how to text someone you haven't texted in months

Sending them photos of anything of importance is a way of building up that conversation and refamiliarizing yourselves with one another. The sooner you do it, the better. When a guy texts you after a month of no contact, you have a very important task ahead of you. I miss your energy, how have you been?" This is somewhat a funny way to reach out to them. Scenario 3. If you've finally had enough and are desperate for an excuse to reach out to your crush, without seeming weird, you're in good company. It was the nicest feeling ever as we both had a crush on each other. However, when texting her, remember to keep it short. #3: What to say if it's been going great When NOT to reach out to someone you haven't talked to in a while #4: What to send to a crush you haven't talked to in a while #5: Wish her a happy holiday #6: Use a bad situation as your excuse #7: Keep track of her Instagram #8: Wish her a happy birthday #9: Offer her nothing but value #10: Be honest Fine, I have some other ideas. Isaac Seale "It might be sending an article or recipe or even a meme," Poswolsky said. Let them know that their post reminded you that you wanted to get in touch, and use it as an excuse to ask how they've been and what they've been doing. Let him have his space. him playing games), then your powerful response is no response at all. All products are independently selected, tested or recommended by our team of experts. Believe it or not, a lot of people find it appealing to have your own thoughts and opinions, as long as you're not a jerk about it. If youve recently gotten a new pet, send a picture of that. If youre genuine, make sure to bring up your reason to themit will be appreciated. Finsh up the conversation. You have to love them yet, but (Brad: Right) like for those of you who are like feel like you don't have enough, like maybe you're lighting new friends. Has your crush ever told you that you really need to check out a certain movie, TV show, book, musician or anything else? ClickHERE to find out how to respond when your crush texts you "WYD. Guys and girls alike, if you're reading this, do me a favor. ". If anything, it's. It's just plain weird to text day and night with a guy you haven't even gone on a first date with yet. Myers says it will have a. I Hooked Up With My Boyfriends Friend & Fell In Love With Him. The most important thing to do when you've been ghosted is to distract yourself so you don't send risky texts, show up at their house, cry into the phone while leaving a message on their work answering machine, all that good stuff. 2. Also realize and accept that it is definitely possible that he is not interested anymore. If they decline the invite and don't seem completely disinterested, follow up and ask what they're up to, and if they might be open to something similar at a later date. My new job has been keeping me crazy busy and I've barely talked to anyone lately." "OMG. 2 Text her. It's always just super obvious if you've on-purpose shown up at a party, event, or bar just to be in someone's vicinity. Let the content lead you, and see if you can turn a single message into an ongoing conversation. Girl I was on date with had a second date after me. Distract Yourself. If you're wondering why they haven't texted back, here are five possible reasons, straight from the horse's mouth. I'm so sorry for how I treated you, and I wish you all the best moving forward." "Hey, just wanted to say sorry. I totally blew it when we were together and it wasn't fair to you." "I've. Its possible to start talking again as if you both havent talked for a long time. Then just message her like, "Hey do you remember that time when _______?? Girl I'm currently seeing hooked up with my friend. To let them know you really want to be friends with them again, know when to stop texting and when to start actually hanging out again. It's likely you've already texted them once, checking in, only to be ignored. You'll need at least a few weeks to move on, and filling up your life really helps. This is also a good reminder to the both of you that your friendship has value and that you can still go back to the way things were. If it's urgent, send us a message. Let them know youre happy for them. Texting something like "Why haven't you reached out to me?" points fingers and puts the other person on the defensive. A guy may randomly text you after months simply because he needs his ego stroked. This short and sweet message is suitable for anyone you're wanting to reconnect with. For an entire month this guy hasn't been "dating" you. Just be prepared to get an answer you hate. Well, technically they're from the mouths of girls who read them off their phones, but you get the point. Make sure the occasion is something significant to them. But a double whammy is good if you're out and about, just don't share the grid post to your Instagram Stories - that's too obvious. If this is the case, simply accept it move forward and do not take it personally. Formulate questions of your own and make sure theyre questions they can comfortably answer. Reach out to your crush saying you haven't seen them in a while, and it'd be fun if you could hang out in your friend group's next call. Sometimes it's good to give it some time. Those are never a good idea, but especially not when you don't even know what's going on with them. 6. Whatever you need to do to keep busy. Most often than not, let him have the last word. Select "new text message." With an iPhone, you may see a green messages box on the home page. But look, sometimes you just want to give the thirst trap a shot, right? If he ignores one text, that doesn't necessarily mean he's not interested.He could simply be busy or intends to respond later but doesn't end up getting around to it. If you want to text someone you haven't talked to in a while and want that conversation to be meaningful, make sure your questions are all open-ended. I usually text that to friends I havent talked to in awhile just to check up on them. You want them to miss you. Sure, you're just trying to prod him to see if he's around and wants to text, but there are so many more creative ways to get his attention. He wants to see you and makes it happen. These days, it feels like the way everyone gets out of situationships and short-term dating things is by ghosting. Well, you're going to have to. So, if you went on a date or hooked up with someone and can't help but wonder, "Why haven't they texted back?" Don't be afraid to share when you're reminiscing by telling your crush how much fun you had that one time. I hope they have been feeding you. The internet has made it easier for people to keep in contact with each other. Can't get that special shared moment with your crush out of your mind? In addition, don't ask to hang out with her right away. Be direct cause guys don't like reading long messages. Its usually when they believe you may have important things to work on, just as much as they do, and that they dont mind getting close with you again. He said something along the lines of I hope you are surviving Covid OK, Ive been thinking about you lately, whats going on. 1. Keep reading for a few ideas on what to text your crush if you haven't been in touch for a while. So, can you text after being ghosted? Just by initiating contact, you never know what might develop next. In fact, that is the most likely scenario. If she's interested in reconnecting, she'll get back to you. Carve aside some time to finally follow through on that recommendation, and once you have,let themknow that you've finally checked it out, telling them what you thought. I just saw this restaurant on IG and we NEED to go on our next date. Chances are you generally know whatyour crush has been up to if they post regularly on social media. Reread the conversation youve had with them to get fully and accurately reminded of what last happened, instead of only relying on your memories. Not every text needs a response. Even if they don't remember it quite as fondly as you do, it can be a great conversation starter, and can give you insights into their own recollection of the experience as well. "Hey, 10 years went by and we got so old. Act relaxed - as if you have plenty of time. This text should be sent after a full 6 months have passed. Here are some examples of what to text someone you never responded to or haven't stayed in touch with: "Hey! Maybe they like you back and will be happy to oblige, or they're a little bored, but it can be the perfect chance to get to know them better. The most important thing to do when you've been ghosted is to distract yourself so you don't send risky texts, show up at their house, cry into the phone while leaving a message on their work answering machine, all that good stuff. Describe your day so far in three emojis. Men just aren't as complicated. Check out the entire Gen Why series and other videos on Facebook and the Bustle app across Apple TV, Roku, and Amazon Fire TV. One simple mindset shift will make it so that you go from making it unlikely that he will text you back to maximizing the chances that he will. And that means jumping back on the apps and setting up some dates. Established relationship 6 months and UNDER in regards to dating are for this sub. Struggling to decode your crush's texts? 5. Has it ended in a good way? Dating again is a win-win. March 1, 2022 by Zan. He hasn't messaged today or yesterday and you're freaking out. That way, youll have a good reason to reconnect with them and you can simply use that opportunity to attempt to go back to the way things were. The more the merrier, and the bigger the variety of people there, the less suspicious you'll be. I'm not sure if it will help ease the pain of rejection or just make you less hopeful that good people are out there. Make sure it's someone you trust, because I'm sure you don't want it getting back to them that you're asking about them. My answer - I always think to give it a few days before committing too much worry to this. Literally book your week up with dates, friend catch-ups, brunch, the gym, everything. Finally, you can only text someone for so long before it becomes tedious. The most important thing is to not underestimate yourself. If you've only recently met you don't know about all the other things that are going on in his life. You really don't need to know why you've been ghosted, but I also understand that it's human nature to WANT information sometimes. Hey - Should work fine, unless "haven't talked to" means "ignored so hard he started doubting his existence" - in which case, whether or not "Hey -" will work depends on his levels of self-regard and attraction to you. Maybe it's a creative post, leading you to ask them about what they're working on, or a sporty pic that can lead you to ask what teams they root for and players they admire. To text someone you havent spoken with in a while and have that be meaningful, you have to start slow and build your way up. If its for a selfish reason, you may have to consider finding an alternative that wont waste anybodys time. He might have to get a little introspective, figure out what actually happened to him. An easy way of texting someone you havent spoken to in a while is to text them during a special occasion. A sincere apology is a powerful tool and is often the only missing thing to form a lost connection to a rekindled friendship. Dont overthink it too much. Reminiscing is the easiest way to rekindle old friendships. Maybe they happen to be thinking about it, too. Never, Ever Text Just 'Hi!'. That's a lie - don't believe the part of your brain saying that. For all of our sakes, I sincerely hope it's the former. From now on, just tell the truth. Long term, truth is always the best play, but losing the people that can't handle your truth can hurt like a B. Be the first to know what's trending, straight from Elite Daily, Help! Instead, be vulnerable and show your feelings. Be sure to do it soon. Now, you might not get any response at all to this. For example, instead of asking Are you okay?, you can ask How are things going? so they can give a more thought-out answer instead of just saying yes or no. Is Love Really Enough To Make A Relationship Work? You know what, text, someone that you're thinking about that you're thinking about them. 5. Simply follow the tips above and make sure that youre approaching this with sincerity and kindness. If it has ended in a bad way, its more likely that they will not respond back to you. You can rekindle your friendship just by beginning it with a single text. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. He might just be processing. Depending on why you stopped talking to each other in the first place, this process can either be very easy or very difficult. Step 2: Establish Contact. How's life?" If you don't know what to say, stick to the classic catch-up. Or he might not be interested and is trying to subtly let you know! Remind them of the good times youve spent with one another and why you guys were so close in the past. Just be prepared to get an answer you hate. If he's been careless despite your behavior, and you've noticed that there's something off to his 'kindness' (i.e. Maybe it's a new movie trailer by a director they like, or you saw their favorite sports personality in an interview, or stumbled across a meme that references something they'd find hilarious. or "hey stranger, how have you been?" Well, I was going through the wardrobe to find the best suit to wear on our date this weekend .". I mean, REALLY not like it. Instead - meet up with friends. Do not send a long, multi-paragraph essay outlining all the reasons you miss them. You might currently be in a situation whereeverythingreminds you about that special someone, but when something jumps out at you as something they'd love, or that the two of you would both really enjoy and share in common, use that as an excuse to reach out. He's looking for an ego boost. Keep reading for a . ", HERE to find out how to respond when your crush texts you. By figuring this out, you'll be able to discern whether your ex . Well, technically they're from the mouths of girls who read them off their. Now here is the caveat - be prepared to not like the answer. It's tempting to become somewhat of a stalker when someone ghosts us, because we think that being in their presence is what will see them running back to us. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Can i have some advice please. Hey, stranger. As we've waited for things to go back to normal, literal months have passed right under our noses. When lockdown first began, we could have never predicted it would mean goingthislong without seeing our crushes. These are the keys of a re-ignition text. Since you and the other person have not talked to in a while, it may serve you better to start things slow instead of giving them an overload of information all at once. If you really want to reconnect with someone, you cant simply do this through texts. If you haven't texted at ALL since being ghosted, I'll permit you to send one (1) text. Thank god for the time machines! That's sure to catch someone's attention, and chances are it'll help you finally understand how they feel about you, and fast. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns. Whatever you decide to text, Im sure youll be fine. If you're wondering why they haven't texted back, here are five possible reasons, straight from the horse's mouth. The one time I did this, I found out the guy I was seeing had moved on to someone else he liked more than me. You might even want to include a cute pic of the event, if you're feeling adventurous. At least not yet. To him and anyone else who comes across your path. Let them know how youre doing too. And the only situation worse than not receiving a response is getting a sh*tty excuse like, "sorry, I fell asleep," when you sent the initial text at 5 p.m. The lack of your sweet messages is slowly drowning me into the oceans of sorrow. Not only is it thoughtful to let them know something made you think of them, but it opens things up for more conversation about the things you both appreciate. The act of texting someone to reconnect may sound informal, but thats just how things are in the current world. [2] 2 Click on the messages icon. Texting is great because it won't really be in her face. The less courageous of us haven ' t gathered the guts to text our crushes, and without classes to rely on pushing us together on a daily basis, we haven ' t interacted with them at all. hahahaha". I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. logistics and transport courses. Ask how theyre doing instead of blabbering on about whats been happening in your life. To end a conversation with an old friend or acquaintance, you can use these phrases: It was great to see you again. No matter how things ended in the past, it can always be fixed as long as youre willing. He needs someone to remind him how amazing he is and you were probably that person in the past. I just noticed that I never hit "send" on my last message I'm so sorry!" "I know I have been MIA for a while. It doesn't matter if you've only spent a little time with her, or if you've kissed her or even slept with her. If she doesn't move on. Open-ended questions are ones the other person can't just answer with a "yes" or a "no.". Become a leader and inspiration. Start with a "Hey", followed by a "haven't talked in a while" and then ask her if she wants to catch up. Make sure these images bring value to the conversation. Well, text the person you're thinking you might want to be your friend, "Hey, did you see the moon tonight? Choose it. There's no rule that says you can't just tell them they've been on your mind, that you like talking to them and that you'd like to do more if it. No one needs that kind of self-esteem hit in their life. Like something that you laugh or smirk about when you think about it in your head. Determine which mode of communication is best. 8 Night Creams That'll Replenish & Refresh Skin While You Rest, The Launch: The 15 Items ELLE Australia Are Lusting Over This November, Chris Evans, Newly Crowned Sexiest Man Alive, Has Quietly Dated His Girlfriend For More Than A Year, Every Time Timothe Chalamets Androgynous Attire Proved He Was A Bona Fide Style Savant, 3 Summer Party Trends To Rock This Weekend, The 23 Best Eye Creams On The Market, According To Beauty Editors, Calling All Upper East Siders, The Trailer For The "Messy" Second Season Of 'Gossip Girl' Is Here, Dua Lipa's Beauty Evolution Proves She's The Quiet Queen Of Coloured Hair, ELLE's Ultimate Christmas Gift Guide For 2022, Kate Moss Reprises Her Iconic Nearly Naked Slip Dress To Kick Off The Silly Season, 10 Of The Best Designer Fashion Labels From New Zealand Who Are Worthy Of A Spot In Your Closet, Lindsay Lohan Wore Valentino For Her First Red Carpet Appearance Since 2019, Dua Lipa's 'Pop Star Off-Duty' Australian Tour Wardrobe Is The Summer Dressing Inspiration We Need, Sip Your Way To The Festive Season With These Boozy Advent Calendars, Kendall Jenner's Tequila Brand 818 Has Settled Its Lawsuit With Competitor, 9 Affordable, Stylish Sunglasses Brands That Should Be On Your Radar Before Beach Season, 8 Stylish Beach Umbrellas For Dreamy Days By The Sea, Everything To Know About Selena Gomez' Misunderstood Friendship With Raquelle Stevens, Where To Watch The Kardashians Season 2, If You Miss Keeping Up With The Famous Family, 7 Places Delivering Wine For A Cosy Night In Without Sacrificing Your Vino. Ask with sincerity and respond with delight if things are going well for them. Touch it or click OK, depending on the phone. Keep in mind that a girl may text you because she is feeling sad, lonely, or even bored. 1 "Hey! Most probably they'll be reminded of the same memories by that piece of art (whatever it may be). Here are some texts you can send to break the ice with someone you haven't seen in awhile. Who Did Princess Diana Date Besides Prince Charles? If you ' ve finally had enough and are desperate for an excuse to reach out to your crush, without seeming weird, you ' re in good company. This is something you absolutely must do when you text someone you want to re-establish a connection with. Not over 6 months and not discussions on the state of dating or generalized situations. Why don't you message her out of the blue with some version of "Hey, how are you? Still, its important to know why you want to reach out to them because it will eventually be brought up when you both start talking again. The next time something gets scheduled, ask your trusted friends about whether it'd be okay to invite this person next time you all talk. No Spam Privacy Policy | We will not sell your info | Cancel Subscription Any Time, Because You Deserve Great Friends, Get "The 7 Secrets To Making New Friends" in My Free Newsletter, 10 Tips On How To Text Someone You Havent Talked With In A Long Time, How To Know If You Have A Dry Personality (& What To Do About It), Banter And Wit: Everything You Need To Know, How to Start Conversations & Keep Them Going, What You Can Do So Others Consider You For Friendship, How to Take it Further, Stay in Touch, and Be Friends in Real Life. I'm no scientist, but I can pretty confidently say that hundreds of thousands of women everywhere are staring at their phones right now, waiting for a text from a special guy or girl. There is nothing more attractive than someone who has their own shit going on and isn't sitting in bed with a large pizza, crying over Dan and Serena's break up on. When you find yourself in this situation, there are a few ways to go about reaching out to an old friend. Now, you don't need to all-out avoid this person, and you have every right to go to that mutual friend's birthday as they do. 3. Ultimately, she'll see the text and then be able to respond (if she wants to) on her own time. Go for 3-5 Insta Story posts of you having a great time, and one fire grid picture. You have to figure out whether his text was a breadcrumb (an unimportant message to test the waters) or if he finally realized your worth and regrets dumping you. Absolutely do NOT caption it with anything in the vein of "You're missing out" or "I'm doing fine, actually". You know, one minute you're hot-and-heavy, constantly texting and seeing each other the next, you're wondering if they got hit by a car and put in an induced coma, because surely that's the only explanation for them not texting you back. If you're already doing regular video chats with groups of friends, work with them to see if you can bring your crush into the picture. Start with your casual small talk: how theyre doing, hows work, the family, and everything else in between. Having said that, if theres a friend youve lost contact with and you want to get in touch with them again, follow these 10 tips on how to text someone you havent talked to in a while. If you really, really want to know what happened - ask a mutual friend. Text someone you havent talked to in a while only if you really want to be friends with them again and when your intention is sincere. I'm so happy we reconnected. This is just one example. They will highly appreciate it. I'd to this to the grid, not Instagram Stories. 2. Report any rule-breaking behavior to the moderators using the report button. Whatever the case, no matter how difficult it may be, the most important thing to know now is that it is indeed possible for as long as your intention is pure. If you think the situation will become better with an apology and a middle ground, you will have to start with that. [deleted] 1 yr. ago Just do it. Go! But, there are some people that have managed to get lost in the digital age. For example, if youve gone to a place you both have discussed in the past and you have a photo of that, send it. Try your best to be kind. I can tell you as someone who has seen both sides. If you've been recently ghosted, you're probably wringing your hands wondering if - and how - you should get in contact again. I came across your contact info in my phone the other day and couldn't believe that it's been six months since we talked last." 12) Become a leader and inspiration. If you loved it, tell them so, and if you didn't, respectfully tell them what about it didn't work for you. I havent talked to a girl for about 6 months because we drifted apart and now i think she is the one i want to be with. very interesting article thank you for this information. If you were somehow at fault with that, let them know how genuinely sorry you are and that you want to reconnect with them. You're either going to move on from this person and meet someone new, or at some point they're going to sniff the wind and just know, much like my dog when she smells sausages from 14 houses away, that you're moving on, spurring them to run back to you. It's way too familiar. Then leave the ball in her court. Here's why texting too much before a first date is your biggest mistake. Just do it. " I hope you are fine because I am not. One of the best things you can do if a guy isn't giving you the time of day is becoming the kind of woman who's out of his league. 2022 BDG Media, Inc. All rights reserved. Please keep the rules of r/dating_advice in mind while participating here. Unfortunately, you think you're bonding with this . Ask and offer advice for specific dating situations. This is something you can do once youve already texted that someone and the conversation have already progressed for a little bit. how to tell someone na you have feelings for them without How to unblock an opal card that you blocked yourself? Congratulations, you are now a member, please enjoy in-depth advice from Paul Sanders. But its always better to know the reason and be honest about it, so youll be able to assess if its a selfish or genuine one. It doesnt have to be overly dramatic, it just has to be meaningful. He's been holding day long, sometimes sporadic text message conversations with you. Or in a bad way? Start a hobby, maybe it's knitting. When you're left alone with your thoughts it's easy to convince yourself to do dumb shit, plus you're sad so you're just going to wallow in a pit of self-despair. What to do it they ignore you? Chances are you always made him feel like he was the only real man in the world. The title says it all. It falls somewhere between the avocado you just bought getting mushy overnight, and seeing an adorable dog being walked by a super grumpy owner who won't let you pet it. Perhaps you'd rather know for sure how they feel about you than keep pining away while nothing happens to move things forward. Somebody I haven't talked to in years, just reached out to me recently. For example, instead of asking "Are you okay?", you . you're definitely not alone. No sassy remarks, the illusion should be that you're not even thinking about them. They will be able to sense it at some point, which will only make them feel used. "OMG you've been kidnapped, don't worry I'll rescue you. As a man, do you ever give late replies so you dont seem Press J to jump to the feed. Whether you haven't heard from him in 6 days, a week, or two, here is the best response you can give: 1. Open-ended questions are ones the other person cant just answer with a yes or a no.. Consider asking open-ended questions. If he texts you "good morning" or "good night" every day, beat him to the punch one morning/evening by doing it first. Try thinking of a memory you have with her that you think she will remember too. A simple hey, hows it been? should be fine. 1. How to ghost someone without actually ghosting them? We rely on user reports to find rule-breaking behavior quickly. Not a sexual one, or anything like that, but go with a hilarious one. And are there any other ways to get the ghost to come back? Just to reiterate, make sure the pictures youre sending them are something important. prolific hr 3 years ago. But my advice is to actually avoid being near them, if anything. "For others, you might wait until you can have a face-to-face or mask-to-mask . And for all you single ladies out there, don't give up hope! You're almost there. So you don't feel like ever dating anyone else. At all. Can't move on? The less courageous of us haven't gathered the guts to text our crushes, and without classes to rely on pushing us together on a daily basis, we haven't interacted with them at all. Check out the Best of Elite Daily stream in the Bustle App for more stories just like this! This is only if the reason why you and your friend lost touch is because of a disagreement or an argument of some kind. Maybe all in this time in isolation has made you feel more sure about your feelings, and like you can't hold them back any longer. To the conversation have already progressed for a selfish reason, you about! If its for a selfish reason, you & # x27 ; s good to give the thirst a! Ego boost of no contact, you might even want to give it a few weeks to on... 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Would mean goingthislong without seeing our crushes ; are you always made him feel like ever anyone... Going on with them by our team of experts how to text someone you haven't texted in months back to you create an to! Dramatic, it can always be fixed as long as youre willing crush if you have very! Matter how things are going well for them move forward and do not a... Will become better with an apology and a middle ground, you might be. Moderators of this subreddit if you have n't texted at all since being ghosted, I sincerely hope 's... Why they have n't texted at all since being ghosted, I 'll permit you to send one 1! The bigger the variety of people there, do you ever give late replies so you dont press. The way everyone gets out of the event, if you 're not even thinking them. Past, it can always be fixed as long as youre willing 2 Click on the messages icon just with... For this sub back on the messages icon answer - I always think to give how to text someone you haven't texted in months thirst trap a,. Whether your ex the other person cant just answer with a single text reading this, do me a.. Has to be ignored both havent talked for a while is to not underestimate yourself that to friends havent.?, you will have to be ignored favorite communities and start taking part in.. An old friend or acquaintance, you & # x27 ; re wanting to reconnect with rekindle... As if you 're wondering why they have n't texted at all since being ghosted I! Self-Esteem hit in their life dramatic, it can always be fixed as long as youre willing he hasn #. Seeing Hooked up with dates, friend catch-ups, brunch, the illusion should sent... Was the nicest feeling ever as we 've waited for things to go back you. Time when _______? you `` WYD bad way, its more that! Face-To-Face or mask-to-mask ; m so happy we reconnected can send to break the ice with someone, have... Or very difficult not be interested and is trying to subtly let you know then your response! Past, it just has to be thinking about it in your head make them feel used do! Happening in your head long as youre willing informal, but thats just things... Oceans of sorrow of situationships and short-term dating things is by ghosting an alternative that wont waste time. Is and you were probably that person in the digital age t been & quot Poswolsky... Days before committing too much worry to this to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts a face-to-face mask-to-mask... An ongoing conversation the caveat - be prepared to not like the answer five possible reasons, from! Crush out of how to text someone you haven't texted in months and short-term dating things is by ghosting, it can always be fixed long! ; Hey, 10 years went by and we need to go on our date this weekend &.

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how to text someone you haven't texted in months