vite build component library

Last updated on 2021-10-05 Connect with me on Twitter @patak_dev or in Discord @patak. Components that are exported to remote scopes hosted by Bit Cloud, can be found by using Bit Clouds search capabilities making it harder to miss a useful component. This was a very shallow and brief presentation of Bit as a tool for developing, versioning, and sharing components, or more specifically, in our case, reusable components. Enterpise class UI based on Equal design system. In this post, we are only describing the basic setup Vite. This package creates a set of files for the project to start out. This plugin works together with the vite:css-post plugin to implement Vite's CSS features. This new unbundled world is a game-changer for DX. Building a UI component library is a great way to enforce consistency throughout your organization. These scripts are removed from the HTML source by the vite:build-html plugin and replaced with a script module tag pointing to a virtual proxy module identified by a suffix and its position in the HTML ?html-proxy&index={n}. This way, you can build a component library by collaborating. Linked stylesheets will also be bundled together with any imported CSS file from JS sources in the main chunk to generate an index.css file for our app. Feel free to clone this repository. I've written it in Typescript. You can find the whole code for the components we built through this link. You can see the complete rollup options resolving. SvelteKit can be considered the successor to Sapper or NextJS for Svelte. In this next part of this article series, youll learn how to create a development environment for building UI components from scratch. That means, other teams in an organization will have their own composite components (that use the updated component), tested before they are integrated into their project/other larger composite components. In this article, we are going to learn how to build a component library on our own using Sveltes new SvelteKit. There are a few compatibility caveats with Rollup plugins to take into account, but most plugins from the rollup ecosystem will work directly as a Vite plugin. Vite also uses esbuild for this task for both languages since Vite 2.6.0, helping speed up the build process. It used to work before when I use Vue 2 + Vue CLI. As you might imagine this is a lot of work, but our users have consistency told us they prefer framework-specific components over framework-agnostic components. Vite offers a complete and well-tested solution out of the box for production apps. In production, this plugin resolves imgUrl to a string. Bit makes it super easy to share components from any project so that you may build your library gradually, without losing focus on your main projects. Let's create some components for our library. Here, I would argue, the answer lies in 3 principles. My apps components are now available in my shared library: In conclusion, by using the right methodology, assisted by the right tools, a component library can become a cost-effective way to ensure consistent design, speed-up development time, simplify maintenance and make your company, as well as your apps, much more scalable. Reusable UI components should be collaborated on not dictated a priori. That being said, I recommend that most companies start with #1 (choose one framework), and moving on to #2 (support multiple frameworks) if necessary. It will discuss all major crossroads and provide concrete recommendations. To achieve that flexibility, build your library as a modular system, where each of its components is published individually as a single package. Lets call this Input.test.js under the test directory: Before we run these tests, we will add a small attribute called test:jest under scripts to the package.json file. In other words, how should a component be versioned when introducing internal changes that do not affect its API but change its look or behavior in a way that makes it inconsistent with the rest of the consumers current UI? By default, it creates a React web app configured with typescript. Library Mode # When you are developing a browser-oriented library, you are likely spending most of the time on a test/demo page that imports your actual library. Changes are made frequently to UI as well as to any other facet of your products. In this article series youll learn how to plan, build, and distribute a complete UI component library. See the buildEsbuildPlugin implementation. Being able to rely on the infra team to deliver components that will not break your project is crucial to driving adoption. Vite uses suffixes to explicitly import URLs (?url) and import asset as strings (?raw), and these features are also resolved in by this plugin. When a dynamic import is encountered, an async JS chunk and a CSS chunk are generated for it. It uses native ES modules and provides a blazing-fast dev server and hot module replacement. It locates modules using the Node resolution algorithm, for using third party modules in node_modules. To help find the specific components to build, I recommend starting by doing an interface inventory, which has you catalog every permutation of components your company uses in a single document. Check out the docs in Static Asset Handling Guide. Starting with the Jest.config.cjs file which holds the configurations for Jest and a .babelrc with some presets for converting the files to ES2015 JavaScript. You can switch from the primary button to the secondary button from the controllers provided below. Basic setup. We will also use a plugin called jest-dom, which extends the DOM-related matching capabilities of Jest, which we require because we are dealing with web components. Common components pushed as independent components can be the starting point of your library. Vite's strong focus in giving you an out-of-the-box solution to build optimized modern apps is as fundamental as its dev story. vite:esbuild to transpile typescript and jsx for each module. Now enhanced with: Building a UI component library is a great way to enforce consistency throughout your organization. In Vite, this is supported out of the box by using esbuild, a Go based bundler. Maintaining the dependency graph for each component (package), maintaining different development environments for different component types, and maintaining different permission levels for different teams (all in the same repository), leads to tremendous overhead and requires additional tools. We need to add it. This plugin loads inline scripts of entry HTML files as separate modules. Vite is framework agnostic which means you can use it with most frontend frameworks, and the build config is pretty much the same. vite:build-html and vite:html-inline-proxy-plugin to transform the HTML entry, replacing your loaded and inlined JS and CSS with optimized chunks. This is the build counterpart of the dev-only 'vite:build-import-analysis' plugin. You can find a list of Vite community plugins in Awesome Vite, or in Awesome Rollup since most of them are compatible with Vite. See for example, how config.command === 'serve' is used in the vite:css plugin. By default the "library mode build" is not available. The /src folder will contain all of the components. With this option you build your components multiple times, once for each framework you need to support. Happy 2022 from Brazil! We are going to use Vite as our build tool and local development environment. Let's get started to build our own library. It entails a long list of decisions that can become quite overwhelming. We'll include links to their implementation and the relevant sections in the docs. Lets add another test for the Input file we have created. With tools like Storybook and Jest, creating a component in isolation and maintaining tests for components is simple and efficient. Lightweight: 11KB brotli. I mean, if the website using your web component is implemented in Vue.js, you unnecessarily wrap your Vue.js in a web component and lose performance, and if the website is not implemented in Vue.js you force the website to . It streamlines UI development and testing, which is ideal for our component library development. It is a good idea to scaffold a simple Vite app (run pnpm dlx create-vite and follow the prompts or read the Getting Started Guide for other package managers). there is no any complex setup , look closely vite.config file and package.json. to use Bit Cloud registry. The process of building UI components usually starts with non-code products like images, sketch files, etc. For example, Base64 encoding is supported for well-formed data: URIs. This way, you can build a component library by collaborating. Once a component was built successfully (and tagged with an incremented version number), all its dependent components are rebuilt (and tagged) as well. If you're not familiar with Vite, it's a super-fast, super-lean build tool that leverages the ability to use native ES modules in modern browsers. I really hope it to take Reacts place as the main Javascript frontend framework in the next years. And we do get to share a surprising amount of code across all frameworks, for example Kendo UIs robust theming system works the same regardless of which JavaScript framework you use. The build process can also be customized and extended. The logic is a bit more complex in the codebase to support lib mode, SSR builds, and build --watch. By adding tags, you can pass down HTML or markdown from the parents, not just the values. However, these templates are highly opinionated, and you may not be able to see the underlying tools and techniques required to build the component library itself. You have three options for how to deal with this situation. Part 3Building Robust Components: Youll learn how to approach building individual components, including a discussion on whether you should build your own components from scratch, add dependencies on existing libraries, or do some combination of both. An inventory of all the buttons styles I found on a recent project. vite:esbuild to transpile Typescript and JSX for each module. But what would it be like to build your own Svelte component library? I used Yarn for this example but npm works fine as well. If you wish to change this at any time you may do so by clicking here. The focus when talking about Vite is generally on its dev server, and how it achieves an instant feedback loop while developing. The above test will check if the text is available in the button and do some assertions. See implementation for ?url and ?raw handling. The action runs the public build function. The number of components that it offers, and the number of frameworks and technologies that it needs to support all grow as well. These caches are re-init in the buildStart hook (see example) to support build --watch mode. You should also read the Features Guide in Vite's docs. But more importantly, an interface inventory is a great way to convince management that building a component library is worthwhile. This blog will help you on your journey to building your own component library. Make sure that the package name and package version combination dont exist already; if so, the package will not be published on npm. SvelteKit uses Vite under the hood, which is quite surprising, as Sapper and most tools are developed using Snowpack. Includes 30+ components. When building components, make sure you add or handle the proper events. We'll be pointing to the implementation of each feature (as of Vite 2.6.2). A library has to be built gradually, in collaboration, and with its code components as a single source of truth, for it to make sense. But building a component library also comes with a number of organizational and technological challenges. When you execute vite build, the Vite CLI is run. Components in are rendered-live with examples and can easily be found using Bits search capabilities. Bits React dev environment includes TypeScript, Jest, ESLint, Webpack, and more. $lib can be used to alias the src/lib directory and helps us to access components and utility modules without using relative paths like ../../../../ . All newly tagged components will be exported (pushed & published) by running: Remote Bit scopes are remote hosting for components. See the complete assetPlugin implementation. If you are using a framework, you'll include a plugin from its community that provides support for transpiling custom formats (.vue, .svelte, .astro), and perform further framework specific build optimizations. When a plugin needs to define a cache or generate data to be consumed later in the pipeline, this is usually implemented as WeakMap based caches keyed with the ResolvedConfig of the current run. Imported components can be updated (from anywhere) and pushed back to their collection in First, add this attribute to the package.json file: Now all you have to do is run the following from the root of the project: If you didnt initialize a TypeScript SvelteKit project, you will need to install a dependency called svelte2tsx, which converts the Svelte component source into TSX. Dont make your library a project in-and-of-itself. Then we'll package it with npm, and finally use it in a new front-end project. // Setup a project yarn init // Add Vite yarn add -D vite Bash Now we can create our Storybook setup npx sb@next init --builder storybook-builder-vite Bash Now lets create our button component under the lib directory called Button.svelte: Notice that we have added styles in the same file under the