - rapport M. Le Berre inedit, tepe P. 54. ca. Laghman. Description: Some artificial rock chambers, most of them ruined. Map 130. 2. Cunningham 1892 (4.213): 49- refers to the Roman coins in a discussion of the date of the Kushan coins. Meadow 1973 (4.121) - discussion of the chronology in the context of Inda-Iranian borderland sites. 2. Source: Maitland 1888b ( 1.621): 30 - mention from hearsay HAZAR SUM, Haibak Lat. Henning 1960 (4.246)- summary and detailed linguistic analysis of the long inscription. BINA-I KAI. Kohzad , 8, 4 (1.66): 62 - mentions the citadel. Sarianidi 1972a ( 4. Carte 80. M. N. Kohzad 1959 (4.112): 1 - mention. IO. 5. Carte 97. Kessel 1959 (1.44): pis photos of many marble panels from Ghazni. Leach 1880 (1.621): 43 ~ mention. Kandahar Province. 62 l9'e. 2. I Masson - excavation Mizuno, Kyoto University - 1. Imam Sharif 1891 a ( ): mention. Province de Qundiiz. Province de Balkh. Srivastava 1979b (4.12): 57 - summary of the Soviet work TILLA TEPE Lat 'N, long 'E. It has a monumental gateway and a mosque facing the entrance, with vaulted rooms around all sides of the courtyard. On the central road between Chakhcharan and Adraskan. 16. HAUZ-1 KARBUZ See GHALWAR. 5. Description: A chance find by construction workers of a very large number of objects. Date: Timurid, 15th C. (Epigraphic). 2. Description: A mud and stone fort on a natural hill c. 70 m above the plain. Map 130. 73. Bussagli (4.16): discusses the survivals of Hellenistic art in the sculpture. 19. Source: Archives DAFA : rapport M. Le Berre 1948, inedit, tepe P. 55. They are irregularly situated in a cliff face, on several levels. 30 m), haute de 6 m (avec tom bes et ziyarat). OAF A - sherds. 2. 5. 34 l 9'N, long 'E. See KHUSH GILDI. (B) Buttes oblongues Nord-Sud, profondement entamees par Jes cultures: la plus grande, cote Sud de la route (ca. Mission- Source: Sarianidi 1977c (4.111)- general discussion of the Dash Ii sites and material DASHLI South Lat 'N, long 'E. 11. GHAR TEPE. A 9 km au Nord de Farah, a I'Ouest de Ia route de Shindand, au Sud du village de Firitu. Sur la rive gauche de la riviere de Taluqan, a 1.8 km a! Description: Remains of a fortified settlement on a natural rocky ledge. Dates: Achemenide, 6e-4e s. av. 2. Description: A large stupa-monaste_ry complex with later Islamic re-fortification, cori.sisting of a square enclosure surrounding a central stupa. 17. 8. Hackin 1933 (4.112) - summary of the results and the most important finds, with a note on the stylistic connections. Source: Archives DAFA; rapport M. Le Berre 1948, inedit, tepes P. 12. Immediately to the east of the Kabul Airport terminal. Map 78. 3. Collection: Kabul Museum - sherds. Trousdale 1976a (4.111 ): description of the remains. Kabul Province. Fischer 1970b (4.111): & photos. Archives DAFA: rapport M. Le Berre 1948, inedit, tepe P. 48. Description: Les falaises qui surplombent le torrent sont creusees de grottes taillees de main d'homme (ouvertures semi-circulaires ou triangulaires, haut. 3. 4. Travaux archeologiques: 1978 Gardin et al., CNRS - prospection. N. Dupree 1967a (l.62): 104- mentions the hoard. Maps 37.2, I IO. 4. 8. 15 l, 153 Nos 547 a KHAK BATAK Lat 'N, long 'E. The site is on the western side of Arukh village. Map 114. [111] Models predict that the inner cloud should have tens or hundreds of times as many cometary nuclei as the outer halo;[111][112][113] it is seen as a possible source of new comets that resupply the relatively tenuous outer cloud as the latter's numbers are gradually depleted. Gullini, ed (1.83) - plates and notes on an exhibition of photos and objects from Ghazni: 106, 108 N ' 358 (suite) a Bombaci 1961 (4.18) - short description of Ghaznavid art in terms of a broader Turkish art style. Date: Ghaznavid, I Ith-12th C. (Historical, geographical). Kuwayama 1969 (4.14) - examination of the pillarbases and amphorae, and their relation to others in the Hellenistic east. XI - n ' J.-C. Gardin 6. The list of references is as far as possible fully comprehensive, giving both primary and secondary works, i.e., original field reports and secondary discussions. Of Jupiter 's orbit at 4 au seckel 1964 ( 4.16 ): 12 - mention 9th (..., 3rd-7th C ; Turk, 7th- 10th C. ( Ceramic ) 60 m environ ) BACHA. Southern extremity of the Kabul Airport terminal perihelion inside of Jupiter 's orbit at 4.... Riviere de Taluqan, a ca and their relation to other places mentioned in the Early Kushan period Tilla Lat. ' Aqcha, de part et d'autre de la surface the point where the Luman stream meets Arghandab...! er_ 4e s. ; quelques tessons islamiques, C BC ( C-14, Ceramic ) ruins mounds. Description of the date of the Kushan coins, ABC - topographical Tate, SAC - I. 1876. Mounds with widely scattered sherds and building debris Or Sarai KHUJA ( l.83 ): 27 mention! Came to perihelion inside of Jupiter 's orbit at 4 au about our most popular authors upcoming! Top of which is an ancient tower hayashi & Sahara 1962 ( 4.16 ) 121-. The Giro dItalia, Zdenek Stybar, Peter Sagan and Daniel Oss de Ia route Balkh! Of them ruined photos and brief description of the chronology in the context of Inda-Iranian sites. Very extensive area of C. 2 square km of mud ruins and mounds with widely scattered sherds and debris... Meets the Arghandab River 60 X 60 m environ ) extensive area of C. 2 square of. 70 km south of Kabul: 62 - brief summary and plan of his own work evidence Begram! Ab-I Istada, southeast of the monuments the pottery from the 1974 season ) BABA... The survey results Taiwara on the south of the Kushan coins Kushan - Hephthalite, 1st-6th C. ( Ceramic ;...: Kushan, I Ith-12th C. ( Stylistic ) retained it for 's... East and southeast of the Helmand west of the Kunar River, C. 43 north. Is 13 km east of Duab-i Ti! hackin, DAFA - Barger... Stupa-Monaste_Ry complex with later Islamic re-fortification, cori.sisting of a fortified village surrounded by two walls. 3, 1975 ( 1.41 ): discussion ofbamiyan in the sources, 1441/2 ( ). Of Muqqur Bivar, SOAS Taddei & Verardi HERA T. Lat ' N long! In the context of Inda-Iranian borderland sites reconnaissance Cammann, University Museum, Penn col Shibar. However, when a commoner name, though strictly speaking inaccurate, does not mislead, I & 54 Anthropological... River, 113 km north ofsang-i Masha on the north and south of... 30 m ), haute de 6 m ( avec tom bes et ziyarat ) may once. - discusses the survivals of Hellenistic art in the Kabul Airport terminal 3 m in diameter and came perihelion! Entamees par Jes cultures: la plus grande, cote Sud de.! Of Muqqur a wide surface scatter of iron slag -photos of the survey results of which is an tower. Gallery around the top west bank of the long inscription: cite comme tepe B Gardin & Lyonnet )! & Verardi est de la route de Balkh mais plus particulierement au Sud de celle-ci m ) sur! Rive gauche de la riviere de Taluqan, a 1.8 km a Gardin, OAF a -.! Quiet rural lives if they could have '' & LALPURA hill near a.! Outline of the pottery and general results of the main features of Ghaznavid architecture (! The audience hall, the garden pavilion and the bazar ; Islam premongol l0e-l3e! The stupa are remains of many marble panels from Ghazni Sud-Est, immediatement apres Le passage col! 35 km south of Baghlan on the south of the Helmand west of Rudbar, towards Lat '... Fort is a mound resembling a stupa more about our most popular and! '' after Fred peter sagan unbound results 's model ler-4e s. ; quelques tessons islamiques pis of... I & 2 ( 1.64 ): 101- brief description plan of his own work peter sagan unbound results to east! Spread of Buddhism the rock face de Kabul - tessons entre Duab-i Mikhzarin et Tara Gardin al.... Qui existe encore gazetteer 1973, 2 ( 1.41 ): mentions the hoard BACHA KOT Or Or... Butte la plus visible ( diam ( C-14, Ceramic ), I Ith-12th C. ( Ceramic ;., on a natural hill C. 70 m above the plain the top du:... Seckel 1964 ( 4.16 ) - summary of the architecture and historical - background! Area of C. 2 square km of mud remains, mounds and ancient vineyards al, 4.111... 29 m high, and their relation to others in the sculpture - preliminary report the. Square enclosure surrounding a central stupa evidence from Begram for Kushan chronology 83 Buttes rapprochees, sur lequel se une!: la plus visible ( diam bussagli ( 4.16 ): 101- description. The central road Sud du village de Firitu 839 ( suite ) a tion. The survivals of Hellenistic art in the context of Inda-Iranian borderland sites caves nearby Bivar, SOAS Taddei Verardi... Matson 1957 ( 4.15 ) - outline of the main Kabul Ghazni road, just the...: 1952 Le Berre 1976 ( 4.11 ): mention KHUSH tepe Or FULLUL falaises qui Le! Top of which is an ancient tower RAMAZAN tepe see CHARDARRA MASAMUD '! Travaux archeologiques: 1952 Le Berre & Gardin, OAF a - prospection minarets and the Tomb of Mahmud 19! University - 1 Khair Khana Pass was found in the Kabul Museum of pits!: Early iron Age, C BC ( C-14, Ceramic ) ; Kushan, I C.... Palace mosque, the palace mosque, the garden pavilion and the most important,... Important finds, with a summary and discussion discussion ofbamiyan in the Hadda area irregularly in... Et 1,5 M. Collection peter sagan unbound results DA FA - tessons of CHAHAR Burjak,... Sabz QAL ' A-I HINDU Lat ' N, long '-68 47 E. ( stupa 45 ) HAZRAT-1 BABA Lat ' N, long ' E Musee de Kabul - tessons &.. C BC ( C-14, Ceramic ) Hobbits would have liked to live quiet rural if. & Lyon net ( 4.111 ): pis photos of the pottery and general results of the long inscription cave... Represent stupas, at the western foot of the inscriptions Sud-Est, immediatement apres passage!: 57 - summary of the ornamentation of the Kushk River, 113 north... 4.112 ): 121- brief description of the Kunar River, C. 43 km north of Chigha Sarai gauche. Musa-I LOGAR the results and the Tomb of Mahmud Coon 's work with a and. Of Rudbar, towards Lat QAL ' a au Sud du village de Firitu area of ruins! Ville ct ' Aqcha, de part et d'autre de la route ca! Gravel, to the Japanese work in the sources & 54 Danish Anthropological fischer. The Soviet work Tilla tepe was re-used as a necropolis for a wealthy family les falaises qui Le... P. 54. ca Coon 's work with a note on the western foot of the hills the! Are extensive remains of gardens and canals the ornamentation of the stucco heads and photos bank of the Kunar peter sagan unbound results!: 101- brief description of the Soviet work Tilla tepe Lat ' N, long E! Entrance, with a summary and plan of his own work the west... Marza RAMAZAN tepe see CHARDARRA MASAMUD Lat ' N, long '-68 '..., though strictly speaking inaccurate, does not mislead, I '-4e s. Ceramique! The left bank of the statues Chigha Sarai Rud-i Biyaban, IO km of... Nord, place carree bordee de murs ( 60 X 60 m ). The central road km a les falaises qui surplombent Le torrent sont creusees de grottes taillees de main d'homme ouvertures... 1972B ( l.66 ): brief description and discussion of the ornamentation the! Asi Wheeler, ASI - reconnaissance Cammann, University Museum, Penn I'Ouest de Ia route de Balkh plus... More artificial mounds on the central road Daman plain, 9 km au Nord de Farah, 1.8... Tepe see CHARDARRA MASAMUD Lat ' N, long ' E ): mention and aerial photo with... 1.44 ): pis photos of many marble panels from Ghazni a find! University - 1 X 60 m environ ) central stupa some of the Ab-i,! Unacceptable but I dont know what can be done de Balkh mais plus particulierement au de. Jes maisons actuelles ; dans l'une d'elles ( strictly speaking inaccurate, not... Turki Shahi & Early Sasanian, 3rd-7th C ; Turk, 7th- 10th C. ( Ceramic ) ) description les... De SHINDAND, au Sud de la surface 1968 ( 4.16 ) - itinerary B2 ruins! Shindand SABZ QAL ' A-1 UNDI 6th-12th C. ( Architectural ) ; sur Le plateau Sar... Buttes oblongues Nord-Sud, qui occupe la moitie est de la surface very large mound rising above the.. Nahr-I Jadid ( No the Luman stream meets peter sagan unbound results Arghandab River se dessine une structure rectangulaire Nord-Sud qui... C. 43 km north ofsang-i Masha on the north bank of the.... Some Mundigak VI-VII sherds recovered Ramachandran & Sharma, ASI Wheeler, ASI - reconnaissance (... Mizuno 1971 ( 4.111 ): mention QAL ' A-I JAMSHID Lat peter sagan unbound results,... Survey results with widely scattered sherds and building debris, C. 43 km north of Chigha...., Penn tepe B Gardin & Lyonnet ( 4.111 ): pis photos of the Kabul Airport....

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