brainpop solar system transcript

TIM: The four inner planets are rocky, relatively warm, and have craters. An animation shows a spacecraft moving away from the camera into outer space until it eventually disappears. Text reads: The Mysteries of Life with Tim and Moby. An animation shows light blue and white objects that resemble crumbled sheets of paper moving across a night sky. TIM: Man, I wonder what it must feel like to be so far from home An animation shows Tim and Moby at their camp site in the middle of dark woods. TIM: Right, the solar system isn't just planets and the sun there are lots of smaller bodies floating out there, too. Jupiter is the largest of these gas giants. The screen is split in half vertically and displays Eris on the left and Pluto on the right. In the animation, the view of the asteroids moves out of view and is replaced by a drawing of Pluto. TIM: I know, it's quite a variety of stuff in the solar system, right? An animation shows all the lined up planets. When it gets close to the sun, the dust and ice form long, wispy tails that you can sometimes see from Earth. Two inserts appear and show the rocky surface. For all eleven planets, each ellipse lies entirely within the surrounding ellipse. What's your favorite thing out there? The sun can be seen in the background. An animation shows Pluto rotating in space. TIM: Hey Moby, I think I see aliens. Well, the solar system is our home in the galaxy. An animation shows the sun and the planets of the solar system, then zooms out to show a ring around the planets composed of small objects. It was named after the Roman god of the sea, probably because its so blue. One shows a plain with a hot sun blazing down on it. You probably know it by its amazing set of rings! The first moon landing, as far as I'm concerned, is one of the greatestmomentsin humanhistory. It became the sun, and its energy pushed away any nearby gas. (, : Why might the outer planets have many more moons orbiting them than the inner planets? As it approaches, its tail grows longer. An animation shows the planets and their orbits in the solar system, moving away from the sun. The smaller planet is labeled Pluto.. TIM: There are more than 1,000 trans-Neptunian objects in the solar system and counting! 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The animation focuses on the swirling red storm on Jupiter's surface. An animation shows the pale yellow planet encircled by large rings. TIM: The outer planets were once rocky, too, but their gravity captured the gas pushed away by the sun. TIM: Oh, the things I mentioned are all governed by the suns gravity, which stretches half way to the next star system! Each is depicted with rings of different sizes. Mars has two moons, Phobos and Deimos. The orbits are ellipses. Have your students signed up forindividual accounts? Its atmosphere is filled with carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas. The animation shows Tim and Moby standing next to each other. TIM: They say its one of the reddest bodies in the solar system maybe even redder than Mars! In the animation, an insert shows a close-up of the red spot. TIM: Dear Tim and Moby, can you tell me all about the solar system? TIM: Well, not really. Kindergarten, 1st Grade, 2nd Grade, 3rd Grade, 4th Grade, 5th Grade, 6th Grade, 7th Grade, 8th Grade, 9th Grade, 10th Grade, 11th Grade and 12th Grade. TIM: Its by far the most distant known region of the solar system. Mars has two moons and the tallest mountain in the solar system called Olympus Mons. That's why the inner planets formed mostly out of rocky material. Another, similar line labeled heliopause is added to the right of the line labeled termination shock, so that the arrow labeled solar wind points right to it. TIM: Mars is called the "red planet" because of its reddish surface, created by the iron in Martian rocks. (, : Why did Earth become an inner planet? They formed the gas giants, like Jupiter. TIM: Ooh, I think I see Neptune! All of the parts of the diagram are labeled and a horizontal red arrow labeled gravity goes through the image and points from the Oort cloud to the sun. It makes an intermittent beeping sound that fades as the spacecraft moves farther and farther away. An animation shows Venus, with gassy yellow and orange swirls covering its surface. Gravity drew this stuff together into clumps, eventually forming the sun and the surrounding planets. Standing next to him is Moby. The screen is split in half vertically and displays Sedna on the left and Mars, significantly bigger and lighter in color than Sedna, on the right. All rights reserved. TIM: By the way, Pluto isn't the only dwarf planet. ","Is Pluto a planet? The four inner planets are tiny in comparison to the four outer planets. An animation shows Earth rotating while the moon orbits around it. An animation shows the planet with the questions mark disappearing. TIM: Right, the solar system isnt just planets and the sunthere are lots of smaller bodies floating out there, too. The side closest to the sun glows red, while the other side is covered in ice. TIM: Other large Kuiper bodies include Orcus, Quaoar, and Varuna. An earth-friendly renewable source of energy that comes to us straight from the sun! It's nearly three times the height of Mount Everest. TIM: Thats where the solar wind gets stopped in its tracks by particles from the rest of outer space! ","What is in the outer Solar System? Although it's pretty dry right now, scientists think Mars was once much more like Earth, possibly with oceans and rivers flowing on its surface. The sun gets larger and wispy tails appear behind the clump of ice. Venus is sometimes called Earths sister planet, because of the similar size. A close-up image of the planet with a question mark in the middle of it is shown against a night sky. "},"game":{"type":"game","instructions":"Code a sorting game to show what you know about the solar system. An animation shows a cloud of dust and debris circling the sun. BrainPOP recommends reading the movie description that appears on the Solar System Topic Page to your class. TIM: But other important parts of the solar system are governed by the solar wind, a flow of charged particles produced by the sun. There are four rocky, inner planets\u2014Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars\u2014and four gas giants farther out\u2014Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. Solar System Discussion Prompts and Pause Points, What do you think youll learn about the solar system in this movie? Tim addresses Moby while turning his head to look at him. "},"story":{"type":"story","instructions":"Code a conversation to show what you know about the solar system. It then zooms out to show a big spherical object composed of light colored particles. The first were discovered hundreds of years ago by Galileo Galilei. Already have an individual account with Creative Coding? It is depicted with several large concentric rings. It's got just the right conditions for humans, plants, and animals. It was considered the main planet until 2006 when it got demoted to a dwarf planet. Already have an individual account with Creative Coding? (Compare/contrast; Draw conclusions), Look at the four related movies at the bottom of the page. It's way bigger than our entire planet, and it's been raging for centuries. TIM: Yeah, I guess Earth's my favorite, too. An image shows a big, brown planet labeled Pluto, a smaller, purple moon labeled. "},"game":{"type":"game","instructions":"Code a sorting game to show what you know about the solar system. Then show the movie once through without pausing. The animation shows a drawing of a circle of rocks around the sun and planets at the top. in: BrainPOP Transcripts Outer Solar System/Transcript < Outer Solar System View source Transcript An image shows a night sky and stars through a pair of binoculars. Another drawing shows a cluster of rocks in front of a planet at the bottom. TIM: The four outer planets are really far from the sun, so they're much colder. Most of them are concentrated in the Asteroid Belt, between Mars and Jupiter. It likely had oceans and rivers, and its atmosphere contained more heat-trapping gases. TIM: You you know what its like out there? Choose a word to explore. TIM: Like the stuff in the Kuiper belt, objects in the Oort cloud are thought to have originated way back when the solar system was just starting up. All rights reserved. ","alignment_guid":"966F38D6-2F4E-11E9-9BB5-F28EFCE54722","url":"\/make-a-map\/?topic=\/science\/space\/solarsystem\/","requires_flash":"","small_screen_compatible":""},{"feature_id":"294","type":"make_a_movie","name":"Make-a-Movie","alignments_description":"A movie-making tool to produce BrainPOP-style movies. TIM: They launched in the early 1970s and are also thought to be nearing the heliopause. 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brainpop solar system transcript