mtg color strengths and weaknesses

At times, design mistakes have led white removal cards to be better than even blacks. You can be too verbal and not spend enough time listening - missing . ReductionBlack has proven much better at removing things than creating things. Some of the most iconic color pairings in Magic: The Gathering are the ten dual-color guilds of Ravnica. DarknessFirst, no one can tell what you're doing in the dark, which makes it easier for black to get away with things. Known for aggressive hand disruption, either through spot removal or discard effects (Duress Here are a number of things black cares about, and why: DeathDeath is a potent and powerful force that most others write off due to taboos. Blue is the inverse. White removals circumvent certain protection abilities through exiling. This is down to the fact that it takes time to learn and gain knowledge before making a move. Some rare exceptions to whites limit on drawing cards are effects like those on Sram, Senor Edificer and Puresteel Paladin. I'm going to have to agree with GoldGhost012, those color combos are staples of the archetypes, although G/W is also quite good for aggro. Magic: The Gathering. - Like us on Facebook! What negatively drives the color? Blue and Black have trouble dealing with enchantments and artifacts. If you are unfamiliar with Magic: The Gathering, the magic comes from mana and mana comes in five colors (White, Blue, Black, Red, Green). White can remove creatures, but it is meant to do so less effectively than black. Sadness/DepressionIf you need someone to act quickly, you use fear. There are lots of reasons why we should explore our strengths and weaknesses. Black appreciates that blue values information and uses that information as a means to achieve goals. Examples: Doom Blade, Mind Rot, Sorin's Thirst, Blue: Uses the power of the mind to manipulate the field of battle by Why does the space between ticks and frame on x and y axes is different? Black looks at blue and sees a fellow color that understands the need to manipulate and use trickery to get what it wants. An individual is free to have whatever they want, provided they have the power to obtain and keep it. Site design / logo 2022 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. These choices often come at a steep price, but that's the key to successaccepting that things you need will come with a cost that you will have to pay. That, though, is one of black's weaknesses. It's a lot of stuff like, you lose a life I gain a life, resurects, outright destroy anything that's not black (Doom Blade). and, again, Terror Generally resilient creatures. Combat tricks and massive stomps galore, fuel this color. To offset blues dominance with instant and sorcery spells, this color has the least efficient creatures. Has trouble dealing with enchantments, Rocket is a thief and a scoundrel who only looks out for Rocket. Blue is the color that draws the most cards, so its removal tends to be card disadvantage. A common example is a flying creature you cant block. Even Green has better options for picking up some more cards. Any players using that color would eliminate every card the enemy played while never running out of cards of their own. Can be either a bunch of little hulks being buffed up to the High Heavens, or one Big Hulk that has a 17/17 on t4-t5. among the most recognized cards in magic and some of the most powerful They also have two sharp 2-3 inch long teeth that they can drive into the victim's neck or anywhere else on their body. These are the cards that represent white uniqueness TO ME, and I'm obviously and old school, obsolete player ;-). (Card examples: Gather the Townsfolk, Mirran crusader, Wrath of God, Condemn, Honor of the Pure.). , Gloomwidow's Feast There will always be those who suffer. Green's deterministic nature contradicts black's important belief in free will. But you can safely say that, in general, white will have fewer options for Hero-of-Bladehold-sized creatures at around 4cc than green. Green can destroy artifacts, enchantments and land, courtesy of Winter's Grasp Not only because of Devotion mechanics, but also back in the day of Monoblack Control. Black can appreciate the cleverness of what white has done, but will stop at nothing until white and its minions are all dead. destroy lands/artifacts. Animals, for instance, work off of instinct and thus cannot be as easily motivated by such things as self-interest. While these color pairing may be popular, their usefulness in the largely beloved Commander format varies. And that is what black is all about. The opposite of an answer, a threat is a card that must be dealt with unless an opponent uses it to win the game. also has worst flying creatures and very little removal. It varies from milling to tapping, countering spells, stalling stuff, you name it. , Gisela, Blade of Goldnight, As far as I know, most creatures with "protection from [color or things]" are white. Lifegain is the key example, but in other ways too white is a very reactive rather than proactive colour. trouble makers and unite small creatures together into armies that are Here is a non-comprehensive list: Card Draw Blue (Unrestricted and continuous card draw) Green (Frequent card draw generally based around creatures) Black (Card Draw that requires paying life or sacrificing permanents) Red (Wheel effects and impulse drawing card draw) Others will try to flavor black's choices as somehow inherently wrong, but black understands that results are what matter, not perception. And a color is only weak in certain contexts. Color Pie Philosophy Playlist: the channel with Patreon - https://www.patreon. MonsterFinder221 They aren't videos, but audio files, episode 52 about black worked for me. My gripe about your lifegain statement is this: you can just throw out the bad lifegain cards and play the rest of white, just like you can throw out the overcosted casual-play Dragons and play the rest of red. Creeping Mold Super efficient spells that get rid of a creature for little mana but either give some benefit to the victim in exchange for the efficiency or are restricted in timing/aren't permanent. While this may seem like a hard kill spell at first, in function it is just a more permanent version of blues ability to weaken creatures. Black doesn't care about taboos. Mana Cost: Converted Mana Cost: 1. , etc, can kill most stuff, but not black creatures. Fear tends to motivate individuals to do whatever it takes to remove themselves from the situation that's making them afraid. Others see this as black being heartless, but black realizes it's just being pragmatic. Titans out of fairness didn't mean there's nothing to choose between them. There was a clear balance issue in having one colors theme be magic in a game about magic. Black considers these individuals to be idiots; dangerous idiots, because they take away black's ability to motivate them. , Grand Abolisher Necessary cookies can be opted out through your browser settings. Made up of each possible combination of two colors in Magic, each guild has a distinct identity, strengths, and weaknesses. On the downside, black's willingness to do whatever it takes can often get black into trouble. This ability is so powerful that it defines the colors weaknesses. Torture, deceit, and unspeakable actsRamsay not only gets what he wants but enjoys watching others suffers as he does so. it has removal, can deal with enchantments and artifacts and black has no real direct damage. See: Cabal Coffers Blue usually cant remove a card on the battlefield, but it can counter spells to prevent them from hitting the field at all. Whether that is ultimately a strength or a weakness depends in the long run on your play style! FearOf all the emotions, fear is the one that black has found to grant it the easiest time getting what it wants quickly. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? drawing cards, countering spells, messing with opponents' plans in rogue). Green walkers use it to spawn really monsters and perform deadly combat tricks. How would you explain the pros and cons of the color white to newcomers to MTG? -- Relatively weak creatures individually. Black's philosophy is very simple: There's no one better suited to look after your own interests than you. White spellcasters use superior tactics, efficient creatures, and the power of righteousness against their foes. However, unless they have flying, nature-loving green can't really hurt creatures (green is the colour for flying hate: Aerial Predation Check out other Magic: The Gathering guides and stay tuned for more at Daily Esports. These are almost always rare and cost a lot of mana, so they arent a usual method of interaction. (magical words) In my opinion (see how I did that) green and white together have some amazing creatures, as well as some terrible damage prevention. Peano Axioms have models other than the natural numbers, why is this ok? Nothing is off limits to black, and that makes fighting against it tricky. Examples: ????? The strong are the ones that understand where true strength lies. Smash. With many of the sets they have been removing these limitations. White is the strongest defensive color with protection, damage prevention, life gain and spells that are only able affect creatures attacking them. How to get even thickness on a curving mesh when rotated on a different direction. , Crushing Vines If black needs something, it can't let anything stand in the way. Black: Does a mix of what everything else can do, but not as efficiently as they actually do. If white were allowed a card like Divination, a mono-white deck could easily chain together powerful removal such as Conclave Tribunal and Baffling End and overwhelm the opponent. When you want to damage your opponent or their creatures, cast something crimson and utilize lave, flame, stone, and lightning to obliterate your foes. Blue mages focus on using superior knowledge to gain control of a battle, and slowly gain the upper hand. White is the jack of all trades and master of none. ParasitismThe strong feed off of the weak. Examples: Elite Vanguard, Pacifism, Lifelink. Whites answers are so potent that if it were to have efficient and powerful threats like green, the color itself would lack balance. Perhaps the most famous example of this is Magic: The Gathering's color pie, where the different colors of mana have associated strengths and weaknesses. Black dislikes that blue, at times, works towards the good of the group rather than the individual. You'll rarely find cost-effective white creatures in the middle or at the top end of the mana curve. Terms of Use | Sacrifice of OthersSometimes it takes sacrifice to get things done. Examples: Serra Angel, White Knight, Disenchant, Swords to Plowshares, Armageddon, Wrath of God, Righteousness, Circles of Protection. Blue's "soft" removal also extends to various "lockdown" abilities. Then you're left with lifelink, which is actually superb as a creature ability. MTG Colors Ranked #1 - The Strongest MTG Color. Hates flyers. There are mono black control decks all over the place. It's effective, spreads easily and makes others weakall things that work in black's favor. Finally, green philosophically opposes an important tenet of black's philosophy, believing that individuals have the power to choose their own paths in life. The blue player is able to one-for-one the opponent and aims to parry each threat card-for-card by utilizing blue's unique characteristics - like counterspells. These cards require you to build your deck around a theme in order to draw the most with them. It helps you understand others PainThis is another great motivator shunned by others. For instance, one of black's most effective weapons is death. Focus: Logic + Order = Intellectual superiority. Examples: Shock, Shatter, Demolish. Green: HULK SMASH. VerminThey're scary and carry disease. Many costs require the sacrifice of others for your own advancement. While these downsides are meaningful, they can be easily built around or made irrelevant, which means white is often a top creature removal color in the game. It has access to powerful cards like path to exile, oblivion ring, celestial flare, serra ascendent, soul warden and martyr for life gain. #3. Answer is a term for cards that prevent an enemy card from being able to defeat you. 100% To collect all collectibles within a game . White's primary weakness from my point of view is that, while it may be a combat colour, its main strengths are defensive. , Journey to Nowhere While all colors can draw cards in some capacity, blue is the only one that can do so with no limits or drawbacks. That's just how the world works. Earlier in my career, this led to burnout and negative self-talk. In MTG, the color is. But without a deck with many instant and sorcery cards, it remains a simple 1/1. White by far is the color with the most answers. Examples: Divination, Cancel, Darkslick Drake (or any other good Black is your ranged DPS (i.e. For many years, I was a Level 4 judge and was actively involved in the judging program. It's an inevitability of life. The exception to this is small creatures that become more powerful when one fulfills certain conditions that fit with a blue strategy. Blue is the color that is primary in drawing cards. What is the mathematical condition for the statement: "gravitationally bound"? , Thermokarst Growth Green is not about doing nothing. Huh. If it were to stay on the battlefield, it would attack you until you lost. Only more reason for black to use them. If you need someone to be inactive, this is black's favorite emotion to get the job done. Those are the base colors for most control decks. removal, and has slightly weaker creatures. White's all time greatest strength is 'imprisonment' style creature removal. The law and order of white, the genius and improvement of blue, the ambition and ruthlessness of black, the aggression and passion of red, and the natural wisdom of green. Doing anything to help them is both prolonging the inevitable and risking failing alongside them. ), Has decent removal of any type of pernaments through bounce and tap effects, Gets you the biggest card advantage out of all five colors, All of the "extra turn" spells/abilities are blue, Most "clone" creatures and spells are also blue, Has generally better late game once enough mana and permanents are available to start lockdown, Great evasion through unblockability and flying, Instant-speed spells gives your opponent less time to react and prepare. Ethics: What is the principle which advocates for individual behaviour based upon the consequences of group adoption of that same behaviour. I would argue that blue is stronger against enchantments than red. Midrange decks almost always use green. . Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. Red: Designed to use very low-cost cards to damage the opponent as fast as possible. How this works in actual gameplay is irrelevant to this post, which instead exists to explore the philosophy of the MTG color wheel, and how . Anyone who is close with you will say that's true. As its creatures are less impactful overall than those of other colors, their ability to deal damage more easily is balanced. Not necessarily big ones, but they often have useful abilities or come in numbers. Note that unlike red, this destruction is not short-sighted but part of a larger goal. While green gets the largest creatures with the most powerful stats, white gets the smallest and cheapest creatures. I favor black and red because It's a lot of offense with some really annoying black spells. The weak will fail. or Oblivion Ring The Colors are meant to show what a person has MORE of. Why is the plural of the verb used in Genesis 35:7? Black realizes that green is also dangerous, but in a more subtle way. Pokmon Go is a free-to-play mobile gaming app developed by Niantic, Inc. for The Pokmon Company (it is not, contrary to popular misconception, a direct Second best in flying and creatures overall, but weak against ?????? Answer (1 of 2): I think Temur (Red, Blue, Green) is probably the weakest in Modern. You are one of a kind. Blue: A LOT of Control. For each color, I'll answer the same six questions I answered back in 2003but with a few added thoughts. artifacts/enchantments, and has strongest creatures in the game, but Decks must have at least 60 cards. Blue has bounce removal like Boomerang , Hymn to Tourach DOTA 2. ##Red: The color of Chaos Black sorcerers are willing to do whatever it takes to win a battle, even if it means sacrificing everything to do so. It's pretty self reliant I think, lots of people run W/U decks because it's a good amount of defense, offense, and "NO" mechanics to anything you do. If you'll notice, all of these control have blue and white. In the games early history, blue color cards could do anything. Vampires are slender and light, plus they're adjusted to seeing in darkness. Some of the strengths of blue include its ability to morph depending on the current situation, its ability to control other colors, treachery and control magic. What is the triangle symbol with one input and two outputs? Circles of Protection haven't seen print since Eighth Edition; and Swords to Plowshares, although recently reprinted in a Duel Deck, isn't Modern legal. Black gets Doom Blade They lose their creature, and I lose my Murder card. CorruptionIndividuals are inherently selfish. , Hatred. Other colors come up with reasons why they can't do something; black doesn't have that limitation. Without further ado, here are five triumphs and missteps of Magic's Arena! it has removal, can deal with enchantments and artifacts and black has no real direct damage. Many colors have strengths and weaknesses on what they can do. Example, Abyssal Persecutor How to find Enchantments or Artifacts that have multiple effects? When asked to present a weakness, find a way to emphasize the upside. , etc. What are similar black and/or white permanents to Divine Visitation? They are in mp3. Highest density of "Hate-Bears" (2-CMC creatures that either stops anyone from doing something that you aren't doing or makes it difficult for them to do so. They're better suited for the cold and can manipulate ice. It may be strength, hearing, or the ability to grow hair fast. Black is the only realist, the only color to look and see the world as it is. Blues soft removal also extends to various lockdown abilities. Black looks at red and sees a fellow color that isn't afraid to embrace its destructive side. Black's greatest strength is its willingness to do whatever is needed to get what black wants. Along with red, has better creature selection for aggro archetype. , Crypt Ghast It also means its removal can be undone. First a basic rundown of the five colors for those who don't know them that I have pieced together: Oh and before anyone says it; YES, everyone has at least a little bit of each color. , Annihilate Blue is all about control. The illusion of truth as a force to be trusted is just an opportunity waiting to be taken advantage of. Black: Personally I find black to be kinda weird. It is also the color able to most easily handle any permanent type. Strong against decks with just a few . Black likes blue's love of technology and its willingness to always find new tools to get the job done. They detain, arrest and exile everything that isn't white,protect themselves from whatever color they want, a lot of flying to simply attack you directly, can potentially spawn a bunch of little annoying buggers then buff em, hydra mechanic where 1 dies 2 come back (Doom Traveler), healing spells too. What sets black apart is a willingness to do this when it is the most efficient course of action. I usually try to come up with 2 sentences and no more than 3 example cards to describe the color. THE QUESTION: what are the weaknesses and strengths of each color? 1-up An object that gives the player an extra life (or try) in games where the player has a limited number of chances to complete a game or level. Should the notes be *kept* or *replayed* in this score of Moldau? Lots of burn spells and offensive cards, but not a whole bunch of defense. Here's what they have to say, even more concisely than how you explain the colours: ##White: The color of Justice One, it understands and accepts the system better than anyone else. While you have used up your card, the enemy has broken even by having one creature swapped for another one. Black used to be able to destroy land, but not anymore. This makes power the most important resource, because it's the one thing that can guarantee your ability to control your life and thus your happiness. They temporarily deal with threats while putting their user down a card. Rare to see as a single color deck. Most of their removals only kills flyers. Black watches as others create reasons why something is off limits. Nature itself is very active. 7 Examples of Personality Weaknesses. Even crazier, it created morality as an insidious tool to convince individuals to act against their own self-interest. Of course, you can also count all five colors and colorless as well, giving you a total of 27. If planeswalkers aren't creatures, how does Gideon's defeat work? Here are 5: 1. Life is not divided into good and evil but rather into what must be done and what needn't be done. Good at dealing with White is a master at propaganda, and has convinced the world that black is "evil" and must be stopped at all costs. A few only use two colors, but most use three colors because with a midrange deck it's easy to access all of your colors. Is it bad to finish your talk early at conferences? Red's greatest strength is its ability to know what it wants. These personalities can actually feel another person's emotions, from joy and elation to sorrow and regret. Because it puts itself first, black is always willing to make this trade. , Plummet Stack Overflow for Teams is moving to its own domain! ##Blue: The color of Wisdom See: Linvala, Keeper of Silence Black has found this to be a very effective tool, and thus uses it often. Black is willing to do things that other colors cannot bring themselves to do. Blues weakness is that it is the only color in the game that (with a specific exception) cannot destroy any type of card on the battlefield. Black takes advantage of this universal truth, causing others to benefit themselves while helping black out. This means no taboos, no restrictions, no rules, no morals, no sympathy, no hesitation, and no regret. It's kind of hard to say that there is a best deck, it's really all opinion, every deck has a weakness to another deck. Strengths & Weaknesses Mediator (INFP) Strengths Empathetic - Mediators don't just care about other people in an abstract sense. Pros of MTG Arena MTG Arena logo 1. In todays article, well go over blue color cards, the color of knowledge and perfection. Cards with five-color color identity may often produce uniquely powerful effects that are unavailable to decks of other color combinations, such as Door to Nothingness and Progenitus Weaknesses For all their strengths, the primary weakness of five-color decks is their mana base. Goals: Omnisicience + Peace = Stasis: no unknowns, no conflicts. with powerful removal, creatures, discard spells, and detrimental On the other hand, the blue-colored Disperse gives your opponent card advantage. the game, even though it has many of the best flying creatures. Due to this, white has several weaknesses to keep it from becoming overpowered. Draw cards are usually paid with life. The five colors of Magic: The Gathering arent there simply for flavor. spells in the game, but they come with a 'benefit' to the opponent or . Put a positive spin on your answer. This play pattern is a key reason why the dreaded mono-blue Draw-Go decks of old were weakened by wizards, and why Baral, Chief of Compliance was banned in the Brawl format. its enemies so it 'removes' them in other ways but its answers often have answers, like Pacifism If he's ever on your side, it's clearly because you are somehow helping him get what he wants. What might you add to my other explanations to make them more helpful and accurate, but still keep them clean and concise? Why would you want to play with a deck that had 3 or more colors in it in Magic? It has a lot of offensive spells, but not outright Boom boom like Red. TAKE SURVEY NOW. Examples: Shock, Shatter, Demolish. Just because all 5 colours got good (e.g.) It has access to powerful cards like path to exile . If a single color had strong and diverse removal like white and unconditional card draw like blue, it would destroy the balance of the game. Photo by Wayne Low on Unsplash. These decks would counter every enemy spell they could while drawing many cards, grinding out an inescapable advantage. They DO have a FEW offensive cards but for the most part blue decks win by simply saying "No" to everything you do. Should I use equations in a research statement for faculty positions? Even Wizards'. Green and red both have trouble with removal of bigger creatures, black and blue cant really deal with artifacts and enchantments, white has least amount of weaknesses in my opinion. White is the healer. . What is the difference between two symbols: /i/ and //? Again in my opinion I feel like white is strongest for modern mono color decks besides maybe RDW. GATHERER. , Fiend Hunter If you see something that will advance your agenda and help you acquire more power, you take it. A little contamination can go a long way toward helping black achieve its goals. It also depends on what format. Black The color that symbolizes selfishness, evil and greed. This tends to mean its creature removal is conditional, only hitting tapped, attacking, or blocking creatures. There's a lot of detail that can be gone into here, but I'm just going to focus on a couple of points: First of all, I disagree that white "has good creatures". Cards, it created morality as an insidious tool to convince individuals to be inactive, this color I! Act against their own self-interest colorless as well, giving you a total of.... While green gets the smallest and cheapest creatures gain and spells that are only affect. But audio files, episode 52 about black worked for ME single location that is ultimately a strength or weakness... Things that other colors can not be as easily motivated by such things as.! Red: Designed to use very low-cost cards to be trusted is just an waiting. 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mtg color strengths and weaknesses