i hate my ex for wasting my time

So on and so . Thats like me I get up do a little then lay back in my bed and watch TV all day long I do this. The Tips You Need For How To Trust Someone Again, Dating It Is Not Always About Finding That Perfect Person , How Hard Is Life After Divorce? Your partner is recreating and reliving the injustice that he or she experiencedand is refusing to let it go. If we believe that our ex is a bad person, we attach a negative stigma to our ex and perceive him or her in a way that hurts us more than it hurts our ex. Here are 8 tips to help you move on from hating your ex: Get Grateful. I have adjusted to having no structure. Youve come far and youre getting even further. Feeling regret is the most standard reason why anyone would say, I hate my ex girlfriend. and its the same in your case as well. Rotting and Wasting my life away. Im 8 weeks out of a 3.5 year relationship, my second after my divorce. You want to forget the hurt, but its not as easy as it sounds. I hope you can move forward and get the most out of your life. He does not want to talk becuase he has somebody else. Focus more on yourself and being happier than you were the previous day. Why not tell ourselves that weve tried everything to make our relationship work, but that in the endwere meant to share our happiness with someone else? I tried having conversarions with him about these things and when it didnt help I decided to leave him. Chewing over your regrets, or the mistakes your ex made, will only stir up anger and bitterness in the long run. In such a case, you refused to find or create your own goals and ambitionsand failed to focus on working toward something, anything other than your relationship. How dare he abuse me and expose me to STDs and betray me (and leave all the parenting to me as well) for years and waste my youth??!!! Shes not living consequence-free, there is likely a wake of destruction behind her and that would be shameful and embarrassing enough for anyone. Regret is a normal reaction to negative events, actions or outcomes. Rumination is a process of intense and lengthy contemplation about a particular situation. Theres a high chance you felt your relationship with your ex had potential. Time indeed heals all wounds. The first was about three months. While i was spending my time with my dying grandfather our last month together, she totally dissapeared when i needed her. Find what you really love and let it fill your life, I really wish I had motivation to do something. Your ex has merely given you a chance to self-improve and find someone who can offer you more than he or she can. It was the 9th best performing song of the decade on the Modern Rock Tracks chart, and the 130th best performing . How To Stop Loving Someone Who Hurts You? I cant wait for karma to catch up to her, i want front row seats. I read all of Zans helpful articles, but this one (together with a prior one, How to Forgive) seems to take an overly charitable view of dumpers and their intentions, and Im a little bothered by it. The quality of our relationships determines the quality of our lives. They spent most of their time focusing on their partner and the relationship, without putting in ample time for themselves. Youve done it! Most people cant explain why they hate their ex. I have not walked in two days. Ive never regretted the time with my ex and I hope she doesnt either. But what you failed to realize is that the person you were dating was your life. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. That girl has been destroyed and I dont miss her, life is still hard, but its many times more enjoyable for me now! As hopeless romantic I struggled tremendously in my love life. I spend my days rotting in my bed. It gives meaning to our time off and comfort to our sleep. Also, that theres someone else out there that would suit what youre looking for in a partner. For example, if we tell ourselves (and believe it too) that Earth is flat, we are going to know, feel, and understand that its flat. Even getting up and out your house for 15 minutes is better than rotting away. You also imagined a life with them and made efforts to build it hastily. You regretted saying those words before you left. You will become incredibly pessimistic toward the many years youve spent with your ex-partner and associate negativity to your very own life. Your anger is so, SO justified! I cant believe that all my efforts, sacrifices were all for nothing. What You Must Know Before Calling It Quits, 10 Actionable Tips For Rebuilding A Life After Divorce For Yourself, 5 Hopeful Moving-On-With-Life-After-Divorce Quotes. Telling your ex you miss them is igniting emotions that arent worth it. To stop feeling resentment towards your ex, you need to stop feeling regret and try to make your future better. By then, you will quickly move on and start a happier journey with someone else. Youre not going to completely understand why they did it either. I trusted her with all my heart and she completely ruined the trust and found out that shes been cheating from me from the beginning without me knowing at all.. My heart is really broken into pieces.. Up to now. Acknowledging that this person doesnt hold the key to your happiness is the first step to breaking free from the hurt you feel. Not only did you live your life in discontent, but you also failed to find purpose in your life because you overprioritized and overvalued your ex way above you. To free yourself from the hurt youre feeling, you need to identify the cause of your pain, and find a way to overcome it. I thought I was respecting my needs for some space. He began emotionally abusing me and became a different person from when we were dating. Theres something bad in everything goodandsomething good in everything bad. I spend my days rotting in my bed. Nasty ex-comments immediately raise your guard and make you concerned about the moral values of the person youre seeing. He text me he loved me at the beggining but later it changed. I cant force myself to do anything for a longer period of time. Ill miss her, shes not coming back, but Im not sure I could ever nor want to take her back. Feelings were not being communicated or validated and we were all over Gottmans Four Horseman, criticism, defensiveness, contempt and stonewalling. Fuck that!! I feel too comfortable. You also felt like your ex didnt put in enough effort to make things work. So try to find peace and move on, no matter how long it takes. Just dont cheat yourself by staying there for too long. To move on after a breakup, you need to establish the no-contact rule. You cant rush your process to recovery; you have to be patient with it. (8 Ways To Start Over), How To Make Him Miss You (12 Of The Best Ways To Make Him Crazy About You), 145 Dating Ice Breaker Questions That Will Make Sure You Have An Amazing First Date, How To Respond To A Flirty Compliment (105 Ways), How To Recognize And Respond To Negging In A Relationship (37 Things To Know), Types Of Guys Who Stay Single (45 Characteristics To Look Out For), Signs He Likes Going Down On You (31 Clear-Cut Signs). How To Cope With A Breakup You Dont Want? I thought he loved me but his illness was the issue. Although the bad might overshadow the good, those good moments should not be forgotten. Everyone makes mistakes every now and then, so dont worry about the past anymore. No feelings of friendship nor feelings of loss, not even anger. Youre causing long-term damage to yourself and could even develop trust issues in the future. I lost 2 people i loved that day. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. But thats only the start, a few days later she texted me begging me for my forgivness, and begging me back.,and admitted she made a huge mistake, that she was in love too deep to throw away those years together. I was livid. After many years of searching, trial & error, and countless failed relationships, I finally found my Mr. This article contains eleven reasons why you probably hate your ex. One of the major reasons why a person would feel hate towards a former lover is because theyre still holding on to the past. I messed up from time to time, but who doesnt? The best thing to do is to move on. This powerful philosophical quote explains the strength behind peoples thoughts in the best way possible. So now its time to put the detestation behind you and stop investing in the past. Im pretty much crippled with anxiety. I was very sorry for what he had to go through with his illness and tried to suplort him as much as I could. Im Dr. Karen Finn, a divorce coach and advisor helping people just like you who are looking for advice and support in making sure their after divorce is great. When she broke up, I had no idea that no contact was this real thing and not a nice to have request. But even if your ex was a narcissist and you dont like her very much, do your best not to despise your own life. I spect 3.5 years with a beautiful and really, wonderful woman ten years younger (her 47) than me and we killed it for awhile. In times of conflict I would sometimes ask her go to her place for the night, or two. They should be seen as an experiencea journey full of good memories, joy, and valuable lessons. And thats because we deliberately search for the positives and not the negatives. Its not worth staying bitter and angry at your exbecause youre only hurting yourself. However Im glad that Im able to do some soul searching, self reflecting and healing as well as reintroducing self love and just focusing on me during this whole breakup process. "I Hate Everything About You" is the debut single by Canadian rock band Three Days Grace, from their debut self-titled album. This process is the key to your peace and happiness. You must instead think of the fun youve had when you were dating your ex. Let everything go even though you dont understand it. I dont what she needed from me. Your life is, therefore, going to have a part of disgrace linked to it. Revenge, on the other hand, is a no-no. I know exactly what your feeling. The song peaked at number 55 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart, number four on the Mainstream Rock Tracks chart and number two on the Modern Rock Tracks chart. Youll regret ever meeting your ex, building a life with him or her, and most importantlyregret enjoying the numerous good times throughout the relationship. I left him. We had three really happy years together and I wouldnt even say it was that bad the last 4 or 5 months, she just withdrew from me before breaking up. 6. The fact that you still hold such abhorrence toward your ex reflects all the hurt you felt about the end of your marriage and/or your exs behavior before, during and after the end. No matter how angry you get, most of the burden will remain on you, which is why its best to let it go. I am having so much anxieties right now. So when our relationships possess positive attributes, we coincidentally feel better about ourselvesand our own lives. Keep things simple. But after returning to my province, all the heartaches from the beginning came back after seeing her with that new person (same person I caught her). And if your ex decides to give it another shot, be careful before you allow her back into the relationship. We all make mistakes and so did your ex. Rebuilding a life after divorce for yourself can seem all but impossible. Thats why you need to see it this way even if your ex has betrayed you or did something despicable after the breakup. I want to move forward and forgive them, but its easier said than done.. I absolutely regret the many years I spent with my ex. Start focusing on what's good about your life now. Ill also offer some prudent steps to move on and get the best out of the situation. Turtle41 November 12, 2022, 1:49pm #2. If you happen to be a co-parent, this may even affect the relationship with your child. As I said in my response, I simply think that abusive people should be held to account for their actions and not given a pass by way of forgiveness. He informed me about some mental illness he had and that it couses him much issues in life and 90% of troubles that we had. I broke up with him when I couldnt stand the situation anymore. I knew the end was coming because of our dysfunction, neither had the desire to stop the bleeding (again, telling) and I had enough of my own grievances to become frustrated and distant myself. Finn and Associates, LLC DBA The Functional Divorce, 8 Ways To Finally Stop Wasting Your Time Hating Your Ex. So if your ex is talking badly about his or her ex-partner, ask yourself the following questions: Talking badly about the person you used to love is not a very mature thing to do. So did you not enjoy all those months or years youve spent with your ex? Thats something that takes courage and self-respect while trash-talking your ex every person can do. My relationship was nice at first (first year). Not only that but u tell me where to meet people?? At a certain point after the breakup when the smoke had cleared, I actually felt thankful for how everything developed; seeing this horrid person who I didnt know or recognize made it easier to flip the emotional switch and walk away. If certain behaviour makes you angry, you're less likely to just sit there and accept it . Im almost 45, i dont go out to clubs anymore,not in the clubscenes,no nightlife, besides that, how can i meet someone if its impossible to trust and look at love in a different way? Copyright 2022 by Romantific. Facing this situation can make a person bitter. If my partner is talking badly about my ex, what are the chances he/she will talk badly about me if we break up. After a breakup, its natural to go over the events that led up to it. I have a thinking that I have wasted my 11.6 years relationship with my ex. Earl Nightingale, an American author says, We are at our very best, and we are happiest when we are fully engaged in work we enjoy on the journey toward the goal weve established for ourselves. How To Know Its Time To Break Up With Your Partner? Its still progress than doing zero things. Keep it up and dont ever blame yourself for your mistakes to the point where it hurts your well-being. 1. Its been awhile since Ive been a non married Dumper. If you basically lived for your ex, then yesyour relationship was a waste of time and effort. Dont dwell in the past, learn from the mistakes you made and try to make things better. Napoleon Hill, best known for his book Think and Grow Rich said, Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve.. If you failed to tell your ex that they hurt you before the breakup, you could still tell them after. What an amazing Saturday, Going for a walk is good It may not have ended well, but it was nonetheless an idea worth spending time on for as long as it was profitable. We needed to address this a a team and couple. Very glad you emerged from your ordeal wiser and freer to forgive. The more you dislike how events took place, the more you will detest anything related to that situation. That person should be buried in the past and not walking all over your new and exciting relationship like a zombie. It turned out his illness was an excuse to keep me longer until he found somebody else. Harboring hate for an ex, which usually stems from pain and fear, can keep you feeling bitter, angry and emotionally stuck. Ive come to realize that Im worthy of being love regardless of my strength and weaknesses. Well, numerous studies show that this is true no matter what kind of relationships we have with people. When someone hurts you, indeed, youre not going to like any of their reasons for doing it. He may still be a cheating liar. This is a tough one. I wish I could tell these riders why I'm canceling so they learn something. Somehow, I eventually got to the edge of the cliff of forgiveness for him and jumped off. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. It was over. Thanks for the encouraging words, and for sharing the lessons you learned from your terrible experience. You Haven't Let Go Of The Past. Ifyoure interested in taking the first step toward working with me as your personal coach, you can schedule an introductory private coaching session. So obvious this guy hasnt been with someone as evil or for the amount of time to know the damage and the years we can never get back, to find someone new,and start over again. When you feel your ex isnt hurt about the separation, it can stir up resentment towards them because you would feel played. I gave everything to her and all I got was this. I dont feel like i want anything but I hate wasting my life away like this. If you jump into another relationship too soon or try to get over your feelings in a short period, you will end up feeling worse about the situation. So I would think : "I could be ALL of them if I get off my ass and do everything on my bucket list." Then the cycle repeats with me trying to desperately get into buying market stocks despite having 0 knowledge about it. I hate wasting my time driving to a pickup to have it end like this, but I hate a smoke stanky car a lot more. It may not be all sunshine and rainbows, but no relationship ever is. I too have dealt with a narcissist before so I know what its like to be treated badly. But had I lowered myself to her level, I would have been just like her, so I chose to walk away peacefully. The best way to overcome the hate you feel for the situation is to disconnect yourself from your exs current life. I have so much respect for myself now, and Ive already been able to walk away from another relationship that was turning unhealthy before it went too far, with dignity. Breakups can be traumatic and can cause people to feel a ton of emotions they didnt bargain for. I understand that youve been hurt badly in the relationship and after. She finally decided to tell that my grandfather passed away that she had been seeing someone else. You regretted not listening to others, and the list goes on. You need to create a better future and forget your previous mistakes. All that matters is that you fix your shortcomings and continue moving on for now. He had just been scolded by Su Yan, but he did not expect to hear the conversation between Su Yan and Tang Yitong the moment he got out of the car too. I comment has somebody else less likely to just sit there and accept it so. Is to move on and get the best thing to do is to move on understand why hate! 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i hate my ex for wasting my time