where is yala swamp found

As some switch to building non-biodegradable homes of brick and metal, the tradition of not moving into the homes of the dead results in many abandoned, erect, non-biodegradable houses. The Dominion Farms also wanted to construct a modern laboratory at the Kadenge Ratuoro Health Centre, but for the objections of the community, says Ouma. It also hosts two native Lake Victoria tilapias virtually eliminated from the lake due to Nile perch predation. Most of the materials for making basket traps and cages for birds also came from the wetlands (papyrus, bulrushes). The Yala-Swamp-Dominion-Farms-Limited land acquisition saga is no different. The ecological and socio-economic aspect of conservation and management of wetlands as bird habitatsin Kenya. "No proper channels were followed," says Jacob Ouma, the area chief of Kadenge Sub-location of Siaya County, which is located inside the swamp, a drive of nearly two hours north-west of the Lake City of Kisumu. Yala Swamp is home to the nationally threatened Sitatunga antelope and other large mammals, numerous wetland birds (including the vulnerable Papyrus Yellow Warbler), and is a refuge for cichlid fish endemic to Lake Victoria that have become extinct in the main lake. Wrought-iron goalposts were also erected on the football grounds in place of those made of wooden poles. "The swamp's large stand of papyrus reeds and other sedges collect water during the rains, stabilizes the muddy soil, traps sediment and filters pollutants. The incongruity presented by this desolate scene is rather breathtaking, in a magnificent, yet odd sort of way. This study observes that degradation of the environmental resource base such as excessive resource extraction and severe land use by Dominion Irrigation Project has not only affected the quantity and quality of the services that are produced by ecosystems, but has also challenged the resilience of the Wetland to ensure sustainable development for the households in South Central Alego.. DFL had moved into the swamp in 2003 to engage in rice production within 2,300 ha previously used by Lake Basin Development Authority for agriculture. Mavuti, K.M. At the time, the LBDA was aiming to reclaim 12,000 hectares of the swamp in order to develop it. He is referring to the manner in which Dominion Farms Limited ended up occupying the swamp land. Pages 242-263. It also acts as the breeding ground for the African cat fish fry. The reason for their reservations, he explains, were rumours doing the rounds to the effect that the idea of a laboratory was nothing more than a ploy for Dominion Farms to take complete control of the centre. It is the second largest land acquisition deal to have been approved in the country. Yala Swamp provides useful environmental services like filtering out harmful pollutants from water flowing into Lake Victoria. Yala Swamp is a "vast wetland protecting the mouth of the Nzoia River and the north-eastern shore of Lake Victoria in Kenya. The resulting saga between Dominion Farms Limited and the local community illuminates the economic and environmental tensions central to similar land acquisition deals. Environmental Management and Co-ordination Act (EMCA) of 1999; Kenya: Yala Swamp on Deathbed[click to view], Kenya Environmental & Political News Weblog[click to view], Intensive food production (monoculture and livestock). Pages 86-105. It involves addressing the needs of communities, their settlements and livelihoods, equity and fairness in land resource allocation (for both investors and communities), while protecting the wetlands unique biodiversity through embracing strong conservation ethics. In other words, the American investors decided to leave out key players in the matter. A 2005 report noted changes in Lake Sare that threatened the lake ecosystem through eutrophication and pollution. It was doing a commendable job in rearing the tilapia and the African cat fishit had over 100 fish ponds, she adds. The wetland lies on the north-eastern shore of Lake Victoria, cutting across Siaya and Busia counties. Some people who inhabit the areas near Yala Swamp use the area to graze their livestock. Yala Swamp is located in western Kenya, on the northeastern shore of Lake Victoria. Fish would be found dead in the feeder canal connecting River Yala and Lake Kanyaboli, which is part of the swamp, he states. Nature Kenya worked in collaboration with the Siaya and Busia county governments, local communities and the national government to develop a Land Use Plan (LUP) for Yala Swamp, informed by a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA), and borrowing lessons learnt from the award-winning Tana Delta land use planning process. Both the Luo and Luhya people use wetlands to hunt birds and other wild animals. Fishing for domestic consumption and for sale is also a traditional use of the Yala Swamp. With funding from the Darwin Initiative, Nature Kenya is still working to secure a sustainable future for Yala Swamp. The members, come from across the 51,300-acre Yala swamp in Kenya's far West on the north-eastern shore of Lake Victoria, Africa's largest lake. Livestock The seriousness of the issue even compelled . The smallest land deal was the 300ha acquired by Asante Capital EPZ Moringa SCA SICAR. They are often coloured with natural black and yellow dyes made from the water plant 'litodo' (Were and Soper, 1986). In other words, the fact that the land continues to be unused could set off a set of legal events culminating in it reverting to the original owners. It recommended an inclusive management plan for the Yala swamp complex to prevent further degradation of the ecosystem. The beautiful green papyrus vegetation; women riding bicycles loaded . The Darwin Initiative, MacArthur Foundation and USAID-PREPARED jointly funded this project. The seriousness of the issue compelled the local administration, in conjunction with the Water Resources Management Authority (WARMA) and the Fisheries Department to call for a study to ascertain the veracity of . Yala Swamp is located in Siaya District, Nyanza Province and Busia District, Western Province. Other partners are the Yala Planning Advisory Committee (YPAC), whose role is to promote integration of the LUP/SEA into county plans and budgets, and represent communities on the multi-stakeholder CCA Management Committee; and Lower Nyandera and Muweri Water Resource Use Associations (WRUAs), whose role is to champion implementation of the water-sharing regime recommended by the SEA/LUP. Besides creating jobs for the people here, it was also hoped that this investment windfall would have the ripple effect of stimulating the entire economy of the poverty-afflicted lake basin region. Afr J. Ecol 27:23-34. Was environmental justice served? Time will tell. "Fish would be found dead in the feeder canal connecting River Yala and Lake Kanyaboli, which . "[1] It is also home to a number of bird species, including papyrus endemics - birds only found in papyrus swamp habitat. [2] Ramogi Hill, a sacred site to the Luo people, is contained within the swamp. Reclaiming the Yala Swamp. Other local partners include Beach Management Units (BMUs) and Community Forest Associations (CFAs). It covers over 200 square km of Western Kenya. Jill Richardson, visit to Bondo District, Nyanza Province, Kenya, February 20-24, 2012. The Dominion Groups 6,000ha land acquisition of the Yala Swamp in Siaya County, was meant for a number of agricultural projects. Both the Siaya and Busia county assemblies have also expressed commitment towards the adoption of the Yala Swamp LUP. Oloo of the LBDA explains that lease agreements prohibit the use of land for other purposes than the originally intended one. NEMA requested DFL to undertake a new EIA to incorporate all current and proposed projects. https://t.co/fsF2TSAnAf, Breaking News (@News_Kenya) March 7, 2019. The wetland, however, faces many threats, including increasing human population, over-exploitation of its natural resources by the competing local communities, habitat degradation and biodiversity loss. A recent technical scientific report (it is in the process of being published in a scientific journal) by the KMFRI, shows that two rivers, north of Lake Victoria are the major contributors of pollution into the lake. KWS reports show that a buffer zone of 6,000 ha will be left. He said NLC's approval of Lake Agro's allocation of Yala. And then there is the 7,000ha Actis Capital LLP Craftskills Wind Energy International of Kenya deal. Yala Swamp is the third-largest wetland ecosystem in Kenya. For example, two classrooms were constructed at Gendro Primary School in addition to having its playground rehabilitated. The sitatunga antelope (Tragecephalus spekii) still lives in the swamps papyrus. The swamp is the largest inland . Another fish trap is the 'olukhwiro,' which is made of a fence of reeds tied together with papyrus stems that is fastened to fence posts. The Luo and Luhya people also gather wild greens, especially during the dry season, from the wetlands. Lake Kanyaboli, which still shelters some of the fish species that have disappeared from Lake Victoria, is part of the Yala Swamp complex. It is here too that the lost species of Lake Victoria are found regionally. However, the pollution from Rivers Sondu and Kuja found on the south of the lake are minimal compared to the other two in the north. And this is where the idea of the Dominion Farms Limited came in. The Yala Swamp LUP seeks to balance the various interests in the wetland. Yala Swamp is recognized as the home of important biodiversity, especially the nationally threatened semi-aquatic antelope Sitatunga; birds found only in East Africa's papyrus habitat; as a refuge for cichlid fish believed to have become extinct in the main Lake Victoria. contact@pulitzercenter.org, Sucked Dry: Land Grabs and Water Access in the Nile River Basin, Stories by Campus Consortium Reporting Fellows, Underreported Stories in Sub-Saharan Africa, Science Misinformation: Journalism in the Age of Truth Decay, Bringing Stories Home: Local Reporting Grants, COVID-19, Vaccines, and Global Health Inequities, OPPORTUNITIES FOR CAMPUS CONSORTIUM MEMBERS, Land Grabbing and Its Implications for Sudanese Views From a Scholar, Rose: The Flower Impairing Blue Nile River and Communities in Ethiopia, Against the Ruralist Onslaught, the Sater-Maw Defend Their Territory and Culture (Portuguese), Yala Swamp Saga: Broken Promises, Idle Land. At the time, LBDA used to occupy the left-hand side of the swamp, whereas the community worked the land on the right-hand side. 1987. The land having been taken by the company, the people had no means of livelihood. Community livelihoods are also set to be enhanced through empowering households to establish nature-based enterprises (making of papyrus and palm leaf products, fish farming, bee-keeping, chicken rearing, vegetable gardening and eco-tourism), setting up producers cooperatives and opening a market hub in Siaya town. The negative impacts of the project are already being felt, and include water pollution from fertilizer and biocide use, loss of habitat, floooding of community farms and reduced volume of River Yala due to diversion of the river for irrigation. Yala Swamp is also highly threatened. Yala Swamp, including lakes Kanyaboli, Namboyo, and Sare, is one of the most extensive freshwater wetlands in the country. 1989. There is a paper milling factory adjacent to River Nzoia and Dominion Farms Limited is next to River Yala. Ecologically, Yala Swamp is a wetland of great ecological importance to Kenya, its neighbours and Africa. The projects implementation partners at the community level include the Yala Ecosystem Site Support Group (YESSG) who are community conservation champions and local beneficiaries. Conceived in 2010, its fate is yet to be determined given the disagreements amongst investors. Wildlife (Conservation and Management) Act of 1976 ; Water Policy (National Policy on Water Resources Management); Constitution of the Republic of Kenya, 2010[click to view]. Approximately 6,000 people were displaced as a result, according to Ouma. So, community members would force their way back into the swamp, clearing papyrus reeds in readiness for planting and subsistence. Yala Wetland might soon be no more. Suite #615 Material culture and design. These lands are used by investors for food and/ or biofuels production that benefit their home populations or for profit. It covers over 200 square km of Western Kenya. An investor in growing rice in Kenya has found themselves at cross roads - and crossing swords - with the environmental community, when it became known that the single inflow of water of the River Yala has been largely blocked and diverted to water the rice fields. The story of Yala Swamp and Dominion Farms Limited reads like any sad, unfortunate tale, typical of land acquisition deals gone awry. It is not surprising therefore, that the championing of the communitys interests by these leaders is largely passive if not mute, otherwise they (the leaders) are by and large perceived to be towing the company line. This elicited serious disagreements, he recalls, adding that once the project was up and running, the revenue thus generated was diverted. [3] Traditionally, wetlands were also used as sources of materials to make fishing equipment. Kenya Wildlife Service;, County Councils of Siaya and Bondo;, National Environment Management Authority (NEMA);, Provincial Administration;, Ministries of Agriculture, Water, Fisheries and Gender and Culture; Water Resources Management Authority;Kenya Forest Service;, Lake Basin Development Authority. Site description This is a complex of wetlands in the delta of the Yala river, on the north-east shore of Lake Victoria. But nothing came of it since, says Ouma. The project, which started in April 2019, will support the adoption of the Yala Swamp LUP as a county government policy, formalize the creation of Community Conservation Areas (CCAs) through gazettement, and develop a management plan to be implemented by a multi-stakeholder committee. By clicking "Accept cookies" you consent to place cookies when visiting the website. However, DFL embarked on other agricultural and development activities in the swamp i.e construction of irrigation dykes and weirs, airstrip and roads, and proposed an additional 9,200 ha from swamp area. However, they would be driven away, soon after. "The popular 'marachi' sofas are made from 'amaduru' reeds and branches of the 'isiola' tree. The Yala Swamp at the mouth of the Yala River covers about 175 square kilometres (68 sq mi) along the northern shore of Lake Victoria. They were roundly accused of polluting the environment by their aerial spraying sorties on their rice paddies against pests, weeds and destructive bird, recalls Ouma. Dominion Farms Ltd (DFL) signed a 25-year lease agreement with Siaya County Council in 2005 to grow rice, bananas and fish farming on 11, 500ha within the swamp. The endorsement of the Yala Swamp LUP by the Siaya County Governor H.E. It acts as a filter for waters that flow into Lake Victoria from two major rivers, the Yala River and Nzoia River. The community involvement was less than adequate to begin with an obvious flashpoint for conflict. It is sometimes considered the source of the Nile. This includes letting the land lie idle. The Luo also use reeds and papyrus stems to make the 'sienya' basket trap. [1] The swamp contains the 1,500 hectares (3,700 acres) Lake Kanyaboli, a freshwater deltaic wetland with an average depth of 3 metres (9.8 ft), which is fed by the floodwaters of the Nzoia and Yala rivers and . These are River Nzoia and River Yala respectively. Either way, they had to survive by hook or by crook. However, according to Oloo, not only did Dominion Farms Limited sideline critical stakeholders, the company decided to go it alone and work with the county councils of Bondo and Siaya instead. The Yala-Swamp-Dominion-Farms-Limited land acquisition saga is no different. "[3], Other uses of twigs and grass from the swamp are basket and mat making. Usually, the community is very minimally involved in such deals, if at all. This yet to be felt. This approach is supported by evidence that conservation of significant areas of the swamp is critically important for the sustenance of ecosystem services that support the economy, biodiversity and livelihoods. During the years 2014-2018, Nature Kenya successfully implemented a project titled Balancing development and conservation in Kenyas largest freshwater wetland. Lake Kanyaboli, which still shelters some of the fish species that have disappeared from Lake Victoria, is part of the Yala Swamp complex. [4] It had managed to reclaim 2,300 hectares in phase I of the initiative. The only activity visible in this compound is that of cattle grazing or milling around the equipment. A Research project proposal. Local people also gathered materials to construct beehives within the wetlands, and honey was then used for local brews and medicine, as well as for food. Or that you are likely to come across mothers bathing their naked toddlers, with glistening dark skins besides a small stream, snaking its way around. It is cut off from Lake Kanyaboli by a silt-clay dyke. "No proper channels were followed," says Jacob Ouma, the area chief of Kadenge Sub-location of Siaya County, which is located inside the swamp, a drive of nearly two hours north-west of the Lake City of Kisumu. The project had promised to benefit the local community through ensuring food security, improving infrastructure, building health centres and schools as well as providing job opportunities. It was held in trust by the county council. Just like many other countries in Africa, Kenya has not been immune to the temptation of leasing out land to foreign multinational companies or governments. Odak, O. But in order to set up shop in the expansive 200km2 Yala Swamp, Dominion Farms Limited had to navigate the often-time challenging land acquisition hurdles. In: This page was last edited on 26 February 2012, at 14:34. These concerns were never far behind in the minds of many people. The result of this practice is that fish would be found dead in the feeder canal connecting River Yala and Lake Kanyaboli which is part of the swamp. The Yala River is a river of western Kenya, a tributary of Lake Victoria . Implementation of the project sparked opposition from environmentalists on grounds that the swamp was already experiencing ecological issues such as diversion of feeder canal from Kanyaboli and unsustainable exploitation of papyrus. Management of Community Conservation Areas will be sustainably financed, in part through contributions from the cooperatives. Site description: This is a complex of wetlands in the delta of the Yala river, on the north-east shore of Lake Victoria. Out of all these land acquisitions, only two are yet to take off. A host of birds, fish and wild animals call it home. This wetland is nationally important in that it is one of the few habitats where the This includes the 40,468ha deal by the Arafco Agricultural Integration Company Ltd of the Prince Sultan Bin Nassir Bin Abdulaziz Al-Said of Saudi Arabia. Story Yala swamp covers approximately 17,500 ha. It never came to be fully implemented, given that the exercise required heavy funding. Hunting and Gathering "Yala Swamp: Important Bird Area," pamphlet by. Phase II of the land reclamation project was to be undertaken in conjunction with Dominion Farms Limited. [1] : The lack of fresh water flow from the river is changing the water chemistry in the swamp, affecting the fish. Lake Basin Development Authority. The rice production at the farms stands at approximately 2,600 tonnes annually earning them USD 2,650,000 while fish production earns them USD 241,000. Ceremonial Uses This project would lead to further degradation of the wetland. The Yala Swamp at the mouth of the Yala River covers about 175 square kilometres (68sqmi) along the northeastern shore of Lake Victoria. Observations of the green algal blooms in the open waters of Lake Victoria, Kenya. The swamp was not fully maximized to its potential, hence the need for partnership with other people to develop it, says Oloo. Veronica Ombwa, a research scientist at the Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research institute (KMFRI) is in praise of what the American company was trying to do. The changing land ownership system that encourages privatisation of land has somehow reduced the importance of gathering wild greens. Juridical relevant texts related to the conflict (laws, legislations, EIAs, etc), References to published books, academic articles, movies or published documentaries, We use cookies for statistical purposes and to improve our services. The swamp is Kenyas largest freshwater wetland, and an internationally recognized Key Biodiversity Area (KBA). The end result is that either the community finds itself where it was prior to the land acquisition deal or that it is left worse off than at the beginning. Your support ensures great journalism and education on underreported and systemic global issues, 1779 Massachusetts Avenue, NW Yala Swamp Saga: Broken Promises, Idle Land. The group boasts of 1,126 members and brings together four grassroots conservation groups in Siaya and Busia Counties which traverse the swamp. Yala Swamp is located in western Kenya, on the northeastern shore of Lake Victoria. There is nothing going on inside the big workshop either. Traditional style mud homes keep a family cool during hot days and warm at night. Matiku said Yala Swamp is home to thousands of mammal, bird and fish species, some of which are found nowhere else in the world. The swamps harbour endangered fish species Oreochromis esculentus and Oreochromis variabilis that have disappeared from Lake Victoria itself. As of 2019 BirdLife International scored the threat to the swamp complex as high, and was pessimistic about action being taken. It is sometimes considered the source of the Nile. The swamp acts like a purifier of River Yala before it drains into Lake Victoria, explains Dr. Christopher Aura, assistant director of Freshwater Systems Research at the KMFRIs Kisumu Centre. It is rather fascinating to have all this equipment sitting idly by, given that they are still in good working condition and look rather new. The swamp is also a source of livelihoods for Fisheries and fishing. R.W. The number of land deals that have been signed and concluded in Kenya since the year 2000, stand at 11. It is one of the few shelters of the nationally threatened sitatunga antelope and Lake Kanyaboli provides a safe haven for critically endangered haplochromine cichlids fish species. In the past the Yala River flowed through the eastern 20% of the Yala Swamp into Lake Kanyaboli, then into the main swamp, and then through a small gulf into Lake Victoria. In 2018, Dominion Farms Limited left the region, 12 years earlier than the lease agreement period. pic.twitter.com/2lFCEj5bzS, Seeds of Peace Africa (@sopa_Int) June 5, 2017. Also, two endangered Cichlid only . The project is ongoing and has already taken up 2,300 ha. "According to Ogutu (1987) the points at which the Rivers Yala and Nzoia enter Lake Victoria were swampy and bush enough for the water-related beasts to inhabit, thus, the hunters could easily lay traps in these concealed areas for big animals, such as the Hippopotamus 'rawo' (which were fairly numerous in olden days), or small rodents such as 'anyier'. This project would have seen a $216million sugar project established at the Galana Ranch in Malindi, at the Kenyan coast. For example, the Luhya gather 'enderema' and 'lubiliabilia,' which were also used to "cure certain ailments of the stomach. Whereas the land acquisition fiasco left a sour taste in the mouth for many people, to condemn the project wholesale on the other hand, would be disingenuous. It generally flows fast over a rocky bed through a wide valley before joining the Nzoia River to form the Yala Swamp on the border of Lake Victoria. It is a crucial site for threatened papyrus birds and endangered sitatunga and one of the last remnants of Lake Victorias diminishing cichlid population. The community has also filed a court case, accusing DFL of not delivering benefits promised and poor compensation for their land. He says that the swamp rids the river of such chemical elements as phosphorus, nitrates and others contained in pesticides from nearby farms. Investment to the tune of $600 had been made for the production of such medicinal plants as moringa and ginger as well as eucalyptus. But as Mary Mwendwa, our network member reports, Yala Westland might soon be no more. He is referring to the manner in which Dominion Farms Limited ended up occupying the swamp land. No proper channels were followed, says Jacob Ouma, the area chief of Kadenge Sub-location of Siaya County, which is located inside the swamp, a drive of nearly two hours north-west of the Lake City of Kisumu. These are factors that could be contributing to the pollution, according to Dr. Aura. [3], a case study of the Yala swamp by Romulus Abila of Maseno University Kenya, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Yala_Swamp&oldid=1070897883, Biodiversity and Sustainable Management of a Tropical Wetland Lake Ecosystem:A Case Study of Lake Kanyaboli, Kenya by Romulus Abila, This page was last edited on 9 February 2022, at 21:17. 100 fish ponds, she adds @ sopa_Int ) June 5,.. A family cool during hot days and warm at night earns them USD 2,650,000 fish... 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where is yala swamp found