arp funding for schools

Selected applicants that scrap and replace their old diesel buses with new electric buses will receive a rebate of $300,000 per bus. Providing mental health services and supports, including through the implementation of evidence-based full-service community schools. Instead, consider what you need to fill your gaps and build a flywheel of momentum for long-term growth. The CDE has focused efforts on providing technical assistance to inform LEAs of the local MOEquity requirements as guidance has been made available, to answer questions, and to support compliance. New information and guidance will be added as it becomes available. Weve done the heavy lifting for you on that, too! SLFRF funding is not required to be obligated until December 31, 2024 and jurisdictions have until December 31, 2026 to fully expend their funds. ARP Act Overview | ESSER III Funds | Application | Allowable Uses | Formula Allocations | SEA Reserve Funds | Homeless Children and Youth | EANS II | Reporting | ESSER III Plans | Maintenance of Equity | State Plan | FAQs | Other Information. has shown that both arts integration and STEAM offer effective tools for increasing student achievement, decreasing behavior issues, and increasing student attendance. Reduce the number of full-time equivalent (FTE) staff per-pupil in any high-poverty school by an amount that exceeds the total reduction, if any, of FTE staff per-pupil in all schools in the LEA compared to baseline data. 0101000: DEWITT SCHOOL DISTRICT. Edunomics Lab provides timely, relevant and actionable analysis of education finance policy and resource allocation strategy and decisions. LEAs are required to report on any ARP Act funds that they receive. The Department will update the links when it receives new or revised information from States. Check with your district to learn more about SEL funding in 2022-23 and beyond. BIE Implementation of American Rescue Plan (ARP) Funding. One way to build ownership of the efforts with your staff is to provide a tiered-competition for funds. The ESSER III Fund Application closed on December 17, 2021. 2 U.S. Department of Education Dr. Miguel A. Cardona report is available on the Departments website at 21-0138-ARP-Community-Schools-OMB-and-OS-Approved-1.pdf. Subtitle ETesting Sec. Schools may also consider partnerships with local food banks and other community resources. Funding Opportunity Number. JavaScript appears to be disabled on this computer. The district had to allocate 20 percent of that amount to address loss of learning, and that amount is $160,265. Using the table below, you can find the plan your State submitted, the plan the Department approved, and highlights of the approved Plan. The Secretary encouraged states to make sure students who have been hit hardest by COVID-19 are provided with the resources and support they need to emerge from this pandemic stronger. ESSER I Funding The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act provides funding to LEAs through the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER I) Fund, to address the impact of COVID-19 on elementary and secondary schools. Funds may be used for any purpose consistent with providing in-person instruction pursuant to EC Section 43522(f), including, but not limited to: Estimated allocations released March 19, 2021. Below is the version of Californias ARP ESSER State Plan that was approved by the California State Board of Education on July 14, 2021 and submitted to ED on July 29, 2021. HCY II preliminary allocations released March 2022. ARP ESSER State Plan (DOCX; Posted 12-Aug-2021). Information on the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations (CRRSA) Act, and the American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act. 1006. Californias allocation for these funds is $98,709,231. The overarching purpose of these programs is to address the impact that COVID-19 has had, and continues to have, on elementary and secondary schools in Virginia. Our research and modeling projects are designed to give policymakers and education leaders the evidence-based resources they need to effectively deploy finite resources for the betterment of education. An official website of the United States government. These funding levels do not include the $10 billion in funding HHS will invest for screening testing to help schools reopen. Sec. 6 E. Green Street All funds must be obligated for use by September, 2024. Implementing evidence-based activities to meet the comprehensive needs of students. Whatever you do, dont purchase one-and-done items if possible. These funds include $122 billion for P-12 schools in Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ARP ESSER) funds. The Department does not control or guarantee the accuracy, relevance, timeliness, or completeness of any of the information available at the State-provided links. Avoiding devastating layoffs and hiring additional educators to address learning loss, providing support to students and existing staff, and providing sufficient staffing to facilitate social distancing. Should LEAs be determined to not meet the MOEquity requirement for a substantial number of schools by December 14 following the applicable fiscal year (e.g. Funding for COVID19 testing, contact tracing, and mitigation activi-ties. Supporting students in underserved groups to provide equity, including: low-income, racial and ethnic, gender, English Learners. Californias allocation for ESSER III is $15,079,696,097. Use of these funds is determined through the State budget process. Research, COMPANY The budget also allocates over $50 million in ARP funding to strengthen youth mental health supports through an interagency effort to improve access to services, increase awareness and resilience-building, and provide peer supports, professional development, and training, for mental health in communities, in schools, and on college campuses. Law, Regulations & Memos. Eligible LEAs had until December 17, 2021 to apply for and receive funds through subsequent apportionments based on quarterly expenditure reporting. UPDATE (30-Jun-2021): The ESSER III Expenditure Plan template and instructions are available at the link below. Section 2001 (c) of the ARP Act requires the United States Department of Education to allocate the ESSER Fund based on the proportion that each State received under Title I, Part A of the Emergency Connectivity Fund (Schools & Libraries) This funding provides a 100 percent reimbursement to schools and libraries for internet access and connected devices for students and teachers for remote learning and library services. Interest Earned on ESSER III Fund: ESSER III Funds are subject to Title 2, Code of Federal Regulations, Section 200.305, which requires grantees and sub-grantees to remit interest earned on advances to the federal agency. Submission of this template is only required once. and ensure that those interventions respond to students social, emotional, and academic needs and address the disproportionate impact of COVID-19 on underrepresented student subgroups. The American Rescue Plan (ARP) has been signed by President Biden and includes nearly $130 billion for elementary and secondary schools. What is the ARP? The ARP includes several funding programs that are generally unrestricted in how schools may use them. See in-depth information on allowable uses below. Additionally, Section 2001(e)(1) of the ARP Act requires an LEA to reserve not less than 20 percent of its ESSER III allocation (Resource Code 3214) to address the academic impact of lost instructional time through the implementation of evidence-based interventions. What Families and Communities Need to Know: Within two weeks of signing the American Rescue Plan, the Department of Education distributed $81,316,533,333.00 of ARP ESSER funds to States, two-thirds of each States total funding. The ARP Act requires LEAs that receive ESSER III funds to complete a Safe Return to In-person Instruction and Continuity of Services plan. Membership States were subsequently required to complete and submit an ARP ESSER State plan to receive the additional one-third of ARP ESSER funds upon Department approval. Purchasing supplies to sanitize and clean the facilities of an LEA, including buildings operated by such agency. Planning for, coordinating, and implementing activities during long-term closures, including how to provide meals, technology for online learning, guidance on IDEA requirements, and ensuring other educational services can continue to be provided consistent with all applicable requirements. Providing principals and other school leaders with the resources necessary to address the unique needs of their individual schools. Reduce combined State and local per-pupil funding for any high-poverty school (see Question 23 in ED FAQs, linked below) by an amount that exceeds the total reduction, if any, of combined State and local per-pupil funding for all schools in the LEA compared to baseline data. Accordingly, with two exceptions, the requirements of ARP 2 EANS are the same as those in section 312 (d) of the CRRSA Act. Rethink Grant. File a complaint online with our Inspector General (OIG) or call their Hotline. American Rescue Plan (ARP) funding is on its way to schools across the United States. ARP ESSER Fund awards to LEAs (including charter schools that are LEAs) are allocated in the same proportion as those funds received under Part A of Title I of the Elementary and Several federally funded programs have been authorized to support public and non-public schools during the COVID-19 pandemic. provide PD in supporting these learners, and the curriculum provides equitable opportunities for all students in these groups to learn in and through creative means. New York State has been allocated nearly $9 billion in ARP Elementary and Secondary School purchasing educational technology (including hardware. The White House The CDE will also review the districts enrollment and other confounding factors to determine whether the district may be exempt from the requirement or whether it should apply for a waiver. Counties that own public libraries may be eligible to apply for this competitive grant. Then, determine how much has been set aside for each school in your district. Below is the revised version of Californias ARP ESSER State Plan submitted to ED on September 24, 2021. On March 11, 2021 one year ago today President Biden signed the American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act into law, an unprecedented $1.9 trillion package of emergency assistance measures. 1005. Secure .gov websites use HTTPS Fiscal Management Fiscal forms and funding results for the Education for Homeless Children and Youth Program grants. ARP ESSER funds are supporting this agenda in several ways: ARP ESSER-Funded State and District ActivitiesFrom the U.S. Department of EducationSafely Reopening Schools and Sustaining Safe OperationsSafely reopening schools and keeping them open safely are essential for student learning and well-being. Note: The above use of funds are allowable pursuant to EC 43522. Purchasing educational technology (including hardware. The committee recommends the following to address learning loss in student subgroups. Developing and implementing procedures and systems to improve the preparedness and response efforts of LEAs. Funding Opportunity; International Agricultural Education Fellowship Program (CA) Funding Number: USDA FAS 10619 0762 10 22 0004 Agency: Department of Agriculture, Foreign Our mission is to promote student achievement and preparation for global competitiveness by fostering educational excellence and ensuring equal access. Community Spotlights:ARP Funding Recipients and Stories. Under the American Rescue Plan, EDA was allocated $3 billion in supplemental funding to meet the urgent needs of American communities. The American Rescue Plan (ARP) provides nearly $123 billion allocated to the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) Fund for safe school re-openings and recovering California has been allocated $181,312,003 for EANS II. In New Mexico, the College and Career Readiness Bureau of the. work well here as each lesson also comes with a website for students to use to enhance their learning and ensure learning is accessible for all. LEA staff training and professional development on sanitation and minimizing the spread of infectious diseases. Acronyms: Assembly Bill (AB); American Rescue Plan Act (ARP Act); Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act); California Department of Education (CDE); Coronavirus Relief Funds (CRF); Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act (CRRSA Act); Education Code (EC); Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER); Emergency Assistance for Non-public Schools (EANS); Expanded Learning Opportunities Grant (ELO-G); Governor's Emergency Education Relief (GEER); Homeless Children and Youth (HCY); Learning Loss Mitigation Funding (LLMF); local educational agency (LEA); personal protective equipment (PPE); State Education Agency (SEA); Senate Bill (SB); to be determined (TBD). Email Us, Copyright 2010-2021 The Vision Board, LLC | All Rights Reserved, American Rescue Plan Funding for K-12 Schools, ARP funds represent the largest COVID-19 funding relief to schools to date and is, Funds are provided to each state and are also referred to as ESSER III funds. In addition to the $123 billion in ESSER funds, ARP includes $800 million in funding specificallydedicated to support the identification, enrollment, and school participation of The CDE has developed publicly accessible resources for LEAs, including: The CDE has provided regular outreach to LEAs through listservs, targeted mail merge communications, and phone calls in order to share these resources, inform LEAs of requirements and timelines, provide deadline reminders, and clarify commonly occurring questions. Recent News. Both approaches also offer the evidence-based support that funds must be tied to for interventions and enrichment. What resources can you invest in over the next 3 years which will build a culture of sustainability in any effort? Funding Opportunities . Coordinating preparedness and response efforts of LEA with state, local, tribal, and territorial public health departments, and other relevant agencies, to improve coordinated responses with other agencies to prevent, prepare for, and respond to coronavirus. How the LEA will ensure continuity of services, including but not limited to services to address students academic needs and students and staff social, emotional, mental health, and other needs, which may include student health and food services. For more information, please refer to the CDE web page on Interest Earned on Federal Funds. Each state must use no less than 90 percent of its allocation ($13,571,726,487) to make subgrants to LEAs, based on each LEAs share of funds received under Title I, Part A in fiscal year (FY) 202021. Revised ARP ESSER State Plan (DOCX; Posted 28-Sep-2021). Looking at the big picture of needs, wants, and vision for the next 3 years, what bubbles to the surface for your school community? Below is a consolidated list of allowable uses. Privacy Policy Research has shown that both arts integration and STEAM offer effective tools for increasing student achievement, decreasing behavior issues, and increasing student attendance. This guide shares how the American Rescue Plan (ARP) directly impacts K-12 schools and offers ways you can access the funds available right now. Funding comes from the VW Environmental Mitigation Trust and will support publicly accessible charging sites. A school district must submit its ESSER III Expenditure Plan to its County Office of Education (COE) for review and approval. On October 12, 2021, ED released additional guidance detailing the LEA Local Maintenance of Equity Exception Process for FY 202122 (PDF; posted 12-Oct-2021). The largest of these Acts, the American Rescue Plan (ARP), provides $122 billion to states, $110 billion of which must go to districts. Funding for COVID19 vaccine, therapeutic, and device activities at the Food and Drug Administration. COVID-19 Prevention Program (CPP) MVUSD Quarantine Plan. . Support the needs of staff by promoting and funding programs to improve staff wellness, morale and retention. The main funding source for local educational agencies (LEAs) in the ARP Act is the ESSER III fund. Cleaning, health, and safety resources for safely re-opening school buildings. For the most currently available allocation and apportionment information for this fund source please see the ESSER I Funding Results web page. State education agencies aim to use the ARP ESSER funding solve the unique challenges faced by students and educators in their communities, often leading to very diverse approaches to educational improvement. For the most currently available allocation information for this fund source please seethe EANS Funding Results web page. Funding up to $15,000 or 90 percent of project costs for Level 2 community charging. Learn about enhanced air quality monitoring funded through the ARP. 18004(a)(1) All Title IV participating schools Note: Students cannot apply for assistance directly from the U.S. Department of Education but should contact their institutions for further information and guidance. Additional items to note about using the funds: With so much money available, its important for you to have a good idea of how much is available for your specific district and school. Weve provided an example for you to see how this works: We walk you through how to use this tool to find your school and districts actual numbers in our downloadable PDF. Apportionments quarterly through December 2023, based on LEA expenditure reporting. (PDF; Added 27-May-2021), ED Maintenance of Equity FAQs Information on the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act and associated funds and waivers, including the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER I) fund and the Governors Emergency Education Relief (GEER I) fund. 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW View additional guidance for uses of funding through. For more information about the required reports, please see the CDE Quarterly Reporting Help Page. aimed specifically at addressing learning loss. As part of a learning recovery program, funds are to be used for supplemental instruction and support, including: Revised allocations released October 2021. NY-RISE. Grantees or sub-grantees may retain interest amounts up to $500 per year for related administrative expenses. For the most currently available funding information for this fund source please see the ARP EANS Funding Profile. Use of any ESSER funds (ESSER I, ESSER II, or ESSER III) must be in accordance with allowable uses in any of these three federal stimulus acts, and in alignment with the statutory purpose of the program: to prevent, prepare for, or respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. "These funds from the American Rescue Plan and the extraordinary steps the Department is taking to get these resources to states quickly will allow schools to invest in mitigation strategies to get students back in the classroom and stay there, and address the many impacts this pandemic has had on studentsespecially those disproportionately impacted by the pandemic.". LEAs that did not adopt a COVID-19 Safety Plan during the 202021 school year, must adopt a Safe Reopening and Continuity of Services Plan using the CDE provided template within 30 days of completing the ESSER III Assurances and submit to All prospective volunteers must complete a certification process approved by the GUSD Board of Education. For the most currently available funding information for this fund source please see the ARP EANS Funding Profile. Testing, repairing, and upgrading projects to improve air quality in school buildings. Additional information, including an ARP ESSER Fact Sheet and allocation tables, can be found at (PDF) on LEA MOEquity requirements in the Federal Register. Additional information about LEA MOEquity requirements can be found on the CDE ESSER III Fund Frequently Asked Questions web page. Efforts to provide vaccinations to school communities. This presentation elicits stakeholder input on Californias ARP Act Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief III Plan and includes background information regarding the ARP-HCY fund. The LEA must still attest to having a prior plan and complete the relevant sections of the CDE provided template which can be found in the link above and submit the template to within 30 days of completing ESSER III Assurances. States and districts nationwide are using funds to hire teachers and other instructional staff, launch tutoring, summer and afterschool programs (which states are required to fund), and make long-overdue investments in instructional materials. The Board of Education values the impact of volunteers on our school communities This will show you how much your state received, how much must go to the LEAs in your state, and how the state plans to use its 10%. Should an SEA wish to update any of the links/files posted above, it should contact its State mailbox at (e.g. One easy way to do this is through a budget tracker tool. web page. Knowing how much your district received can help you know what is available. Deadline for FY21 passed. 2022 Request for Proposals (RFP) and Charter School Application Kit Posted for Public Comment. Under section 2004(b) of the ARP Act, as a condition of receiving ESSER III funds, an SEA may not, in each of FY 202122 or 202223: Californias MOEquity data submission is available through EDs Maintenance of Equity Please refer to the Federal Stimulus Funding web page Capital Expenditures section for more information and the Capital Expenditures Pre-Approval Application. A lock (LockA locked padlock) or https:// means youve safely connected to the .gov website. Guidance for all Charter Schools. HCY funding is available in two rounds. The latest Lifestyle | Daily Life news, tips, opinion and advice from The Sydney Morning Herald covering life and relationships, beauty, fashion, health & wellbeing "The holding will call into question many other regulations that protect consumers with respect to credit cards, bank accounts, mortgage loans, debt collection, credit reports, and identity theft," tweeted Chris Peterson, a former enforcement attorney at the CFPB who is now a law Applied for funds on CARS no later than March 31, 2021 (deadline extended to April 16, 2021); and, Submitted the Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) Federal Addendum no later than April 16, 2021. Providing store cards/prepaid debit cards to purchase materials necessary for students to participate in school activities. In addition to the ARP ESSER funding for states, the American Rescue Plan includes $7.6 billion for special education, children and youth experiencing homelessness, Tribal educational agencies, Native Hawaiians, and Alaska Natives, emergency assistance to non-public schools, and the Outlying Areas (American Samoa, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, Guam, and the U.S. Virgin Islands), as well as $40 billion for higher education. The CDE has also presented during webinars to share and clarify federal guidance as it has become available. This doesnt need to be complicated a simple spreadsheet will work. Please note that these allowable uses categories will also be utilized during quarterly reporting on each of the ESSER funds. Student Portion. The Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) ARP ESSER (March 2021) ESSER Reporting. So schools are able to quickly and easily access the resources they need to make an immediate impact for their students. SUPPORT FOR ARTS INTEGRATION & STEAM EDUCATION. For the most currently available allocation and apportionment information for this fund source please seethe ESSER II Funding Results web page. In some cases, the reader may need to enter the name of the LEA to search. Select a box below to access more information on the distribution of Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) Funds to schools in Pennsylvania during COVID-19. The American Rescue Plan ESSER funds (ARP ESSER or ESSER III) totaled $122.8 billion. The ARP ESSER funds may be used to address the many impacts of COVID-19 on pre-K through 12 education, including: Secretary Cardona also underscored the importance of advancing equity in states' efforts to reopen schools quickly and safely. Any revisions must address an LEAs policies for each CDC updated safety recommendation. How the LEA will maintain the health and safety of students, educators, and other staff and the extent to which it has adopted policies, and a description of any such policies, on each of the following safety recommendations established by the Center for Disease Control (CDC): Modifying facilities to allow for physical distancing (e.g., use of cohorts/ podding). ESSER III Safe Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services Plan Template (PDF). To have received FY 202021 Title I, Part A funds, an LEA must have: ESSER III fund allocations for new or significantly expanding charter schools in FY 202122 are based on their share of funding received under Title I, Part A in FY 202122. School facility repairs and improvements to enable operation of schools to reduce risk of virus transmission and exposure to environmental health hazards, and to support student health needs. Additionally, within the ARP Act there is a program for non-public schools, the Emergency Assistance to Non-Public Schools II (EANS II) grant, which accounts for $2.75 billion for all states and $181,312,003 for California. **Accessibility:The Department places a high priority on posting documents on its website that meet the accessibility standards established by Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act and is working diligently to ensure that those standards are met by all documents posted on this page. With this ARP funding, states can support the critical testing and testing supports schools need to implement screening testing programs. Same uses as EANS I, but two major program differences: Application period closed January 3, 2022. $362 Billion Direct Financial Assistance $656.18 Billion Assistance to Individuals & Families $56.27 Billion Education & Childcare $211.57 Billion Health $86.24 Billion Careers Any revisions to the plan must be publicly posted on the LEAs website, but are not required to be submitted to CDE or use CDEs template. The federal requirements found in the ARP Act require that the ESSER III fund be subject to the Uniform Grants Guidance program management regulations Those regulations contain a requirement that capital expenditures greater than $5,000 have prior written approval. As of last week, with the help of ARP funds, about 96% of K-12 public schools were open for full-time, in-person instruction. Expanded Learning Note: To receive funding under the ARP (a)(4) program, all proprietary institutions must complete and submit this form to assist with management and oversight. 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