make sentence of magnificent

(546) I'd like to praise the magnificent behaviour of the pupils who handled themselves very well. (436) The splendor of God is displayed in the stars with the magnificent of the moon. Just when we think we can stand no more, something significant touches our soul and life goes on. (216) you've become a truly magnificent martial artist, kuririn! (611) This Jacobean country mansion is set in magnificent parklands landscaped by Capability Brown. A gun explosion aboard Magnificent on 14 June 1905 resulted in 18 casualties. (1299) Out on the moors, nature was immodestly ripe, and I was riding the owner's own magnificent animal - Rex, a chestnut part-Arab with an insatiable curiosity in everyone and everything. You may get hit by sudden lighting or take severe beatings from the cruel wind, but you will always get back up and stand strong on your feet again, soak in the sunlight, and be prepared to get hit by even the most merciless hail - time and time again. (1583) And in the next few weeks, I had the tremendous pleasure of introducing these kids to the world of total freedom, a world consisting of magnificent vistas like these -- everything you see here is obviously in Israel -- as well as close encounters with all sorts of small creatures coming in all sorts of sizes, colors, shapes, forms and so on. (219) The Ramses Hilton commands a magnificent view of Cairo. Sandy Black to John Skyd and his brothers as they stood on an eminence commanding a magnificent viewofthe rich plains and woodlands of the Zuurveld. You damned magnificent creature.' (256) may i ask you ladies to perhaps considerthis magnificent harp ? (588) you all did a magnificent job pulling things together after the unfortunate events of earlier. There's a scene after the scheming Eve steals Margo's role through trickery & then gets this magnificent review. Valley deep you he peak riskshi Laguna Creekquan xiu, As the even-more-down-on-his-luck Hock, Grant is a paragon of debauched decadence, tragic and, It is centrally situated, and a ten minute walk from the cable car which leads to some, Next to the marble hall, it was a splendent and, (1) Let us try to understand the basics of special relativity in terms of the, The concert ended with a Mass by Bellini in which the organist , choir and soloists gave a, On our way back to Aden we attended a gathering of Arab sheikhs, who presented my father with a, At the art museum, we saw a portrait of Mary II wearing a, Jane had worn an exquisite taupe chiffon Brac, and she looked, During the play, the actors elocution was so, The centrepiece of this colourful quarter is the, The great engineering works of Cimon provided a suitable area for the, He wore a sparkling clean salvar kemeez, and sat on a, Rock Pigeons swirled around occasionally, and a rainbow wreathed the feet of the, Tennis babe Anna Kournikova delivers a series of, Po Bronson, in his book WHY DO I LOVE THESE PEOPLE? As of this writing the game is nearing completion, so everything should be tweaked out and in full magnificence on 10/25/05. (238) 2He dribbled past two defenders and scored a magnificent goal. (1113) oh maybe, while we discuss business, you could provide one of your loveliest black creatures to escort django here around your magnificent grounds. (1351) It has a proper mixed-use urban centre that focuses on a park and stretches along a magnificent site between forested hills and the complex fretted geometry of the coast of the Pacific Ocean. (888) Womensighing and salivatingover his magnificent physique. 5|$|, {{and it is}} said to be the most {{beautiful}} castle in France. (1545) The magnificent palace of Minos - there seems no reason to withhold from it the name of the great prince whom Thucydides recognized as the first to hold the empire of the sea - perished by the flames, and it evidently had been plundered beforehand of everything that a conqueror would regard as valuable. (782) So we got to spend about an hour together while we waited for the flight, and it was the most magnificent hour. (602) He also noted that many fine artists could produce magnificent works of equine art on commission. Pedestrian traffic abounds along the broad sidewalks that are shielded by extensive, mature greenery that provides much of the friendly atmosphere. (85) They live in a magnificent Tudor house. (1612) Maybe this explains the full emotional potential of music. (1227) She wants Howard to be as unhinged as possible, envisioning him as a latter-day prophet, a magnificent messianic figure, inveighing against the hypocrisies of our times. (1541) This building contains an archaeological museum with a collection of Roman stone monuments; the archives of the town; and the principal museum, which, besides valuable paintings and other works of art, contains the magnificent tombs of Philip the Bold and John the Fearless, dukes of Burgundy. (243) nagatsu natsume adult true yoga location magnificent position. A pearl is hidden before its refined. Anuradhapura became the capital of Ceylon in the 5th century B.C., and attained its highest magnificence about the commencement of the Christian era. (1375) Penny knew also she loved the country for its beauty. (359) The hotel's most attractive feature is its magnificent view of Mount Hood. (508) But swinging like a trapeze artist from one imperative to the next, she was magnificent. (572) 2This Jacobean country mansion is set in magnificent parklands landscaped by Capability Brown. The Carpathians do not form an uninterrupted chain of mountains, but consist of several orographically and geologically distinctive groups; in fact they present as great a structural variety as the Alps; but as regards magnificence of scenery they cannot compare with the Alps. (1483) Another of the leading architects of the next stage of the Renaissance was the Veronese Michele Sanmichele (1484-1559), a great military engineer, and designer of an immense number of magnificent palaces in Verona and other cities of Venetia. (1507) On the walls of the chief council chambers are a magnificent series of oil-paintings by Tintoretto and other less able Venetians - among them Tintoretto's masterpiece, Bacchus and Ariadne, and his enormous picture of Paradise, the largest oil-painting in the world. The Hellenistic armies weredistinguished by their external magnificence. (573) When the outburst comes it is very effective.The lyricism of Tennyson's poetry is magnificent. (616) Imagine having all these grand ideals, magnificent visions, and a blueprint for human flourishing. (1489) And then a magnificent thing happened: I left academia and joined the real world of business, and a company was created around my ideas to make new molecules using my method, along the lines of, lets put someone elses money where your mouth is. (939) None of such halfbreeds can compare with the magnificent half-tamed animals kept by the natives of the elevated Rupsu plateau, S. (940) The giant peaks of the Grampians attract hardy walkers like magnets, and who can blame them with such magnificent hills to climb? (1307) The architectonic has brought very magnificent cathedrals to the religion, and inside of the cathedrals has been decorated by the electronic organ and lights to show the heavenliness. Pure creativity is something better than necessity; it's a gift. (1164) My favourites are still the RX7 rotaries, which give magnificent flameouts and backfires from the exhaust when the drivers lift their foot off the accelerator. (1586) The two ambones in the cathedral of Salerno, which are different in design, are magnificent in effect and are enriched with sculpture as well as with mosaic. With an infantile curiosity, we insist on tasting the cockroach on the floor while our father is preparing a, San Francisco's permanence as one of the greatest ports of the country is assured by its, The Rathaus (town hall) of red and black glazed brick, dating from various epochs during the middle ages, is famous for its staircase, the vaulted wine cellar of the city council beneath and, Yet the group of islands called Rialto, in mid-Venetian lagoon, were first the asylum and then the, To achieve the mood of a warrior is not a simple matter. Not only can you look up, you can look within and be astonished at the glory and splendor of your own being. (551) You ride across this magnificent state and you see so much open land -- and so few farmers. (677) The magnificent frontals of Pistoia cathedral and the Florence baptistery are notable instances of this. (442) The view from the top of the mountain is breathtaking/magnificent/spectacular. (407) There are remains of an acropolis located on a hillside with magnificent views. (982) Jim abandoned his plans for a graceful swan dive and instinctively assumed the cannonball position-known for its magnificent splash. (1243) Since then their dilapidation has rapidly advanced; but even in ruin they show the extensive and magnificent scale on which this princely residence was originally designed. The most corrosive piece of technology that I've ever seen is called television-but then, again, television, at its best, is magnificent. (1572) But some of her great successes during the 'eighties and early 'nineties - the days of her chief triumphs - were in Italian versions of such plays as La Dame aux camelias, in which Sarah Bernhardt was already famous; and Madame Duse's reputation as an actress was founded less on her creations than on her magnificent individuality. (1270) The Niagara Falls are not the widest or highest waterfalls in the world but their energy and magnificent beauty makes a deep impression on those lucky enough to have seen them. When he puts on all his auxiliary organs, he is truly, But this is a compelling history, tinged with sadness, not only for the human suffering and wastage , but also at the despoiling of a unique and, The second crusade, undertaken to expiate his burning of the church of Vitry, inaugurated a series of, De la Gardie was treated with relative leniency, but he received permission to retire to his estates for the rest of his life and died there in comparative poverty, a mere shadow of his former, Of the Temple, on the site of the citadel of the Asmoneans, and constructed a, So we arrived there with Italian seeds in southern Zambia in this absolutely, In the same period, however, there was ambitious and reasonably accurate work such as the, There is a large mosque with a painted dome connected with this tomb, which is an object of veneration to the Sunni Moslems, but it seems cheap and unworthy in comparison with the, The dorcas gazelle is still common in the south of Tunisia; but perhaps the most interesting ruminant is the, Approximately ten years ago, my wife and I started a foundation to do good, and right about that time, the, He laid out a fine park or Paradise, for pleasure and the chase, to the east of his palaces, and built up a, The scenery around Loch Linnhe is normally, I believe that we must maintain pride in the knowledge that the actions we take, based on our own decisions and choices as individuals, link directly to the, Kirin, the capital of the province, occupies a, Everyone should be commended for allowing people to make disasters, to make failures - you've just got to be sure that it's a, With seven billion peripatetic Homo sapiens on the planet, it was perhaps inevitable that one of them would eventually trod on the grave of the, Wide, to have had 4 08 cupolas,130 windows, 444 pillars and 6 entrances, and to have been adorned in the most, A god who gave us everything we wanted would be the most malevolent god of all. (1546) Magnificent works in silver, such as shrines, altar crosses and church vessels of all kinds, were produced in Spain from the 14th to the 16th century - especially a number of sumptuous tabernacles (custodia) for the host, magnificent examples of which still exist in the cathedrals of Toledo and Seville. (1463) In the centre of the court is the celebrated Fountain of Lions, a magnificent alabaster basin supported by the figures of twelve lions in white marble, not designed with sculptural accuracy, but as emblems of strength and courage. And crying. Let your courage be your driver, and let your passion be your road to enjoy this, It is centrally situated(, and a ten minute walk from the cable car which leads to some, In many developed countries, politicians have at last realised the promise offered by the, Hoggard began to tire slightly but he remained a threat and after being bowled through his ten overs he had the, We always knew that their descent into the heinous crimes that they once covered with alleged-virtue would make for a, He walked with a stoop and a rolling gait, the once upright take-on-the-world stance of the, Of navigable waters in the state), and, by falls and rapids caused by glacial displacement of rivers, furnishing a, After these outrages it was practically rebuilt on a scale of grandeur that made it the most, Delicate carving-and-engraving decoration and classic furniture show the perfect interpretation of the, I get lost in the magical beauty that is all around me. What is magnificent and example? (77) He's put together a magnificent break. (1368) This is the right moment, and this is the actual moment that we see all of these meanings meet together and then create the beginning of this magnificent era that will emerge from the region. Draw strength from your mistakes, your accomplishments, your losses, your awkward years, your unanswered prayers. (125) Your heart is too magnificent for a small hope. (1328) On the 21st day of the sale of Bullock's Museum in 1819, Lot 38 is entered in the Catalogue as The Tail Feather of a magnificent undescribed Trogon, and probably belonged to this species. (824) 2The drawing room with its magnificent chandelier and antique furniture is in a wing of the house built by John Nash. In recent years, The Magnifice, 5|$|The {{tradition}} of lighting the trees of The Magnificent Mile {{to start the}} Christmas season extends more than forty years. More than one million lights are lit and fireworks follow the, 5|$|d become the {{flagship}} of the Channel Fleet. Every fourth year the festival was celebrated with peculiar magnificence; gymnastic sports were added to the horse races; and there is little doubt that Peisistratus aimed at making the penteteric Panathenaea the great Ionian festival in rivalry to the Dorian Olympia. Steve Jobs. (527) The foreign tourists were moved with admiration at the magnificent view of the Great Wall. (1647) What Is "magnificent"? (1516) The finances were squandered in gratifying the king's unbridled prodigality, and the treasury was drained by his luxurious habits, by the innumerable gifts and pensions he distributed among his mistresses and courtiers, by his war expenses and by his magnificent buildings. (989) These, however, were removed in 1858-60, and the place of the glacis has been taken by a magnificent boulevard, the Ring-Strasse, 2 m. (990) An elm tree was planted in the first half of the 20th century on a farm near Beulah, Michigan (USA). (487) If you've ever experienced them, it's magnificent. Her spunk and cunning are absolutely magnificent. (118) (1) The Parthenon is a magnificent structure. The gifted learn to play, Available from Horchow and handcrafted in the United States by designer Jay Strongwater using old world techniques, the Colin Red Dragonfly Trumpet Votive is a. The Googleplex in Mountain View. (1106) It's truely a magnificent sight to behold, but sadly, this is about as good as it gets, and where everything starts to teeter in the wrong direction. (403) She is magnificent at making you feel you can talk quite naturally to her. (812) On our way back to Aden we attended a gathering of Arab sheikhs, who presented my father with a magnificent dagger. (1090) Over the years he constructed some magnificent stone walls around the county which bear testament to his gifted craftsmanship in hard landscaping. (875) The punch line is that a year and a half later, I was there when this magnificent young woman, my daughter, got married. (460) In the alembic of the child's mind, the ratty old blanket became a magnificent cape. I had everything just for me. (314) The big eyes were green and clear under the magnificent maroon bonnet. How any persons life will turn out is a rebarbative mystery. (658) And if he saw this magnificent room, full of plutocrats celebrating his legacy, hed be very confused. Even Babe Ruth was in the twilight of his magnificent career by 1933. What does the word magnificent mean in English? (1178) P?? (1386) Each one of these organisms that we've described -- that you've seen from Jamie and others, these magnificent things -- what they're doing, each one of them, is they're hacking the rules of life. 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