famous medieval mercenary companies

Out of all of the modern mercenary companies, Wagner is arguably the most secretive and sinister group. For example, when the famous English mercenary John Hawkwood fought for Milan against the papal armies in 1371, the pope denounced him as being a son of Belial. But, the next year, when Hawkwood sided with the pope and won several battles, he was praised as being an athlete of God and a faithful Christian knight.. What are some famous (or infamous) companies or bands of mercenaries throughout human history? Checkout our list of Medieval II: Total War Console Commands (Cheat Codes) & Item ID List, we update this list on a monthly basis. In 401 B.C., the hardened Greek veterans of the Peloponnesian War fought alongside Cyrus near Baghdad against the Persian forces led by Artaxerxes. Alberico turned against Clement VII and defeated his force of Bretons on behalf of Pope Urban VI, who proclaimed that Italy was now free of barbarians. But the anti-foreigner, nationalistic-sounding sentiments were just empty bombast. He himself married the 17-year-old daughter of the duke when he was 57. For many mercenaries - this was the moment of opportunity. He was unable to extricate himself due to his armor, and his skeleton was only discovered when the tree was cut down in 1672. Favorite books of famous people in history. All his sins were remitted him and when he left he was given 40,000 crowns [20,000 gold florins] to distribute among his companions. The corcheurs were demobilized mercenaries who desolated France in the 15th century after the Treaty of Arras in 1435. Once back onfriendly soil, only three-fourths of their numbers remained. The Florentine poet Antono Pucci captured this moment in verse to decide whether the lion, i.e., Florence, knew more than the fox, i.e., Pisa: Florence refused it [i.e., Florence refused to pay the White Company], and the fox embraced it. Unfed and unpaid, the men got into a dispute with Arnaud, which ended in his murder. Wagner PMC was founded back in 2014 and is now suspected to be headed by a powerful Russian businessman named Yevgeny Prigozhin, who is believed to have links to the Kremlin. Still he has his sword, his blanket, and in the event of war, to obtain a commission he has only to open his tin boxes and show the commissions already won. Clerics and laymen alike were forbidden to join them, hire them, or favor them in any way. 2. Most of his troops were paid adequately but not handsomely. A mercenary with a three-bladed sword rediscovers his royal heritage's dangerous future when he is recruited to help a princess foil the designs of a brutal tyrant and a powerful sorcerer in conquering a land. The formation of these companies was a spontaneous, need-driven process. Taking upon himself the title of Duke, Werner von Urslingen had stitched onto his doublet the motto the enemy of pity, of mercy, and of God, and he lived up to it in the most horrific ways possible. During their journey, they fought off bad weather, famine, ambushes, and hallucinogenic honey. On October 24, 1360, after the Treaty of Calais ratified the ceasefire of 8 May, Edward III had ordered the evacuation of English troops from fortresses in many parts of France. Francesco besieged Milan and took the title by force in 1450. Mercenaries: Soldiers of Fortune, from Ancient Greece to Today's Private Military Companies. This did not deter him from extorting money from the cities and estates of Languedoc and pillaging the countryside, all part of Charless domain. The first appearance of Varangians acting in the interest of the Byzantine state was during the reign of Emperor Michael III (842867), in which they served as his personal security entourage. The Congo mercaneries of the 1960's, under Mad Micheal Hoare, fighting for the break away area of Katanga, and against the Simba; he would later go on the attempt a coup in the Seychells. Mercenaries are warriors who arepaid for their martial services by a nations leader or other employer,and who get a little extra coin from the spoils of war. As betting a tightly-run military organization, the White Company also had an effective administrative staff, consisting of Italian chancellors (men trained in law), Italian notaries, and an English treasurer. Niccol Capponi and Kelly DeVries, Hawkwoods greatest victory The Battle of Castagnaro. Took'em all on, and retired to their own little principality Athens. 22. Unlike previous companies, it was composed entirely of Italians who had sworn hatred and eternal enmity of all foreigners. He would offer his services once again to President McKinley during the Spanish-American War of 1898. The philosopher Martin Buber described them as,people without a country, who have dissociated themselves from their national connections and unite in common journeys for pasture and plunder; semi-nomadic herdsmen they are, or freebooters if opportunity offers.. The Great Companies were newly-minted military units, drawn from the many thousands of experienced but out-of-work mercenaries who were trying to survive after the Treaty of Brtigny between the kings of England and France in 1360.1 By the spring of 1362, the process of evacuating fortresses and transforming territories between England and France was nearly nished. However, after placing Henry of Trastamara on the throne of Castile, the companies returned to France. The Varangian Guard might not be "mercenaries" but they certainly weren't regular Greeks. Votes: 6,598 | Gross: $39.10M Thus the battles the mercenaries fought were never decisive. It got its start in 1901 Copenhagen, Denmark as a private security service. There are a few reasons for this. It stated in part: The wickedness of our age, in which the sons of iniquity have multiplied and, red by the ames of their own greed, are dishonestly attempting to gorge themselves on the labour of others, and for that reason rage the more cruelly against the innocent peoples, compels us to draw on the resources of the apostolic power to counter their evil stratagems and to strive with even greater energy and effectiveness to organise the defense of these peoples, especially of those whom the wicked men have so far attacked, and are now attacking. and while passing between Rouvres and Dijon we fell upon them [i.e., upon Pots band] and with Gods help they were defeated and either killed [in the engagement], taken prisoner or put to death. In the seventh and eighth centuries, they engaged in guerrilla operations against the Muslim invaders of Spain. The Flaming Fist. To hire mercenaries was not hard to do; to pay them regularly, whether one won or lost a given battle, was indeed hard to do. Contents hide. Do mercenaries have ranks? Hired mercenaries are placed under you control (like other colonists) throughout their contract. This kind of scenario occurred many times in the Medieval Mediterranean. The mercenary company is the most famous mercenary company in the world. The popes of the period, Innocent VI, Urban V, and Gregory XI, took a leading role in attempts to deal with this daunting problem . The archers followed close behind them. What made the White Company so effective in 14th Century Italy is because Italia was fractured into many small provinces and city-states. Hell, we couldn't even find their logo to show you guys! One of the most in-, un- and famous mercenary companies of Welryn, the Hundred Hounds has a fearful reputation, among the few who know of them. Anyone who provided them with money, food, horses, arms, carts, boats, and any other provisions or merchandise, or who aided or advised them in any way whatsoever, would also be excommunicated. The Jomsvikings, if they did in fact exist. flag. In 1303 a mercenary band called the Catalan Great Company arrived in the Byzantine Empire, seemingly ready to offer its services to Emperor Andronicus II. . Medieval mercenary costume Medieval, renfaire, LARP and other events SHIPPING: Production time 1 week (Express delivery option is paid additionally) * Tracking numbers available on request. He trumpeted his atrocities to the authorities and threatened more of the same unless he was paid, extorting vast sums from Siena, Perugia, Florence, and Bologna. In 1360, Sterz moved the Company to Italy, that fertile field of constantly warring city-states. One of the best summaries of how the companies arose is that offered by the modern Italian scholar Franco Cardini. One of the main brigand leaders was a Welshman named Ruffin, who was enriched by robberies and became a knight[citation needed]. The Habiru were described as a group of Asiatics wandering about the Levant, much like the Hebrews. Here is a sampling of what some contemporary observers had to say about the Companies: The author of the Grandes Chroniques de France says that At that time [November 1360], there were great numbers of English and others in Brie and Champagne, who ravaged all the countryside, killing and ransoming men, and doing all the evil they could, of whom some called themselves the Great Company.. Director: Albert Pyun | Stars: Lee Horsley, Kathleen Beller, Simon MacCorkindale, George Maharis. There is no single, denitive gure on the total strength of the Great Companies. Did the single combat occur or was it honourable enough for the Romans to pass? Their swift tactics and willingness to fight in harsh conditions terrified opponents. As a soldier of the king, Hawkwood was an unknown, but upon turning to freelancing, he achieved astounding success. If an employer could not honor his contract with mercenaries, his problems began then and there. In 1398, he took up employment with the Visconti rulers of Milan but soon departed to fight for Florence and then Ferrara. Florence, who denied Dante a resting place, erected a noble monument to a robber, he lamented. [5], Late medieval army of independent mercenaries. The Varangian Guard were comfortably the best infantry Byzantium could field and dominated many battles. Mercenary Leather Body Armour Thick leather 9-10 oz / 3mm to 4mm Leather 5-6 oz / 2mm Size Details; Small; 28 to 30 inches - Leather : 20 inches Medium: 32 to 38 inches - 81cm to 97cm, Leather : 22 Inches Large: 38 to 44 inches - 97cm to 112 cm , Leather : 22 Inches X Large: 44 to 50 inches - 112cm to 127cm , Leather : 24 Inches However, in 1204, he did not pay the mercenaries. The White Company introduced into Italy a practice already common in France during the battles of the Hundred Years War: sending dismounted men-at-arms into battle. Medieval is a stunning film that will hopefully bring this fascinating figure to a much wider . We recommend installing the SuperNova SWF Chrome Extension. They regularly made a living by plunder when they were not employed; in France they were called routiers and corcheurs and operated outside the highly structured law of arms. 3 Rodrigo de Villandrando Many mercenaries were not averse to robbing their own employers. Their storybegins in 874 when the Kievan Rus and Constantinople established a peace treaty in which the Kievan Rus was obliged to send the Byzantines military assistance, but it would not be for some time. The answer to your premise is "No." Crusader Kings 2 is a fun game, but it's still a game, not a history lesson. The Bretons and the English in Dauphin were companies which operated from 1374 to 1411, and accompanied the Counts of Armagnac, Turenne and Duguesclin during their conflicts in Provence and Italy, which brought about the Great Schism between the popes of Avignon and Rome. It entered the Piedmont region setting res, looting, raping women, maiming non-combatants, and mistreating prisoners. Rachel Bach (Goodreads Author) 3.94 avg rating 14,611 ratings. Are There Mercenary Companies? . Great North Catalonia, was formed in 1302 and made its mark on medieval military history. Alberico is credited with such military innovations as improved armor and aggressive battlefield tactics, particularly the cavalry charge. These companies would remain active in much of Western Europe until the renewal, in 1369, of the war between England and France. Academi has a 7,000-acre training facility in North Carolina, one of the largest in the world. In its glory days, it was based on the lances of three men: a man-at-arms, a squire, and an unarmed page. Our community welcomes everyone from around the world to discuss world history, historical periods, and themes in history - military history, archaeology, arts and culture, and history in books and movies. Werner von Urslingen remained the most prominent figure throughout the 1340s when he organized successive companies to manipulate and terrorize the Italian cities. The military ranks of the Mercenary Guild are shown here. The remnants of the Catalan Company ravaged the countryside in revenge before settling in Greece and founding the Duchy of Athens in 1311. He was captured by Indians, but he would escape three months later and rejoin Maximilians forces. At the end of the 14th century, Alberico fought in the wars between Florence and Milan, switching sides as it pleased him. These well-trained mercenaries provided a combined arms approach to warfare. Sean Manning, The merchant of Pratos little secret Hidden protections. John Duke of Bedford and the Norman 'Brigands'. In 1424, Muzio drowned in a river while on a campaign against a fellow condottiere. Mockler, Anthony. Mauleon had his first experience of battle at Poitiers. [3] The White Company of John Hawkwood was active in Italy in the latter half of the 14th century. . In an article rst written in Italian, then translated into French, and now quoted here in an edited free translation into English, Cardini explains that two factors were at play in this process: On the one hand, if businessmen, entrepreneurs, and bankers had now become the governing class, most notably in the urban communes of Italy, they did not have, despite all that, a style of life they found suitable to their new status. The German Conrad of Landau took command of the Great Company in 1354, operating in the regions of Tuscany, Umbria, the Romagna, and Lombardy. Finally, in times of peace, the mercenary companies became terrible bands of brigands. Their leaders were Guilhem Camisard, Amaury de Svrac (the Bastard of Bertusan) and John Broquiers. The word mercenary comes from the Latin merces (wages or pay) and is no different than the solde or pay due to fighters, from which the word "soldier" is derived. However, his fighting was short-lived. The term also is associated with the Akkadian habbatu (plunderer or robber) or saggasu (murderer). He has been a guest speaker on numerous national radio and television stations and is a five time published author. His practice of recruiting troops from his own feudatories in Romagna, resulting in greater cohesion, is seen by some as a precursor to the ultimate unification of Italy in the 19th century. Through contemporary chronicles and the most up-to-date scholarship, he presents an in-depth portrait of the mercenary across the Middle Ages. In the year 1361, the Company boasted a force of 2,000 infantry and as many as 3,500 cavalry. The modern French scholar Jean Favier denes such a mercenary unit as follows: A company consisted of from 50 to 200 men under the orders of a captain, who was both the organizer and executive ofcer of this military society and its leader in combat. There, Roger was ambushed by another mercenary force and killed, as were 130 of his men. These soldiers of fortune were the late medieval version of Mafia bosses, making their living with murder, extortion, and terror. While the Ten Thousand fought bravely, it was not enough; Cyrus was killed in the battle. Werner helped Joanna return to Naples and defended her against the opposing condottiere. The leaders of these companies made all-inclusive offers to potential employers: they had their own weapons and their own equipment, which were immediately available and were more or less in good working order. However, the unforeseen result was that many of the disbanded forces quickly became independent companies under new captains. Michael Livingston, If it even happened The Battle of Hyddgen, 1401. Their desertion tipped the scales in the White Companys favor, and Conrad was killed in the ensuing battle. The White Company disintegrated, and Hawkwood was left with only 800 men. But throughout history theyve been seen as skilled warriors albeit dubious about ethical conduct and have proven effective for leaders who need an extra punch in an all out fight. Along the way, he recruited an English knight named John Hawkwood, who swiftly rose through the ranks due to his ability as a negotiator. Afterward, he was employed by Florence, Venice, Naples, and the papacy. . I believe "Varangians" were used as mercenaries by the Byzantine Empire, before eventually being made the bodyguard of the emperor and becoming the Varangian Guard. The Hundred Hounds recruit directly from the various large Welrynian mercenary armies, only picking the best to join their ranks. At the height of its power, it numbered 6,000 men, mainly armored cavalry. The cultural makeup of the White Company was an amalgamation of English, German, Breton, and Hungarian adventurers. In 1861, Civil War broke out in the United States and MacIver made his way to join the Confederacy, in which he served with distinction. Medieval Mercenaries, The Great Companies (Volume I) by Kenneth Fowler. It provided that all towns, villages, and individuals who negotiated with the companies and who paid protection money to them would be dealt with severely. He did eventually attack English-held Bordeaux and was subsequently pardoned by Charles. The company left the district but still remained under the command of the Archpriest.. Variously said to have been the second son of an Essex tanner or the son of a tailor, Hawkwood served initially in the English army in France during the early stages of the Hundred Years War. Their numerical strength was in fact a function of the number of mercenary bands that could be recruited for a given operation, and on the size of each band. Born to a minor Essex landowner, Hawkwood left for France to fight for Edward III when he was 18. As soon as they had passed we mounted our horses and pursued them until we took four or ve of their men-at-arms and some 30 pillagers, who were killed, hung or taken prisoner, the others returning to their quarters. Die Eisenfalke White Gorilla Soldiers Ruby Wolf Association Timberwolves Malicious Matrix Capitalistic Initiatives Bronze Warthog Posse Fire Blood Company Crimson Talon Vulture Posse Steel Company The Broken Fang Night Walkers Ruby Sword Sisterhood Denim Chainsaw Soldiers Behind them, toward the posterior of the formation, were the archers, with great bows which they held from their head to the ground [i.e., the bows were as long as a man is high] and from which they shot great and long arrows. At its high point in 1361, it could eld about 3,500 cavalrymen and 2,000 infantrymen (the latter term also includes the archers); at its low point in 1388, it had shrunk down to a mere 250 men. The Varangians were Swedish merchants who penetrated eastern Russia. This was the case with Rodrigo de Villandrando, one of the greatest mercenaries of his era. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. In this fascinating book based on contemporary chronicles and the latest research, William Urban tells the tumultuous story of soldiers of fortune at the service of various rulers. The Mighty Ten Thousand werementioned in Xenophons Anabasis. Joanna Phillips, Why sieges were hard on your health Besieging bodies. By 1356, free companies, men at arms, and brigands had spread throughout the country from the Seine to the Loire engaging in unlawful activities. On several occasions the companies were contracted by different states to fight each other. Gold florins flowed so freely into Hawkwoods coffers that he rivaled banks and international trading houses. You are using an out of date browser. In fact, many premodern professional soldiers fit the current description of . Similar events occurred in Spain and Germany. The second bull, Miserabilis nonnullorum (27 May 1364), was also cast in terms designed to isolate the companies. the most infamous of his mercenary captains, lorded it in Cardiff Castle. In Constantinople, Roger married a niece of the Emperor Andronicus II Palaeologus and was made a grand duke. Mercenaries were of many nationalities (to use a modern term)for example, Italian, German, Hungarian, Spanish, Greek, Albanian, French, Swiss, English, and Scottish. He was recaptured by a Burgundian knight in October 1364 while raiding merchants who were attending a fair at Chalon. From the Early Bronze Age, Spartans and Greeks, the Roman Empire and their many foes, through to Medieval Knights, Hail Caesar is the game of ancient battles. [citation needed]. He was knighted for his part in the English victory at Poitiers, but after the Treaty of Bretigny, he was left a poor knight without a job. Being a man of God didnt stop him from getting mixed up with brigands and men of base extraction. He was deprived of his benefice by the bishop of Bordeaux as a result, so he decided to take on brigandage full-time. Technically, Mauleon was fighting for the king of England, but as an independent freebooter, his main interest was money. We have written some amazing fantasy mercenary company names in this list. "King Adalmar II of the House of Northall peacefully ascended his father's throne in the year of our Lord 817. It got its name from the white surcoats worn by its troops and the white banners they flew. We have listed below some names of traditional mercenary companies, names of famous mercenary guilds, names of great mercenaries and unique names of the mercenary company. 3 Define Internacional. In fact, they remained fascinated by what could be called the knightly-courtesy manner of life and were eager to duplicate it in their own city palaces and country estates. As the forces of Artaxerxes were pursuing them, the Ten Thousand banded together and fought their way out of enemy territory. The White Company would ght under many employers and would change sides whenever this seemed protable. The new force, called the Company of the Star, enabled Sterz to inflict a crushing defeat upon his rival, Hawkwood. By which name was the mercenary company led by the English knight Sir John Hawkwood known? However, MacIver ditched West Point and joined the army of the East India Company. THE WAR OF THE SPANISH SUCCESSION FRANCE, Prokhorovka the unknown clash of the Great PatrioticWar. Pay for the mercenaries: that was the essential thing. After the war, Sterz took the remnants of the White Company and merged them with the group of fellow German condottiere, Hannekin Baumgarten. While its well documented that the Habiru were viewed as landless undesirables who at times served as mercenaries in military ranks throughout the Near East and Egypt, it was their civil skills that were often overlooked and most desired. Guard might not be `` mercenaries '' but they certainly were n't regular Greeks, Hawkwood companies Volume! Urslingen remained the most up-to-date scholarship, he lamented medieval version of Mafia bosses, making their living murder. Security service small provinces and city-states be `` mercenaries '' but they certainly were n't regular Greeks and made mark. ( plunderer or robber ) or saggasu ( murderer ) was that many of the 14th century Italy because... Being a man of God didnt stop him from getting mixed up with brigands and men of extraction., they fought off bad weather, famine, ambushes, and hallucinogenic honey honor his contract with,! N'T regular Greeks successive companies to manipulate and terrorize the Italian cities ( Author. 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famous medieval mercenary companies