when she goes silent after an argument

The latest Lifestyle | Daily Life news, tips, opinion and advice from The Sydney Morning Herald covering life and relationships, beauty, fashion, health & wellbeing Or all this is BS and Trump and Ronchetti have cut a deal, with the belief that if the endorsement were handled correctly it would pop the rural Trump vote without causing problems elsewhere. ERNEST HEMINGWAY To Have and Have Not. Well, wherever she was she found her way out. There was no concealing that she took the attacks on her character made by Ronchetti and his hyperbolic political consulant Jay McCleskey personally and there would be no soothing words from her. The big and beautiful U.S.-Mexico border wall that became a key campaign issue for Donald Trump is getting a makeover thanks to the Biden administration, but a critic of the current president says dirty politics is behind the decision. Thanks, Cheryl. In her victory speech, MLG also referenced the dangers facing democratic government and dubbed Ronchetti's campaign part of "the movement that that has fueled anger and division. They attempted to see her again (this time only Meredith going into the house) but whatever happened, Meredith's mouth was stuffed with slugs and worms that Caroline was eating. Our reliable caucus sources report that Martinez won a majority of the votes needed on the first ballot and that was that. He. And there is a hidden vote, usually conservative, that acts like an owl. Observers wonder if there will be confusion but believe Laura Montoya will take the win. Family information He is expected to defeat Republican challenger Jeremy Gay in the race for attorney general but it's true that Torrez presided over the ABQ crime wave along with Keller. March 10, 1992 (Age 18) AMJ took advantage and may have persuaded some voters. Elena won't leave Stefan so Stefan Elena and Damon stay in the tomb and Bonnie and Matt go to the school as the dogs are set to attack they have been told fire is one of the only things to stop them. The one where there is much suspense is District 28 where appointed Dem Rep Pamelya Herndon is facing a challenge from Republican Nicole Chavez. Democrats romped in thestatewide offices with Secretary of State Maggie Toulouse Oliverscoring a 54 percent win and AttorneyGeneralcontender Raul Torrez winning with 55. We ask him what happened: Okay, does that humility prevent Payne from being punished for his errant call with ten lashes from a wet noodle? I love a character with a secret: Emily Blunt on the BBCs shocking new Western. Biographical information The revenge is against Ronchetti and his mentor former GOP Gov. His nomination by the Dems must be approved by the full House but that is pro forma given the party's huge majority of 45 to 25. Damon refused their company, but Bonnie and Meredith decided to go to the Dark Dimension and help rescue Stefan from his prison. of Interior flew out from DC with her boss on Air Force One. She seems to thrive on the idea of having a prince charming or a knight in shining armour constantly saving her and swooping her off her feet whenever she needs protecting. Elena ends up incredibly upset when her aunt tells her she cannot marry Stefan and she gets angry takes Matt's car and goes to find Stefan but 'something' chases her and she drives off the bridge and falls in the river. Bonnie realized the blood she had thought was fake was actually Mr. Tanner's real blood on her hands, and she screamed. November 12, 2022 A manga comic that shows silent gender discrimination as seen by 10-year-old girls in different countries and cultures has sold so well that a third print run was ordered. She is cruising to re-election, according the polls, over GOP rival Alexis Martinez Johnson. She sees a mysterious dark stranger in Elena's future: not tall, but was once.At this point nobody really believed her powers they were seen as a joke and not real faked by her to get attention. Many get through eventually they are able to get through but they can't celebrate for long as they hear Katherine never died and she was the other power and Elena had actually died killing her and saving Stefan and Damon. Meredith fled and dragged Bonnie with her, but stopped when she realized that Bonnie too was affected and had to admit CPR on her. Good luck to all the candidates and we'll see you on. She and the others sneaked out of the house and went to Wickery Bridge where Elena thought Stefan would be, but with a little help from Matt, they figured out Stefan was in a well at the Old Francher's Farm. Yes. One day, Zander and her are celebrating an anniversary and Zander recreates their first date and tells her that he is genuinely in love with her and that is the reason why he has to tell that he is a werewolf. In many ways, she is rather opposite of her best friend, Elena Gilbert. Her powers seem to become most vibrant, active, or heightened whenever she is in Damon's presence. The rumor being that she ha got them both to promise they would take care of each other before she died. Doors open at 6 p.m. Other Republican candidates will presumably join him there because there is no official party celebration. In the end it is a noble service to our democratic way of life. A late series of surveys raises more questions than they answer. Their connection and relationship is known to be one of the most intriguing, unusual and interesting dynamics of the entire series (according to many readers), and their connection seems to be an intriguing combination of platonic, romantic, and sexual in nature; crossing a fine line between genuinely innocent or pure and intensely, dangerously passionate and erotic. But the state's senior Senator, Dem Martin Heinrich, who might usually do that, was nowhere to be seen. She has even admitted to herself that he is almost more gorgeous than Damon's younger brother, Stefan. In the book, Bonnie and her friends start Dalcrest College and on the first day, Bonnie is walking on campus when she is dumped by a group of wild guys and she falls. However, despite the fact that she is not an academic individual by nature, she is rather intelligent, intuitive, sharp, quick and intellectual. But being an east coaster, the Vasquez namecame out as "Vas-KWEZ. The Sec. She is also highly spiritual and has a very gentle and healing nature. The Herndon win was especially sweet for the Dems. They found them in a motel where Elena was shocked and relieved to see them. It was revealed that Bonnie was the first person Damon has met immediately after arriving in Fells Church. * 1 a Jesus again in reply spoke to them in parables, saying, 2 The kingdom of heaven may be likened to a king who gave a wedding feast * for his son. Bonnie frequently talks about as well as romanticizes death, especially her own, and she constantly talks about her Scottish grandmother's prophecy that she would be young and beautiful in her grave. Bonnie and Meredith then have an argument resulting in Meredith walking alone to the cemetery only to be ambushed by Tyler during his first transformation as a Werewolf and she starts getting attacked but Stefan once again comes to the rescue they tie him up and demand to know who his partner is. They go back and Stefan's been told he has the girl (Caroline) and if he brings anyone hes kill her Matt Meredith and Bonnie offer there blood to Stefan so he can win but Stefan refuses and tries to be strong and tells them anyone who follows him he will kill. Damon is fiercely and strongly protective of Bonnie and he will do absolutely anything at all costs to protect her from harm and keep her safe. There is an indescribable, electrifying, and magnetic connection between Damon and Bonnie. Bonnie, Matt, Meredith then find out Elena is dead. There is a new History teacher Alaric Saltzman he is uber friendly and gets them to have a talking lesson where they group in a circle and to talk about the incident Bonnie is asked to speak about her discovering the body and she breaks down. The truck was cold and they had no way of getting out. Bonnie is considered to be very fragile and she can be easily frightened and overwhelmed, although she does become a significantly stronger individual as the series progresses. In the novels, Bonnie is a red-haired, white-skinned Caucasian. Although in seven season of the series Bonnie used her book counterpart's name as an alias as she went under the radar from The Armory. The endorsement of his candidacy by Trump is a disaster awaiting to happen in Blue BernCo and the North. Bonnie could be considered to be the arch-feminine type, given how she has the appearance of a dainty, delicate damsel in distress. Bonnie has consistently been fickle when it comes to the opposite sex throughout her life. That one goes to a recount. She also did herself a favor in the Little Texas counties of Lea, Chaves and Eddy with her strong stance for fossil fuels. (Little pulled slightly ahead Wednesday and the race appears headed to a recount. In Las Cruces prominent Dem state Rep. Nathan Small withstood a well-financed challenger to win another term, 52 to 48. In the TV series, she is of African-American descent with ancestors from Salem, Massachusetts, where the witch trials took place, and has black hair and hazel eyes. He explains his view of why this year she can't get near the 57 percent shescored againstSteve Pearcewhen she won election in 2018: And they try to make this democracy thing so complex. She also consistently talks about how romantically she might die. The Awakening Latest News in Nigeria - NigerianEye is a Nigerian Online NewsPaper and Breaking News Source. Meredith cuts Caroline free while Matt punches out Tyler but in mid fight Tyler throws Matt and he hits a tree and become unconscious. Caucus members were said to be queasy ever since she made her interest known for the post because of her marriage to powerful and longtime lobbyist Scott Scanland. But unlike Keller, Torrez has avoided getting tagged for it. Bonnie is moral; Damon is immoral. Metro News. . Despite her immaturity in the love department, Bonnie is very idealistic, passionate and emotional when it comes to love and she is a hopeless romantic. She won it 53 to 47 and Auditor candidate Joseph Maestas beat a Libertarian opponent 62-38. He should know. Six months after a racially motivated shooting in a supermarket left 10 dead, the community in Buffalo continues to look for a way forward. No. We may have to have Rep.-elect Vasquez decide. Ron DeSantis, R-Fla., claiming Democrats cannot take them for granted. Automatic deactivation of unsafe links containing phishing scams, viruses, or malware. Bonnie finds Stefan attractive and romantic, and is even grateful to him when he saved her from humiliation caused by their history teacher Mr. Tanner. Elena went with Bonnie and Meredith to their room and in her sleep, Bonnie brought up what Elena and Damon did the night before, something Elena wouldn't answer. Altogether, she was a lovely little ornament, with fine blue veins in naturally translucent skin.". Species Damon has shown to be fiercely protective (sometimes to possessive and overly protective levels) of Bonnie even though he won't and can't admit it to himself (for whatever unexplained reasons). Matt and Bonnie create a fire with the programs of the snow dance and then set alight to it stopping most dogs and killing others. As a psychic, Bonnie also has intense dreams, prophetic flashes, visions and predictions, which has sometimes caused her to pass out, faint and become unconscious, due to its severe intensity at times. In the novels, Bonnie had two major love interests: Damon and Zander. Significant spells As pictured here, former ABQ Dem state Rep. Idalia Lechuga-Tena has started the party early. Speaking of which, 75 year old Steve Pearce, target of a shower of criticism for the failure of Republicans at the polls last week, says he's ready for more punishment and, For his part Pearce pins the GOP debacle on "gerrymandering.". On abortion, AMJ's apparent changing positions cornered her on an issue that is of more importance this cycle than ever. One of them was when. Democrat Laura Montoya and Republican Harry Montoya are competing. Our insiders tell us to look for former Guv candidate Greg Zanetti to make a play for GOP chair, if Ronchetti loses. Sanderoff is almost always in the neighborhood of the final score and most pros are forecasting if not a squeaker, a tight finish because of the new Democratic power in the district. Bonnie is frequently referred to in the novels, especially in The Return: Nightfall, as a maiden. The Guv came with this warm-up before the main event hits town: Is there any rhyme or reason to this? For Rep. Gallegos, who gave up the majority whip position to take a shot at Floor Leader, her quest may be over permanently. The fact that Damon (who was deeply in love with Elena and had seen many beautiful females) had actually taken especial notice of her features and stature was also a testament to her indisputable beauty. In an event as rare as a Lobofootball win, Sanderoff had a miss in the southern district in 2018 when he had it 46 to 45 for Herrell over Dem Xochitl Torres Small. Let's not give Trump World more attention than deserved. Although, Bonnie is not the overly competitive type in the way that Elena is and therefore, has felt absolutely no desire to try to compete with Elena in any way, due to the fact that Bonnie has always felt like she has lived in Elena's shadow. Herrell lost 50.9 to 49.1. Rep. Stansbury is only 42 but she gave an old time stump speech--fiery, loud and filled with the partisan red meat a crowd relishes in the final days of a long campaign. Veteran Dem political consultant Sisto Abeyta, a Valley rat if there ever was one, games out the big event: The President lavishing attention on Hispanic voters in a working class area will be welcome by Democrats fretting that the party has ignored them while fawning over the professional class. In the Oct. 20-27 ABQ Journal poll Ronchetti received 9 percent support from Democrats. It was not always fun but we got through it with support of fellow political junkies who fight off such matters with a healthy dose of black humor. It is highly apparent that Damon has a strong, indescribable soft spot and tenderness for Bonnie, although the exact reason for this is highly unexplained and unknown. The director looks back at his early years and his life-changing love affair with the movies in this marvelous new film starring Michelle Williams, Paul Dano and Gabriel LaBelle. However, as the series progresses over a period of time, Bonnie begins to deeply develop, mature, deepen and evolve in many different ways, and she begins to get a much deeper and clearer understanding of who she really is. The bottom line for the Alligators of La Politica? ABQ Mayor Tim Keller is being scorned by the ABQ electorate in recent polling that shows his approval rating sinking to 33 percent but some of his supporters think Dem attorney general candidate Raul Torrez, the BernCo district attorney, is getting off light. Bonnie McCullough (Full Name: Bonnie May McCullough) is a protagonist, the second main female character (after Elena Gilbert), the supporting protagonist and the narrator (during Dark Reunion) and quadragonist overall of The Vampire Diaries novel series. It was arunaway for theconstitutional amendment that will allowincreasedfunding from the Land Grant Permanent Fund forearly childhood education andpublicschools. It's dangerous. Now all of that doesn't seem so out of sync to the voters. Meredith had her make a blood pact among the three of them; Bonnie and Meredith were to help Elena get Stefan. But there is not only MLG to consider. She is very naive and idealistic when it comes to love and romance. And there's much more. I seen killin. Bonnie sees him again later at the library and Zander reveals that he has been looking forward to meeting her again and wants to take her out sometime if that is okay with her and Bonnie is more than thrilled. . Bonnie does seem to have a particular type of guy that she is looking for; she seems to be strongly attracted to strong, powerful men who will go out of their way to protect her and keep her safe. She might add, "Come home, Mark. Matt has more of a brotherly relationship with Bonnie and he is quite protective of her (sometimes overly protective), especially when it comes to protecting her from Damon. She also had - you couldn't help notice - particularly large eyes in her small heart-shaped face, giving her the appearance of a kitten. My uncle killed three people. The GOP outside of ABQ has a number of chances but instead of a big Republican night the election could end with a near status quo result with the 45-24 Dem reduced by just a handful or less. or something. Bonnie starts off as very emotionally dependent on other people, but as the series progresses, she becomes a much more independent, confident, and self-assured person. Given the new shape of the district there is good reason for Republicans to keep trying but success may have to wait until the Democratic incumbent calls it a day and the seat becomes open. It is said that Damon shared a special moment with Bonnie at the Homecoming Dance. Instead there was public condemnation and a shunning. So, we're sticking to his reasons as revenge and political positioning. Asked the Dems of Sec. We covered the First Congressional District TV debate, Therein lies the tale of this newly carved, TLF, 41, is a native of Las Vegas and AMJ of Roswell in the south. They follow but after Stefan. As usual polls of the sprawling 2nd District that now includes a swath of westside ABQ and the South Valley are seemingly inscrutable. The regulators report, which it delivered to Microsoft last month but only just made public, goes into detail about each one, and how games as large and influential as Call of Duty may give Microsoft an unfair advantage. Bonnie has a very deep, intense and complex connection and relationship with Damon. As they left, a strange power frightened them and they ran off. Like Trump isjust another guy from one of the many "walks of life?" Watch game, team & player highlights, Fantasy football videos, NFL event coverage & more Bonnie and Meredith knew about Caroline's pregnancy with Tyler Smallwood's child, but carrying a werewolf's babies, and being possessed by a malach was transforming her into a disgusting person, especially when Caroline reported Matt as the father. She said that was a hit on his character. Well, on everything except what matters--administering the SOS office in fair and impartial manner and not wiring the results for Trump. The Judgement of Solomon is a story from the Hebrew Bible in which Solomon ruled between two women both claiming to be the mother of a child. Enough. And thanks to ourmany sources--public and private for making our task easier. This after she and her supporters freaked out earlier this year over her new district that now veers south and takes in some conservative counties. But Miyagishima has nothing left to prove. We'll pick it up Monday or before if any major election happenings break. The 50 year old appeared robust and stepped from behind the podium, opened his suit jacket and showed off his form, declaring to the cheering crowd, "This is what a stroke looks like.". It was as if Ronchetti had been peddling in place since being defeated in 2020 for a US Senate seat by Dem Ben Ray Lujan. If nothing, he's a true believer and one with a congregation of thousands that has his back. The answer may be this: Herrell does not want or need an official Trump endorsement. . In the novels, Bonnie is a psychic and a descendant of druids, but in the series, she is a witch. Later, Bonnie was walking around checking to see if the events were going as planned, and she noticed that when people approached Mr. Tanner he wasn't sitting up as he was supposed to. Others see Payne's prediction for MLG as too high, saying the Guv is not getting the turnout bump she needs and see her finishing as low as 49. Later they'll collect their winnings and go fatten up for the winter. After Elena's return to life, Bonnie, together with Matt and Meredith, decided to accompany Stefan in helping Elena adjust to living again as well as they could. Vasquez won a lot ofmentions from thespeakers but he was not in attendance. Status And so it goes. AMJ lost to TLF in 2020--59% to 41--and has moderated and improved. The district has a presidential performance rating of plus 11 for the Dems, but lower in a midterm election. At this point Ronchetti would take an endorsement from Putin. But for TLF all is well that ends well. The 2024 White House race will begin right after the mid-terms (Lord, help us) and the last thing the Dems need is New Mexico's five electoral votes resting in the uncertain column--and they could go there if the governorship is lost to the GOP. In the novels, Bonnie is presented as a physically and mentally weak character who faints easily when her powers overwhelm her, but the Bonnie in the series is a much stronger character. Thanks for tuning in here and on the radio,Frank. CHAPTER 22. Some of the South Valley for the first time is part of the southern district. Instead they have him on a 33 county tour, mostly in rural hideaways, as he tries to spark GOP turnout. Bonnie is extremely friendly, light-hearted, cheerful and charming, and therefore, all of her friends adore her because of it. Ronchetti's wife took to the socials to urge his supporters to "Vote people. Bonnie decided to use her last bits of energy to channel Damon, since she supposed Stefan and Elena were already asleep. Bonnie seems to be the one person in the series who brings out the true human side in Damon naturally and effortlessly; the caring, affectionate, compassionate, tender side of him the 'true Damon', which is deeply hidden within his soul. Data encryption in your mailbox and after email is sent. She frequently believes in Damon; believing that Damon is a good, kind-hearted, compassionate, affectionate and caring individual, despite him repeatedly trying to conceal it through committing incessant immoral acts. CouldTrump boost Republican turnout? Appearance Bonnie is highly romantic and she seems to have a desire to belong to someone. Then Zander calls one day and Bonnie asks him where he has been and that she has been worried about him. The Activision Blizzard deal now depends on how convincing that argument is. For her part MLG told the rally that she was offended when at the KOAT debate last month Ronchetti refused to be seated and stood for the debate even though she had to be seated because of a leg injury. And that, gentle readers, is a wrap from ABQ, NM at 3:07 a.m the morning after. He is gorgeous in Bonnie's point of view. She made no major errors in the debate that could cause ripples in the electorate. Bonnie tries to assure them that it is not Zander, but they ask her how she knows. Unless there is a surge in Election Day voting today, the state will not break the turnout record for a mid-term election that was set in 2018 when 701,654 cast ballots. Bonnie had trouble with him because she couldn't get him to do what she wanted such as refusing to put fake blood on. Most of the time, Bonnie seems to act as an unwitting medium for helpful spirits, most notably the spirit of a witch named Honoria Fell, who several times attempts to aid the girls (Elena and Meredith) through Bonnie. Bonnie tries to see who is the other power but can not see or read anything (a vessel with water and a candle), Meredith asks if it is possible to find and defeat the other power and Bonnie said yes but with a sacrifice. Rep. Leger Fernandez had that humorous moment with the Prez, but he also said after her speech at CNM: "You are really good. It is mainly a city problem that is most severe in the metro and an obstacle to keeping that economic engine humming. He tells them the other power takes the form of a cat and owl and they realize Margaret's cat Snowball was the other power they then have to get out. Bonnie does not remember anything she says or does while she is in this condition because she basically goes into a catatonic state or a hypnotic trance. That was the year Dem Xochitl Torres Small and interest groups supporting her bid for the southern congressional seat went all out in their field effort and drove turnout through the roof. He barely led election night but his lead grew to over 1,200 votes. Our analysts said that redistricting played a big role in the defeat of GOP Reps Jane Powdrell Culbert in a Corrales based district. Bonnie also knew that Elena was in the graveyard, though she couldn't explain how. WTOP delivers the latest news, traffic and weather information to the Washington, D.C. region. First Vasquez is up one point, then he's up two and then suddenly Herrell's up ten points. They were clear brown eyes, with a dark ring at the outer rim of the iris, then a very light brown ring, as if light were shining through them in the middle, and then another dark ring around the pupil. Examples of her known numerous abilities that she has shown in the series so far include: Bonnie McCullough does not make an appearance in the television series. She padded her lead with a 40,000 vote win in big Bernalillo county and 35,000 in Santa Fe county. As well as developing as an individual, she also begins to develop very powerful, strong psychic powers and abilities (which are hereditary). She also decried what she deemed his attacks on New Mexican culture and values coming from "an outsider.". Hochman-Vigil, a Santa Fe native and UNM School of Law grad, was first elected to District 15, which includes the North Valley, in 2018. Bonnie seems to have a tendency to put a great deal of emphasis in fantasy or at the unseen in her life, whether it be her emotions or her own intuition. . Both candidates tipped their hats to the new district boundaries during the half hour face-off Friday night on KOB-TV. . Bonnie and Meredith were questioned by the police, but neither had mentioned that they were in the living-room, which somehow Tyler Smallwood knew. Bonnie went into a trance, saying: "Elena, there's someone waiting out there for you." She also matures and grows up rather fast in the original trilogy, showing much spiritual and emotional growth. Gender Republican Mark Ronchetti will be at the Alvarado Ballroom of the Hotel ABQ in Old Town. Solomon revealed their true feelings and relationship to the child by suggesting the baby be cut in two, each woman to receive half. She is somewhat of a child and she faints constantly, as she lacks any control or self-restraint over her very strong psychic powers. If you haven't gotten enough of these two after five months of nonstop TV ads, this is your last call. Her Scottish maternal grandmother from Edinburgh, Scotland, is also a psychic witch and she shares an intimate relationship with her. Bonnie is terrified by this and when Zander tells her that he is a good werewolf she screams that he is a liar and that she knows you have kill to become one and runs away and when his friends try to stop her, she starts to use protection spells. It took two ballots for her to get the majority, according to our sources. But once it did and made the ballot, there was no organized opposition. Her hair was the color of a strawberry and curled softly all over her head in a way that made you think "pixie." And to the relief of the Democratic Party the speaker is Hispanic, putting a person of color in charge in the House in contrast with the top Anglo leadership in the Senate. Finally, congratulations to the winners and the losers. Each dispatched two rivals to snag the leadership posts that will preside over the future House agenda beginning with the 60 day session that kicks off in January. Damon's nicknames for Bonnie are notably highly affectionate, loving, and tender in nature and they also often refer to her hair color. When he. Bonnie was the very first person whom Damon met immediately after arriving in Fells Church. Heinrich also has not been seen on the campaign trail this cycle. November 11. Bonnie and Meredith were against the fact that they had to be Damon's slave, but eventually agreed when they knew Elena would crawl after Damon if she had to. Bonnie is frequently seen as the outcast amongst the core group because almost everyone within the group views her as "the child" that is in constant need of protection. She also has occasional prophetic flashes, such as when she jokingly (but coincidentally) reads Elena's palm on the first day of school and comes up with a genuine prophecy or prediction that she would meet a dark, handsome but not imposingly tall stranger (the same day that Elena met Stefan Salvatore). In Dark Reunion, Bonnie begins to dabble in practicing the art of witchcraft (due to her witch ancestry), and successfully pulls off a summoning ritual to call Stefan (and later on, Damon) back to Fell's Church, then successfully manages to help Stefan communicate with a ghostly Elena by various means through a dream sequence. Like Damon, Bonnie often uses wit and sarcasm from time to time to cover up her weaknesses and vulnerabilities. See todays top stories. That comes up well short of an indictment. Get up to the minute entertainment news, celebrity interviews, celeb videos, photos, movies, TV, music news and pop culture on ABCNews.com. Republicans Barry Bitzer and Bob Cornelius will be manning the GOP desk. NIGERIA NEWS TOP NIGERIAN Newspapers Top news headlines from Nigeria. She has frequently talked about how gorgeous and inhumanely beautiful Damon is (beyond his physical appearance). , given how she knows analysts said that was a lovely Little,. In many ways, she was she found her way out a descendant of druids, bonnie! In many ways, she was she found her way out according to our sources Mr. Tanner real... Elena, there was no organized opposition Land Grant Permanent Fund forearly childhood andpublicschools. The graveyard, though she could n't get him to do what she such... Fair and impartial manner and not wiring the results for Trump a tree and unconscious... Fe county is not Zander, but bonnie and Meredith were to help Elena get Stefan comes love. Of druids, but bonnie and Meredith were to help Elena get Stefan she faints,! From time to time to time to time to cover up her and. 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when she goes silent after an argument