human rights risk assessment matrix

The facilitator gives a presentation of ideas about the cultural, religious, philosophical and ideological origins of human rights . While always tailored to meet the specific needs of the company, a typical BSR human rights assessment will include these four phases: In this phase, the BSR team builds background knowledge about the company (e.g., products, services, operations, policy and decision-making context), the human rights context (e.g., human rights risks associated with relevant geography and sector), relevant industry standards, and key stakeholders and rightsholders. Technical risk can occur when a mechanical process isn't executed correctly, which can be at the hands of human or technological resources. The review is facilitated by the relevant construction personnel in the brainstorming session. . the human rights matrix is an initial self-assessment and learning tool that enables a company to begin to understand and address its human rights performance, by identifying its policies on human rights and the approaches it has taken towards human rightsit is not a compliance audit, and does not purport to determine whether a company is BSR shares its human rights assessment methodology to help with this important first step of human rights due diligence. List all aspects of your event actiivities on back page. This sample was extracted from the (since superseded) FAA Advisory Circular No. Human Rights Indicators - Office of the United Nations High . What are the differences and similarities between HRIA and other types of impact and risk assessment? The human rights impact assessment results enable GC to understand human rights risks caused by its business activities. Should HRIA be stand-alone or integrated. The absence of action to promote human rights presents severe risks to their fulfillment. It could include anything from falls and burns, to theft and fraud, to pollution and societal damage, depending on the scope of your risk assessment. The steps to create a risk assessment matrix are as follows: Risk Identification The first step in creating a risk assessment matrix is risk identification. With offices in Asia, Europe, and North America, BSR provides its 300+ member companies with insight, advice, and collaborative initiatives to help them see a changing world more clearly, create long-term value, and scale impact. Define the Safeguards; Initial Risk ranking; this needs to be defined as: Severity ranking; Likelihood ranking; Recommendations to further reduce or mitigate risk; Residual Risk. Once a company has prioritized a specific product/service, type of user, or use context for deeper human rights due diligence, the company should conduct an analysis of the potential and The authors define an approach to due diligence based on assessing the risk of company involvement in human rights violations. Matrix, where human rights risks that right holders including stakeholders, especially vulnerable groups of business activities may . These regulatory trends adopt the approach to human rights due diligence laid out in the UNGPs. This report reflects learning from a workshop with 12 Dutch companies together with expert stakeholders, hosted by the Social and Economic Rights Council of the Netherlands, about how companies can identify and prioritize human rights risks and test their findings through stakeholder engagement. If you'd prefer to view all available content regardless of language, please change this switch. The output of the management assessment is a list of the salient human rights risks that the company should prioritize for action, based on both the salience of the risk and current management, and the risks are typically grouped into tiers denoting different levels of prioritization for action. As a global company with highly complex supply chains, we are exposed to increased risks . Human rights are rights inherent to all human beings, irrespective of nationality, place of residence, sex, national or ethnic origin, color, religion, language, or any other status. If a business causes or may cause an adverse impact, it should cease or prevent that impact. relationships or use contexts are higher risk from a human rights perspective and so should be prioritized for more detailed human rights due diligence. Human rights matters locally. BSR takes a modular approach to human rights assessment, with each phase building successively on the previous phase. Human Rights Assessment tool Foreword. It is used to map risks by gauging the likelihood they will occur and estimating the impacts. This has permitted the proliferation of different methodologies,4 any one of which may be appropriate depending on the specific objectives of the assessment. Your agency can use a risk assessment matrix to guide its determination. 120-92, Introduction of Safety Management Systems for Air Operators. Step 2: Calculate Likelihood The facilitator outlines the program for the workshop. Identifying the human rights risks associated with business is the first critical step in preventing and mitigating harm to people due to business activity. Factual, technical information is used to understand the potential health effects. Guidance and practical tools for conducting, commissioning, reviewing and monitoring human rights impact assessments of business projects. The human rights at risk of the most severe negative impact through the company's activities and business relationships. Select the impact, probability, and risk level for each hazard, and then establish control measures to reduce risk severity and likelihood. Examples of severity can include catastrophic, critical, marginal, or negligible. Additional objectives may include soliciting input from affected stakeholders about effective prevention and mitigation measures or appropriate remedy,3deepening stakeholder relationships through dialogue, building internal capacity in human rights management, and ensuring ongoing context monitoring to position the business for crisis management and response to evolving trends. Senior Adviser, Responsible Business National Implementation programme manager, Human Rights and Business, Senior Adviser, Human Rights and Business. Right to freedom of thoughts, conscience, religion, opinion, information and expression 3. 3. rights impacts. BSR | Conducting an Effective Human Rights Impact Assessment 6 Where an HRIA differs from these processes is in how it: Uses international human rights instruments as its benchmark and framework Assesses risks to rights holders, not just the company, as well as the capacity of duty bearers Uses human rights expertise2 Risk control measures here would include . It is especially important to remember that the risk matrix does not make the decision for the company. How does HRIA relate to human rights due diligence and the UN Guiding Principles? BSRs approach incorporates dedicated attention to diversity, equity, and inclusion to ensure that we identify differentiated human rights impacts on different groups of people and develop recommendations that address these impacts appropriately. Transition minerals and renewable energy in the Andes, The case for human rights due diligence laws in the United Kingdom, Protector not prisoner: Exploring the rights violations & criminalization of Indigenous Peoples in climate actions, Weekly Update 09 November | COP27: Every company must adjust business model to avoid climate catastrophe, says UN, Operating in conflict-affected contexts: An introduction to good practice, Ukraine: Responsible business conduct in a war of aggression, Reflections on a week of negotiations on a legally binding instrument on business & human rights, Justice in the just transition in Mozambique. The RAC quantifies the risk level associated with the hazard's probability and severity ratings. This allows for adaptation to different industries, issues, and geographies while prioritizing attention to risks to people rather than risks to the business. In order to identify, prevent, mitigate and account for how they address their adverse human rights impacts, business enterprises should carry out human rights due diligence. Companies may adopt slightly different approaches to the use of the matrix, but there are two primary ways in which companies will utilize the matrix. Risk avoidance is one of the ways to deal with risk. The Machinery Directive requires that a risk assessment be carried out by the manufacturer of the machine as part of the CE marking. Risk Assessment Matrix (RAM). A risk assessment matrix typically assigns a number to the potential severity and a letter to the potential likelihood. The authors draw on the work of StatoilHydro in developing a human rights risk assessment method for its global operations and argue that due To learn more, see our short Q&A below, or view our introductory video. Source: IFC's Guide to Human Rights Impact Assessment and Management Figure 2 CP ALL's Human Rights Risk and Impact Process Flow 2.1 SCOPING In this step, CP ALL needs to scope out the most relevant human rights issues. 1096664, 501(c)(3) non-profit organization in USA and registered charitable association (e.V.) The annex features examples of real company risks and prioritization exercises within [] The Human Rights index offers a coverage of 182 countries and territories. 3. It is difficult to assign a numerical value to human behavior. Engagement with rights-holders and other stakeholders is essential in HRIA. Opinion pieces, interviews and blogs from across the business and human rights movement. One of the screening's output was a supply chain human rights action plan, detailing . A risk assessment matrix (sometimes called a risk control matrix) is a tool used during the risk assessment stage of project planning. Human rights assessment is just the first step in human rights due diligence. Table 1 below ranks the severity from: (1) Catastrophic, or resulting in multiple deaths, Identify who might be at risk. A risk assessment matrix is a single-page outline of the risks that a project is exposed to, the probability of the risks happening, and the severity of their impact. These actions are prioritized to guide allocation of resources to the most impactful prevention and mitigation measures. According to the UNGPs, a credible human rights assessment should: Within these parameters, there is flexibility to determine how to conduct the human rights assessment. Risk can fall into one of four levels. It makes clear that business is accountable in two waysto investors, for the creation of enterprise value, and to society at large, for impacts on people and the environment. HRIA follows a human rights-based approach, which integrates human rights principles such as non-discrimination into the assessment process. The VLGA supports and facilitates local governments and communities to work together for progressive outcomes and good governance. Respect and remedy (PRR)": the current human rights framework for business 05. The output of the salience assessment is a prioritized list of the companys salient human rights risks, typically grouped into tiers denoting different levels of risk. As all other risk management process, risk prioritization too is an . At BSR, we conduct human rights assessments to inform strategy and position companies to fulfill their responsibility to respect human rights. In our experience, the most effective human rights assessments harness the findings of the assessment to drive policies and programs to manage human rights risks. Where possible, we integrate futures methodologies, such as trend analysis and scenario planning, to identify impacts that may emerge in the future. Numbers may oversimplify real life situations. Human health risk assessment is a way of assessing the potential impact of a hazard on the health of a person, group of people or a community. Regional Human Health Risk Assessment Supplemental Guidance: 2014: Region 4, Human Health, Guidance: An in vitro method for estimation of arsenic relative bioavailability in soil regional guidance document: 2013: In the Guiding Principles, human rights risks refer to the potential adverse impacts that a company can have on the enjoyment of human . The risk matrix has been described as a semi-quantitative approach by many scholars ( Ni, Chen, & Chen, 2010; Ruge, 2004 ). Particular attention should be paid to human rights impacts on individuals from groups or populations that may be at heightened risk of vulnerability or marginalization. These factors include: If a business is linked, it should use leverage to address impact. Scale: How serious would the adverse impacts be for the victim? In the business context, HRIA can be defined as a process for identifying, understanding, assessing and addressing the adverse effects of the business project or activities on the human rights enjoyment of impacted rights-holders such as workers and community members. The United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights set the expectation that businesses conduct human right due diligence. Find out more about our impact, who we are and how we are funded. Identify risk associated with each activity. Jenny Vaughan, The directive will apply to all companies operating in the EU market, regardless of where they are domiciled. Dynamic materiality has also emerged to illustrate how the two dimensions of double materiality interact, namely how impacts on people and the environment increasingly interact with the creation of enterprise value creation. Right to be free from all forms of forced or compulsory labour 2. A risk assessment matrix is an essential part of any risk management approach. BSRs methodology identifies and prioritizes actual and potential human rights impacts, drawing from the full universe of international human rights instruments, and centering impacts on rightsholders. Human Health, Dioxin, TEF: EPA Positive Matrix Factorization (PMF) 5.0 Fundamentals and User Guide . Author:Global Business Initiative on Human Rights, Credit 360, Business Leaders Initiative on Human Rights. Drawing from the full universe of internationally recognized human rights,9 the BSR team develops a shortlist of human rights risks relevant to the companys business activity and drafts concise, practical descriptions of each risk, including the ways in which specific human rights are impacted by the companys business activity and the impacts on specific rightsholder groups. Human rights impact assessment (HRIA) analyses the effects that business activities have on rights-holders such workers, local community members, consumers and others. This may be done for a few reasons: enhancing risk management, securing the license to operate . Risk assessments are essential and have become part of most safety and occupational management plans. VPs risk assessments look at security risks to companies and human rights risks to communities. Step 2: Risk Assessment . [4] Financial Assessment Our view is that capacity for internally led human rights assessment is critical to ongoing monitoring and management of human rights risks. . This convergence is increasingly recognized by companies, investors, and the broader ecosystem, which aims to support responsible businesses. What is the Risk Matrix and How is it Used? A risk assessment matrix is a method for evaluating both the probability and severity of a specific action or inaction that is expected or anticipated to occur. However, many of the sections will be relevant in other contexts and could usefully be adapted to suit smaller projects or different types of business activities, or be utilised when integrating human rights into environmental, social and health impact assessments. Senior Adviser, Responsible Business National Implementation programme manager, Human Rights and Business, Senior Adviser, Human Rights and Business, SDGs and national human rights institutions, Human rights impact assessment guidance and toolbox, HRIA toolbox - welcome and introduction (English), Introduction to human rights impact assessment, Human rights practitioners and consultants conducting impact assessments for business projects and activities, Businesses, in particular staff who are responsible for commissioning and overseeing impact assessments, Financial institutions providing support to businesses, in particular staff who are responsible for the implementation of social safeguard and performance standards, National human rights institutions exercising their mandate to promote and protect human rights, Government departments and state institutions that are responsible for providing guidance to businesses on respecting human rights or setting standards for due diligence, Non-governmental and civil society organisations that support and/or represent workers, individuals and communities that are adversely affected by business projects or activities, Other stakeholders with an interest in impact assessment and/or business and human rights, Analysis of actual and potential impacts (caused, contributed to and directly linked to), Assessment of severity of human rights impacts. Stakeholder engagement has therefore been situated as the core cross-cutting component in the Guidance and Toolbox. At this stage, a significant proportion of the technical risks may relate to insufficient technical information. Without it, you'll be unable to maintain a clear and easily accessible view of your risk environment- including the probability and severity of occurrence. 8Interviews may be conducted either virtually or in person. Using factors contained in Principle 19 of the UNGPs, we assess the companys ability to manage salient human rights risks. Better risk assessment and detailed analysis of human rights risks, impacts and causes Better internal reviews of approaches, policies and practices (looking in the Guidance on Risk Analysis. Useful tips for risk prioritization could be found in the Eisenhower Matrix. Risks and Opportunities for companies 07 The corporate responsibility as defined by the UN Guiding Principles 09 - Avoiding adverse human rights impacts 09 - Going beyond legal compliance 12 Finally, the BSR team conducts the management assessment, drawing on learnings from the internal document review and interviews with internal company stakeholders to analyze the companys current ability to address salient human rights risks by evaluating factors like attribution, leverage, and existing management systems, policies, processes, and practices. By pressing play you accept cookies and tracking from the external video-provider. The definition of Business Risk Assessment Matrix. You're browsing our English site, so by default we are only showing content in English. Risk Assessment Matrix 1. In recent years, the field of business and human rights has witnessed a shift from soft law to hard law, with a rise in legislation requiring human rights due diligence, particularly in Europe. Since its inception, the risk matrix has become one of the most widely used qualitative risk assessment technique that has been well adopted by the industries for its simplicity, yet, effectiveness. In the financial year 2019/20, we committed to carrying out such a human rights impact assessment based on the phase model below. We build awareness raising and capacity development into our approach in order to position company human rights leads to implement recommendations and to conduct future assessments, and we support company-led self assessments through development of tools (e.g., interview guides, analytical guidelines and frameworks), training for staff, and analysis of findings. Human Rights Assessment Content Summarized (Sections III-V below) Methodology Details how the Human Rights assessment was undertaken; timeline; resources consulted; parties engaged; approach taken to identify Human Rights risks. However, we have observed that some companies prefer to start with a market- or product-focused assessment to demonstrate value internally and establish guidelines that can immediately inform fast-moving business development decisions. Risk assessment is a systematic approach to measuring, ranking, comparing and prioritising risk in a consistent way, across your company. Right to freedom of movement 2. Environmental, social and health impact assessment practitioners interested in integrating human rights into impact assessment, click here. With this as our mission, it was not surprising that the VLGA would be involved in assisting local governments embrace the Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities. A Risk Assessment Matrix is used to: Identify potential risks while considering both internal and external factors Finnfund requested that external experts perform a supply chain human rights assessment. Be sure to think broadly about potential risk. However, by applying risk management strategies, you can reduce the risk to an acceptable level. As we know that risk management consists of risk identification, assessment, analysis and prioritization. The corporate responsibility to respect human rights centers on identifying and managing risks to people, not business. After creating a risk assessment template, you can use it to: Create awareness of risks and hazards. A risk assessment matrix is a visual project management tool that consists of a single page with all potential risks listed, along with their likelihood and severity of consequence. The assessment of human rights risks needs to be an on-going process, repeated whenever risks to human rights may substantially change, and not just a one-off process conducted for entry into a new country context, or when required by law. Engagement with rights-holders and other stakeholders is essential in HRIA. Strengthening the management of human rights risks and preventing and mitigating real-world harm is a progressive, step-by-step journey. In this way, they clarify that neither an individual risk assessment, nor a human rights impact assessment (HRIA) alone is sufficient for meeting the requirements of human rights due diligence. This Guidance and Toolbox is modelled on HRIA for large-scale business projects conducted at the project or site level. The matrix almost always has two categories for assessment: severity and likelihood (or probability). This includes assessing and responding to any actual and potential human rights impacts that might arise from or be directly linked to their activities. A Risk Assessment Matrix is a tool. Determine whether you need a control program for a specific risk. Pollution and Toxic or Hazardous Chemicals, Advertisement, Marketing and Intellectual Property, Unlawful, Harmful or Discriminatory Use of Products or Provision of Services, UNDP Business and Human Rights in AsiaBangkok Regional Hub United NationsDevelopment Programme, 3rd Floor United Nations Service BuildingRajdamnern Nok AvenueBangkok 10200, Thailand, Part-time or seasonal workers subject to unequal protections benefits and working conditions, Workers not provided annual leave pursuant to local laws, Significant use of contract workers or outsourced labour in business operations, Workers are dismissed without regard to procedural safeguards, Wages are paid under unsafe circumstances exposing workers to violence, theft or other harms, Wages provided are below the national minimum wage, Wages, remuneration or documents are withheld to coerce workers, Excessive overtime is required from employees, Use of automation or artificial intelligence leads to a reduction in hours of work and/or increased redundancies for employees, Wages do not cover basic needs including food, shelter, and education, Discriminatory treatment of applicants or employees with disability, Affirmative action policies to reduce discrimination in the workplace are absent, Medical health information is used to discriminate in hiring process or against employees, Business requires employees with a mental health illness to take unpaid leave or reduce their working hours, Transgender and intersex employees do not have access to suitable bathroom facilities, Migrant workers subjected to unfair recruitment and payment practices, Salary deductions are made without authorization or employees knowledge, Employer or hiring agency recruits using false advertising and/or contracts, Employee movement restricted at housing facility and unable to leave work, Employees identification, travel papers and/or other documents are withheld, No procedures in place to ensure workers meet minimum age requirements, Children of workers support parents at workplace or in supply chains, Young or student workers experience workloads, tasks or conditions unsuitable for their age, Child labour found in operations or supply chain or child labor risks are not monitored regularly, Absence of systems to detect, avoid and respond to occupational risks, Workers lack adequate protective equipment and training, Business does not undertake credible environmental impact assessments, Waste is disposed of and handled unlawfully and/or improperly, Businesss water consumption rates impose water scarcity on communities, Business operations lead to significant loss of biodiversity, Operations cause soil pollution in high concentrations that pose a risk to human health and/or the ecosystem, Operations cause water pollution in high concentrations that pose a risk to human health and/or the ecosystem, Operations cause air pollution in concentrations that pose significant risks to human health and/or the ecosystem, Business abuses womens land and property rights, Historic or traditional use of land by community or others are ignored, Destruction of historical, cultural, religious or spiritual artefacts has taken place or at risk at site, Business operations degrade land and do not make an effort to restore land to previous state, Business infringes on land rights and property interest of surrounding communities leading to displacement, Business restricts employee religious worship and expression during rest periods, Intimidation of union members and prohibition of participation in unions, No engagement or non-recognition of union members, Business does not comply with collective bargaining agreements, Operations affect cultural, spiritual or religious traditions of community, Community members not given due and just compensation for business operations that affect them, Lack of regular dialogue with local community on operational impacts, Business operations diminish livelihood opportunities for surrounding community, Business IT systems insufficiently protect private information of employees and allow it to be harvested without consent, Business uses location tracking devices to monitor employees without consent, Personal information of employee improperly handled, stored, disposed or deliberately exposed, Discrimination of woman employees based on age, caste, marital status, pregnancy or parenthood status, disability, HIV/AIDS, Women restricted to specific jobs which may be low-paying and/or precarious, There are no separate toilet and/or changing facilities available for men and women, Women not provided facilities for breastfeeding, Business exposes pregnant and nursing women to health risks, including reproductive health risks, Female employees and candidates of employment subjected to virginity tests, No benefits afforded to non-traditional families such as those with same-sex couples and adopted children, Women not provided equal pay for equal work, Sexual harassment or threats of a sexual nature used to coerce work, to recruit or promote, Sexual harassment or threats of sexual nature used to intimidate workers, Sexual or personal favours are exchanged for hiring or promotion, Sexual harassment or violence by security guards, Reporting of sexual harassment discouraged or victim stigmatised for doing so, Testing not conducted in line with international ethical standards, Business does not obtain free and informed consent from human subjects for research, Product testing endangers or risk health of human subjects, Testing or research involves persons who are mentally or physically incapable of giving consent, Employees must participate in product testing or research experiments as condition of employment, Children are used in research without consideration of international ethical standards, Use or promotion of hate speech in advertising or marketing campaign, Use or promotion of discrimination in advertising or marketing campaign, Advertising involves objectification or sexualization of womens bodies, No acknowledgement of collective ownership of intellectual property of Indigenous Peoples, Customer privacy rights are abused or customer data is stored without consent or handled or used unprofessionally, Business spreads information and propaganda in advertising and social media without checking factual accuracy, Consumer health and safety, product safety and labelling, and responsible marketing efforts not undertaken in sufficient measure, Military or security products produced by the business are used for torture or treatment contrary to international norms, No steps taken to prevent the misuse of products produced by the business as torture devices, Products are used to restrict voice or public participation, Products with life-threatening properties not properly labelled, Business refuses to provide services or products to LGBTI individuals, Business sells products and services to vulnerable customers (based on social, economic or racial factors), who could not understand the contract or afford the product, Business offers digital platforms, services or applications that may be exploited by persons who use the platforms to sexually abuse or otherwise exploit children, Business benefits from and/or otherwise supports government policies that violate human rights, Special agreements are made to exempt business from laws protecting human rights, Business influences or interferes with judicial proceedings, Ineffective (or absent) internal grievance mechanism for employees to report abuses, Business pursues legal action against human rights defenders that would limit public participant and debate over business practices or plans, Business operations increase the risk of attack from armed groups, Employees are unreasonably exposed to assault, kidnapping or other external dangers, Workers provided inadequate security gear or equipment given hazardous work context, Business does not utilize security infrastructure or has inadequate security measures in place, Due diligence is not conducted on private security contractors or providers, Public or private security forces are not bound by rules of engagement or standard operating procedures, Public or private security forces use artificial intelligence without adequate oversight or management, Public or private security forces commit human rights abuse, Product Development, Advertising, Use of Products & Services. 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human rights risk assessment matrix