batman injustice comics

Wonder Woman later approaches Superman in the heart of the destroyed Metropolis as he cradles Lois' body. Batman is a playable character and the main protagonist in Injustice: Gods Among Us and Injustice 2. Diana is next seen single-handedly defending the nation of Burma from an advancing army while Superman forces peace negotiations between Palestine and Israel. At the beginning of the third year of the Regime, after the defeat of the Green Lantern Corps, Batman was contacted by John Constantine, who was assembling magic-users to ally themselves with the Insurgency for revenge against Superman. In his secret bunker, Batman thought of his next move over telecommunications with Lex Luthor: no more gods, they would need help elsewhere. Superman seeks out different realities, traversing timelines to figure out the ideal way to get his family back. Seven months pass, and Oracle watches Superman's broadcast as he reveals to the people of Earth the impending war with the Green Lantern Corps before eloquently asking them to act as human shields for him and the League. Ares awoke Superman using his godly magic, and the Spectre, having found the location of the Tower of Fate, transported the Regime heroes to the location of the Insurgency. Batman is an easy target for anger. During the fight, she knocks out Teela temporary and catch Batman's neck with the lasso and tells him that he must admit that he knows that he was in the wrong side from the beginning but before she could end his life, her chest was pierce by Teela. Possibly the biggest shock in the Injustice 2 comic series, which is set in the year between the two games, is the appearance of another Batman - one that isn't afraid to use guns and who actually beats Bruce Wayne in combat the first time they meet. Diana only silently observes the two friend's joyous reunion before all of them return to the Watchtower. [22] The mission caused both the deaths of Captain Atom and Green Arrow, but the Insurgency had successfully gotten their hands on a super pill - their chance to fight back. Kal-El calls the League and has the Flash remove her to receive medical attention. He is classified as a Gadget User. Though Superman had been searching for him for months, Clark let Bruce leave uncaptured because Bruce claimed he was done fighting. [11], When Superman set his sights on ridding Gotham City of the criminals that Batman refused to kill by first stopping Two-Face from hijacking a radio broadcast, Batman and his crime-fighting partner Nightwing sprung into action to protect the defenseless inmates at Arkham Asylum, while Robin instead sided with Superman. You did what needed to be done. She promises to woman the general who tried to attack her will never harm her again, with Diana swearing to take him away. Black She introduces herself as Oracle, and when the President asks where Batman is, Barbara explains, "Superman happened. The remaining members of Batman's team escape in a costly victory. At Superman's private urging, Catwoman goes to Wayne Manor to console Bruce Wayne. He addresses the United Nations, with Wonder Woman beside him, revealing his identity as Clark Kent and demanding an immediate cessation of all worldwide hostilities. Superman become a tyrant and establishes a new order after the . He advises Wonder Woman to steer Superman off his current path, though she refuses too, believing what Superman is doing must be done. She then leaves with Superman to begin negotiations with Qurac, leaving the wounded God of War behind. ", Superman is not as convinced, and Wonder Woman presses, "I won't let you doubt yourself." She then orders the stunned soldiers to drop their weapons and for the women to pick them up. Cyborg teleports the three to the ruins and they all fly over what's left of Metropolis, searching for the signal's source. Black Canary. Year Two features Superman's fight against the Green Lantern Corps and Harley Quinn joining the Insurgency. He has two children, Damian Wayne and Athanasia Al Ghul. [18] Batman revealed his secret identity to the Insurgency when Huntress threatened to defect to Superman's side. Wonder Woman demands to know why Ares has arrived, though he only replies that he wants to "watch her work. Injustice:Gods Among Us Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Injustice Comic Year One. Superman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern and Flash journey to the Batcave, where Wonder Woman delivers an ultimatum to Batman: stand down, or the League will respond with force. Injustice: 10 Times Superman Went Too Far. By Cade Onder - November 11, 2022 11:31 pm EST. She calls to him, consoles him as he grieves, and assures him it was the Joker's fault and not his own. In the rematch, Damian ambushed his father once again, and, between blows, the father and son talked about the death of Dick Grayson. The story is split into the six years preceding the Injustice: Gods Among Us video game. Adam continues to rant about how he will protect Kahndaq, even if it means tearing countries apart. On the Watchtower, Luthor explains that he wants to join their cause and help them more efficiently bring peace to the world. The monstrous zombie grabs Robin and begins to drag him back under the floor, despite Wonder Woman and the other heroes attacking him. As Batman and the Flash discover the Scarecrow's body, Wonder Woman contacts them and reveals she has a lead. Bruce Wayne is Batman, a crime-fighting vigilante in Gotham City and former member of the Justice League before the rise of Superman's evil Regime. The formation and brutal methods of Supermans superpowered security forces, created with the help of Lex Luthor, convinces James Gordon and many members of the Gotham City Police Department to join with Batmans resistance, thanks to Batmans reverse-engineered superpower pills. The job's demands required that I leave the Justice League in Barry's and Hal's hands. [6], In response to the tragedy he had experienced, Superman began to disarm the world's governments, determined to solve conflict across the world all together. Wonder Woman dives into the sea to save Hawkgirl from the grip of the Kraken when Superman arrives and forces Arthur to call the beast off. Nothing.". When the war against Superman and the Sinestro Corps begins, the sky indeed turns green as Mogo fires a massive blast that wipes out over a quarter of Sinestro's forces. By Adjanni Ramos. Superman agrees and she tells him she'll call a press conference. Batman hacks back into the Justice League communication network in order to convince Barry Allen into realizing what he . Alfred, taking the first of the super pills, beat Superman with his bare hands before escaping in a teleporter with Bruce. While Superman went to Apokolips to fight Darkseid, Harley contacted Batman again to say that she had escaped to the Himalayas using the Mother Box. Bruce, in his weakened state, sent out a message to the members of the Insurgency, preparing them for the war they were going to find themselves in. 1", "INJUSTICE: GODS AMONG US YEAR THREE VOL. He can seem cold, uncaring, and always assumes the worst. Injustice: Gods Among Us is an American comic book series that serves as the prequel to the fighting video game of the same name.The series takes place in an alternate reality, where Superman descends into villainy following his family's death at the Joker's hands. The end of Year Five serves as the direct precursor to the game. Wonder Woman promises to return, leaving the fates of the soldiers in the women's hands. The game's storyline then picks up from there, and the storyline is told from Harley Quinn's perspective in the Injustice: Ground Zero comic series. Dick told Bruce that the Spectre wasn't really Jim Corrigan - in actuality, it was Mister Mxyzptlk in disguise. Aquaman then gives Diana a message to take back to Superman: If the Man of Steel should decide to seize command over the world, he should seek counsel with Arthur first. Wonder Woman wants to use her Lasso but Batman tells her not to bother. When Superman unleashes his full power against the Parademons and single-handedly eliminates the entire invasion force, Wonder Woman looks on with a smile on her face. 2", "INJUSTICE: GODS AMONG US YEAR FIVE VOL. She was furious that her former lover Jason Blood had been killed due to Constantine's mistakes but, after a few minutes to cool down, used her powers to look into the future for them. After his parents were murdered by a mugger while he was only nine years old, Bruce Wayne grew up under the care of his butler Alfred Pennyworth. Days later, with the Regime seemingly disbanded, Batman attended a tribute dinner on Themyscira until Poseidon, having allied himself with Superman, prepared to drown the city with a tidal wave. Batman and Superman grow increasingly at odds, with Batman questioning Superman's and the League's unrestrained methods. Barbara monitors him as he goes out into Gotham's streets, reminding him over their comm-link that her codename is Oracle when on patrol. Wonder Woman covers his mouth when he attempts to utter the word again. Before leaving though, Batman was greeted by his adopted son Dick Grayson, having been given the role as Deadman after Boston Brand's second death. Wonder Woman remains incapacitated on Themyscira. Batman then took a super pill and beat Superman into submission, declaring that he knew that Superman was responsible for Alfred's death. Luthor warns Gordon that Barbaras identity as Oracle has been compromised, and the two teleport to the Watchtower to stop Cyborg from finding the resistance. . One night, after . Green Arrows funeral briefly brings together the rifted Justice League, but in its wake the League is more divided than ever. Included is a collectible comic the figure is based on, as well as a collectible art card with figure photography on the front, and character biography on the back. Oracle quickly figures out Clayface and Superman's plan to use Clayface's shapeshifting to torment the team and turn them against each other, which Clayface confirms before attacking her, though Barbara catches his punch and deflects his blow. It's an act of empathy and compassion, and one which Batman and other sympathizers are grateful for. When Wonder Woman sees J'onn talking to Superman, she charges at Manhunter and grabs him by the head, demanding he get away from Superman. When Wonder Woman demanded a one-on-one trial by combat, Superman nominated himself as representative of the League, while Batman turned the tables and nominated Wonder Woman herself as representative of the Gods. Diana next helps secure Damian into a nearby seat before telling him she is proud of his bravery for standing with them and against his father. [38], Batman and the Insurgency laid dormant for months, biding their time for their next attack, hidden in their new base under a lead mine in Alaska. Art by Rog Antnio, Cian Tormey, Rain Beredo, and Wes Abbott. The Injustice: Gods Amongst Us universe is one of the best and most famous alternate DC timelines in recent years. When Ares says this does not answer his question, Wonder Woman tells him she will let him grieve and that he is the greatest man she has ever known, then "I will be whatever he needs me to be. Although it is revealed at the end of Year Three that Constantine was fighting for his own selfish reasons. A squadron of Green Lanterns journey to Earth to arrest Superman, but are defeated with the aid of Sinestro and Yellow Lantern reinforcements. The Insurgents held their own well enough until Mirror Master used his powers to help them escape. The Injustice story has become one of the most popular Elseworlds universe in the DC continuity, with a popular comic, multiple video games, and a recently released animated film . This version of the character is exclusive to the continuity of the video game Injustice: Gods Among Us and its tie-in comic book series. He confronts Batman, with the disguised Martian Manhunter having discreetly followed him. Highfather agreed to Batman's plea, went to Earth, and deescalated the conflict with the old gods peacefully. Labs, Batman and the Insurgency connected to an alternate Earth and prepared to beam them to their world for assistance when their location was compromised by the Regime, having learned of their location from Catwoman in exchange for sparing Bruce's life. As the people look on in horror at the broken body of Galaxor, Diana violently orders them to disperse and all the civilians flee in terror in the face of her rage. Diana calls his actions incredible but Superman still thinks it wasn't enough. She is dressing Dinah for her and Oliver's wedding. [19], A week after that, Robin returned to the Batcave and confronted his father over their disagreeing ideologies. The Injustice universe, or Earth Twenty-Two (as mentioned in the film) is the reality in which the events of the Injustice: Gods Among Us tie-in comic and video game occur, and the reality that various members of a Justice League from another world are sent to in order to aid this world's Batman against its Superman and his Regime. He asked Batman to consider deposing Superman while he continued to institute totalitarian rule over the world; Batman asked that the president become a better leader as well. Later, Wonder Woman approaches Superman as he overlooks the beached city, telling him that Aquaman is ready to speak. 10/10 10. Barbara tearfully calls to her father, but the channel ends, and Barbara looks away as she realizes her father is gone. Injustice: Gods Among Us is an American comic book series that serves as the prequel to the fighting video game of the same name. Running out of options, Batman sent Hawkman after a Kryptonite ring in Mongul's possession while he himself, Batgirl, and Batwoman broke into the Hall of Justice to abduct Cyborg. After his rescue, Batman asked the Flash to use the Speed Force to go back in time and stop the Joker's attack on Metropolis from ever happening. Using her Lasso of Truth, she has the crook reveal that the Joker and Harley Quinn escaped Metropolis by hijacking a submarine. Before Cyborg can open Riddler's cell, he is suddenly attacked by a virus uploaded into his system by Batman and collapses. "Brainiac's attack left the world devastated. Batman believes that criminals should still fear him, despite his public identity. 2", "INJUSTICE: GODS AMONG US YEAR THREE VOL. Several members of Supermans League are prisoners of the resistance, including Flash, Cyborg and Robin. Hawkman returned to Earth in time, focusing on his own selfish revenge against Superman, which allowed the Insurgency to escape with their target. If only Batman would do this. In response, the Guardians dispatch all available Green Lanterns, including the sentient planet Mogo, to Earth in a final attempt to defeat Superman. Superman asks Wonder Woman to hold Lois after a moment and suddenly flies off, then later murders the Joker by impaling him with his arm. 2", "INJUSTICE: GODS AMONG US YEAR FOUR VOL. [20], So insulted that Batman would kidnap one of their own and replace them with a spy, the Regime responded by outing Batman's secret identity, announcing to the public that Batman is Bruce Wayne. She then pulls out her Lasso Truth before having Shazam take her place in holding Adam down. [55], Using Speed Force energy secretly siphoned from the Flash and a blueprint for a Mother Box stolen by Deathstroke from S.T.A.R. Diana takes a moment to contemplate Ares words and replies that Lois Lane was an incredible woman. Injustice:Gods Among Us Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Wonder Woman answers Superman's call after he attacks Kalibak, punching the New God through the wing of an airplane, and Diana successfully catches the plane by its nose and lands it on the ground before rejoining the battle against the Parademons. Read Injustice: Gods Among Us [I] Comic Online. He is classified as a Gadget User. The two argue and fight, ending with Superman breaking Batman's back, but not before the analysis completes successfully, enabling Batman's Resistance to synthesize the drug. Wonder Woman only replies, "Perhaps." Batman's words got to Barry, who realized his guilt from the situation, and instead chose to run away from the feeling instead of confronting it. In Issue #46 of Injustice 2 the fake Batman is revealed to be Jason Todd aka Red Hood. Diana orders Green Lantern to move the ships out of the waves path when massive tentacles rise from the waters. Batman . He now had the means to rebuild Gotham and Metropolis. While Superman searches for her, Batman and the Justice League deduce that Joker has used Scarecrows fear toxin and laced it with stolen kryptonite to affect Superman. He can't regain what he lost, so now Superman wants to put the ultimate preventive measure in place as a cosmic dictator. This leads to a confrontation between Zeus and Highfather during which the latter convinces Zeus to stop being manipulated by Ares' scheme after which the gods leave, with Zeus decreeing that they shall never return to Earth. Family When Batman tells them he's not holding her, Diana snaps that she is tired of his deceptions and that they know about Martian Manhunter when Cyborg contacts her and informs her Shiera has returned to them, with Luthor confirming her identity a moment later. Realizing they were never talking to Batman but Martian Manhunter himself, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern and Superman chase after him, but after J'onn flies through clouds he vanishes. [36] The fight was ended when the dimension of Hell began to interfere with the hero's dimension; all the combatants were brought inside either the House of Secrets or the House of Mystery for protection except those that died and Swamp Thing. In case you missed it, Kevin Conroy died today at age 66 after a . Batman notes in an internal monologue that this is the Gotham he has "Always dreamed of," but calls it a "Nightmare. In Australia, Superman and Wonder Woman violently respond to a public demonstration against the League's new tactics, crippling a fan and wannabe hero named Galaxor. Wonder Woman is shaken from this, believing J'onn was fully prepared to kill her. As Trigon distracted the Regime members, Batman and the Insurgency made their escape. Angered, Captain Atom explains to her what's she done before deciding to take himself and Superman into outer space where he can detonate without killing anyone but himself and hopefully the Man of Steel. On Apokolips, Darkseids son Kalibak hears of Superman's new role as Earth's protector and wishes to test him. Superman complied for the sake of Billy's life and told his team members to go back to their original cities until further notice. As she says this, she walks into a hail of gunfire and scares off several soldiers, to which Ares mocks her by calling her merciful. [33]. Aquaman reminds her that the actions of the League have frightened many people across the world, and that they can't tell people what they can and can't do. [39], Renee Montoya, in an act of grief, overdosed on super pills and challenged Superman to a fight over the death of their friend Huntress. As Superman and Batman speak, Diana asks Cyborg if he is patched in and Cyborg confirms his control over the Asylum's security. Ships from and sold by Aisle 100 Toys. Batman: Hush (2002) Issues: Batman #608 - 619. Tim Drake became the third Robin before leaving the role to become Red Robin with the Titans. When Gordon is allowed inside, he demands to know where Batman is, and while Barbara tries to bluff him off, Gordon snaps at her and reveals he's always known she was Batgirl and Bruce Wayne was Batman, and that he's known since the first night she put on her costume. The series takes place in an alternate reality, where Superman descends into villainy following his family's death at the Joker's hands. However, Montoya herself died of a heart attack, and Bruce left his spot in hiding to retrieve her. [47], Batman hatched a plan and, while Batgirl went to rescue Catwoman, Bruce teamed up with Batwoman and Harley Quinn to find Bane, Killer Frost, Superman, and Wonder Woman at the designation location. Robin teleports to Wayne Manor, having secretly taken one of the prototype drugs. She tells them Superman has not been mourning, but fighting, and that this tragedy has inspired him to act. Catwoman is observing the dead body of a thief, her internal monologue revealing his name was Joey Gutton, a former mechanic whose life fell apart when he lost his job because of the economic crash and then his house. $29.99. Figure is showcased in DC Direct themed window box packaging. Wonder Woman next orders Mad Hatter's cell opened and he vanishes as well. When Shazam expresses hesitance over her plan, she tells him to ask Adam if there is any other way. Wonder Woman continues to battle Arthur's men when they suddenly retreat as a massive wave approaches. ", Ares questions Diana as to whether she truly believes in Superman's cause, and Diana firmly replies she does. I know, dadyou'll always be waiting there for me.". [1], One year before the Joker's attack on Metropolis, the Justice League celebrated the heroes that came before them - the Justice Society. Just like his." "Quiet or I'll cuff you and leave you for the police." "To free your Batman we need to complete our mission." "Negative. Black Canary contacts Oracle when she sees someone has broken into her apartment. Once Grundy is subdued from the combined attacks of Superman and Batman, she is seen with her sword alongside Superman, Batman and the Flash rising from the hole on the floor made by Solomon Grundy. Too late, he learns that Lois's heart was synced to a nuclear warhead, which detonates and destroys Metropolis when her heart stops. She is attacked by tanks but makes short work of them with a headbuttwhich seems to amuse and astound the suddenly appeared Ares, God of War, and longtime adversary of Wonder Woman. Black Canary, out for revenge for Supermans murder of her husband Green Arrow, defeats Superman with the aid of a kryptonite bullet. According to her, she had spent several nights in the Batcave with him, subtly stealing from him the whole time. Superman invited Batman to join him in stopping a conflict with Atlanteans, but Batman refused, unwilling to allow his morals to bend. After Superman killed Darkseid and Skeletor, he used the Orb and Sword of Power in the heart of Castle Grayskull and entered the Nexus of All Realities where he could scour the multiverse and find a world to be reunited with his loved ones. Daughter and father share a tender embrace in silence. She gives them a speech about how none of them were untouched by the tragedy of Metropolis. The Knightmare Sequence in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice & Zack Snyder's Justice League takes elements from the comic book series. While Talia allowed Damian to become a hero and work with his father for a time, Talia kept Athanasia a secret from her father and as a member of the League of Assassins. According to review aggregator Comic Book Roundup, Year One as a whole scored an average of 8.6/10 based on 115 reviews,[14] Year Two averaged 8.4/10 based on 115 reviews,[15] Year Three averaged 8.3/10 based on 122 reviews,[16] Year Four averaged 7.4/10 based on 77 reviews,[17] and Year Five averaged 8.1/10 based on 134 reviews. Superman is possessed, but frees himself after Batman gets through to him. A perversion." He calls the silence of the city, the "Silence of fear." [12] The conflict went awry when Harley Quinn, having gained access to the main command terminal, released all the prisoners in order to defend themselves from Superman. Injustice: Year Zero was released in 2020. This series was a retelling of the game's events from Harley Quinn's perspective. In the Pacific Ocean, the League responds to a whaling ship under attack by Aquaman at the head of an Atlantean army. She and Flash arrive at the bar, and Diana wards off her foe Cheetah by intimidating her and the rest of the villains by the League's numbers. Ares, enraged, attacks Diana, threatening to kill her to prevent her union with Superman, and that killing her will be easy as he is fueled by the conflict around them. [17], A month after the destruction of Metropolis, Batman and the Insurgency kidnapped Hawkgirl and had Martian Manhunter impersonate her to infiltrate the Regime, putting their first plan into action. The end of YEAR Five serves as the direct precursor to the,. Under attack by Aquaman at the head of an Atlantean army defending the nation of Burma from advancing. With him, despite wonder Woman contacts them and reveals she has a lead seem cold, uncaring and! 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batman injustice comics