he broke up with me, but wants closure

. I bet you are more satisfied with option two and most likely with option one you will waste your money but with option two you will spend it. What Does It Mean If He Still Wants To Hang Out. You just can't have any attachment really IF you think you can remain friends. . I was 23 and it was my first relationship, I probably didn't know any better, but I can say this all turned out to be bitter sweet. If your relationship was of any reasonable length of time, a reasonable person would have di. Just keep in mind that even though he might be talking about all the good bits of your relationship, there may have been bad bits too, and you do need to make a point of thinking about these and not just get swept up in the good bits! I regrettably meet up with him twice after the break up. We spent the next semester together and it seemed as if everything was okay until he blindsided me and broke up with me after our last final exam. kk1234, February 17, 2018 in Breaks and Breaking Up. You must disappear for a while and this will keep you on his mind. So we are friends now. It just wasn't right timing,ect..no hard feelings by each.. After that I 'played around' for a couple years and ended up meeting my last LTR..10+yrsneedless to say, that didn't work out. I dated a guy for 5 months that was always around me, calling me sleeping at my house after we broke up. He broke up with me. We had a "breakup" about a year into the relationship but after 2 days I managed to get him to give it another shot. If you could convince someone to love you by sending a dossier over to them about the advantages of being in a relationship with them, then the world would just be full of guys learning how to write great reports to send off to supermodels! Looks like we've merged three threads on a breakup into one here. I was unwell with a kidney infection while on an all day bus tour. My boyfriend broke up with me after 2 years and just wants to be friends. Anything less that "I made a mistake by breaking up with you, please give me another chance", will not do. What you do NOT want to do is spill your emotional guts all over the place, as that is a big turn off. My ex wants to be friends after he dumped me - He breaks up with you but wants to be friends. Smarter relationships. Well if you have done the exercise you have proven to yourself hat we only value that which we work for. Unless there was a strong friendship beforehand or a lot of mutual friends so youre forced to see each other often, I dont think its wise to hang out with an ex. And unfortunately, I believe this is the most common scenario. He sees no future with you. Dont let him take advantage of you just because you keep hope that you might get back together. Would he be upset if you started dating someone else? Is he stringing you along? To view or add a comment, sign in Sure you'll be friends -- meaning solely that you won't cause a public scene when you see him -- but then stay away from him & ignore him if he reaches out to you. This means that he would be hanging out with you to keep you around, and he might even be quite flirty and touchy in order to make sure you are interested. I went into NC for sake of my own healing, and I was going crazy. It is probably a mess in your head right now. However, if you think that he might just be using you and your emotional attachment to him to keep him company, or to keep his options open, it would be worth your while to move on. Why isn't she answering me? I do love him, but I can agree that at this moment we're too different, and his family have too much control over him, so his commitment comes out as bs, creates trust issues etc. Girlfriend Broke up with me, wants to be friends but I'm too deeply in love with her, My boyfriend broke up with me, but we are now friends with benefits. Trust me, he will be wondering why. Can you imagine if love worked this way? It's the same with a break up that results in a friendship right after. Broken, what happened? Ex Broke Up with Me, Now Says he Wants Closure? Then I started pulling away and not answering his calls and he was no longer allowed at my house. My opinion. can i know what you did to get him back again !!! He Hasnt Texted Me In A Week. Hi all, The story behind my very confusing breakup with my ex can be found via my profile. He calls me throughout the day and even before he sleeps just like he used to when we were in a relationship. A time ago I used to say Fine CYA now the older I get the more emotional I feel I am becoming. I wanted to know how you were holding up. Any developments? Make a positive change in your appearance. Personal development. He asks me whether or not I tell people that HE broke up with ME. However you are passionate to get him . I'm not saying that your ex is doing this or anything. I know its not good to be friends but the way we act are still the same. 2. We can be easily persuaded by girls if they know what they're doing, and you can easily learn how to get him back using the methods I'm about to show you. He broke up with me and now wants to be friends? A friendship simply will not work if one or both parties involved still have an attachment with the other. So, me and the ex coworker are now talking again. So they have choices, gum, patch, cold turkey or a pill that will allow them to smoke for up to 7 days. He no longer needs you there, and just like that, he will stop hanging out with you. It could be that he wants to hang out straight after breaking up, or you two havent been in contact for quite some time, and then he wants to hang out with you again. Sorry, my question is how does the friendship thing work after a relationship?Is it worth it?What are other peoples experiences? Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. It's hard for me to move on when this "good guy", the guy who's liked by everyone, can't be hated, can't be spoken bad about, the future doctor who is continuously put up on a pedestal by others walks away unscathed. Privacy Policy. You need to be comfortable seeing him, and you need to know that seeing him (without the promise of getting back together) will not cause you more harm or pain. What I will learn you in this article is to beat your ex in his own game. If he is asking for a friendship with you, ask if this is how normal friends act. Do you have a question or just wanted to journal it? I don't know you personally and I don't have any psychic power to know this. Some beg and plead, some get angry, and some become manipulative and vengeful. Please continue the discussion and post updates to this thread. Should I Text Him? Does he want to get back together? Hahaha LMAO. You are well within your rights to cut contact with him if you need to, and if you feel like seeing him might be harmful to you. I argued that he was selling me a false dream. You will be a stranger or at best an acquaintance. There is nothing wrong with the way you look now, but often a change of appearance is a quick way to gain confidence. He admitted he went home and cried to his family because he "knew it was the right thing to do, but wasn't sure", of course his mother consoled him telling him he made the right decision. He also said that he doesnt have any other girl he is interested in and doesnt even want to be in relationship with not just me or other too. My ex was a year younger than me, studying medicine, and came from what looked like a picture perfect family. He needed to be "on his own".Three weeks later he's on Tinder, messaging women twice his age because he feels lonely after ending things with me. He asked me to not hate him, apologised countless times, requested that I kept him on social media and hoped to stay friends in the future when our emotions settled down.He also mentioned the possibility of trying things later on when he feels he has "matured", but told me not to hold onto that. i actually get it now but i think harm is already done cause i have been talking to him as a friend and hanging out with him but its all the same nothing has changed (thats the part it confuses me why is he calling me as like before? Isn't it time to fix this issue and to fall asleep in his arms. My boyfriend doesn't let me hang out with his friends. How can i make him want me back as his girlfriend by remaining friends. Sometimes it's an extremely difficult task to sort out all the problems and get back together with your ex. I am a guy myself, I know how to male mind works and trust me, by the end of this article I'm going to show you how to get right inside your ex boyfriends head that he is going to be begging for you to come back. I wish we could just get along and be friends with everyone, especially people we once cared so deeply for, but thats just not how the world works. Any sort of feelings you still have, will not allow you to have a strictly-platonic or non-romanticized friendship. By missgirl2019, April 12, 2019 in Breaks and Breaking Up. I went back into NC and went away on a trip to be able to clear my mind and heal, and thankfully it aws working very well as I was able to completely disconnect. Relationship is a fragile bond that when it's broken, the process of mending can be much more difficult than creating it in the first place. It is all a part of becoming an adult. When I found out about her, I was jealous and angry, even though it was almost a year after the break up. The flags were there, but I was belittled to the point where you start to self blame, and I used to tell him that if I couldn't make it work with him, I couldn't make it work with anyone else.Although I can see how bad this relationship was for me, it is so hard to let go and stop thinking.In the end I am very lucky he ended it, as he dodged a bullet for me. Me and my boyfriend broke up. I started to be "over emotional" and "over react" to "small things", and he suggested I should go see a psychologist to sort out my issuesso I did.There I was, the pretty naive girl who still wanted to make things work. Do not see him. If your ex-boyfriend asks you to hang out, should you go along with it? Love is an emotional feeling, and if you want to get him back, you need to reignite the emotion that he felt for you when you were together. Idk if we're dating or not so I text him and he never answers. 1. I think it will be setting you up for a world of hurt and drama. I don't know how long it will take to get over this when I still dream about him. 1.3 3. Did you go quiet on him for a few days? Empowered living. 1.1 1. i have been in my room for two straight days and havent eaten properly . idk. I hate to disappoint you. Next thing I knew and after I told him once again that I didn't want to move in with him and basically support him, he moved in with the other girl. We fought, he asked for a break, I asked for a break up, and he cried. In my free time, you can find me reading, running my cats Tinder profile, or trying out a new fitness class. I'm in this situation now and really not sure what to do. After you've had some time to process, ask your ex to meet you to talk. These are the first steps in a proven strategy to get your ex back? If he misses you it is because he is choosing not to be with you. It's not conventional friends where you spend time together & talk. After 12 toxic months, I have to at almost 25 years old rebuild myself from what feels like the underground up. which drove him into the ground. I hate that people don't inform us what happened hahaha. My boyfriend puts his friends first and me last. I'm sorry to be really annoying and bug you, and my guess is what you want now is space. However you are passionate to get him back. All of these questions, and likely much more, would be running through your mind. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. He continued to ask me to be "better to him" because he "loves me", before meeting up with me and telling me he couldn't do it anymore. This sends so many mixed signals. Copyright 1997-2022 LoveShack.org. If you'd like to get your hands on a step-by-step method for changing your ex's decision about the breakup, click here! Yep, given his age "closure" means one last roll in the hay. I have gone through tens and hundreds sites but its no use to my situation. ). As much as that hurts, you have to do it. I didn't block him, but I have restricted him on my Facebook page. If he has suggested he wants to remain connected as friends that means your ex boyfriend still has feelings for you. So By entering this site you declare Genius life & organization hacks. He has still respect for you as a person but he doesn't see you as a potential partner again. To help you work through this confusing time, and try to work out why exactly he is now wanting to hang out after you have broken up, we have listed some of the reasons it might be happening, and how you can work through it! A great suggestion is to set boundaries for yourself. A meet-up is often an excuse to get in touch because the ending feels too painfully final. The best way to get closure is by having a controlled conversation, instead of one that gets heated. However, during this time he might still be texting and seeing other people and . You only get one body and it is senseless to hurt it over a break up. He could be using the fact that you are hoping to reconcile to use you as a crutch. Ending his relationship with you has left him alone, but he now finds himself between partners and flings, and he wants to keep his options open before deciding what to do. I've had the last week off of work as I've been really unwell (an unrelated matter to the break up), which had given me a lot of time, probably too much time to think about the whole thing.I messaged my ex on Thursday and asked to meet up to answer some questions. If there is still communication after a breakup it's tempting to ask for one last face-to-face, to help you understand and gain the closure you seek. Yesterday my partner met up with me and cried, telling me he couldn't do it anymore.Many people in that post, encouraged me to finish it because he played a large part in my anxiety and trust issues, which I can no doubt agree to but couldn't do. Thank you for your little fire you started under my butt . Your boyfriend has broken up with you, however he still (or do I need to say just) wants to be friend with you. I started feeling really bad bout myself and started feeling alone!!! If the two of you have moved on and are genuinely wanting to be friends, then there really is no harm in hanging out. Talking to Your Ex. The change in appearance can be as small as getting your teeth cleaned, or as dramatic as a new hair color. It means that when you accidently bump into each other you are polite, civil & can make small talk for a few minutes. Seeing the person you are trying to get over does not help the situation at all, and out-of-sight-out-of-mind is best most of the time. However, during this time he might still be texting and seeing other people and keeping them close by as well. Love cannot be ignited, or reignited, by logic. Thanks! But what is the re-attraction process? Imagine again that you have earned a large sum of money (trough working). But always know that no matter what, you must love yourself and there is a better guy or girl out there for you. Only ever do what you are comfortable with you do not owe him anything, and if you are not ready to hang out, then you can say no and take the time you need to heal! So, i fear him actually not missing me. Think of it like this. Flirt, but Keep It Subtle 9. My ex is a great guy,hes very good to his friends and I can see a friendship work for me, like messaging him when I need a referral to a specialist I do miss him but I feel like Ill actually be okay to move on and start meeting new people in a few weeks time (he ended it before our 11 months).I dont know what his attachment is which is what worries me,we never discussed that.Hes so far kept all our photos up on Facebook,and from his previous relationship it took him 2 years to get into another one, which was with me (while doing other stuff with random girls inbetween). It was a lie, but he started calling me more and talking about getting back together. He is trying to get you to think back on the good days, and hopefully think that life is better together. If both of you are happy to start a platonic friendship, and genuinely enjoy each others company, then a friendship might be a great idea! It's just been over a week since since my break up, you can find my earlier post here: http://www.loveshack.org/forums/breaking-up-reconciliation-coping/breaks-breaking-up/652990-he-broke-up-me-but-still-wants-me-his-life. He won't regret the breakup if he can continue to keep you around as a friend. At the moment Im trying to get over being bitter and really damn mad.Especially for not listening to people when they told me to leave him on so many occasions. Clinginess and desperation are not attractive. As soon as I received connection, however, I got texts from him saying: How are you doing? Please note: The suggestions and advice offered on this web site are opinions only and are not to be used in the place of professional psychological counseling or medical advice. My bf broke up with me 1.5 years into the relationship. Then the delivery guy comes back again with the wrong pizza so you send it back. I went out/dated an old co-worker of mine after my divorce years ago(getting old). I stayed with him believing what he kept telling me, "if there's a will, there's a way". He spent my birthday weekend which I had paid for, messaging a girl he used to tutor who was having a bit of a "crisis".I was going out with his friends who didn't even know I existed, bailing on me again, and again after he forgot he made plans with other people.I would wait, bailing on my own friends to make plans with him on the weekend, all while he refused to hang out with any of my friends. You get the pizza and it is not what you ordered, so you send it back. Emotions are tricky. Tell him you can't give him closure he has to find his own. My confidence, my self esteem, my ability to trust and love others and myself. One of my close pals split up with his girlfriend a few months back, and his ex was totally in love with him, so much so that she kept contacting me trying to persuade him to get back with her! Tell Him How You Feel 10. These messages started unraveling my progress, and one of the reasons it all hurt so much was because I wanted him, and if we could work past our differences, I'd still want to be with him. He ended our relationship 4 weeks ago, and since then I've been thinking about where everything went wrong. These are some of the reasons that he broke up with you but still wants to hang out, which will help you work out the intent behind his actions, and if there is anything else going on that you should know about, or if the two of you are just going to be friends! The first thing to know is that you do not have to hang out with him if you are not ready. He drives to my house wearing a shirt I'd bought him for Christmas. Neither of us have any expectations/strings and it's cool for now. They can only care about how they feel and can't put themselves in our shoes. Naturally I do believe I'd be upset when he does move on,but I can't imagine putting myself through the same grief with a guy who told me he wanted to spend the "rest of his life with me" while he was still being breast fed by his mother.I need someone who makes me a priority and doesn't give me ****ty excuses 11 months in, about why . my boyfriend broke up with me and he still wants to be friends with me. Ive untagged myself and he untagged himself.I archived all the photos I uploaded however,he still keeps one photo of us on his page.I spent 4 months trying to get him to upload this stupid profile picture so I wouldnt have to deal with oh, N has a girlfriend? He might also start apologizing for how he acted in the relationship or during the breakup. Another reason why he might want to hang out after breaking up is that he wants to be nice and he wants to stay friends. If you think this might be the case, and if you have an idea that he is talking to other people, rather dont hang out and remember that you deserve so much better. However, he can't miss you if you are always around. We patched things over and he invited me to come stay for his next 4 week study block away without any of his family or friends knowing. I'm actually quite surprised with how well I've coped for only a week, and my family and friends have said the same. Someone who is still talking to an ex is a major red flag for new love. : r/BreakUps. But if you pull away, he will really feel like he lost you. Luckily for you, guys are quite simple beings. Do you want to have to get over the heartbreak all over again? Courtesy of Anne Jarret. It works only if both aren't holding on to the idea that they "might" get back together. However, make sure that he is not manipulating you or forcing you into a friendship you are not ready for or what you do not want. Now he wants to be just very good friends. Relationships end all the time, I should know because I've helped dozens of people in your situation before, and guess what? Do You Truly Wish You Can Get Back Together with Your Ex? TheFab20s is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking toAmazon.com, Copyright 2022 TheFab20s on the Seasoned Pro Theme, 35 Minimalist Bullet Journal Spreads You Have To Try Right Now. There are of course some good memories in this relationship, but not many unfortunately. The only satisfaction Ive got out of keeping him on social media so far, is being able to finally post my vacation photosthe ones that I had to hide so that his family didnt know I was with him.Im sure this will have some type of consequences for him at home,but I was very clear about not being obliged to lie for him anymore if we werent together.If only he knew how good honest feels. It means admitting that the relationship wasn't working and that you need time apart. Basically being friends means nothing. If he misses you it is because he is choosing not to be with you. Boost Yourself 11. I split very amicably and didn't spend much time running after him. You may never have heard an apology from him before, but now they dont seem to be ending! It's possible, and it's even possible to be such close friends that you attend each other's wedding or whatever. Breakups can be lonely, and it could be that this is how he is dealing with the breakup, but it is not fair on you and it can really be a rollercoaster for your emotions. It's a very uncomfortable place to be! This is not a question that can be answered easily and is all dependent on how you feel and what his intentions might be (which arent always clear!). He blamed a lot of his bad behaviour on me, but from the first few dates I remember him talking down to me, and even pushing me into pleasuring him in public after I had said no.As I sit with my mum and my psychologists recounting a lot of these events,I feel incredibly pathetic and defeated.That someone like me got sucked into a roller coaster of lies and being treated like **** for months.Had one of my friends told me that their boyfriend was treating them this way, I wouldve advised her to leave him and completely delete him out of her life. Avoid any physical contact with them unless you are comfortable with the relationship between you two, and dont do anything that you might regret later on. Naturally I do believe Id be upset when he does move on,but I cant imagine putting myself through the same grief with a guy who told me he wanted to spend the rest of his life with me while he was still being breast fed by his mother.I need someone who makes me a priority and doesnt give me ****ty excuses 11 months in, about why he lies to his family when he takes me to church trivia on a Friday night *rolls eyes*. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. why is does he want to hang out like before? However you are reading this article and that alone tells more then enough. But if you pull away, he will really feel like he lost you. The author. If you enjoyed this article, check out some related posts like: Why Is My Ex Boyfriend Buying Me Gifts (10 REASONS! Another crucial step to get rid of the friend zone with your boyfriend is to make him invest in you. Since your boyfriend still wants to be friends with you there is still hope. Give it a couple of weeks after the breakup. I think I may be able to remain friends, as I hope by that time I'm confident alone or have started to see someone that makes me feel more secure. Exactly a year ago today I met my ex bf. He got back home and continued lying to his family about being out with me. Plenty of broken relationships get repaired! So consider how your relationship was, how it ended, and how your ex might be acting when working out what it means when he wants to hang out. so i want to be in touch with him but still make him want me , i m sorry if i sound very stupid and **** . Is it right for my boyfriend to send pictures and videos of hot girls to his friends? Be Happy Without Him Happiness spreads, and if you appear to be happy, it is the best way to show him you are okay without him. I flew up to see him, we fought everyday, he continued barking at me. The nostalgia and apologies are all signs that he is wanting to get back together again, and how you wish to proceed is completely up to you. He did take the blame for it ending, because his actions were making me upset, and in turn making him upset that he wasn't getting things right. She was going about it totally the wrong way. Remaining friends does not mean engaging in daily or even routine deliberate interaction with each other. I didnt even know? Get it? (@arolawee): "Why she got to do me like that bro like she let her "close bsf" kiss her and he loves her sm and she actin very different around me like she dont want me but when she is around him she be actin like thats her bf and that i don't exist i dont know what to do but cry. Very few dumpees accept the breakup on the spot - the moment their ex initiates it. What could happen is he could act as though the two of you might get back together, only to drop you suddenly one day when someone else more interesting to him comes along. You need to show a man that he has to do some work to get your attention and love. You do need to be wary of how much of yourself you invest into the friendship though. I'm not ready for a relationship right nowLet's be friends. I can see why you feel your self esteem took a beating but now in hindsight when your vision is 20/20 you can see the red flags. Any advise when he IT!!! He then began to complain about me not being "in the mood" and "always tired", so I stupidly made myself more in the mood to keep him happy. I block him and on our last meet up, tell him that he was not a friend worth having, he replies "You're bitter", and damn right I should be. 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he broke up with me, but wants closure