guys stare at me but i'm not pretty

Yes, this is odd behavior on your part. If a guy could easily crack a girl, he wouldnt have to keep trying to get her attention. They stare at you for some other reasons but are not actually interested in you romantically or sexually. "Hello. During my walks, I always see this guy that Im attracted to. By Maybe your not putting off the right vibes and that's why they're not approaching you maybe your putting off an intimidating vibe and they are worried about rejection. If youre obviously interested in someone else and youre making out with him in the corner, then its best not to try and talk to anyone. The first reason that a guy is staring at you in public, maybe that he is interested in you. Go to a bar by yourself, buy yourself a drink and camp yourself out on a stool at the far end so as to make it obvious you are by yourself. They wouldn't follow up with me, and especially the one I liked that looked like Ryan, he did pass me and grabbed my waist, but I think it was because I was in the way, I don't think he was flirting lol So I am feeling really low about myself. But anyway, thanks so much for the advice! Some DO understand women are not solely into looks and you might think that's a good thing, but to a guy, it's not. Previous post: What To Do When His Ex Said She Still Loves Him & He Goes Distant On You. I don't want to make myself promise I'll talk to him because I'll let myself down if I don't, but I want to at least try. Let me show you how and why too. So we just look. This makes them hesitate to approach you. I am not really sure. Gosh, this thread got complicated. Number two for me is hilarious though, haha. Sometimes you might have features that I find particularly attractive, but as a whole, you wouldn't be the kind of girl I would date or even want to talk to. Its good to give guys a chance before assuming that they are just trying too hard or that they want something specific from you. Something about you is triggering an instinctual emotion which has been around a very long time. But hey, that's not a bad song. No worries - I'm going to reveal that too although I did mention it a few paragraphs ago. The fear of success is a good thing for most guys. I never cold approach anymore because I don't see the point. I agree that maybe guys see you as very attractive and afraid to get rejected by you. Usually when I find myself admiring a girl, I usually do find myself afraid for a couple reasons: Usually the girls I see are wearing earbuds, or working on something, texting constantly, or with friends. Shes not going to let you go and wonder if her invitation was real or just a polite way of getting rid of you. I don't really act crazy or anything. They either has a mean face making then unapproachable, they got a guy nearby them, or they have someone on the side. Something else? But before class maybe I'll try to take them out if I remember? Many don't have fathers present to teach them how to interact socially and IRL. Beyond that - it's up to HIM. 48. Thats it. ). which some guys like myself don't want to waste our time on. Men know that women who are considered hot are usually bitches. Then he kept passing me and was talking to other people, and playing pool, I was talking to other people as well, but it seemed to be the same pattern with all of the guys. We don't want her to think we were objectifying her body even though in part, we were. But, I think he has doubts about menot in terms of his attraction towards me, but probably about how I feel about him and/or if I'm worth it. They would rather just stare at you instead of being rejected by people who call themselves better than them and think they are entitled to success. Wow you look so much like him!" Very frustrating. Theres a reason behind it, so Im here to give you the 15 reasons why guys stare at you but never approach. He's a social butterfly. You dont want to be mean to every guy who approaches you and takes the time out of his day just to say hi. No need to panic. So they may stare at you, but they don't actually want to approach you. It's certainly not advisable to wave him over even with a smile. And, try hard not to let your fears overwhelm you, cuz I get scared and back off from being friendly/open to my crush at times (not cuz of my attraction to him, but cuz of fears about me and whether or not he'd like me) and that makes it worst cuz it's like you're sending mixed signals. You definitely need to send signals of interest to the guy you are interested in otherwise only the douches will approach you. And now that Ive seen your hotness, which is all you have to offer, Im done. Yes, they probably were too afraid to ask you out or didn't want to scare you away or something. IMO, simply enjoy the encounters which come your way and thank the deity of your choice for the opportunity to experience life. I started to say hello to him but now, hell answer back and just put his head down every time I walk by him . Only he knows why we never got together, I have no clue but I had to move from underneath of his apartment because it was really starting to feel like a heartbreaking rejection. Some guys are just nervous or do not know what to say. Whether it's a look, surrounding yourself in a group, nervousness yourself, not paying attention or noticing what is happening, some women just put out a vibe, "Do NOT under any circumstance approach me. Make the statement. Why Men Pull Away From You - The real reasons why men lose interest. Not knowing what to say, how to say, how to act, or basically how to approach a woman we're attracted to which causes us to overthink, become nervous, and freeze up internally. He gave me intense eye contact, smiled when I look at him. (Yes, getting you to talk to us is one thing but then what do we do if we succeed in that.). Even though it's as simple as. I am not stuck up or a bitch. You see, for guys, it's all about triggering their inner hero. Which is sad if the dude isn't a total dickwad. However, guys will approach the girl that they think has no boyfriend with the intention of getting a long-term girlfriend. Why Men Disappear From You - Learn the real reason why men disappear from your life & how to stop it from happening again. Guys arent going to want to stick around for a month or more if theyre not getting anything out of it in return. . It makes me feel insecure, but honestly everyone seems to be all about "business" when they go to Starbucks haha. We could embarrass ourselves if she shot us down. You also can not just yell loudly, "Hey you! We don't want her to think we're like every other "creepy" guy. Its not like he has called you gorgeous. The thing is, guys dont see the difference between being single and not putting yourself out there at all. It never is. He will sense it even if he doesn't realize what he's seeing. Theyre intimidated by the fact that you dont even know them and think you might explode at any moment. I had a neighbor that would stare at me constantly. As a nice guy, I usually assume (and probably wrongly) that a beautiful woman probably is in a relationship, so I don't want to bother them. Most guys try to avoid intimidating women, whether they have a chance with them or not, because of the fear of being rejected in front of everyone. Good luck! Especially if you know him, this could be the case he could also always just be staring . This is a tough situation for him, to have to get over his shyness with the added pressure hes feeling because he knows his stares has creeped you out a little. This Outdated Rule Needs To Change! And many spend so much time watching porn and thinking about having sex that they don't know how to just talk to a lady. You become a magnet for the attention of guys because youre actually interested in them which is much more attractive than waiting for them to approach you. Yet he continued to stare. Theyd rather just wander around and feel like theyre free to do whatever they want instead of putting themselves in a situation where they are restricted by other peoples opinions and expectations. When a guy sees that a girl is single and says something to her, theres nothing he can do about it. Its always a lot better to be approached by someone you know than it is to be approached by someone you dont know. They may find you attractive, but you aren't what they are looking for, for whatever reason. Personally, I'm a pretty confident guy that knows exactly what he wants. A guy who stares at you but doesn't talk to you might be doing so because he's shy or has bad social skills. Heres What It Means When Men Are Always Looking At You. If youre a cute girl who is mean to guys and doesnt give them the time of day, youre going to have a hard time getting someone to talk to you. Men are generally drawn to the physical attributes on a woman as if you didn't already know it, but there may be some details you're not aware of that is happening which is associated with the fear of approach. (see Trademark Guidelines). Hey, we're all pansys honestly. Click Here For More Information On The Silent Man and How To Pick Up The Book For Yourself Today! I feel disgusting after getting rejected for cold sores. That's how effective and powerful it is for us. Some men also don't really know how to talk to a woman let alone make a public approach to a stranger. Guys either know or assume that they can't get a girl like you because they don't have the same level of confidence and self-esteem. Guys can be intimidated by your boyfriend just as much as they can be intimidated by someone who isnt there at all. With that said, Im willing to be those kind and intelligent ones with the warm personalities you speak of want nothing to do with a bigoted misogynistic ass. Watched the video link. I even remember as a kid feeling envy about good looking guys getting easy female attention, thinking that that was all to it. For example, there's a guy at uni who I like the look of and who I've caught staring at me in seminars/lectures/on the bus etc but he won't ever speak to me even when our eyes awkwardly meet. Press J to jump to the feed. Answer (1 of 6): You already known the answer to this question. But at the time I was caught up in a celebrity crush. They know that if they approach a girl and shes interested in them, theyll have to make up their minds quickly. Or better yet they want you to approach them, so, as a result they will stare at you as a creep. If a guy sees a girl like this, they will think that shes there to see them or they might even think that shes looking to hook up with some other guy after they talk to her. I am not a sensitive person and I don't generally take things personally, but this irks me on a visceral level. Hey, its no problem at all! When guys see a girl at a party or other social gathering, they dont know how to get in contact with her. I try that with my crushI try to keep it open and friendly and I try to chat him up now and then in hopes that he can see that I'm into him and there's no fearlol. A lot of guys are afraid to approach a girl because they have the wrong idea about her. My male perspective. Promise. Getting a man to approach you is mostly about him but it also will come down to how open and approachable you appear to him. NoFap and Fapstronaut are trademarks owned by NoFap LLC. Best advice I can give you is to have open body language. Stop staring at me and get over here." I do hope you found the answer you were looking for - sign in below and I'll do my best to not only help you understand men but answer lots of your questions you might have about them. Hello Kattya. 6/8/2018. Theres a reason why theyre afraid to open their mouths and say something to you or even approach you. "There's no question - gazing at large breasts makes men healthier." She also recommends that men over 40 should spend at least 10 minutes daily admiring breasts sized D-cup or larger. That's an example of one man and his 'why'. I couldnt keep letting myself wonder why and feel like crap in the process. Happens the exactly same to me. [. Understanding men does not have to be complicated. I am a fun, lovable person. Is Being a Police Officer a Turn Off for Women? Of course there's you tube, movies, and pick up ebook and programs but it's safe to say most guys won't or don't get the right education on "picking up" women or girls which become another problem in itself. I don't get it. That's why men look away when their eyes meet, and then go back to staring. Especially in bars. Lol. A MUM has discovered her son is alive 17 years after her relatives stole him and told her he was dead. They dont want to risk hard work on a girl who is pretty hard to get. If your crush stares at you when you're not looking, there is a really good chance you are triggering something very primitive and instinctive within him. Technology has taught them to interact without actually talking to people. Just a curious question, I hope it's ok to post this on here. Most of the time they continue smiling as they walk away and I drive away*. Or they'll check me out, and still never approach me. Guys are normally fine with staying in the friend zone, but theyre not fine with being rejected by a series of girls that theyve been talking with before. Answer (1 of 19): Just learn to be approachable by understanding what you are doing as far as body language goes, and smiling does help. (see my advice), Unfortunately the girls I meet that I am attracted to their personality, I often meet while I am working for the university, so avoiding any showing of attraction is necessary. There are only two types of guys and knowing this fact changes everything. Should You Tell Him You Dont Like Them? Men stare more at a woman who stands out. | All Posts or Sitemap | This site uses cookies and contains some affiliated links as outlined on this page Privacy Disclaimer Disclosures, What Men Are Thinking About When They Stare, Gaze, or Look At You. And if everyone thinks the same thing about you, it means that you cant be anything more than what they already know about. Thanks. Is that where you look pissy when not smiling? I talk to them and laugh and things like that. She's hot. They will see you, even wave but will not have the confidence to hold a full conversation.Do not feel bad for being too attractive that a guy cannot approach you; it's not you; it's him.If you are confident enough, you can approach him and see how it goes. You may be doing it without even knowing. These are the kind of thoughts that will always be in the back of their minds, making it impossible for them to approach you. I'm just wondering if any of these guys were too afraid to ask me out, and why this cycle keeps happening because its happening again! I'm graduating, and girls seem less interested in dating guys they know are finishing school in a few months. Depends on the guy, but I agree with the bolded. you have guys that know exactly what they want. Random girl approached me, what is your opinion on the 10/10 rejection message, take notes yall! She would always get hit on by guys if she wasnt aware of it but that wouldnt change anything. 3. If youre in a group of girls and youre obviously trying to get the attention of everyone, then its best to stay away from letting guys approach you. I panic)! Jesse Pinkman: You know he's not gonna be happy. Use your intuition to guide your body language so you appear more open and relaxed. A full blown way down the ladder typical type two Jessica. I do NOT want to talk to you or anyone. Guys dont want to approach a girl if she is the shy type. Many spend too much time immersed in the online world instead of the real one. The most common thing I've heard (men and women alike) is: "You're intimidating, that's why men don't approach you". This is why guys who have been around longer than others dont mind going for the same girl or similar girls. Hard to tell from here. Outside of the classroom its not a big deal since the guy I find attractive now is never anywhere near me after our classes since we have two of them together. wink" I honestly think I wouldn't have turned anyone down, really, because me noticing and taking note means that I was interested in some way too. It feels good to stare and sometimes we dream, there or later. This is not the person you want to portray yourself as. I always get that weird 'somebody's watching you' feeling in . In each of these cases, theyre most likely just trying to be nice or theyre just trying to see if youre worth it. We can't help ourselves. Let him come to you a little more and if hes up for it. I credit you in part for finding love myself. It all depends on the "type" of guy. Zhang Caihong recently learned that her cousin's sister-in-law took her son away from her . The same thing happens when youre out of their league and cant get a chance with you because youre not the one whos attracted to them. He feels rejected and doesnt want to try again because of that. It really doesnt go anywhere especially if youre in panic mode. So they may stare at you, but they don't actually want to approach you. What if she says something hurtful or worse yet, calls us an ugly loser ouch! Either way, theres no reason to be afraid that what they have done is going to make you think that they are just plain rude and you shouldnt talk with them the next time you see them. There's no more to this approach problem than the answers you've been given today. We could stutter like some fool and look totally pathetic. On the other hand, its not a good thing for those who would like to get what they want. Yeah, we try to be all smooth about it thinking you didn't notice but you did or else you wouldn't be here on this article today. Truthfully, men stare at women because we love to. They would rather just stare at you from a distance than risk getting rejected by you, even if they end up having to spend the rest of their life alone. Or maybe it will help you. Its a form of fear as well as a form of insecurity and desperation for them. If the woman stares back, he'll buy her a drink. Okay this one is absurd but believe me, it does happen. It's a wonderful gift. There are 3 critical reasons why you NEED to read this book IMMEDIATELY: If youre not sure what his type is, you could misread everything he says & does which leads to more confusion and making mistakes with him that will hurt. It's your body language. Of course, to answer some of your questions of why they don't interact . Is there a certain vibe that I am giving off? They could be attracted to you or not, but they arent sure if they should approach you or not. So learn to be that girl, and learn to send those extremely subtle female cues to green-light that one, while issuing rejections to the douchebags from fifteen feet away. If you or someone close to you is currently in crisis or in an emergency situation, contact your local law enforcement agency or emergency number. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Get a unique and eye-opening look deep inside what makes a man not want to open up to you. It chips away at my soul. If you dont know his type you could misinterpret everything he says or does as it relates to you. Most people are going to make this a personal thing about me, but IMHO some guys like myself are shy or inexperienced. They think that if they approach them it means that theyre not good enough to get what they want. Could be that you are so beautiful they just want to stare at you because they admire beauty. I just started my new job and since first week of working (untill now, its third week already), this guy keeps looking and always look at my face when we walked pass each other. (And one of them I thought I was totally in love with from the 8th grade to my junior year but it never went anywhere, sigh.) Hopefully something will end up happening! I could sense he was attracted, but for some reason didnt talk. Result they will stare at women because we love to every other creepy. Who are considered hot are usually bitches arent going to want to them... Yourself Today to portray yourself as is your opinion on the 10/10 message! To teach them how to Pick up the Book for yourself Today getting anything out of it in return did., for whatever reason to it from her which come your way guys stare at me but i'm not pretty! Why guys stare at me and get over here. their minds quickly has a mean face then. Says or does as it relates to you a little more and if hes up for it can you... 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guys stare at me but i'm not pretty