nginx configuration file explanation

This can be a major issue with long configurations. 2. events block: the configuration affects the nginx server or the network connection with the user. According to the installation source, an illustrative configuration file can be found at /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf or etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default. But I think Im missing its meaning. Global block: configure the instructions that affect the global nginx. If a regular expression is a match for the request, NGINX will end its search and fulfill the request. So, for example, the last example will be a match for only, as opposed to If you run on FreeBSD, use the kqueue model. With the third party's ngx_cache_purge, which can add and delete the specified URL cache content. Configuration instructions for Main configuration segments. You can find such boasting on Baidu Encyclopedia or some books if you are not satisfied. While the directives in this section affect the lower contexts, many of these arent inherited because they cannot be overridden in lower levels. This can be modified to make changes to the NGINX global configuration. They both are children of the main context: While lower contexts get more specific about how to handle requests, directives at this level control the defaults for every virtual server defined within. NGINX utilizes Perl Compatible Regular Expressions (PCRE). The upstream context is used to define and configure upstream servers. There is also conf.dfile that allows you to add configurations in a way that works across all distributions. Returns: NGINX will utilize the FastCGI handler to execute the file found at /srv/www/ and return the relevant result. So if it is possible, it is best to try to move your different configurations into their own blocks so that this algorithm can handle the selection process logic. In this guide, we will focus on discussing the basic structure of an Nginx configuration file along with some guidelines on how to design your files. Subscribe to our weekly newsletter. The nginx project started with a strong focus on high concurrency, high performance and low memory usage. 2022 DigitalOcean, LLC. NGINX will use the first location directive otherwise. location ~ ^/BlogPlanet(/|/index\.php)$ { }. Kindly tell how can I achieve this in Nginx. log_format main '$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] "$request" ', '$status $body_bytes_sent "$http_referer" '. This informs NGINX where website configuration files can be found. Nice article; minor point Allowing the GET method makes the HEAD method also allowed: If Nginx fails to start, run sudo nginx -t to find if there is anything wrong with your configuration file. Yes, please, I agree to receiving my personal Plesk Newsletter! In this guide, we will focus on discussing the basic structure of an Nginx configuration file along with some guidelines on how to design your files. Ubuntu and Debian follow a rule for storing virtual host files in /etc/nginx/sites-available/, which are enabled through symbolic links to /etc/nginx/sites-enabled . Weighted polling: distribute different number of requests to different servers according to the configured weight. There are two load balancing strategies provided by Nginx: built-in strategy and expansion strategy. The following are some reverse proxy configurations, optional. Plesk and the Plesk logo are trademarks of Plesk International GmbH. When no exact file names are defined in the request, NGINX will search for the index.html or index.htm file and provide it. The server context is declared within the http context. Custom template: when more specific settings are required, like open_file_cache, adjust listen options as rcvbuf or when is . }, { First of all, declaring at a high level allows you to avoid unnecessary repetition between sibling contexts. http_400,.: the status code returned by the proxy server is 400500502, etc. A request as simple as GET /nginx.conf would reveal the contents of the Nginx configuration file stored in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf. If not set, it defaults to 1. Since Nginx will test conditions of a request with many other purpose-made directives, if should not be used for most forms of conditional execution. Copyright 2020-2022 - All Rights Reserved -, Nginx configuration file explanation and simple configuration, Configure user or group, default is nobody, The number of processes allowed to spawn, the default is 1, This setting can be put into the global block, http block, server block, The levels are: debug|info|notice|warn|error|crit|alert|emerg, Specify the storage address of the nginx process running file. If you need to remove a particular configuration, just remove the symlink from the sites-enabled directory and reload nginx. More information about various Nginx directives can be found here. nginx error:"location" directive is not allowed here in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:76 111 "configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf test failed": How do I know why this happened? Every website hosted with NGINX should feature a unique configuration file in /etc/nginx/conf.d/, and the name will be formatted as sites that have been disabled not served by NGINX should be titled What if you prefer matches to be case-insensitive? Tustin, CA 92780. location, { Step 5: Reload NGINX and test Verify if the changes are correct. 2. events block: the configuration affects the nginx server or the network connection with the user. The main configuration section may contain the event configuration section Event {}: define the working characteristics of the event model http {}: defines the configuration related to the http protocol Taking care when creating your configurations will not only increase maintainability, but will also often increase performance. Set the type and size of the cache for storing session parameters. Nginx uses location directive to decide what configuration it should apply based on prefix or the pattern in the incoming URL. $request_method: the method of requesting resources, GET/PUT/DELETE, etc. Lets suppose the URI is /blog/article, location ~ ^/blog { NGINX and NGINX Plus are similar to other services in that they use a textbased configuration file written in a particular format. root html; If the response time is too long, the user will wait longer. You can do this in the nginx configuration file using the following directives: client_body_buffer_size - use this directive to specify the client request body buffer size. Well, you should use a tilde followed closely by an asterisk: ~*. In some cases it is possible to reach other configuration files, access-logs and even encrypted credentials for HTTP . On the other hand, NGINX configuration in general is declarative. For instance, in the example below, each of the locations is declaring the same document root: You could move the root out to the server block, or even to the http block, like this: Most of the time, the server level will be most appropriate, but declaring at the higher level has its advantages. $http_referer: used to record the visit from that page link. Returns: This will be fulfilled by the location /planet/blog directive as its more specific, despite location /planet being a match too. An example site configuration that passes all requests to the backend except images and requests starting with "/download/". All rights reserved. Every NGINX configuration file will be found in the /etc/nginx/ directory, with the main configuration file located in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf . To edit the nginx configuration file, first try here. Nginx has the ability to redirect authentication requests to an external authentication server. There are only things you can't think of and nothing he can't do. If you download your installation file, you might as well open the nginx.conf file in the conf folder. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial- ShareAlike 4.0 International License. In the article Detailed explanation of Nginx configuration I talked about the load balancing algorithms in nginx. Otherwise, it will serve /srv/www/ A large number of directives are configurable at this context and below, depending on how you would like the inheritance to function. When a # appears before a line, these are comments and NGINX wont interpret them. Our Brand We'd like to help. The result is usually easier to read and also has the added benefit of being more performant. If the root is set to /etc, a GET request to /nginx/nginx.conf would reveal the configuration file. The default nginx.conf file includes a line that will load additional configurations files into the http { } context. fail_timeout, after experiencing max_ The time the service is suspended after failures. $content_length: the content-lenght field in the header of the request message. access_log off; Redirect when files and directories do not exist. ) The Nginx configuration file is roughly divided into the following blocks. There can be multiple servers in one http. The first is that the if directive often return results that do not align with the administrators expectations. Under the NGINX default installation prefix, the locations full path is /etc/nginx/html/. If you use exact matches, you can enhance the speed of request times moderately. stub_status on; Nginx's stability, feature set, sample configuration files and low consumption of system resources make it catch up from behind, with a utilization rate of 12.18% among the world's active websites, about 22.2 million websites. If it is not specified, the default is off. you have configure spersatelt for your server in site-available or conf.d location. The only difference is that you have to name your files with a .confextension as specified in the nginx.conf. For online documentation and support please refer to $document_root: The system root directory of the request for the current resource. This context gives our Nginx the ability to do some load balancing when proxying requests. Shocking group phenomenon: When a network connection arrives, multiple sleeping processes are awakened by colleagues, but only one process can get the link, which will affect system performance. The http context is a sibling of the events context, so they should be listed side-by-side, rather than nested. You can refer to all load balancing algorithms and find them one by one for implementation. When you add a caret and a tilde (^~) to location directives, youre informing NGINX that, should it match a particular string, it should stop searching for more specific matches and utilize these directives here instead. NGINX Configuration: Understanding Directives. First describe some configuration of agent functions, and then explain load balancing in detail. The nginx.conf file The main config file can only be seen or edited if you're using an admin user on a Dedicated Server. It is the only context that is not contained within the typical context blocks that look like this: Any directive that exist entirely outside of these blocks is said to inhabit the main context. Sign up for Infrastructure as a Newsletter. $ sudo nginx -t nginx: the configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf syntax is ok nginx: configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf test is successful And check out our guide on how to restart or reload NGINX. To get started you will need the following: By default Nginx will start a simple HTTP server, and serve this default web page: You can view the webpage, by simply typing in the Public IP address of your VPS in a web browser. $content_type: The content-type field in the request header. { Correct requests undergo no additional processing and, in many cases, incorrect requests can get by with a redirect rather than a rewrite, which should execute with lower overhead. The code for the htaccess file is in the same place! In our example, the IP address of the Apache server is 6. The location of this file will vary depending on how you installed the software on your machine. Nginx's proxy function and load balancing function are the most commonly used. $document_uri: The current request does not contain the URI of the instruction. It will work on all platforms and it is simpler to manage: Once the configuration is in place, let's remove the old configuration and reload: If you wish to bring back the original configuration, simply remove my-web.conf file and recreate the symlink for the default config. 2. Absolute paths for the root directive can be used if you wish. When it comes to the second statement, this will listen over IPv6 and demonstrate similar behavior. Here we need to add an index.php index directive to allow PHP files to be served when a directory is requested. Returns: NGINX will take advantage of the FastCGI handler to execute the file found at /srv/www/ and return the relevant result. You must check whether the syntax of the changes are correct or not, using sudo nginx -t. Don't miss out sudo here. Related to the http header, add a vary header for the proxy server, Some browsers support compression, and some do not, so avoid waste of unsupported compression, So according to the client's HTTP header to determine whether compression is needed, The size of the hash table of the server name, Load balancing, the target server address and port number to be forwarded. Basic Configuration. Tip: Each time you make any change to your NGINX config. You can have as many server blocks as you need, each of which can handle a specific subset of connections. Here ca.crt is the root certificate public key file, ssl_client_certificate ca.crt; In this tutorial, we'll explain the following with proper examples: For example, from what directory it should serve the image files when an URL ends with *.gif or *.png or any other image filename extension. Requests are forwarded to a custom server list, load balancing. Next we can add a configuration, instead of going through site-available folders and then creating symlinks, I will just write the server definition in conf.d folder. $server_name: The host name of the server. $host: The name of the requested server is stored. Comments are included in the file to give rationale/explanation for why things are written in this new way, and if the maintainers decide to accept this pull request, I will leave it up to them to decide whether to include these expository comments upstream. Note the following: 1. Exclusive discounts, benefits and exposure to take your business to the next level. The primary Nginx configuration file is /etc/nginx/nginx.conf. Nginx is one the most useful pieces of software when it comes to the web. Stop the old program and start it with the new program using the configuration file of the old program; Check the function. 2. The compression type already contains text/html by default, so you don't need to write it anymore. There are three ways to customize NGINX: ConfigMap: using a Configmap to set global configurations in NGINX. These are the contexts that comprise the major structure of an Nginx configuration. $request_uri: The original URI containing the request parameters, excluding the host name, such as: "/". Our fun and curious team mascot's always plugged into the latest trends. Get help and share knowledge in our Questions & Answers section, find tutorials and tools that will help you grow as a developer and scale your project or business, and subscribe to topics of interest. Means that the algorithm is not enabled, and + means that the algorithm is ranked last. Specify the time for the client to reuse session parameters (not available after timeout). Directives can only be used in the contexts that they were designed for., I want that whatever path user types in the url bar after the main domain name, he should be forwarded to a particular domain. Where signal may be one of the following: stop fast shutdown quit graceful shutdown reload reloading the configuration file reopen reopening the log files One of its many impressive features is that it can serve static content (media files, HTML) efficiently. The annotation symbol in nginx.conf is: #. down: The current server temporarily does not participate in load balancing, backup: reserved backup server (when the back-end service being used is abnormal, start the reserved service), max_fails: allow the number of failed requests, fail_timeout: The time when the service is suspended after max_fails fails, max_conns: limit the maximum number of accepted connections. at Aug 14, 2021 - 1:15 PM Now create an Nginx config file by providing the domain name, path, and document root. All your configuration files live like simple text files in the folder /etc/nginx/sites-available/and if you want to "enable" a certain configuration you will do so by creating a symlink (a shortcut) of that file to the folder /etc/nginx/sites-enabled: This lets users experiment freely with different configurations. nginx.conf may also include some other config files, for example: sudo nano /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default Nginx can cache different files with flexible configuration and supports FastCGI_Cache is mainly used to cache the dynamic programs of FastCGI. The maximum number of connections per process, the default is 512. This is such an important note that the Nginx community has created a page called if is evil. The mail context can also be configured to connect to an SMTP Relayhost if desired. ; If you need to use this scheduling algorithm, you must download the upstream_fair module of Nginx. 5. % ps -o args -C nginx COMMAND build/sbin/nginx -c ../test.conf If nginx was run without the -c option, then you can use the -V option to find out the configure arguments that were set to non-standard values. Put the follow contents in the index.html: This isn't much, but it will serve well as an example. A 404 message will be delivered in the event that neither exists at all. Why Do You Need PHP FastCGI Process Manager? This guide will cover the basic structure found in the main Nginx configuration file. Each request is allocated according to the hash result of the access IP, and the same IP client regularly accesses a back-end server. valid_referers none blocked server_names. $remote_port: The port randomly opened when the client requests the Nginx server. Each location directive with a regular expression (~ and ~*) will get processed next. I appreciate the well formulated descriptions on this page! This web server hands dynamic content off to FastCGI, CGI, or alternative servers (including Apache), before its sent back to NGINX for delivery to clients. . The if context in Nginx is provided by the rewrite module and this is the primary intended use of this context. }, NginxStatus { For many distributions, the file will be located at /etc/nginx/nginx.conf. include /etc/nginx/conf.d/*.conf; include /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/*; this will automatically read by nginx conf file. Even if a more specific match comes along at a later point, the settings will be utilized if a request is a match for one of these directives. Here I'll give you two pictures to explain the positive agency and response agency. $http_cookie: cookie information of the client. The events context is contained within the main context. By default the file is named nginx.conf and for NGINX Plus is placed in the /etc/nginx directory. Thank you for using nginx. Further configuration is required. Advanced Configuration with Snippets. Also has the ability to redirect authentication requests to an SMTP Relayhost desired... Returned by the location /planet/blog directive as its more specific settings are required, like open_file_cache, adjust options. Often return results that do not align with the administrators expectations and support please refer to host the... Network connection with the main context server in site-available or conf.d location default, so you do n't need remove!, and then explain load balancing strategies provided by the rewrite module and this is n't much, it... Get /nginx.conf would reveal the contents of the old program and start it with the.... A strong focus on high concurrency, high performance and low memory usage and return the relevant result starting &! 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nginx configuration file explanation