kh2 roxas fight guide

Keep in mind that, for defeating Roxas, you have gained access to Final Form, though you must unlock it first (doing so is recommended, particularly if you plan on fighting some optional bosses). There is a chest halfway down this path with a Potion. Roxas spins around behind the creature, giving him a couple of seconds to attack while it is confused. When weakened, Roxas will summon beams of light at the . This works exactly like the initial fight against him, except now Roxas is a bit stronger. I ****ing HATE the Roxas fight. There are several people to speak to in the Station Heights area, but Roxas can also visit the Tram Common area by leaving via the eastern exit, or the Station Plaza via the northern exit. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Exit after collecting the items and dealing with the Nobodies, then head up the left flight of stairs. Roxas was born a nobody when Sora gave up his heart to save kairi. After selecting a weapon, the tutorial will continue with the basics of battle. I'm having some trouble with fighting Roxas in Kingdom hearts 2 Final Mix for the Playstation 2, the lowest I can get him is when he has 3 healthbars left. Use this to finish off the Dusk, and remember to use the Reversal to avoid the Dusk's attacks and confuse it, allowing you to pull off a combo easily. Defeating Seifer starts a cutscene, and then Roxas is transported to The Woods area. Roxas has plenty of time to move out of the way of this attack. Therefore, you can gently move the boxes next to each other, and then hit a box to destroy all of them at once, thus increasing the amount of Munny you can receive. Eventually (after a certain period of time, or when Roxas loses 25% of his HP), a cutscene will show, and Roxas will gain possession of the Kingdom Key. Fortunately, they only have 1 HP each, so one hit from the Keyblade will easily destroy them. Part 1 - Twilight Town. For more information about the abilities you'll learn from each weapon at what level, check out the abilities page. Destroy all three piles to earn 15 munny. Criss-Cross: Roxas twirls his Keyblades in a cross-circle, unleashing a shockwave. Attacks Dual Flurry: Roxas will lash out at Sora. After this, Roxas can fight the Twilight Thorn normally. Instead, use the save point found in the Station of Serenity, which fully heals you to your maximum HP. A good tip is to lock onto the ball as soon as possible, so that you can't lose sight of it. IGN's complete walkthrough of Kingdom Hearts II will tell you everything you need to know to save all of Sora's friends and take down the evil Organization XIII . Walk down the steps to Sunset Terrace, and then ascend the steps to the right to find a train car. Head straight west from this location to find a bridge that crosses a small water feature. KH. Despite the previous cutscene, Vivi isn't all that fast. While they may serve as a mild annoyance if they are somehow able to catch Roxas in a cooperative combo, no Potions should be necessary. It plays at a tempo of 60 beats per minute. Before doing so, take time to collect some treasures scattered about the area. Avoid the white thorns that it sends Roxas' way by performing the Reversal reaction command. Axel fights using his chakrams and the element of fire. This functions exactly like the sequence from Kingdom Hearts 1. You will fight more Dusks and Assassins. Status shows basic information such as level, experience, and stats, Journal gives a quick summary of the situation and the current objective, and Config allows you to change various game settings such as camera controls and menu aesthetics. After some odd cutscenes, prepare to defend yourself against a Dusk. Once you arrive back in Market Street, head towards the woods and through them to get to the Old Mansion. Use the save point if you wish, then head through the doors to the Station of Calling. The opportunity to collect them isn't presented right away, but they of course can be collected at a later time. Take the time to equip your items and your new ability if you haven't done so already ( button to access the menu). Please see the KH2: Mechanics page for a full list of these abilities and when they unlock. The Sword, Shield, and Staff unlock abilities at different levels as Roxas (and eventually Sora) level up. Its ability also halves the damage Sora takes when his HP is critical. Just as the battle commences, Roxas will immediately use his whirlwind swing. Try to go as fast as you can and you can fly past people while pressing to deliver their letter. When you next gain control of a character, it will be Sora, in the real Twilight Town., Privacy PolicyCookie SettingsDo Not Sell My InformationReportAd. Through the door to the left of the ground floor, the mansion's Dining Room can be found, containing more Dusks and Assassins as well as two chests: one containing an Elven Bandana which can be equipped for an extra boost in stats, and the other containing another Potion. This sequence will then segue into the real battle, in which case you can freely attack him until he is forced to face defeat, and he is also free to attack you. To the lady hanging around to the right of the bird you just delivered a letter to. You can receive two prizes from him, depending on whether you win or lose. If you received the Champion Belt from the Struggle Championship, it is by far the better armor. Reflect does paltry damage, and I swear to God, everyone on the board regarding this fight is a liar. There are four groups, and after taking them all out another four will spawn. The goal is to keep the small white ball airborne for as long as possible. The battle will always begin with Sora directly in his attack range. Along the south wall of the Tram Common is a small area with an old man and three piles of trash. This can also easily be dodged. before striking. After wearing down the entire stamina bar (viewable in the top left corner of the screen) the game ends. He will then run behind Sora and use his aerial rotation, whirlwind, or continuous swings. There is another combat against some mysterious enemies, and immediately afterwards, a boss battle. Take the path to your left towards Market Street. For a Potion, drop down to the nearby tree from the last chest, and for another Potion, head toward the western exit, near the path leading to Sunset Hill. Roxas often uses his aerial rotation swing. When you have control again, use the reaction command to select between the sword, shield, and staff, which stand for Attack, Defense, and Magic respectively. Performing this reaction command enough will allow Roxas to get high enough to hit its head. Composition. and our However, with Roxas' powerful new weapons and quick combos, this battle should only serve to showcase the confused Keyblade wielder's latent power. When you are ready, speak with the Struggle promoter in the ring to engage in the first battle. A great amount of Vivi clones will appear (18 in total). This battle is pointless, as Roxas' attacks prove completely ineffective against the low-ranking Nobody. You'll start off in The Usual Spot -- take note that you can finally save. Kingdom Key. You have 5 attempts, and the attempt with the highest score will be the one that gets you the Munny. Once time returns to normal, Roxas can take on Setzer as the final fight in the tournament. For the purpose of this guide, compass directions (North, South, East, and West) will refer to the mini-map. First, use target lock with to focus the camera on the ball at all times. It will eventually counter with a sweeping attack, which can be dodged by jumping. The last day begins with Roxas fighting yet more Dusks. If you wish, you can also fight Seifer again in the Back Alley. The gang will return to Station Plaza in Twilight Town proper, and Roxas will decide to visit the haunted mansion. Hit it while airborne to gain significant distance. After this, Roxas can fight the Twilight Thorn normally. Even if Reflect deals damage to Roxas, it will only deal roughly 1/10th worth of damage to one of Roxas's HP bar. Make your way there whist fighting the plethora of Nobodies that attempt to stop your progress. Kill the bees with your weapon of choice. They are very annoying, but drop large HP orbs upon defeat, so don't ignore them completely. The battle with Roxas takes place during the visit to The World That Never Was. Juggle the ball with your weapon of choice, with whatever combos you can throw at it. This fight is tough, this was the only fight besides Xaldin I had to try more than 4 times. Don't rush in blindly. Although it is basic it has a decent strength stat while also giving a small magic boost. This trio of reactions will get rid of the fire effect on the floor, if not the barrier. He has wide-reaching attacks when his club glows white and grows massive. Use any Potions you have as required. I recommend trying each job at least once before continuing. After speaking with several shop keepers, lock on to the cat with . There is a scene in the Computer Room, and a Save Point once it is over. As you can see by the rewards below, continuing your attack chain past 20 hits is a waste of time. While Leaf Bracer is unlocked at level 20 for each choice, Shield grants earlier access to Once More (level 25) and Second Chance (level 49). Look around, and you'll find a chest, which happens to contain a Potion. This clears Wonder #5: The Animate Bag. Once Roxas has a good enough lead, you can have him run around the outside of the area until the time runs out. Page 46 of the full game walkthrough for KINGDOM HEARTS - HD 1.5+2.5 ReMIX. The trick is basically have Second Chance / Once More and counter his attacks. On 1/11/2015 at 5:14 AM, TwoBecameOne said: Use Decisive Pumpkin, and learn Roxas' pattern and moves in order to be ready. Successfully perform the reaction command and Roxas will throw his Keyblade into the mass, causing it to destruct early. Surprisingly, he doesn't have a large range, so if you jump back when you see him start an attack, you won't be hit. Unlike the first game, there are no unique abilities tied to this choice. To the person hanging around the job listings board. This walkthrough and any content included may not be reproduced without written permission. If you're in trouble, spam Limit Form and deactivate it when Roxas starts throwing Light Bolts at you. Again, they are detailed below. Kingdom Hearts Role-playing video game Gaming . During the first sequence, wait for reaction commands to use Key Counter, Lunarsault, and Break Raid. Discuss this walkthrough in its Walkthrough Thread. You'll get the Aerial Recovery ability for your efforts. Waiting until you have at least 1200 munny earns Roxas an additional award. The sword in the center grants a permanent Defense +1. The creature drops all of the pictures that were stolen, and the word photo is returned as well. After besting him, Axel disappears and leaves Roxas a bit confused. Axel will occasionally exit the field through the flames (with no indication of where he is) and then leap back with an attack, at which case a reaction command can also be utilized for the same effect. From StrategyWiki, the video game walkthrough and strategy guide wiki, Kingdom Hearts 2 - Poster Duty with Roxas, Kingdom Hearts II: Roxas VS. These piles respawn each time Roxas leaves and re-enters the Tram Common, making this a decent location to earn munny if the mini-games at the Help Wanted board aren't your style. After the short fight, follow the Nobody to The Old Mansion, and perform the Reaction Command ("Capture") when Roxas is close enough to interact with it. Jump down to find Olette walking around next to an empty lot. And many are entirely willing to trample their fellow man for personal gain. Now, head towards the Library on the right-hand side of the second floor, and complete the sketch using the reaction command. Today, you are forced into doing the Struggle Tournament. You can have Roxas speak to all of the other characters here first for some brief dialogue. As the battle goes in, you'll see him crouch from exhaustion; wait rather than attacking, as this is a sign that he is preparing to unleash an even more powerful attack. The game will keep track of your high score. A small cutscene ensues. This is the order in which you should go: Attack the cart (uphill, that is) into the garage by using combos. There are well over 20 different places to put posters, so it is up to you to find a good route. Once at the top of the hill, continue to hit the bag until it fully enters the garage. They can all be blocked with Guard. Axel is a lot quicker this time around, but with Potions and Hi-Potions you should be more than able to stay alive for the whole fight. He continues to throw out flaming chakram, so be prepared to Guard against them. The aim of the following battles is to try and get more points than your opponent within the 1 minute time limit. Jump down to the south to find a second chest, and open it for a Potion. You may remember seeing him during the credits of Kingdom Hearts 1 and Re: Chain of Memories, where Twilight Town is also featured. Make sure to conserve your health, as afterwards, another cutscene will occur, and you'll have to fight Axel. For winning, you receive the Champion Belt (+20% resistance to Fire, Blizzard and Thunder each). To fly, you need to level up Final Form . The south exit is unusable at this point, so head north (maybe use the skateboard?) Although you can see their fin, your attacks at them whilst in that state won't deal any damage. Note that the enemies will occasionally drop Potions as well, although Roxas can only ever hold three at a time. The day ends after a bunch more scenes. Yeah, this is the classic Keyblade. Roxas can be extremely tricky to fight, especially within your first encounter. There are two tricks to keep in mind. After pressing the relevant button, a shadow doppelganger will appear. An advantage such as this may prove useful for Proud or Critical, but of course, it isn't necessary. The final wonder is on Sunset Hill. Of note is that there are some treasures in Central Station: a Potion in the far southwest corner as you enter from the Station Plaza, another Potion in the far northeast corner of the station, and a Hi-Potion between the two trains. While in theory very simple, this job can be difficult for some players. It has a time signature of 4/4 and is written in the key of D minor. Before starting the battle, equipping Champion Belt is recommended, as it reduces the amount of damage taken from Axel's attacks and the amount of health drained from simply standing on the floor. On the first landing is a chest containing yet another Potion. After selecting a weapon, defeat the three enemies. Head to the top and you will see three random dustbins and a large bag. The best way to defeat Hayner is to run around and attack after he misses Roxas. Chase the white creature all the way to The Old Mansion, then use the Capture command to start a fight against it. Roxas begins in the Sandlot, but he can leave this area and explore the rest of Twilight Town. Once you've made the very important choice, you'll acquire the Keyblade, and then the Dusks will attack you. Afterwards, numerous cutscenes will take you to Day Four. Lock on and perform as many combos as possible until the Twilight Thorn wakes up, beginning the main phase of its attacks. Regardless of whether or not Roxas wins against Setzer, this series of events ends, and more cutscenes will play. I believe the Belt is the better option, but it is your decision. You will also occasionally have to contend with another type of low-ranking Nobody, Creepers. Another wonder is in the southwest corner of the map (where the waterfall is). The easiest route is shown in the video to the right. To fight him again, simply leave the area and re-enter. The Nobody will then throw Roxas into the air, at which point another well-timed reaction command will have Roxas perform Lunarsault, again dodging the Nobody's attack with a flip and another counterattack. If you mash , you are pretty much guaranteed to hit the reaction command to Jump over the trash cans and keep riding. *UPDATE* This video still gets a good number of watches and I notice people mention how they still have never played Kingdom Hearts! These are trickier then the normal Dusks, as they can disappear into the ground. Level 54 should be enough to beat him. Unfortunately, Roxas loses the Keyblade in the next cutscene, but the day concludes without much more incident and Roxas goes to bed, triggering the regular nightmares: flashbacks of the events of the first Kingdom Hearts, featuring a boy named Sora. Instead, use this time to get a feel for using Reaction Commands in battle with the Reversal option. No DamageNo HitNo MagicNo ItemsNo DrivesNo LimitsNo SummonsNo Stat BoostsNo ArmorNo AccessoriesNo GuardNo RCNo DMKingdom KeyKingdom Hearts II Final Mix Playl. His only other attack has him jumping up into the air and, as a cue, yelling "isn't this romantic!" When Axel leaves the arena, start mashing . updated Nov 12, 2019. Each job/mini-game is described below. Roxas will counter Sora's second finisher attack with his instant landing. You should see it a couple seconds after you deliver the first letter. Enter the door on the east side of the second floor to reach the Mansion Library. After some quick conversation, you gain access to the main menu, although a truncated version of it. This disorientates the creature, giving Roxas the opportunity to attack freely. Go over to the save point and press to save. They work nearly identically to those in Kingdom Hearts 1. Unfortunately, Roxas loses the Keyblade in the next cutscene, but the day concludes without much more incident and Roxas goes to bed, triggering the regular nightmares: flashbacks of the events of the first Kingdom Hearts, featuring a boy named Sora. You get nothing for defeating him, and after yet another cutscene, you'll have to fight Setzer in the Struggle Tounament. If you went for the Strength Medal, go ahead and equip the Elven Bandana now. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. There is a chest to the right on the other side that holds a Hi-Potion. A+ for effort, though. This has the obvious effect of draining your HP, so use Potions to keep it up if it gets low. Roxas and Hayner watch the next match, and then you are given another chance to save before doing Roxas' next fight. During the scenes with Hayner, Pence, and Olette, Roxas obtains the Munny Pouch item, then promptly loses it. After gaining control of Roxas again, return to Sunset Hill. His other attacks are fairly fast, but predictable to see coming by the way he stands. Keep attacking the creature until a brief scene occurs, where the Struggle weapon digitizes into the Kingdom Key. The opponent's orbs will drop every time you hit the opponent, and Roxas must simply walk toward them to collect them. It'll reduce the number of "Roxas is hard" topics to just 1 every few days instead of 1 a day. To the right of this room is a chest containing a Hi-Potion. Otherwise, they will suddenly rise up below Roxas to deal six rapid attacks, dealing a great amount of damage. Day Two . Roxas can now use Save Points and receives the Twilight Town Map. Once you have finished doing anything extra, talk to the man next to the blackboard, and listen to the rules. The scene shows a chest, so open it for a Hi-Potion and then take the only other door to the final room. This is done by performing reaction commands at the right time to jump over the strategically placed dustbins. Once Roxas has at least 200 munny, he can speak to Hayner at the Station Plaza to proceed. "Roxas" is approximately one minute long in the original version, fifty-three seconds long in the HD remake, and two minutes and thirty-six seconds for the piano collections cover. Head straight through, between the two staircases, to find a Hi-Potion in a chest. The club on the right grants a permanent Strength +1. You're browsing the GameFAQs Message Boards as a guest. If you return to the Station of Serenity, however, the few enemies here will respawn, allowing for a small amount of experience farming. Go up some more stairs to the door. Sora can use the Reversal reaction command to avoid damage, but if he fails then Roxas will knock Sora away with his Keyblade. After they're defeated, you'll have to fight a boss. Axel will cloak himself in flame, and then throw multiple fiery shurikens at Roxas. It chains into Overtaker, and then Clear Light. Roxas is a Nobody and the 13th member to join Organization XIII at the start of 358/2 Days. Attack the junk to clear it from the field. Make sure not to use your Potions just yet, as they should be saved for the boss coming up ahead. It can be unlocked by going into any Drive Form, though the odds of it . In order to win a Struggle Match, Roxas needs to live long enough to run out the timer while also holding more orbs than his opponent. These should be familiar to you from KH1. Roxas' first opponent is Hayner. Axel uses a combination of melee and ranged attacks in combat. The creature cannot be damaged by the Struggle weapon, but take note of the Reversal Reaction Command. You can now check the boards for some part-time jobs to earn munny with, as follows: This mini-game is typically called the easiest, if you are good with skateboarding and quickly-timed reaction commands. The Dusks respawn every time you leave the area, and they give out decent experience for this point of the game. In the following cutscene, the first wonder will be debunked, leaving only four to solve. The aim is to get the bag's stamina (shown as a bar to the top right) down to zero. Earn at least 1200 munny to earn an AP +2. At the end of the alley, press. From this point on, it is only a matter of using Reversal to avoid attacks, and attack the head of the Twilight Thorn. Feel free to explore Twilight Town, but there are no chests or other rewards for doing so. More enemies will spawn during this battle. There is a tunnel to the north that Roxas can investigate. After three combos, the bag will jump into the air. After defeating Vivi, Roxas will have to face three more mysterious enemies. Remember to lock on, of course, as soon as you have destroyed one of the drones. Boards. Roxas, Sora's nobody and the thirteenth member of the original Organization XIII, became one of the fans' favorite characters due to the friendships he had in Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days, Kingdom Hearts II, and Kingdom Hearts III. A Save Point appears in this room as well. Power: 3. Lastly, for a Hi-Potion go down the steps from the last treasure, and it will be straight ahead. Therefore, it should be easily possible to pull off a combo, step backwards whilst it does its combo, then pull off another combo. Open the chest that spawns nearby for a Potion. When you have control again, Roxas can use the nearby skateboard with a reaction command. Carry on to the Pod Room, where, after a conversation with DiZ, Roxas will disappear, and the game's title screen will finally present itself. With that said, the battle against Hayner should be very easy. Jump over his attacks and perform aerial combos for easy damage, then walk away before Axel can counterattack and repeat the process. That created Roxas and Namine. Once you beat Vivi, a cutscene will occur, and you'll have to fight three Dusks. Continue to descend into the Basement Hall via the door. This big guy is called the Twilight Thorn. But predictable to see coming by the way he stands especially within your first encounter to! Belt is the better option, but there are well over 20 different places to put posters so... Is pointless, as afterwards, numerous cutscenes will play hit its head several... South to find Olette walking around next to an empty lot join Organization at! Disorientates the creature, giving Roxas the opportunity to attack while it your... Where the waterfall is ) of time to jump over his attacks take note of the game ends keep the. 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kh2 roxas fight guide