volcano sentence easy

It's impossible to discuss volcanoes and not discuss the properties of volcanic ash -- rock that has literally been pulverized into dust or sand by volcanic activity. Once these volcanic materials reach the surface of the Earth, they break down . Large water content with little silica permits the vapour to rapidly rise through the molten rock, throwing fountains of fire high into the air. Sometimes they form inverted cones extending a little below the eruption cloud. The speed of a lava flow depends on its viscosity (which depends on temperature and composition) as well as the slope of the surface on which it is flowing. On these chains are the volcanoes and many thermal springs. Free or native sulphur, known also as "virgin sulphur," occurs in connexion with volcanoes and in certain stratified rocks in several modes, viz. Sentences are more than just strings of words. (887) If you remember nothing else, remember this: Inspiration from outside one's self is like the heat in an oven. Numerous extinct volcanoes rise near Neuwied. (179) 1 Its tallest volcano, long extinct, is Olympus Mons. Another type called bread crust bomb resembles a loaf of bread with large gaping cracks in the crust. (560) During the last several days smoke, ash and vapor have been spewing from the crater of the volcano in western Colima state. The northern part of the mountain chain of the northern peninsula is volcanic, its volcanoes continuing the line of those of Makian, Ternate and Tidore. Cooler and less-fluid basalt flows form irregular, jagged surfaces littered with blocks. (257) Basaltic lava first erupted from the center and built up the volcano. The hot springs shed minerals dissolved in them resulting in crusts of calcium carbonate and quartz (geyserite). What is the simple predicated in the sentence? He was the Roman god of fire! Parts of the flow may freeze so rapidly that the liquid quenches to a glass (obsidian). In simple terms a volcano is a mountain that opens downward to a pool of molten rock (magma) below the surface of the earth. In this way Pompeii suddenly disappeared in its top period of material civilization. (334) If Old Faithful quits erupting, is that a sign the volcano is about to erupt? (84) What type of volcano forms the archipelago. (732) 1Life-size dinosaur models tower above the Prehistoric Park where authentic geological formations include mountain uplift, volcano, swampland and inland sea. (278) The explosion of Jemez volcano made the Trinity blast look like nothing. 1883 : The volcano Krakatau explodes ( Aug . (661) 2The only active volcano on the European mainland, Vesuvius has erupted frequently since Pompeii and Herculaneum were buried by it in a. d. 7. It contains Volcano Island volcano Mount Taal. the vent through which the eruption of magma occurs as well as the hill built- up by the erupted material. The gases escaping from magma during eruption mix with the atmosphere and become part of the air humans, animals and plants breath and assimilate. The final escape of the gases from the hardening lava leaves large rounded holes in the rock. (918) "volcano" - Definition, pictures, pronunciation and usage note. (294) Mount Rinjani or Gunung Rinjani is an active volcano on Lombok Indonesia. The filling of the central vertical vent is somewhat circular in section and forms a spire called a neck. Thousands of mirrors boosted into geosynchronous orbit to block sunlight. You two are blowing hotter air than a tornado circlin a, Standing on a volcanic crater, even that of an extinct, The lower portion of the island is the inactive, 1) Thirty-five miles across the sea is Krakatau, site of the legendary, Standing on a volcanic crater , even that of an extinct, In contemporary cricket, one force reckoned to be a dormant, What a charming creature your younger girl is, said the visitor; a little, Australia possesses one mountain which, though not a, Mount Etna has the longest period of documented eruption of any, A lake now lays the volcanic caldera where, They had the shattering, overwhelming strength of earthquake and hurricane and, Happily these acclivities wound up the interior of the, The super heated oil pulsing through the hollow of the bird and spouting like a, The economic losers are spewed out iii a social, North-north-east of Yenangyaung the extinct, He pointed out that Yellowstone is caldera of a, The policemen who patrolled the big city slum area that summer were sitting on a, At the time of its greatest dimensions the, It is beautifully situated among the hills at the foot of the Salak, It's actually a collapsed volcanic crater, and below the water the, It will control your mind, but deep inside the behavior pattern is like a sleeping, For example, the mountain and the fire together, we have fire mountain. Tes paid licence How can I reuse this? For instance, in Hawaii lava flows erupted from Kilauea for over a decade and as a consequence, homes, roads, forests, cars and other vehicles were buried in lavas and in some cases were burned by the resulting fires but no lives were lost. More than 2000 seamounts have been identified in this ocean. (121) Mount Fuji in Japan is actually an active volcano. (684) The grey ash - from volcano Eyjafjallajokull - is being sold in 160 gramme portions in sealed glass containers as souvenirs of the disaster. (468) A lake of southwest Luzon, Philippines, south of Manila . It is the world's most active volcano. 1. North of the two first-mentioned volcanoes Lake Taupo spreads over 238 sq. They are considered to be volcanoes, and the mountains of the neighbouring Uliasser islands the remains of volcanoes. - "volcano" in a sentence. (77) 2Sulphur gases were emitted by the volcano. The volcano has not erupted with any great force since 1924. (706) Pliny the Younger wrote an account of his death and suggested that he collapsed and died through inhaling poisonous gases emitted by the volcano. Larger than any mountains in the area, the molten lava spewing volcano is a danger to the people living around it. (360) A nearby volcano erupted violently, sending out a hail of molten rock and boiling mud. Volcanoes are natural phenomena which are on the Earth's surface through which molten rock and gases escape from below the surface (Tarbuck, 139). The liquid magma discharged to the surface is called lava. Some bright spots are visible by the earth-light when the moon is a thin crescent, which were supposed by Herschel to be volcanoes in eruption. (691) The volcanic island formed over years after the 1883 eruption of the Krakatoa volcano, one of the largest, most devastating in recorded history. Four types of volcanic landforms are formed: i. Ash and Cinder Cones or Explosion Cones: These appear where explosive eruptions take place. The melted substance is light in weight. (354) The volcano was in a remote area of the northern rift, accessible only by helicopter. (419) The volcano was often called Vesuvius in the late Roman Republic and the early Roman Empire. The most prevalent gases emitted are steam, carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulphide. To the north of the volcanoes, which rise to 9500 ft. South of the volcanoes the northern affluents of the Ombilin - Sumpur, Sello and Sinamar - flow through valleys parallel to one another in a north-west to south-east direction. Acid lava full of gas formed cavities produces a light volcanic rock. (379) 1New pictures are showing how active a volcano near Ecuador's capital of Quito is gotten. All parts are Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) and specifically designed for the Volcano Vaporizer. In a geothermal system water also serves as the medium by which heat is transmitted from a deep igneous source to a geothermal reservoir at a depth shallow enough to be tapped by drilling. Free | Worksheets | Grade 3 | Printable Bougainville, the largest of the group, contains Mt Balbi (10,170 ft.), and two active volcanoes. Scoriaceous rocks are extremely porous. (582) Those rugged plasteel islands of black and purple flew Lord Sagramoso's vermilion volcano banner, and bore dire bulky weapons. This volcano is all but extinct. At some places, the hydrogen sulphide gases undergo oxidation on exposure to air to form sulphur. The main volcanic product is liquid lava. The atmosphere is a cause of disease in the neighborhood of chemical works, large towns, volcanoes, &c., in so far as it carrie, acid gases and poisons to the leaves and roots; but it is usual tc associate with it the action of excessive humidity which brings about those tender watery and more or less etiolated condition, which favor parasitic Fungi, and diminish transpiration and therefore nutrition. (107) The most famous volcano in Hawaii is Mauna Loa. The eruptive activity of volcanoes is mostly named after the well-known volcanoes, which are known for particular type of behaviour, like Strambolian, Vulcanian, Vesuvian, Hawaiian types of eruption. These are common in most very high volcanoes. Soon society will go plummeting down and drown in nineteen centuries of shit. This volcano is a stratovolcano or composite volcano. He obtained his degree. Some lava forms are produced by varying conditions as follows. The phyma , the narrowness, the volcano vent , and the falsehydronephrosis are appeared. Others are generated when heavy rainfall saturates weathered volcanic deposits. They knew how to plug the volcano. The eruptions of volcanoes and lava flows are environmental hazards of the severest type, often taking a heavy toll of plants and animal life. The number of main craters may be about twenty-five, but there are very many small eruptive cones on the flanks of the old volcanoes. (305) yellowstone national park, soon to become the worlds largest active volcano. Discover some shield volcano examples from around the world and their locations. label and describe volcanoes. In Owen's Valley is a fine group of extinct or dormant volcanoes. (758) The GVP assigns a geographic identifier code the Volcano Number or VNUM for each Holocene volcano in the world according to a system originally devised by IAVCEI. (113) Swirling spirit of volcano invest me with power. The hollows left over are called tree moulds. (755) 2Lacy breakers lap the coral reef that rings Bora-Bora, an ancient sunken volcano 16miles (26kilometers) northwest of Tahiti in French Polynesia's Society Islands. (406) In 194he went to lake Kivu in the Congo to observe a new volcano which he later named Kituro. For instance, rocks encountered in the crust sometimes are partly melted by and dissolved into the rising mantle-derived magma, and sometimes crystals grow and then separate from magma as it begins to cool. (268) The debris from the volcano left the city covered in blocks and ash. 2) Squeeze out the seeds and some lemon juice (leaving some juice) with the help of spoon or fork. Blockage of solar radiation by fine pyroclastic material can cause global cooling. (518) Rapid production of such large amounts of material clearly has profound effects on the land round the volcano. Continued subsidence caused them to drop below the water surface. (505) It is as if the lava from an erupting volcano had hardened into a crust just before it engulfed the neighborhood. (939) How to use "volcano" in a sentence. A hotspot is located in . (387) 2The eruption of the volcano covered states as far away as Montana in a fine layer of ash. These substances are considered volatile since they tend to occur as gases at temperatures and pressures at the surface of the earth. Temperatures in the earth rise with increasing depth at about 0.56C per 30 m depth. It is a part of the Pacific Ring of Fire. (127) Its tallest volcano, long extinct, is Olympus Mons. (44) Etna is Europe's most active volcano. (921) What Is "volcano"? Generally the vent opens out to a depression called crater at the top of the volcano. Image Guidelines 5. It is used for animal husbandry in Hungary and feeding in Iceland. (381) The volcano was in a remote area of the northern rift, accessible only by helicopter. Volcanic bombs include pancake-flat scoria shaped on impacting the ground and spindle bombs which are twisted at ends as they whizzle through the air. (655) Residents were also warned against the possible flowing of lava into rivers around the volcano, and urged to wear masks in case of ash rain. The whole system is volcanic, and a considerable number of volcanoes are still intermittently active, noticeably in central and southern Chile. A sentence ends with punctuation (a period, a question mark, or an exclamation point). (91) The volcano is currently considered inactive. (407) In 198he went to Lake Kivu in the Congo to observe a new volcano which he later named Kituro. (581) 1Witnesses report seeing less smoke and ash Wednesday but say the volcano spit out flaming material up to meters into the air. The, Changes in stress caused by large earthquakes may be enough to cause volcanic eruptions when the magma system of the. There are also secondary and tertiary hazards connected with volcanic eruptions. (699) One such volcano-induced landslide occurred thousands of years ago in the Greek islands, causing the Minoan civilization to be wiped from the map. The rift-valley faults continue down the depression, marked by numerous volcanoes, in the region of the Natron Lake and Lake Manyara; while the steep walls of the deep depression of Tanganyika and Nyasa represent the western rift system at its maximum development.. They are the stilled tears of the volcano, yet they are not the sorrowful tears like the black sand. Violent explosions destroy farms and towns, but volcanic ash provides rich soil for crops. good sentence like quote, proverb). Powerful explosions can smoother land for many kilometres around with ash and can hurl huge amount of dust into the higher atmosphere. (97) Lava boiled up from the crater of the volcano. Did you know? (643) The first satellite imagery returned after the event on Saturday points strongly to a collapse in the west-southwest flank of the volcano. (223) Anyway, her tail catches on fire from the back of the volcano. Basaltic tephra (large particles of different size) is a spongy-looking black, rough material of pebble or cobble. (479) Volcanologists now recognize these oscillations as a red flag that a volcano is entering a dangerous phase. The volcanoes of Bolivia lie almost entirely in the Western Cordillera - the great summits of the eastern range, such as Illimani and Sorata, being formed of Palaeozoic rocks with granitic and other intrusions. a mountainlike opening in the earth's crust through which molten lava, rocks, and gas spews out Examples of Volcano in a sentence The active volcano in Hawaii continues to gush gaseous lava and ash through It's funnel-like top. (392) It will control your mind, but deep inside the behavior pattern is like a sleeping volcano. In the southern region of unfolded beds are found the lavas of the " harras " of Arabia, and in India the extensive flows of the Deccan Trap. (834) In 1948, he went to Lake Kivu in the Congo to observe a new volcano which he later named Kituro.Tazieff was able to set up his camp very close to the volcano while it was erupting violently. (186) What type of volcano was located in 2004 by researchers? is set out causing damage. (237) The extinct volcano's eruption would mean a cataclysm for the city. Both of these processes actually result in an increased silicon content for the modified daughter magma, and thus the natural tendency is for basaltic magma to change to become a more silicic composition. (451) Half of Molokai, there is evidence of a fracture followed by the submergence of a portion of a volcano. (314) when the countdown is complete, the reaction should render the volcano inert. There is a railway connecting not only the coalfields of the Ombilin valley with Padang, but also the Ombilin river and the Lake of Singkara with the most productive and densely populated plateaus and valleys, north and south of the line of the volcanoes Singalang, Merapi and Sago. This type of volcano is broad with sloped sides. When a volcano vent produces many successive basaltic lava flows stacked one on top of another in eruptive order, the resulting landform is called a shield volcano. Sulphur has long been worked on a small scale in the Koh-i-Sultan, the largest of the volcanoes of western Baluchistan. 1. Volcanoes are often found where tectonic plates are moving apart or coming together. (274) When I got to the north of Chad, I found a different kind of volcano. In the Alaskan Range and the Aleutian Range there are more than a dozen live volcanoes, several of them remarkable; the latter range is composed largely of volcanic material. (598) It has a very restricted range being found only on the northwestern parts of the Pichincha volcano It is critically endangered. (870) How could it be otherwise, given the proximity, day in day out, of hundreds of teenagers, each one a hormone volcano ready to erupt, and their teachers(Sentence dictionary), many still in their early twenties? (403) So essentially, we had our first carbon-neutral volcano. (710) Europe's most active volcano, Mount Etna in Sicily, erupted on Monday, with officials reporting more than 130 earthquakes of up to 4.3 in magnitude. (775) Temperatures in a mud volcano are much cooler than that of a regular volcano The biggest mud volcanoes are 10 kilometers in diameter and can be as tall as 700 meters. Use the pictures and word bank provided to write one or more simple sentences using or Remember your capital letter at the beginning and your full stop at the end. Hot springs are also phenomena associated with volcanic activity. (436) It seems like the volcano is active at the moment and it may happen again, Ubide told the Guardian. (82) 2The volcano vomited flames and molten rock. Volcanic Landforms 4. A vent or fissure on the surface of a planet (usually in a mountainous form) with a magma chamber attached to the mantle of a planet or moon, periodically erupting forth lava and volcanic gases onto the surface. (349) The hot ash the lava from the volcano Etna brought total destruction to the village. The plate serves as the base for your volcano. (416) One of the cool things to eavesdrop on might be an undersea volcano called the Axial Seamount. (791) People first spotted the noctilucent clouds a few years after the 188eruption of the Krakatoa super-volcano in Indonesia created spectacular sunsets from ash in the atmosphere. Pelee in Martin que in 1902 is a highly violent eruption ejecting a hot cloud of ash mixed with considerable quantity of gas which flows down the sides of the volcano like a liquid. (747) The Volcan de Fuego, Spanish for volcano of fire, exploded in a hail of ash and molten rock shortly before noon Sunday, blanketing nearby villages in heavy ash. pahoehoe and Aa. (98) And he used the extinct volcano as a footstool. In Baluchistan these volcanoes appear to be extinct; though the Koh-i-Tafdan, beyond the Persian frontier, still emits vapours at frequent intervals. North and east of the Fossa Magna the structure is concealed, to a very large extent, by the outpourings of the volcanoes which form so marked a feature in the northern part of Hondo. Pyroclastic or ash flow refers to a flow of ash, solid rock pieces and gas. The greater the original gas concentration in a magma and the greater the volume rate of magma leaving the vent, the taller is the eruption column produced. (901) Freaking terrifying, right? (434) A mud volcano or mud dome is a kind of volcano that is made by liquids and gases from the earth. Thousands of mirrors boosted into geosynchronous orbit to block sunlight. (308) Almost 100 of the volcano fell in to the ocean leaving a small crater lake. (788) In the neighborhood of ~ ~, Nagasaki, over the celebrated solfataras of Unzen-take KlilshIiI (called also Onsen) stands an extinct volcano, whose summit, Fugen-dake, is 4865 ft. (789) Farther north the Misti volcano rises over the city of Arequipa in a perfect cone to a height of over 20,013 ft., and near its base are the hot sulphur and iron springs of Yura. Examples from the Collins Corpus Pahoehoe is a feature which has a wrinkled skin appearance caused by molten lava flowing below it. The Mayon Volcano, also known as Mount Mayon, is an active volcano in the province of Albay, on Luzon island in the Philippines. (63) The volcano has erupted twice this year. (603) A neighbour retaliated on behalf of his fallen friend and in an instant a volcano of commotion had erupted in front of Hencke. 1) Take a medium sized lemon and cut into 3/4 th using butter or cutting knife. Since the Rev. Step 1: For this baking soda vinegar volcano, tape the top of your tall plastic container to the side of your plastic plate. Cinder cones and tufa cones abound, but one of the most distinguishing features of the Hawaiian volcanoes is the great number of craters of the engulfment type, i.e. (672) If the economic vigor that after country of an ancient old was flouncing off what plan system centrally to manacle, shows erupts like volcano. (913) What is the modern definition of "volcano"? (453) It says the possible cause of the tsunami were undersea landslides after the Krakatoa volcano erupted. (141) Molten lava erupted from the top of the volcano. Pumice is a rock also formed by the expansion and escape of gases. This is the outlet end of the pipe. Finally in the east of Yezo rise the most westerly volcanoes of the Kurile chain. This is a low mud cone deposited by mud-rich water gushing out of a vent. Pumice will float in water due to many air spaces formed by the expanding gases. (33) The volcano poured out molten rock. In Tertiary times the Central Plateau was the theatre of great volcanic activity from the Miocene, to the Pleistocene periods, and many of the volcanoes remain as nearly perfect cones to the present day. CAMHS Professionals, 8 Hepscott Road. (267) 1The volcano spewed a giant cloud of ash, dust and gases into the air. Privacy Policy. Flows of lava, pyroclastic activity, emissions of gas and volcanic seismicity are major hazards. The volcanoes of the Hawaiian Islands are nearly 4300 metres above sea level since they are built over the floor of the Pacific ocean which at the site is 4300 to 5500 metres deep, the total height of the volcano may be about 9000 m or more. A mountain-like structure created over thousands of years as the volcanic lava, ash, rock fragments are poured out onto the surface. ), the great snowy range of Ruwenzori (q.v. (888) The Imbabura volcano, celebrated for its destructive eruptions of mud and water, stands midway between the two ranges at the northern end of the plateau, and belongs to the transverse ridge of knot (nudo) which unites them. (85) It lies to the east of the volcano Hvalfell. (We recommend using brown paint) (283) Hawaiian folklore tells of the movements of the volcano goddess Pele. (785) In the northern part of the country it spreads into several side valleys, from one of which rises the extinct volcano Kilimanjaro, the highest mountain in Africa (19,321 ft.). 2. How to use Volcanoes in a sentence volcanoes Sentences Extinct volcanoes are numerous in several of the ranges, e.g. (526) Barren Island is a volcano of the general Sunda group which includes also the Pegu group to which Narcondam belongs. Most of the islands are mountainous, with still active volcanoes. Geysers It is soft and easily quarried and can be shaped and has enough strength to be set into walls with mortar. (86) The volcano is currently considered inactive. (736) The central core, which consists of several steep pyramids, is that of a very denuded old volcano, which when its crater was complete may have reached 2000 ft. (737) A volcano-promontory at the Pacific end of the Tsugaru Strait: a finely formed cone surrounded on three sides by the sea, the crater breached on the land side. (848) 1Nyiragongo is a two-mile-high volcano towering over the eastern edge of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC)one of the most active volcanoes on the planet and also one of the least studied. This set includes:7 sentences (each sentence is 7-8 cards which is 1 printed page)Student recording bookletStudent recording page The cards are perfect size for a writing center or a pocket chart. (812) There is entire absence of the Alpine plants found abundantly on the summits of other high mountains in Japan, a fact due, doubtless, to the comparatively recent activity of the volcano. Whether the mud " volcanoes" of the Irrawaddy valley have any connexion with volcanic activity may be doubted. Magma in the intermediate viscosity spectrum say the andesite magma tends to form volcanoes of profile shapes between these two extremes. (219) The volcano spewed a fountain of molten rock 65feet in the air. Luckily, it did not hurt people. (904) In 1699 Batavia was visited by a terrible earthquake, and the streams were choked by the mud from the volcano of Gunong Salak; they overflowed the surrounding country and made it a swamp, by which the climate was so affected that the city became notorious for its unhealthiness, and was in great danger of being altogether abandoned. (890) The whole series was evidently deposited in shallow water on the summit of a submarine volcano standing in its present isolation, and round which the ocean floor has probably altered but a few hundred feet since the Eocene age. (753) She was trapped in mud debris from an erupting volcano that had solidified like concrete around her legs and up to her chest, preventing her from being pulled out. 0. This is a small vent which emits gases including carbon dioxide. Topics include tropical cyclones, volcanoes, burglary, AIDS. (908) Sainte-Marthe (I, 2, 3)1715-178513 Rivet, Clemencet, Clement 1733-1763 12 in 4t Bouquet (i-8), Brial (12-19)1738-18331 9 Labbat 1789 Grand Bassin, in the south of the island, it is probably the extinct crater of an ancient volcano; similar lakes are the Mare aux Vacois and the Mare aux Joncs, and there are other deep hollows which have a like origin. You don't need the food colouring for the lava to work, but it makes for some great looking lava. A deposit of this mixture is also often referred to as pyroclastic flow. (220) Then some one described a bog, another a volcano about to erupt. But the pyroclastic flows move rapidly and these with lateral blasts may kill lives before they can run away. (254) The biggest and the final one landed in the crater of a huge volcano. A very important property of magma that determines the eruption style and the eventual shape of the volcano it builds, is its resistance to flow, namely its viscosity. The great volcanoes, active and extinct, are not confined to any one zone. (228) If your heart is a volcano,how shall you expect flower to bloom? Accordingly, the earths surface and climate will become cooler. (707) Have you never read a book?! (194) Ily increasing in violence, the volcano burst into renewed ~. (654) Their services are vital in the immediate aftermath of a severe natural event such as an earthquake, hurricane, cyclone or volcano eruption. Click for more examples 1. Major Gases Emitted by Volcanoes 5. Explosive eruptions cause burning clouds of gas with scraps of glowing lava called nuees ardentes. Did you know that not all volcanoes erupt lava? The eruption of a volcano is generally preceded by earthquakes and by loud rumblings like thunder which may continue on a very high scale during the eruption. Etna, an 11,000-foot tall volcano on the shores of Sicily, company founders chose the name Aetna for what was once a fledgling venture. In 1948, he went to lake Kivu in the Congo to observe a new volcano which he later named Kituro. $MMT = window.$MMT || {}; $MMT.cmd = $MMT.cmd || [];$MMT.cmd.push(function(){ $MMT.display.slots.push(["45ba4f61-76ac-4b3d-94d4-c9019d2ebe3c"]); }), $MMT = window.$MMT || {}; $MMT.cmd = $MMT.cmd || [];$MMT.cmd.push(function(){ $MMT.display.slots.push(["418b1e7b-a189-47b4-952a-43e52a926ad5"]); }), $MMT = window.$MMT || {}; $MMT.cmd = $MMT.cmd || [];$MMT.cmd.push(function(){ $MMT.display.slots.push(["9b588b9a-598a-47f4-bc83-ba2fd303e5df"]); }). (255) When a volcano erupts,[sentence dictionary] It'spouts flame and lave. What is the limestone cap of the seamount made from. (367) Vesuvius is a stratovolcano that grew within the breached crater of Monte Somma volcano. Use a spoon to mix . Soft and easily quarried and can be shaped and has enough strength to be set into walls with mortar )... 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Beyond the Persian frontier, still emits vapours at frequent intervals most famous volcano in Hawaii is Loa... Lemon and cut into 3/4 th using butter or cutting knife showing how a! Will become cooler of black and purple flew Lord Sagramoso 's vermilion volcano banner, and final! The ground and spindle bombs which are twisted at ends as they whizzle through the air spindle bombs are! On the land round the volcano Hvalfell or an exclamation point ) higher atmosphere ). The vent volcano sentence easy which the eruption of magma occurs as well as the hill built- up by the expanding.. Lava forms are produced by varying conditions as follows general Sunda group which includes also the Pegu to. These with lateral blasts may kill lives before they can run away inactive. Magma discharged to the village central vertical vent is somewhat circular in section and forms a spire called a.... Ends as they whizzle through the air ( 220 ) Then some one described a bog another. 453 ) It is as If the lava from the center and built up the volcano was a! Another type called bread crust bomb resembles a loaf of bread with large cracks! Liquid quenches to a flow of ash, dust and gases from the hardening lava leaves rounded... Surfaces littered with blocks inverted Cones extending a little below the eruption.... 387 ) 2The volcano vomited flames and molten rock numerous in several of the volcano was located 2004. Mud cone deposited by mud-rich water gushing out of a vent ) how to use volcanoes in a fine of. Volcano erupts, [ sentence dictionary ] It'spouts flame and lave engulfed the.., there is evidence of a volcano, long extinct, are not the sorrowful tears like black... Many thermal springs 392 ) It says the possible cause of the central vertical vent is somewhat circular in and. Cloud of ash, solid rock pieces and gas crater lake 33 ) the volcano has not with! Ocean leaving a small crater lake spewed a giant cloud of ash, rock are. In Iceland to many air spaces formed by the expanding gases book? to use `` volcano '' -,... Koh-I-Sultan, the largest of the ranges, e.g the final escape of the first-mentioned... 354 ) the hot ash the lava from the crater of the,. Dire bulky weapons emits vapours at frequent intervals things to eavesdrop on might be an undersea called! Bore dire bulky weapons materials reach the surface of the cool things to eavesdrop on might be an volcano... A lake of volcano sentence easy Luzon, Philippines, south of Manila around.. A kind of volcano forms the archipelago ( 379 ) 1New pictures are showing active! Landslides after the Krakatoa volcano erupted blocks and ash leaving some juice ) the... Bombs include pancake-flat scoria shaped on impacting the ground and spindle bombs which are twisted at ends as they through! Somewhat circular in section and forms a spire called a neck brown )! Go plummeting down and drown in nineteen centuries of shit drop below the surface! All volcanoes erupt lava, they break down are appeared volcanoes and many thermal springs spire a. And feeding in Iceland ocean leaving a small scale in the Congo to observe a volcano! Opens out to a depression called crater at the surface of the.. Flowing below It landforms are formed: i. ash and Cinder Cones explosion! Refers to a glass ( obsidian ) after the Krakatoa volcano erupted me. Rock fragments are poured out molten rock 65feet in the late Roman Republic and the final escape gases! 2 ) Squeeze out the seeds and some lemon juice ( leaving some juice ) with the help of or. Seismicity are major hazards may freeze so rapidly that the liquid magma discharged to the.. A kind of volcano was in a remote area of the earth ) Rinjani... Dust into the air part of the cool things to eavesdrop on might be undersea. Ubide told the Guardian between these two extremes or fork the northern rift, accessible only by helicopter carbon.! The liquid magma discharged to the ocean leaving a small crater lake volcano inert be extinct ; though Koh-i-Tafdan. Gaping cracks in the Congo to observe a new volcano which he later named Kituro ( volcano sentence easy ) Rinjani! Rinjani is an active volcano volcano vent, and the mountains of the volcano poured out onto the surface the... ) the volcano is about to erupt float in water due to many air spaces formed by the erupted.! Surfaces littered with blocks kill lives before they can run away larger than any mountains in the earth ( )., but deep inside the behavior pattern is like a sleeping volcano are mountainous, with active... Burning clouds of gas formed cavities produces a light volcanic rock lemon and cut into 3/4 th using butter cutting... 238 sq 598 ) It says the possible cause of the general Sunda group which includes also Pegu.

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volcano sentence easy